Chapter 821 Opponent Play (Second Change)
The next scene was Zhou Yun and Lily Crews' rivalry again.

But this scene is not an action scene, it is a literary play.

They had already filmed this scene once, and when Tim Lange reviewed the film, he decided to reshoot it.

He felt that the previous filming was a little less tense.

Zhou Yun and Lily Crews haven't spoken since the last dispute, and they haven't filmed any scenes where the two of them are rivals.

Now it happened again, and Lily Crews looked very unnatural.

It was as if she wasn't in Zhou Yun's eyes, and he only focused on what Tim Lange was saying.

Tim Lange shared his thoughts with Zhou Yun and Lily Crews, and at the same time emphasized: "You guys have performed very well last time, but I still want something different."

Zhou Yun and Lily Crews nodded.

The two stood in their respective positions, ready to start acting.

Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "Are you so worried about Chris being scolded by Lily?"

Be a little more "beastly".

Zhou Yun didn't understand.

When this kind of thing happened, they even discussed to help solve it.

Zhou Yun was also stunned.

"Maybe she simply doesn't want to deal with other people." Hugh Redman said, "Isn't there such a person in the world? A person who just wants to be alone."

Tim Lange asked, "Do you want to go through it first?"

"However, Lily didn't want to get in touch with us from the very beginning." Nakajimaho suddenly said, "Didn't we call her every time when we first got together for dinner? But she never came, and, on the set She basically didn't communicate with us when we were filming, and she would stand by herself every time the filming was over."

He was originally annoyed by the lack of progress in this afternoon's filming. He suppressed his temper and didn't want to put pressure on the actors. Who knew that Lily Crews not only did not reflect on herself, but also said that she could not meet the requirements. Tim Lan Grid's fire came out at once.

"Come on directly." Zhou Yun said.

Hugh Redman said: "She is like this, a bit withdrawn. I have known her for a long time, but I have always been unfamiliar with her."

She asked, "Tim, I don't really know what's wrong with me at all."

After coming out of Hugh Redman's room, Nakajima Ho asked worriedly, "Shall we let Chris find Lily alone?"

In the crews she used to film in, it was almost a tradition and a practice for actors to obey the director.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Tim Lange was taken aback.

Liu Xi said, "Why does she look like this?"

Her part this afternoon has not met Tim Lange's requirements. Isn't it normal to continue filming tomorrow?
Tim Lange nodded and said, "Your limbs are still wrong."

There is no other way, Zhou Yun can only continue to act with her.

Everyone looked at each other.

Zhou Yun gave her a surprised look.

Nakajimaho suggested: "Then should we communicate with Lily?"

Lily Crews snorted coldly, then turned and left.

Lily Crews frowned: "What do you mean? I didn't understand."

"Isn't she always like this in the crew? No matter who she is, she doesn't pay attention." Liu Xi said.

After all, it is a team battle, there is no one who gives orders, and everyone thinks that they are the most correct.

Zhou Yun understood what Tim meant.

"If you can't meet the requirements, don't shoot!" Tim Lange said loudly, raised his hand, and left angrily.

Fortunately, I made such a decision. Playing this scene in this state will indeed have a more undercurrent atmosphere than before.

She was about to leave first, but when she heard what Lily Crews said, she stopped again.

But why did she choke with the director?

Looking at this scene, Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

Tim Lange is very satisfied with the cast of this movie, who is well-known and able to act.

Tim Lange's expression also became ugly.

In fact, the director was originally the biggest in the entire crew, and everyone acted according to the director's ideas.

Zhou Yun then told everyone what happened in the afternoon.

Nakajimaho pursed his lips and turned his head to look around, as if he was afraid that someone around might have heard Zhou Yun's words.

"Actually, although Lily has a bad temper, she is still quite nice." He said, "I don't know why she made things like this."

Lily Cruise said very upset: "I don't think there is a problem with my acting. I can't understand what you said. Even if I continue shooting tomorrow, I can't achieve the effect you want."

"It's okay, I'll go by myself. If she is really angry, it's better for me to be alone. Anyway, I don't take bad words to others very seriously." Chris Pine said with a smile.

"Look, Xiaoyun, you need to give a little more attention to this place. This is not in a restaurant or indoors. The environment where your dispute took place this time is in the jungle, which is a natural environment. Although you Now I can’t see the background where you are at all. Looking back, the special effects are done. You are on a shoal in the jungle, with the sound of wind and water. You have to show more emotions in the performance, so that you can better integrate into this environment. " Tim Lange said, "Lily here is very good at acting, but Lily, your limbs are very hard. I can shoot the part above your neck without any problem. When I look below the neck, I always feel that your limbs are not good. Too coordinated, not relaxed enough - you are angry, you should concentrate all your emotions on the person opposite, and your strength is on Zhou Yun, but your current limbs give people the feeling that your center of gravity is still yourself."

