I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 822 "Black Forest" starts broadcasting

Zhou Yun discovered a phenomenon. In the minds of many ordinary people, those who are engaged in the profession of actors seem to be more knowledgeable and experienced. Whether it is friendship or love, it is more difficult to obtain than ordinary people—meaning, If someone tells you that a certain celebrity suddenly fell in love with someone, you will find it strange. If someone tells you that a certain celebrity is shy, shy, and embarrassed to speak because of falling in love with someone, you will find it even more unbelievable— —Come on, those are stars, do they still need to be shy and shy?

But in fact, a star is nothing more than a packaged commercial aura-the aura that really relies on personality charm is really one of the few.It’s understandable that a good skin is always flattering, but don’t judge people by their appearance, otherwise, the day the house collapses, your world will also fall apart.

The longer I get in touch with Nakajima Ho, the more Zhou Yun feels that she is a very cute girl, and she is also real, has a good personality, and is very comfortable to get along with.

Zhou Yun has no intention of evaluating everyone's personality, but among the actresses in the crew, Zhou Yun likes Nakajimaho the most.

It can only be said that there are some predestined relationships between people, and some people just close their eyes to each other.

Nakajima Ho didn't want Chris Pine to go to Lily Crews alone, because he was worried that they were a man and a woman, and if they chatted like this, the relationship might be closer.

Although she denied that she liked Chris Pine, Zhou Yun didn't believe her cover-up anymore.

She's an actress, yes, but she's bad enough for this one.

"If you like Chris, you should get in touch with him more. Don't like him secretly by yourself, then he may not even know your thoughts." Zhou Yun said.

Nakajima Suo said with a shy face: "Xiaoyun, I told you, I don't like him anymore."

"Then since you don't like him, it doesn't matter if he goes to find Lily Crews alone." Zhou Yun provoked her.

Sure enough, Nakajimaho didn't speak again.

Zhou Yun: "Don't hide it, don't pretend, Xiaosui, don't worry, before you take the initiative to make this matter public, I will definitely keep my mouth shut and not say a word .”

Nakajima Ho hesitated and said, "Then you have to swear."

"I swear."

Nakajimaho sighed distressedly, and said, "Actually, it's not that I didn't take the initiative to contact him, but he didn't seem to feel it at all."


"I had a scene with him yesterday, and I brought him a cup of coffee, but he only said thank you."

"Well, there's really nothing to see about a cup of coffee." Zhou Yun said, "Why don't you take the initiative to ask him out to watch a movie? This signal is more direct and obvious."

Nakajima Ho immediately shook his head and said, "But this is too direct, what if he rejects me? It's so embarrassing."

"Then if you want him to feel your heart, you can only be more direct."

"Doesn't he have a crush on me? Why didn't he take the initiative?" Nakajimaho asked with some distress.

She pursed her lips and asked, "Xiaoyun, who confessed to you and Song Chi first? How did you get together?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect that Nakajima Ho would suddenly ask himself.

She couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, she said, "I... how should I put it, the situation of the two of us is quite special, and it's different from normal couples."


"Before we were officially together, there were many media rumors about us, but in fact we were not together at that time. To be honest, we were brought together by this kind of scandal." Zhou Yun said, " Before officially getting together, we also tested and chatted with each other for a long time, and we were also very entangled in whether we should be together. After all, we are both actors. In short, there are many complicated things, and everyone’s situation is different. You may not be able to learn from Chi's story."

Nakashima Ho sighed.

"However, Xiaosui, if you like it, then you should take the initiative. We are still filming together. After the filming of this film is over, it may be difficult to meet again later. When the film is released for publicity, it may be difficult It's a year later." Zhou Yun said, "No matter what the result is, don't let yourself regret it, don't leave any regrets."

Nakashima Ho nodded.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "Xiaosui, why do you like Chris?"

She was a little curious about the answer to this question.Because... To be honest, although she also thinks Hugh Redman and Chris Pine are handsome, she still prefers Asian looks for men.I have been used to this aesthetic since I was a child.And their crew has been established for less than a month, so it's not enough to say that they have been in love for a long time.

