Wen Lanlan is here.

The editor of "Victor" and Zhou Yun are old acquaintances.

They made an appointment to shoot the cover for Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun really didn't have time to go back to shoot, and finally the magazine decided to come here to shoot.

There is no way, Zhou Yun's endorsement brand, Jin Ling Jewelry, spent a lot of money on the cover. If they don't shoot again, this series of new designs of Jin Ling Jewelry will be out of season.

But because Zhou Yun was filming, there was no other way. The production team could only use Zhou Yun's time and start filming after she finished work.

This time it was Wen Lanlan who led the team.

Wen Lanlan hugged Zhou Yun in surprise, and said, "Xiaoyun, long time no see, we finally meet again."

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Lanlan, have you lost a lot of weight?"

Wen Lanlan nodded and said, "Yes, I have worked very hard to lose weight for half a year, and the results are okay, right?"

This time, Lily Crews didn't follow the routine, but changed the direction of her attack.

Zhou Yun clearly felt that her aura became sharp and aggressive after being told by Tim Lange.

Wen Lanlan suddenly thought of something, and said, "By the way, you still have a new drama with director Jiang Xin coming up next year, right? I heard the rumors."

She also had to be a little more ruthless on the basis of the routine.

"I don't know if you have heard that some people in China think that it is a very wrong decision for you to be the overseas agent of "Zebao", saying that you have no way to make money back." Wen Lanlan asked, "In your own heart Is it right? After you posted that Weibo post, the domestic box office of this movie has exceeded 100 million for several days in a row, and it has stepped out of the downward trend, but the domestic box office revenue should have nothing to do with you, right?"

Zhou Yun: "It's the most meaningless to compete for the top of this kind of show. What do you have to do if you have to compete for the top?"

"Lily, where is the murderous aura in your body?" He asked, "I want the murderous aura in you that disobeys and fears no one."

Wen Lanlan also brought a piece of news.

Wen Lanlan said: "When the time comes, can I arrange an interview with you on my personal official account?"

In the second hit, Lily Crews hit harder.

"I went to see this movie. To be honest, the advantages and disadvantages are obvious." Wen Lanlan said, "But if I have to give a conclusive attitude, I will not recommend others to watch this movie unless I would only recommend it to people who have a little bit of experience in the film and television industry like me. That is, I have a very strong feeling after watching this movie. This director may become a master in time, but this debut work, There are indeed too many shortcomings."

"Of course, I will definitely come to support your first independent film." Wen Lanlan said happily, "You are really good. Every actor is talking about supporting the new director, but only you are here Such a personal support is not only investment, but also helping to promote overseas, and also starring in their movies."

Zhou Yun started the third shoot with Lily Crews.


"How much is the domestic box office now?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Wen Lanlan: "Did the shooting go well?"

"Your show is probably a king bomb, and the cast alone is scary." Wen Lanlan said, "Jiang Yuzhen, Xie Pinyuan, Yu Sitian, Cheng Shenlu, Chen Jing...these people are all rightly popular in China now." If the time comes, it is estimated that all fans will be torn apart, not to mention you will be leading the role."

"The version that is currently being released is really not pleasing to the audience. After the re-editing, the narrative rhythm should be much better. Let's watch it later." Zhou Yun said, "If "Zebao" sells well overseas, use it as a gimmick Re-screening in China can still attract some new audiences to watch."

"Anyway, the second season of "Walking with the Phoenix" has already started because of its excellent performance." Wen Lanlan said, "Although Wei Ruxue has a bad personality, she is really good at TV dramas."

Zhou Yun: "Why are you being polite to me?"


"It's director Jiang Xin and you, the main creative lineup, have a strong appeal." Wen Lanlan said, "All people in the industry have directly designated your drama as the drama king of next year. When it comes to drama kings, there is one more thing It’s very interesting, you probably don’t even know, now your film and television industry is judging who is the drama king of this year, your "Deep Sea" and Wei Ruxue's "Walking with the Phoenix" are very torn on both sides, judging from the number of broadcasts and ratings Said, "Walking with the Phoenix" is indeed better than "Deep Sea", and they have so many more episodes than you, but compared to commercial advertisements and word-of-mouth, "Deep Sea" completely beats "Walking with the Phoenix", the most important thing is The most important thing is that Yue Hai's direct financial report shows that "Deep Sea" has sold nearly 5 million overseas, and this figure has shocked the entire film and television industry."

