"Sister Yuzhen is very popular overseas now."

When Zhou Yun was on the phone with Yu Chu, Yu Chu said on the phone.

"I've heard her name mentioned on the streets of France." Yu Chu said with a smile, "I'm so excited, I want to play a crazy villain."

Zhou Yun: "Sister Yuzhen steals the show. I watched it with my friends from the film crew. They were all completely attracted by Sister Yuzhen."

"That's great. I also saw an interview with sister Yuzhen yesterday. She said that before she was 40 years old, she was a nobody in the entertainment industry, but because she persisted, she got the next opportunity. "Yu Chu said, "I have worked with Sister Yuzhen before, she is really a very good actress, when I acted with me, when I was NG, she never got impatient, she always waited for me patiently guide me."

Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen have worked together twice, one in "Ask the Heart" and the other in "Chen Yin". What Jiang Yuzhen gave Zhou Yun the most is that her acting skills are very stable, and she is very good at emotional scenes.

Some people's emotional outbursts are "Ma Jingtian's roar", but Jiang Yuzhen is different. Her acting method is the more intense the emotion and the clearer the sense of hierarchy.

The two talked on the phone for a while, and Yu Chu suddenly said, "By the way, Xiaoyun, I was chatting with a magazine editor in France today, and they mentioned you, saying that they have made an appointment with you for a cover shoot in May next year."

"I don't know yet, maybe Sister Lan agreed." Zhou Yun said, "I basically didn't care about these things, it was Sister Lan who made the arrangements."

Yu Chu: "It was really worth filming "Deep Sea" with you. How could I have imagined that this drama would be very popular overseas, so I received a shooting job for a French fashion magazine."

Liu Xi: "Then why do you praise her?"

Yu Chu pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Sister Lan, as you said, I can't afford a drama by myself right now. If you let me act in a spin-off drama alone, my grades will be worse than "Deep Sea" by then." They ruined the IP of "Deep Sea" for no reason, and they want to make a spin-off, which is pretty good, the key is to do it well, not just to catch the popularity of "Deep Sea" and make money."

It is the first time for a Chinese TV drama to be broadcast simultaneously in so many countries and regions around the world. Zhou Yun's international influence has once again been highlighted by the media.

It seems that as long as Lily Cruise is tortured, it doesn't matter if Liu Xi herself has to act a few more times.

Yu Chu nodded.

The later stage of the movie "The Scholar in the Hidden Mountain" has not been completed, and now Mo Conglan's main energy is still on "The Scholar in the Hidden Mountain".

Returning to the crew of "Killing Song" in Australia, Zhou Yun continued to enter the state of filming.

The program "Visiting Life" with Liu Yuan as the producer and caller was officially broadcast. In the first episode, Zhou Yun and Song Chi were rarely in the same frame, which aroused heated discussions and viewing enthusiasm in China.

"You're too generous. If it's someone who doesn't have a good relationship with me, no matter how good her acting is, I'll hate her very much. I can't praise her." Liu Xi said.

Chris Pine nodded, "Yes."

Zhou Lan: "I've thought about it. I don't want to talk about singers. I've never done this before. I'm a little scared. I don't know how to manage them. In fact, actors with more senior qualifications are not cost-effective. Generally, they are more difficult to win. Like You Middle-aged actors like Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang Yuzhen, who suddenly became popular, are hard to come by. Unlike young actors, there is a very clear path to design, but if you don’t plan their careers, just put them Sign in and help them take some plays, in fact, they are not responsible to others. I hope that the actors in our studio can still support everyone. Besides, middle-aged actors are not as innocent as young actors. , Everyone has been in this industry for a long time, I don’t judge good or bad, but they often have their own cognition, they are more stubborn than young actors, and they are not easy to cooperate with.”

She hadn't told anyone about this, nor dared to.

Obviously, she was slowly becoming friends with Zhou Yun, but she didn't defend her.

Especially when two people are filming opposite each other, it is a disaster.Lily Cruise basically has no bad attitude towards her, and treats her purely as a strange actor, but Liu Xi regards Lily Cruise as a thorn in her side, and will run and humiliate her whenever she has the opportunity.

She minded the presence of Lily Crews.

Zhou Yun said: "It's nothing, just confirm with you."

Tim Lange was even angry because Liu Xi purposely acted badly, just to spoil Lily Crews's well-acted scene and give her more opportunities to toss.

On New Year's Day, Song Chi's crew was still shooting normally.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Also as an actor, Zhou Yun can actually understand Yin Lin very well.

Wang Jing entered the film "The Arrow on the String" directed by Liu Yide as the second female lead.

But she knows it herself.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to answer this question, she said: "There was a lot of luck in choosing the script. In fact, since "Silent Life" has achieved success at the box office, it shows that it also has its merits."

"It depends on Merlando's ability. However, as long as the first part is good, everyone will act in the sequel together for their own benefit." Song Chi has always seen this aspect very clearly, "No People would give up on a global hit movie franchise."