Nakajimaho said: "I... I don't know, I'm just a little attracted to him. He is quiet and doesn't talk much, but he takes good care of everyone. When we have dinner together, he always silently helps everyone get tissues. , handed the tableware, and never said much.”

"There should be many outstanding men like him pursuing you in Japan, right?"

When Zhou Yun heard Nakajimaho's description, he felt that it was not true. How could Nakajimaho fall in love with Chris Pine for such a simple reason?

Unexpectedly, Nakajimaho said: "In Japan, there are not many people pursuing me, and everyone respects me at a distance."

Zhou Yun came to his senses after a little thought.

Nakajima Ho is a very popular female star in Japan, and it is estimated that most men feel that they cannot handle such a woman.

Men always want to find a woman who is weaker than him.This is an unspoken fact.

Zhou Yun: "Then what should we do now? It has been decided that Chris Pine will communicate with Lily Crews."

Nakajimaho said: "How about, Xiaoyun, you can go with me and talk to Chris, we will go with him."

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Xiaosui, it's not good for too many of us to go to Lily Crews, although this can prevent Chris from being alone with her, but...we still hope that Lily can apologize to Tim, we have so many If someone went to find her, she might not only be unaware of her problem, but feel that we are forcing her, and even feel that we are watching her joke."

"Ah, yes."

"I think the only way now is to persuade Hugh to do this instead of Chris." Zhou Yun said.

"Hugh? But Hugh doesn't seem to want to go." Nakajima Ho was a little apprehensive, "You saw it just now, he really doesn't want to go to Lily."

"Yeah, so, if you don't want Chris to go to Lily, you can only try to persuade Xio to change his mind." Zhou Yun said.

Nakajima Ho looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Or, you tell Chris, you're a girl, it's better for you to tell Lily, and tell him not to go."

Nakajima Ho said without hesitation, "Then I'll go find Chris."

She hurried away.

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

Go back to your room and check your email.

Since opening a studio with Zhou Lan, the action of checking mailboxes has become extremely frequent.

For many matters, Zhou Lan would formally solicit her opinions via email.

Neither a phone call nor WeChat.

Zhou Lan said that this can ensure that everything is clear.Whether it's Zhoulan, or some other affairs of the studio.For many things, each group often submits a plan. After everyone discusses and revises it, it is submitted to Zhou Lan. For some key decisions, she will reply and forward it to Zhou Yun, so that Zhou Yun can also look at it.If Zhou Yun has an opinion, he can tell Zhou Lan directly, and if he has no opinion, just reply with "no opinion" or "agree".

Zhou Lan said that although Zhou Yun doesn't care much about the specific work of the studio, she must have a look at some large projects and key terms.

This is the rule set from the beginning.

"It's not that I'm not worthy of your trust, and it's not that you can't completely entrust it to me, but after opening the studio, it's not just about the two of us. If the people below know that you put everything If you leave it to me to deal with it, they will only treat you as a mascot over time, because I am the one who actually manages their work, and over time, everyone may have other thoughts. It's all possible, but the most taboo is that the most powerful person is actually emptied, and the ecology of the entire studio will be messed up." Zhou Lan said this to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun also developed this habit.

When you have time, check your mailbox to see if there is anything she hasn't seen yet.

Although it was something urgent, they would also contact her directly on WeChat, asking her to give her advice as soon as possible.But Zhou Yun still didn't want to affect their work because of his slow speed.

Through this inspection, she saw the revenue of several other contracted artists in the studio.

Zhou Yun brought a total of 5257 million yuan in revenue to the studio, which was the income after deducting her own and Chengqian Entertainment's share.

so tall?
This number startled Zhou Yun himself.Because according to the terms of the new contract, she will take the lion's share of the money she earns herself.But after looking at the detailed list at the back, I understand that the advertising endorsement and the business this year have directly brought in more than 2000 million in revenue, accounting for half of it.Others, including the final remuneration of "Chen Yin", the full remuneration of "The Female Killer", and the full remuneration of "Killing Song", have already arrived in the account, but "Year" is directly ignored, too little, except In addition, the film crew also paid her a lot of money for the "Hidden Mountain Scholar" that she was a guest star in before.