Zhou Yun: "After re-editing, it will be screened again."

Zhou Yun nodded, "I also know, now the director has edited again, I believe he has experienced the cold box office in China, and will correct the obvious shortcomings of this movie, by the way, Sister Lanlan, your Berlin movie Will you go to the festival? I am planning to hold a private screening of "Zebao" after the director's re-editing, if you go, come and support me."

"In fact, there are quite a few actors who are doing this, but many of them may not have as many resources as me to do this. Look at Miss Yao, for "Zebao", it is really from the beginning to the end. They all stood up to the end." Zhou Yun said, "If it weren't for Sister Yao, I don't think such a script would have been made according to the domestic market environment."

She treated guests to dinner, and invited big stars such as Hugh Redman and Nakajima Ho, all for Wen Lanlan's sake.

"The climate here is pretty good and comfortable, isn't it cold in China?"

"Okay, then I will fight for it." Wen Lanlan said with a smile.

"Very good, one by one, Zhou Jianfeng's popularity is very high now, and your old club has thousands of supporters, and now you are a new generation of 'first brother', oh, no, it is also very good that you have thousands and one Zhang Mo , Cheng Shenlu is my favorite, I deal with this little girl, she makes me very comfortable in dealing with people, and she doesn't have the manic common problem of star artists in this industry."

When everyone took a group photo together, Wen Lanlan whispered a thank you in Zhou Yun's ear.

After so many things happened later, Zhou Yun's energy was fully seen by everyone. Although Lily Crews knew that she had underestimated Zhou Yun before, it was impossible for her to change her attitude at this time.

"Yeah, it's the coldest time now. As long as the floor heating is not turned on, your feet will definitely be cold." Wen Lanlan said, "It's still more comfortable here in the southern hemisphere."

Wen Lanlan agrees.

The two fought again.

Zhou Yun: "I haven't been in touch with this project for a long time. I don't know how far it has been advanced, but there must be a second season. The broadcast of the first season has brought very good results to VX, but the second season I Stop acting, just be a producer."

Zhou Yun let out an uh.

On this day, Tim Lange was suddenly dissatisfied with the fight scene between Zhou Yun and Lily Cruise filmed earlier, and asked to reshoot.

"Yes, this is a director recommended to me by Brother Liu Yuan. The script is very interesting and it is a genre film." Zhou Yun said, "You will come to the premiere."

"It's okay, it's just that I can travel here on business." Wen Lanlan said with a smile, "If it wasn't because I was responsible for the cooperation on your side before, this opportunity would definitely be taken away by others."

"Yes, in fact, the market for this script itself is small, and the cost has not been controlled, resulting in the domestic box office not being able to recover the cost."

After the "Victor" people left, Zhou Yun's filming life returned to normal.

She really didn't expect that there were so many entanglements in it.

Zhou Yun was even a little overwhelmed.

"Don't talk about it, it's all about benefits." Wen Lanlan said, "More deeply, this is a battle between traditional TV stations and emerging online video platforms."

Wen Lanlan: "You are so generous, be careful that many such movies will come to you in the future."

"Oh, there's no other way. The way it's aired is already trying to achieve the best results." Zhou Yun said, "This story is indeed a bit bloody."

Tim Lange said: "It's a lot better than the last one, but a little harder."

Zhou Yun nodded, "After all, I am familiar with your interviews."

Tim was still not satisfied.

"I'm not a pick-up man, I'll pick them up when they come to me." Zhou Yun smiled, "This time it was Sister Yao who spoke to me, and I must help. Besides, I believe Sister Yao's vision, the truth is It also proves that this is indeed a movie worth recommending to more people."

The two actors had to start all over again.

Wen Lanlan asked: "Has the script of the second season come out?"

