I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 820 Director Yu Zhihe


Zhou Yuncai got up from Lily Crews when he heard Tim Lange yell "click".

Lily Crews glared at Zhou Yun angrily, and said, "Why did you knock out my weapon?"

Zhou Yun said: "You have to first ask yourself why you didn't follow the moves we used at the beginning. You can easily hurt the opponent by changing your moves temporarily, don't you know?"

"I just wanted to fight a little harder," Lily Crews said.

"I just hit more violently. I knocked out your weapon and didn't hit you." Zhou Yun said directly, "If you don't follow the rules, don't blame me for not following the rules."

There was a bit of anger between the two of them.

Tim Lange came over from the surveillance screen and quickly appeased the two.

"Okay, okay, you all calm down first, don't be carried away by the emotion of filming just now." Tim Lang stood between the two women, "Calm down for a while."

Zhou Yun held back the fire in his heart, turned and left.

"Are you Harada Konosuke and Director Yu Zhihe from Japan's Matsueda Film Company with me? We happened to meet. They heard that you were here, and they wanted to meet you. They agreed to meet you last time." On the one hand, it didn’t work out.”

"What is the director doing this time?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

But what's worse is that on that day, she had a whole day of drama, and it wasn't very easy to adjust.

"Oh, it turned out to be a movie with such a theme, it sounds very interesting." Yu Zhihe said, "I have always wanted to make such an exciting movie, but I have never made it."

Harada Konosuke's eyes lit up immediately.

Zhou Yun welcomed them in politely.

"I don't know if this sake is authentic or not. It is probably the kind of product on the assembly line." Liu Yun said.

"Yes." Zhou Yun said, "How about I contact her too? See if she is free now?"

Zhou Yun didn't tell Liu Yun what to buy at all, she just chose things based on the background of the person she was going to meet later.

When shooting an action scene, it’s fine if both of them are professional trainers, but if they’re not professionals, they have to use tricks instead of messing around like Lily Cruise.

Zhou Yun smiled and nodded, saying yes, expressing that he wanted to go very much.

Lily Crews also left very upset.

"It's really great." She has been waiting for the release of the movie "Words of Fallen Leaves". If "Behind the Scenes" is a kind of passion for improvisation, "Words of Fallen Leaves" is a kind of still water flowing deep.Zhou Yun still remembers the wrestling and running-in between himself and Xue Qin when filming this movie.

Zhou Lan said: "Actually, Xiao Yun is not that shy at ordinary times. Maybe it's because he was a little nervous when he saw Director Yu Zhihe. Xiao Yun has always liked Director Yu Zhihe very much, and has always wanted to cooperate with Director Yu Zhihe."

Harada Konosuke translated it to Zhou Yun, and asked Zhou Yun to contact Nakajima Ho.

"it is good."

Yuchikawa smiled and hugged Nakajimaho, and everyone sat down again.

"Wow, well, I didn't even realize that this incident would have such serious consequences, no wonder you are so angry." Tim Lange said.

Originally, it was agreed that there would be a film we could cooperate with, but in the end, because of the opinions of the Japanese investors, the role of the Chinese woman was changed to a Japanese woman.

It is not surprising that this kind of shyness appears in an internationally renowned director.

"Are you still filming in Australia?"

"Hey, Xiaoyun." There was an innocent smile on Tim's face.

She was also a little stiff, with her hands clasped together, not knowing where to put them.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yun had just finished taking a shower and was drying his hair when Zhou Lan suddenly called.

"Director, Mr. Harada." Zhou Yun greeted them.

This is the first time Zhou Yun has lost his temper since joining the group.

Zhou Yun quickly dried his hair, then changed into a skirt, and waited for Director Yu Zhihe.

Three or ten minutes later, Zhou Lan brought Konosuke Harada and director Yu Zhihe to come.

Director Yu Zhihe is not tall, with a relatively thin body. He wears a suit, has delicate features, and has the temperament of a teenager. In fact, he is already in his 50s.

"Director!" Nakajimaho looked at Yuzhihe in surprise, with a bright smile on his face, and bowed to him very formally, "It's been a long time since we met."