Compared with her, Yu Chu and Wang Jing were much less.This is also related to the fact that the two of them are still contracted by Chengqian Entertainment. Chengqian Entertainment will eat half of it if they do nothing, and the studio can only eat the other half.It means that the studio can only get a quarter of what they earn.This is because both of them were popular before, so the company re-signed the sharing agreement with them, and now they share [-]/[-] with the company, which has increased the share ratio.Of course, Zhou Lan also mentioned to her that next year they will sign a revised contract with them to increase their share.Zhou Yun was naturally willing, and Cheng Qian was somewhat unwilling, but their reluctance was basically negligible and unimportant.

To Zhou Yun's great surprise, Zhou Lan had previously signed a lot of business agents from writers, painters, intellectuals and other industries, and this piece even brought more than 2000 million yuan to the studio. It was a surprise .

In addition, the studio's previous investment in the dramas "Under Dress" and "Deep Sea" has also brought rich returns, especially "Deep Sea", which has even brought in more income than Zhou. The income that cloud individuals bring to the studio throughout the year is similar.

It was only at this moment that Zhou Yun intuitively felt why Yue Hai wanted her to make a second film so frantically.


To be honest, Zhou Yun's own heart was moved when he saw this number, thinking about whether to make a second part.

She quickly patted her face and said, "Be sober."

Zhou Yun's current pockets are really rich, and his annual income is almost at the top level of domestic artists, and may even be the highest one.Of course, this is not necessarily the case, because those like Song Chi and others who start their own production companies earn another order of magnitude.

In addition to revenue, there is another email about another newly expanded business of the studio next year.

The studio will receive a large number of scripts and project proposals, and several agents and actors will not be able to read them. Therefore, the studio specially invited two young girls to screen the scripts for them.Zhou Lan plans to add two more people on this basis to become a "selection group", not only picking scripts, but also reading books, picking IPs, and buying good stories.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and immediately called Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan heard what Zhou Yun wanted to ask, and explained: "Yes, I have this idea. Now there are all kinds of stories on the Internet, some are posts, some are novels, and some are just stories, but they Many of them are very suitable to be made into genre films, and various film and television companies are collecting and snapping up such high-profile stories. I think that since we already have two people working on this matter, it is better to do this matter. You Look, the current actors in our studio, including you, are basically waiting for others to come to us for filming. Why can’t we tailor a story for our actors and find a good story for them to act in? , how about we set up the plate ourselves?"

Zhou Yun said: "This is a big move, sister Lan, you are developing our studio into film and television production."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, I didn't plan to have our studio produce it." Zhou Lan said, "I found a good story, I have good actors, OK, I will find a production company with funds for the next film , looking for a video platform and cooperating with them, I just want to grasp a little more initiative, as for managing and producing by myself, I have self-knowledge, we don’t have that strength yet.”

Zhou Yun understood immediately.

It means that Zhou Lan is going to code the script and actors by himself, and then find someone else to take over.

But in this way, it saves me the time of sitting at home waiting for others to send and pick scripts.

is a way.

Zhou Yun said, "That's good."

"Yeah, I want to do this because Xiaojing has always been a little underachievered, and she doesn't want to shoot bad scripts, and it's hard for her to get good scripts." Zhou Lan said, " We might as well do it ourselves and have enough food and clothing.”

Zhou Yun hummed.

"On this matter, I have also communicated with Wu Chengbao. If the good books and stories we picked out are not suitable for me, I will give them to the other party." Zhou Lan said, "In this way, the efficiency will be improved." It can also be much higher, the key is that Wu Chengbao has always been short of funds, and I plan to make some investments based on their projects."

Zhou Yun: "You can have this."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun checked the mailbox to confirm that there were no missing emails, and then turned off the notebook.

She stretched, thinking, it's good that everything is thriving.


"With Zhou Yun, you will never be able to surpass her. The most important person in their place will always be Zhou Yun."

He Yong sat opposite Wang Jing with a smile on his face, as if he was an outsider analyzing the pros and cons with Wang Jing.