"Drag your Weibo post, which has led many big Vs to recommend this movie. Originally, this movie had more than 6000 million yuan and basically had no room for growth, but now it is more than 100 million a day, and it has already earned more than 7000 million at the box office. , It is estimated that it will be able to hit 8000 million in the end. However, according to the production cost of this movie, even if the box office reaches 8000 million, it still cannot recover the cost." Wen Lanlan said.

Lily Crews turned pale.

Zhou Yun's expression changed, but fortunately she had practiced before, so she reacted quickly and dodged quickly.

Filming is quite boring, especially when a scene is repeated several times, or even a dozen times.

What Zhou Yun did was to show everyone that she and Wen Lanlan had a hard friendship.

Wen Lanlan said: "This hasn't been decided yet. Our magazine will definitely send someone to go, but it doesn't have to be me. You know that such opportunities are usually snatched up."

Lily Crews continued to attack fiercely and completely unreasonably.

"Others are not popular, but they all have names, and they can be seen in some activities from time to time, which is very good."

Wen Lanlan nodded.

Zhou Yun invited all the film crew to have dinner at a local restaurant, and also invited Hugh Redman and Nakajima Ho to join them.

This made her sound like she was implying something.

"Huh?" Wen Lanlan asked in surprise, "Can this work?"

"Manic?" Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing after hearing this word, "Well, you have a point."

"There was a first draft, but it was revised later, and I don't know the progress." Zhou Yun said, "By the way, how are the people who played "Under Dress" with me back then? I know the domestic dynamics very well. Not many, basically from Weibo, and I don’t know their specific situation.”

"Yes, it's coming." Zhou Yun nodded.

There has been some invisible spark between Zhou Yun and Lily Crews.

"If she had a better character, I wouldn't hate her so much. Her business ability is indeed good."

"Excellent." Zhou Yun boasted, "Great."

The main reason is that Lily Crews has always felt that she is not weaker than Zhou Yun, and she doesn't take Zhou Yun, the heroine, seriously.

"It's a wise move. This show was broadcast at the time, and it didn't do you a very good reputation."

After shooting the magazine, Wen Lanlan and the others were ready to go back.

"She has a new drama on the air recently, it's an ancient puppet, and it's quite popular." Wen Lanlan said, "You probably haven't watched it, but everyone's feedback is pretty good, and I like it very much."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing when he heard Wen Lanlan say that.

After a scene, both of them were a little tired.

Zhou Yun: "I hope you will come."

"Well, it went well." Zhou Yun said, "Sorry for making you come so far."

Wen Lanlan and her looked at each other with a smile, everything was silent.

Zhou Yun said: "The domestic ones have nothing to do with me, but I am very happy to help them. As for whether I can make money back, they think a little too much. I don't even want to make money by doing this. , I know that a movie like "Zebao" is hard to sell, but there are some things that only I can do, so it doesn't matter if I may not make money."

There was a depression, annoyance, and unspeakable anger surging in her heart.

These things will naturally be brought back to the country by them and brought to the "Victor" magazine.

Wen Lanlan: "Are you planning to enter the behind-the-scenes production area in the future? I think you also made a movie called "Children of Prophecy", right?"

Zhou Yun: "When this drama was filmed, they weren't as popular as they are now, right? Director Jiang Xin's appeal is still very strong."

"Oh, by the way, is the second season of "Under Dress" going to start?" Wen Lanlan asked curiously, "Everyone in the circle is curious about this, didn't they keep talking about starting the second season? ?”

Zhou Yun was a little annoyed for a moment, anger welled up in his heart, he didn't care about the moves designed by the action director, he raised his leg, swept across with one foot, and kicked the weapon in Lily Crews's hand, with a bang, It fell to the floor five meters away.

Lily Crews glanced at the kicked weapon in panic, recovered her senses, suddenly let out a loud bang, raised her fist and rushed over.

With a cold face, Zhou Yun changed his position, avoided Lily Crews' attack, hit her under the arm with his elbow, and crushed her to the ground quickly.

She rested her dagger on Lily Crews' neck, looking down at her.

Lily Crews had fire in her eyes, hating her.
Second more!

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