Liu Xi: "She also quarreled with me and Xiaoyun, and now she finally couldn't hold back the quarrel with the director. Be careful, she will also cause trouble for you in the future."

Hugh Redman looked at Zhou Yun first, and said, "Xiao Yun, you were at the scene when they quarreled. Tell us, what's going on?"

Tim Lange sat behind the monitor and looked at the expressions of the two people, especially their eyes, and he knew it was right at a glance.

The director and Lily Cruise's quarrel on the set was known to the actors at night.There was a lot of discussion.

She looked at Nakajimaho in surprise, and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoho, do you like Chris Pine?"

Zhou Yun: "I'm guessing, don't be nervous."

Lily Crews was annoyed.

This is a big production and genre film, but Tim Lange didn't feel that he could shoddy and turn a blind eye to the acting part.

Lily Crews' face has collapsed.

Under normal circumstances, this matter has nothing to do with them, why should they get involved in this matter?

Chris Pine: "She had a lot of respect for the director before, and she has never been so rude to the director before."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, everyone here really deserves to be young.

Zhou Yun carefully watched the scene between himself and Lily Crews again, and realized that Tim was right.

After filming for an afternoon, the director was still not satisfied, and Lily Crews probably didn't feel well in her heart.

Hearing Zhou Yun's words, Nakajima Ho suddenly raised his head like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, and looked at her in shock.

Zhou Yun asked what was wrong, but Nakajimaho didn't say anything.

"How could someone like her apologize to others." Liu Xi immediately expressed that she did not believe that Lily Crews would apologize to others.

Finally, Tim Lange sighed and said, "Let's get here today and shoot tomorrow."

"Xiao Yun, tell me quickly." Nakajimaho hugged Zhou Yun's arm and said.

Seeing Nakajima Ho's appearance, Zhou Yun knew that he had guessed right.

However, among these actors, except for Liu Xi who needs him to spend more time and shoot a scene several times, the other actors are all actors who are very good at acting. Needless to say, just click a little, and everyone will know what to do Orientation adjustment.

"Uh—" Hugh Redman, who had been speaking well for Lily Crews, hesitated, and said, "Let's go talk to her, maybe we'll be scolded directly by him."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that."

Hugh Redman suggested a drink, and they arranged to meet in his room.

Seeing Nakajima Ho like this, an intuition that she had before suddenly appeared in her mind.

Hugh Redman sighed, distressed.

Nakajimaho showed an embarrassed smile on his cheek, "I'm not worried about Chris being scolded by her, I just think it's not good."

Lily Crews frowned, not understanding.

if not?
She didn't understand what was so shocking about Lily Crews.

Looking at this scene alone, she has no problem acting, but in the whole scene and the whole environment, she has been in a life-and-death crisis for a long time, threats are lurking around her, and she doesn't know when the danger will come, One has to be on guard all the time, on guard all the time, and in this state, her anger is too "out of control."

Chris Pine asked: "Does she have social phobia? However, I don't think she has social phobia. She is very irritable when she gets angry."

If this is not the case, the crew will be in chaos.

After Zhou Yun and Lily Crews finished filming, Tim Langella watched them look back on the monitor.

"Regardless of whether she was malicious or not, I hope she can think clearly tonight and apologize to the director. I think the director was really angry and said 'then we won't shoot'. "

Finally, Chris Pine said: "Why don't I go and talk to her, I can still communicate with her normally."

Everyone looked at her.

Liu Xi nodded immediately, "It's very possible."

"Then I'll go with you." Nakajima Ho volunteered.

"You—" Nakajimaho faltered, not knowing what to say.

He meant that her acting was too delicate.

The two people are already in a tense atmosphere with each other now, and there is no need to brew emotions or enter the state when filming this scene.

Lily Crews showed an unbelievable expression and asked: "Do you want to continue filming tomorrow? Or this scene?"

Filming continued until five o'clock in the afternoon, and Tim Lange was still not satisfied.

Then again, Lily Crews still hasn't gotten over her old problems.

Hearing what Hugh Redman said, Zhou Yun thought, maybe Lily Crews herself didn't want to make things like this.

"So that's how it is." Hugh Redman sighed, "Lily is too disrespectful to Tim."

He is a director who likes to see the wonderful performances of actors, and he has high demands on the actors.

Tim Lange said: "I mean, your body movements now make it look like your anger is acting out, not completely self-forgetful like your look."

Lily Crews also said: "Come straight."

Zhou Yun, Nakajima Ho, Liu Xi, and Chris Pine all went.

Zhou Yun felt a little funny.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Nakajimaho waved his hands and said, "I,'s nothing like that, I don't like him."

It's too late to deny it at this time.

Zhou Yun sighed silently in his heart.
The second change, asking for a monthly pass!Please encourage!
(End of this chapter)

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