"However, among the thousands of us, only Xu Siyao is more popular now, but you also know that her upper limit is also very low, and it has basically come to an end. You are different from her, you can take the movie route, a movie "Days" has already allowed you to step into the film circle. In fact, if Zhou Lan and the others give a little bit of attention, with your momentum after "Days" was released at that time, you can definitely take a few more movies in one go and gain a firm foothold in the film circle. , but I don't know why it wasn't done."

"If you want to talk about acting, you can do it. You are like Wei Ruxue. She is really not good in the movie industry, but in the TV drama industry, she is the absolute king. There are not many people in the country who can fight her. You Say it? Even Zhou Yun, who is so prosperous in the sky, can carry it down without losing a bit. If Wei Ruxue hadn't left our company, she would be even better now. At least in the film industry, we can always win every year Help her receive one or two heroines in major commercial productions." He Yong said, "Wang Jing, you are a smart child. I took a fancy to you at the beginning and signed you to thousands. I always thought that, As long as you get a good opportunity, you will definitely be able to skyrocket to [-] miles. In the past two years, you have followed Zhou Lan, and she has indeed done a lot of things, but you have reached a new stage."

In this case, this is not the first time He Yong has said this to Wang Jing.

Wang Jing was also helpless.It's just that he is the boss of the company, and if he wants to invite her to dinner, she can't always shirk.Wang Jing is indeed dissatisfied with his current development situation, but this kind of thing cannot be rushed, nor can it be rushed.Zhou Lan is still in charge of her work until now. Wang Jing also knows that she is sensitive and demanding. Zhou Lan has always respected her choice. Many plays have been brought over. She said she didn't want to act, so she stopped acting.In the past year, her output has indeed been low, so far she has only filmed one drama directed by Jiang Xin and one movie.The two dramas haven't been released yet, and Wang Jing doesn't know if these two dramas will be popular after they are released, and whether they can help her to go to a higher level.

In fact, Wang Jing's biggest problem at this stage is that Kong has a little status, but he doesn't have much acting experience, and his popularity is not high.

To put it bluntly, investors often don't recognize her very well.

Zhou Lan told Wang Jing that the most important thing she should do now is not to focus on making movies, but to find ways to increase her popularity and popularity.With this, it is also good to compete for some roles.Wang Jing knew it in her heart, but...she didn't want to compromise. She still hoped that every movie she made would be a good movie, just like Miss Xiaoyun.

Whether it's TV dramas, online dramas, or movies, Wang Jing accepts them all. It's not that she doesn't make movies, but she hopes that every movie she makes is really good.

She didn't want to be like Xu Siyao, who had no popularity and popularity, and became an actor with a bad reputation when she clearly had acting skills.

He Yong was always telling her what happened next.

In other words, it's not later, but change an agent now.

Her brokerage contract is tens of thousands, as long as she changes her brokerage, instead of Zhou Lan taking her, then she has nothing to do with Zhou Yun's studio.

He Yong very generously offered three performance contracts, one movie and two TV dramas, all of which are heroines, one of which is the protagonist.He said that as long as she is willing to return to Qianqian, these scenes are hers.In fact, Wang Jing didn't say a lot of things. She wanted to say that she didn't lack for leading roles. Zhou Lan actually helped her get in touch with a lot. It's impossible for Zhou Lan to have this ability. not good enough.But it's not easy for her to say these words to He Yong, because it seems that she is too arrogant and demands too much.

Wang Jing said: "Mr. He, Sister Lan and Sister Xiaoyun have done their best to me and helped me a lot in the past two years. If I leave at this time, then I will be too unreasonable."

She smiled apologetically, "I'm so sorry."

He Yong was helpless when he heard Wang Jing's refusal.

He didn't understand why Zhou Lan's actors, one or two, couldn't be pried away?

After drinking with Wang Jing, He Yong sent her to the car, He Yong sighed with some melancholy, and also got into his own car.

At this time, Zhang Mo suddenly sent a message: Mr. He, I don't really want to take on the drama you told me before. I just received the news that "Words of Fallen Leaves" is preparing to enter the awards season in North America at the end of next year. I want to save time for "Words of Fallen Leaves".