"Why don't you come here today? We'll shoot tomorrow." Tim Lange said, "You also take a break to calm down."

Director Yu Zhihe's film festival will be held the day after tomorrow. Zhou Yun wants to coordinate with the crew on the shooting time, and see if he can spare half a day to participate.

While Zhou Yun was waiting, Shi Luoqi, who hadn't contacted her for a long time, suddenly called her, "Hey, Xiao Yun, is it convenient to talk now?"

Nakajima Ho also unfortunately had a scene on that day and was unable to ask for leave to leave.

Nakajimaho asked curiously: "Xiao Yun, why are you so happy all of a sudden?"

Zhou Yun really didn't expect that Yu Zhihe would still like action movies, which is very different from his image in the outside world.

"it is good."

Zhou Yun said: "I have a movie I acted in before, and it has been in some troubles, and now it can finally be released."

"I'll come over next time I'm interested. I'll come and see you when the time comes, and we'll meet and talk again."

That night, everyone ate something, drank together, and chatted until 10:30 in the evening.

Yuzhihe himself seems to be a relatively shy person.

Konosuke Harada translated: "Director Yuzhihe said that if you have the opportunity to come to Japan in the future, you are welcome to visit his studio."

Zhou Yun remembered this time and said: "If I have time, I will definitely go. Oh, by the way, Nakajima Ho is also here? She is filming this movie with me, do you know her?"

Plums, dried fruits, and fruits. I don’t know where I bought the sake that Japanese people like to drink.

Ten minutes later, Liu Yun came back with something.

Whether something is good or not is second, the key is the mind.

When leaving, Yu Zhihe happily took several of them to take a group photo together.

"I'm waiting for a scene on the set. It's convenient, but I'm bored." Zhou Yun smiled, "Sister Luo Qi, what do you want from me?"

"Just stay at your hotel." Zhou Lan said, "Is it convenient?"

Nakajimaho came back with three exclamation points.

"Okay, then I'll make preparations." After Zhou Yun hung up the phone, he immediately contacted Liu Yun and told her to go buy something to eat immediately.


Zhou Yun heard the words and asked in surprise, "When is it?"

"It's okay, preparing it is mainly to show my respect for them."

did not expect.

Zhou Yun didn't want to get angry with others, and his face couldn't be straight. Hearing this, he sighed, smiled, nodded, and said, "Do you want to do a new shoot?"

That's what actors are.

For wine, hotel wine can be arranged.

The two had conflicts because of filming this scene.

At this time, Yu Zhihe said a word.

Zhou Yun suddenly realized.

You act recklessly, the sword has no eyes, if you say you hurt people, you hurt people.


Yuzhihe spoke again.

Konosuke Harada immediately translated: "Director Yu Zhihe said that he has also watched Ms. Zhou Yun's movie and liked it very much. He has always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to cooperate."

Zhou Yun and Nakajima Ho sent the director downstairs together.

"Xiaoyun, are you in the hotel?"

Zhou Yun also posted this photo on his social platform, saying: I finally met this director whom I have liked for many years.

Zhou Yun was even a little nervous - in front of someone he admired and respected, especially after he had liked him for so long, it was difficult for Zhou Yun to control his emotions.

The meeting between Zhou Yun and Yuzhihe came so suddenly that Zhou Yun didn't know what to say, and it was inappropriate to keep saying how much he liked Yuzhihe.

"I'm fine, Tim, I've recovered." Zhou Yun showed a playful smile to Tim Lange, "Let's go."

Harada Konosuke still said in his proficient Chinese: "Miss Zhou, we meet again. I am so late, sorry to bother you."

This kind of situation is rare in Zhou Yun.

Konosuke Harada talked to Yuzhihe, and Yuzhihe showed a surprised expression when he heard that Nakajima Ho was there, and said, "Okay, if she is free, please invite her over."

"Yes, I didn't expect that I would be so angry."