Nakajima Ho frowned, hesitated for a moment, and replied: Yes...

Yu Huaijiang nodded.

Zhou Yun let out a long breath.

"Ah?" Zhou Yun, who had been told what was on his mind, almost revealed his secrets, clenched his teeth, hesitated for a while, and then said, "No, why do you think so?"

"Silent Life" has achieved success at the box office. In the market, Yin Lin is no longer just a queen, but also a queen who can sell well.

"Watching a movie is watching a movie, why do you laugh so strangely?" Chris Pine asked strangely, "It seems like there is some kind of conspiracy."

Yu Huaijiang: "However, there are not many female roles in this script."

Zhou Yun was staying in Song Chi's crew, watching him act.

For an actor, it doesn't mean that she only needs to act well, nor does it mean that she wants to act in bad movies.

This will give her a greater advantage in choosing film projects in the future.

Yu Chu joined the TV series "Flower on the Star" and started filming as the heroine.

After this day, Lily Crews suddenly became depressed.

In the first month of the new year, everyone is crazy busy.

"Don't lie to me." Chris Pine said very seriously.

Time flies by in January.

She felt that what Nakajimaho said was also reasonable, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay, then let's all go and see it together."

Everyone is busy.

Nakashimaho smiled.

Ho Nakajima played a huge role in it.

Song Chi's new movie "Cigarette" was announced to be released on February 2. It was called by the media as "taking advantage of the popularity of participating in the Berlin Film Festival to attract audiences to the cinema and save a promotion fee".

Yu Huaijiang asked: "Then will you focus on Hollywood when you make movies in the future?"

Before, she was always dissatisfied here and there on the set, but now she is a completely different person, as long as she is not filming by herself, she will go back to the rest room or her own trailer without talking to anyone , and no longer carping and raising various opinions.

Zhou Lan took a deep breath.

On this day, Liu Xi suddenly asked for leave from the crew because he was going to attend a very important catwalk show.

Lying on her stretching bed, she sent a message to Liu Xi, saying: You are right.

Zhou Lan chatted with Yu Chu about future career planning.

Although Liu Xi immediately said: "Of course, she is very nice, but this kind of attitude of caring is a bit condescending, I am very uncomfortable."

She likes to do it now too...

After Yu Chu finished shooting the magazine, he could rest.Zhou Lan played with Yu Chu in France for two days, took a vlog, posted it on Yu Chu's social platform, and bought a trending search, which talked about Yu Chu's magazine shooting in France.Such marketing is essential for an artist on the rise.

Zhou Yun: "Obviously we were pretty good before, the atmosphere was good, and everyone's relationship was okay, but now it's getting more and more troublesome, and we have to make a sequel later. With such an atmosphere, how can we make a sequel."

Chris Pine looked at her suspiciously, as if he wanted to analyze whether her words were true or false by analyzing the expression on her face.

Yu Chu laughed helplessly.

Nakajimaho: No way!Xiaoyun, this is absolutely impossible!It's so embarrassing!

She looked at Liu Xi as if she looked at a stranger. When it was time to act, she devoted herself to acting, and turned her head away as soon as the play was over.

Then get to work.

On the contrary, she still thinks Zhou Yun is pretty good.No matter what Zhou Yun thinks in her heart, she has never hurt anyone.

"Hey, by the way, when Sister Xiaoyun was filming "The Female Killer", didn't she meet a good actor who made an action movie? She told me that if there is a suitable role, let me give it to her. It was recommended by others." Yu Chu said, "It's Liu Gang, do you know him?"

Lily Crews cries so loudly that almost everyone can hear them.

Zhou Lan: "Okay, then I'll turn them down, oh, one more thing, they are developing a new drama "Flower City", starring Xiaoyun, there is an important role in it, and I want to ask you to play it, this original work is If you won a big award, the script is also good, although it has not been decided when the filming will start, but I am ready to help you follow up."

Yu Chu said: "Sister Lan, can you sign some actors who are different ages from us, and singers, you can also sign."

The change of a person can be seen with the naked eye.

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard this, and said, "It's okay, let's read the script first, as long as the role is suitable and there is room for performance, I am willing to act."

This is Yin Lin's new movie after winning the award last year. After its release, the box office is not bad. It has already reached more than 3 million yuan, but the word-of-mouth is so-so, and many people even call it a bad movie.


"Everyone is different."

"Really, well, I'm going to take a lunch break, so go and take a break too, don't you have a scene this afternoon?"

For example, "Since she is so good, why does she still want to act in a Hollywood movie? Just tailor a movie for yourself. Don't you also want to increase your global popularity through Hollywood movies?".

Especially when it comes to Chris Pine.

The previous Lily Crews also acted very well, but she was always a little bit short. Now her aura and eyes have changed, and she has a sense of depth.