He Yong felt a little dazed when he saw the title "Words of Fallen Leaves".

At the beginning, he signed Zhang Mo because he acted in this movie with Zhou Yun. At that time, Li Ci made a lot of messes. He Yong was ready to give up Li Ci and needed a new actor. He Yong was optimistic about Zhang Mo. Mo signed him.

Who knew that the movie "Words of Fallen Leaves" hadn't been released for a long time, but Zhang Mo lived up to his expectations and gained a good reputation in the industry as he imagined, and became popular. It has accumulated a lot, just in time for the "acting school" to receive attention again.

For an actor like Zhang Mo who does not rely on thousands to gain a firm foothold in this industry, He Yong's attitude is quite polite. He said: "Since you don't want to act, forget it. The movie "Words of Fallen Leaves" is finally coming out." Ah, next year it's good if you want to go to the awards season. As long as you have the opportunity and the momentum is good, we will do our best to help you win the awards.

When He Yong said these words, he actually didn't think that there would be a day when they would come true.

How many movies say they are going for Oscars every year?For awards season?What the fuck, can a miracle like "Behind the Scenes" be replicated?In the end, didn't Zhou Yun get nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress?

Zhang Mo's acting skills are good, but what about being nominated for an Oscar?

He Yong didn't believe it deep in his heart.

For those with some luck like Zhou Yun, it would be good to have one in ten years.


At this time, the American drama "Black Forest" started broadcasting.

The film crew held a grand opening event in New York, USA, and Chinese actress Jiang Yuzhen was invited to attend as the main role player.

Before that, Jiang Yuzhen was only well-known in China, and only entered the public's field of vision after filming "Questioning the Heart" with Song Chi.

Unexpectedly, this actress who is no longer young suddenly ushered in breakthroughs one after another in her career.

The premiere of "Black Forest" broke records, and the mad witch played by Jiang Yuzhen was highly discussed.

Many people expressed their love for this crazy witch.

In today's film and television dramas, the more distinctive the character is, the easier it is for the audience to like it.

Zhou Yun watched the first episode of "Black Forest" with everyone, and was shocked by Jiang Yuzhen's performance.

In this play, Jiang Yuzhen almost showed all the skills and experience she has accumulated in acting for so many years. Every time she appeared on the stage, she was amazing, and almost every pore was a play.

When everyone watched this drama together, whenever Jiang Yuzhen appeared on stage, Zhou Yun would hear the exclamation of others.

Finished the first episode.

Nakajima Suho stared at the stars and said, "Look at it!"

Zhou Yun also likes it very much.

"It was a great shot."

A story about fantasy and magic, whether it is characters or special effects, it is well done.

"I feel like I haven't seen such a beautiful magic story for a long time." Zhou Yun said.

"Yeah, I think so too. It's been a long time since I've seen it." Nakajima Ho nodded, "I really liked reading magic stories when I was young, but I feel that this subject has become unpopular these past few years."

"Because there are no particularly good stories coming out." Hugh Redman said, "Now this kind of fantasy and magic stories, all that can be filmed have been filmed."

"Hugh played the role of a prince in a magic movie before." Chris Pine said suddenly, "need to be rescued by a princess who knows magic."

Hugh Redman laughed.

"Yes, that was taken when I first debuted."

"I think "Black Forest" will drive the popularity of film and television dramas with this theme again." Nakajimaho said, "I see that everyone is discussing "Black Forest" on Twitter now, it is very popular."

Zhou Yun sent a message to Jiang Yuzhen: Sister Yuzhen, just now I watched "Black Forest" with some actors and friends from "Killing Song", everyone was shocked by your performance, congratulations!The witch character you created this time is great!
Jiang Yuzhen replied: Thank you, dear!

Zhou Yun took a group photo of everyone watching "Black Forest", and she posted it on Weibo and Twitter, with only two words in the caption: Beautiful!

She is very happy that Jiang Yuzhen can stand out in such an American drama and be seen by everyone.

One hour after the broadcast, the character of the Mad Witch was on Twitter's trending list, and the actor Jiang Yuzhen was also followed by many people.
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