Zhou Yun shook his head, "Tim, if the actors didn't follow the script in other scenes, I wouldn't think anything wrong, but this matter is different, Tim, in action scenes, Lily and I are not learning martial arts I have a background, I have filmed two action scenes, at least I know a little bit of boxing skills, but it’s just a show of fists and embroidered legs, it’s not true, if I didn’t dodge in time just now, she might have injured me just now. Small things, once I accidentally poke my eyes or other vulnerable parts, there may be lifelong regrets, maybe my reaction is a bit of a big deal in your eyes, but I hate this kind of her not realizing herself How dangerous your actions have brought to others."

Every actor has his own favorite director, and Yu Zhihe definitely belongs to Zhou Yun's TOP3 favorite directors.

For a moment, Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

"Well, I also believe that it will have good harvest." Zhou Yun nodded.

But because she met Director Yu Zhihe this time, she didn't know what to say.

When he and Zhou Yun's eyes met, he would smile shyly and shyly.

Tim Lange asked: "Why? Is it because Lily didn't follow the previous routine? In fact, sometimes there are sudden changes, which is also a good thing, and more different things can come out."

Zhou Yun was annoyed that Lily Crews had no remorse.

"Ah?" Zhou Yun showed a surprised expression, "Really? When?"

"Oh, Xiaoho?" Konosuke Harada nodded, "Of course we know each other. Is Xiaoho here too?"


Zhou Yun nodded and hummed.

Everyone in the photo is smiling happily.

That collaboration fell apart.

Nakajima Ho took the initiative to introduce.

Yuzhihe can't speak Chinese, and actually doesn't speak English very well, so Konosuke Harada can only act as an interpreter.

Afterwards, this group photo was posted on the official website of Matsueda Film Company by Konosuke Harada, and posted on their Twitter.

"Is the director also interested in this kind of subject matter?" Zhou Yun was surprised.

Zhou Yun immediately sent a message to Nakajima Ho.

"Yes, Miss Lan, are you done?"

"Oh, no need to re-shoot, the one you just took can be used." Tim Lange said, "I just came to see, how are you? I haven't seen you get so angry. "

Zhou Yun asked: "What else do you want to shoot later?"

She didn't realize the danger of this matter at all.

Konosuke Harada translated with Yu Zhihe, and then replied: "The publisher here held a screening of the director's works."

Ten minutes later, Nakajima Ho came over.

Zhou Yun found that many famous directors are not the powerful and controlling person they imagined in their daily lives.

Shi Luoqi said: "I have good news for you, "Words of Fallen Leaves" is finally ready to be released."

After a while, Tim Gran came to her.

Zhou Yun happily hung up the phone.

Tim Lange had that boyish smile again.

"The day after tomorrow." Harada Konosuke said, "I heard that Ms. Zhou Yun is filming, otherwise you are very welcome."

Shi Luoqi: "Yeah, so after I know the review, I will tell you the good news as soon as possible. Looking back, after the movie is released in the mainland, I will arrange it to be released at the end of the year in Europe and America. I will rush to the awards season. I believe It pays off well during awards season."

The reason why Zhou Yun got so angry was because anyone else who was filming this scene with Lily Crews might have been injured.

After Nakajimaho came, Konosuke Harada felt a little more relaxed, and he didn't have to be in charge of translation while adjusting the atmosphere.

She has always been a person who is very good at speaking and communicating with people.

"Oh, ok, where shall we meet then?"

"We have just passed the review, and we haven't finalized the file yet. Everyone is studying when it will be released." Shi Luoqi said happily, "This movie has been tossing for a long time, and it can finally be released."

There was a shy smile on his face.

It made her angry.

Liu Yun has always been very reliable in doing these things, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Zhou Yun was also very happy.

Harada Konosuke said with a smile: "Both the director and Xiaoyun are relatively shy people."

Konosuke Harada said: "The director has always been a fan of action movies, and he likes watching action movies very much."

Yu Zhihe's previous films all focused on the daily life of people and people. The themes about people themselves basically have nothing to do with action and hunting movies.

Tim Lange was stunned after hearing Zhou Yun's words.

Yuchiha asked about the movie they were shooting.

The two looked at each other with helpless smiles on the set.

Zhou Yun could only give up this idea.

"So that's the case." Nakajima Ho smiled and nodded, "Congratulations."

"Xiaoyun, the director is calling you." Someone came over and said.

Zhou Yun got up quickly, "Then I'll go there first."


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