Nakajimaho told Hugh Redman the reason for the quarrel between the two and Cliff Stewart.

Speaking of the things in the crew, Nakajimaho really relaxed a lot and became more active.

After hearing Clive Stewart's name, Kesi was surprised and said, "Is he pursuing that Korean actress?"

"Liu Xi said so. Judging from Lily Cruise's reaction, it should be true." Nakajimaho smiled, scratched his head in distress, and said, "This kind of thing happened , what should the two of them do in the future, the atmosphere of filming will definitely become very awkward."

Hugh Redman said: "Don't worry about this, the two of them will still focus on filming no matter what, and will not affect filming because of their private grievances."

"Yeah, this is not something we have to worry about, Nakajima, Tim and the others are here." Zhou Yun said.

Kesi said: "I'm still surprised that Cliff is pursuing that Korean actress?"

"What's the matter?" Hugh Redman asked.

Ke Si: "I thought a big star like Cliff wouldn't take the initiative to chase a girl."

"How could it be?" Hugh Redman laughed, "He is also a man."

This is especially true in Asian countries.

Kesi said, "Then will you act in this movie?"

Kess nodded.

Kesi showed disbelief.

Kesi asked in surprise, "Huh? Didn't you get invited to your husband's movie?"

She thought to herself, since Song Chi's company took a fancy to her and sent her an invitation, she should also help persuade her.

Kesi suddenly thought of something, and said, "Oh, Xiaoyun, I just have something I want to ask you. I received an invitation from a film company in your country and wanted me to play a role called Jiaji. Do you know me? ?"

Kesi is an American. Like many American actors, she doesn't know much about foreign countries, especially the film and television circles outside the European and American circles.

Hugh Redman explained: "She and Song Chi are both very top actors in China. Many companies are waiting for their schedules. You don't know Song Chi. I heard that many Hollywood companies also invited him to make movies. But he refused because he didn't have time."

Zhou Yun suddenly realized, and said: "So it's this movie, yes, he and Sedar have a movie to cooperate with."

Zhou Yun smiled and explained: "The work of the two of us is separate and not put together. I really haven't acted in any of the film and television dramas produced by his company."

Ke Si asked curiously: "But I have never heard of this film company. Is it a big company in China?"

The two of them have a lot of big-name endorsements, some of which are global spokespersons, and advertisements are laid all over the world.

She took the initiative to say to Zhou Yun: "Xiaoyun, if there is a role suitable for me in the future, you must remember to give priority to me."

"It has not been established for a few years, but it has done a good job. The film and television dramas produced in the past few years have achieved good results." Zhou Yun said.

Nakajimaho immediately followed up and said, "Yes, Song Chi and Zhou Yun are also very popular in Japan, and you can see their advertisements on the streets."

Zhou Yun saw the hesitation in Kesi's heart.

Kesi shook her head, and said, "My agent told me this, and said that Sedar will join the movie."

Kesi was surprised.

After all, Nakajimaho is also a popular actress in Japan, unlike Kesi who is a newcomer and needs a lot of job opportunities to increase her popularity.

Of course, Nakajima Ho may have just heard this topic, so he recommended himself accordingly.

It was at this moment that Kesi realized how good the Chinese actress sitting in front of her was.

"The movie starring Song Chi and Sedar will definitely attract a lot of attention in China. If you go to the movie, maybe the Chinese audience will know you." Zhou Yun said, "It's also very good. Audiences have always gotten to know foreign actors from foreign films, and if they can get to know some foreign actors in films from their own country, they will definitely feel more intimate.”

Almost all of his plays have been broadcast and screened in Japan, and the fans he has accumulated are not comparable to Zhou Yun.

The number of Chinese audiences is so large that no actor in the world should be indifferent.


"Your partner?" Kesi showed a more surprised expression, as if she didn't expect such a coincidence.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and said, "Me? I don't know, he didn't invite me, and I don't know anything about this movie."

Nakajimaho didn’t even know that Zhou Yun’s husband, Song Chi, actually opened his own film company—because it’s normal and common for many famous actors to start their own production companies, but to truly be independent To make a movie and invite Sedar over here, this kind of film company is obviously not just for fun.

Zhou Yun did not expect Nakajima Ho to promote himself so actively.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "My husband, Song Chi, is also an actor. I don't know if you recognize him or not."

She was still debating whether to make that Chinese movie or not.Although it is said that Sedar is the starring role, her acting in such a movie may not improve her in any way.When Kesi just debuted, she was full of ambition and hope.

In comparison, Song Chi's popularity in Japan may be even higher.


Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and said unexpectedly: "I know it, this is the company my partner owns."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, and said: "Of course, whether it's you or Hugh, I really got to know some good actors in "Killing Song". If there are suitable and good roles in the future, I will definitely I recommend it to you, in fact, this time I come to film abroad, I feel quite strong, very fresh, I have never worked with so many foreign actors before."

Hugh Redman said: "In Hollywood, this is quite common, but... well, it is true, your Asian actors generally don't have so many roles, and I rarely have so many interactions with Asian actors. Rivalry."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Afterwards, we still have two "Killing Songs" to film. You have enough time to experience the difference between the acting style of our Asian actors and your European and American actors."

Hugh Redman nodded and said seriously: "Actually, it's really different. It gave me a very different feeling. It led me to act more subduedly. I used to be more used to that kind of strong and intense acting." Emotional expression. Especially when I often acted with you on the set, I was seen by your eyes. Your eyes are like a deep well, always full of mystery."
Third, ask for a monthly ticket!

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