"What about you, the advantage over Xiaojing is that you already have a high degree of nationality and popularity. In the market, you have acted in so many plays in the past two years, and you are a familiar face that everyone is very familiar with. Whether it is capital or platform , everyone recognizes you, but you are a little bit short of the ability to handle the drama alone. In everyone's eyes, if you rely on yourself to handle the drama, it is still a little bit worse, so basically the book of the heroine will not find you. However, if an actor really wants to grow up, he must be able to take on a play himself, and let the audience watch this play just for you, and we still have to work hard in this direction in the future." Zhou Lan said, "Basically all the scenes you filmed before have been aired, and there is no stock. I will look for your scenes later. Have you made up your mind? Which one do you want to pick up?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

On the day they made an appointment to watch a movie together, Zhou Yun took out the ticket and handed it to Nakajimaho.

Filming had to be interrupted midway.

There are still a lot of scenes to be filmed, Zhou Yun only hopes that everyone can restrain as much as possible, and don't make trouble until the end.

A wave of complaints was made.

Zhou Yun was not present, and when he heard the news, he couldn't help but feel sad.

She is a supermodel herself, and catwalks are her job, and the crew agreed.

Yu Chu said, "Let's go on."

"Chris, I remember you told us that you are single now, right?" Zhou Yun asked with a smile.

"Yeah, let me think about it again." Zhou Lan sighed.

After that, Zhou Yun never mentioned in front of Nakajima Ho that she liked Chris Pine.

Zhou Yun felt incredible.

At this moment, she completely became the proud girl in the script.

In the evening, when Zhou Yun was having lunch with everyone, Liu Xi suddenly mentioned: "Sister Xiaoyun, when you were filming with Lily Cruise in the afternoon, did you praise her for her good performance?"

Yu Chu: "When I was filming, I met a few actors who had been acting for many years but were not popular. Some of them followed a manager and worked alone. In fact, I think they are It's a pity that there is no big agency or film and television company to plan for them. You see, in the past few years, quite a few middle-aged actors have become popular, right? Now the audience is becoming more and more rational and appreciates good actors. , even if the appearance is not very good-looking, but relying on a role, the audience likes it."

Yu Huaijiang was very happy and nodded.

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise, and asked, "You need me for something? Why didn't you tell me during the meal just now?"

When Lily Crews saw this photo in between shoots, she suddenly broke down and cried, unable to regain her normal emotions.

Zhou Yun subconsciously felt that it might be difficult for this film festival to last for a long time.

Zhou Yun finally understood why some men like to bully a girl, seeing her shy look.

She vaguely realized that she might have misunderstood what Nakajima Ho meant.

Zhou Yun suddenly got a two-day vacation and returned to China in surprise.

A film crew, everyone comes from all over the world, how many people will really violate their own minefield?

But Zhou Yun did not expect that this sentence would soon spread to other people's ears.

"Chen Yin" has released the official trailer, announcing that it will be aired in March. It will be premiered together with three online streaming media platforms, Pimchi in the United States, U-NEXT in Japan, and Wav in South Korea. shock.

"You can't chew more than you can chew. You may not be able to improve your acting skills by acting at such a fast pace."

"Well, yes, but in addition to the films of great directors, I also want to cooperate with other directors, such as new directors like Mo Conglan. Sometimes, a new director does not have a representative work, or the previous film does not No, reading the script is not just about the story, but also about their understanding of the movie, especially the writer-director.”

Zhou Lan said, "Xiao Chu, have you thought about what height you want to reach in the future?"

Zhou Lan couldn't laugh or cry after hearing Yu Chu's evaluation of her, but she also knew that what Yu Chu said was actually right.Fortunately, Yu Chu knew himself very well. He was not like Su Yan, who was obviously not that material. He insisted on thinking that he was good at acting, and blamed his failure to win the award on his agent for not being able to win the main drama for him.

Song Chi heard her tell the story that happened in the crew, and said with a smile: "Isn't the crew like this, there are always such and such things, trivial, a lot of trouble."

Of course, Yu Huaijiang is really remarkable for doing such a thing.

Zhou Yun: "How could I hide something from you?"

She said to Lily, "Either you die or I die."

Liu Xi happily packed up his things and was about to leave, but to everyone's surprise, Cliff Stewart appeared at the door of the hotel to pick Liu Xi up to leave.

"Yeah." Yu Chu nodded, "I'm actually very lucky, I know."

"Melandu is still rich and powerful, so if he said he was on vacation, he would be on vacation." Zhou Yun went straight to Song Chi's production crew and got together with him.

Zhou Lan said: "Xiao Chu, let's not worry about acting skills. Act well, work hard, and gradually improve one by one. There will always be a day when you shine. We were shocked at the time, we admit that we are a lucky person, and we insist on being a hardworking person, and we will leave the rest to time."

When Zhou Yun didn't notice this before, Nakajimaho still disguised it better, now that Zhou Yun knew about it, every time Zhou Yun mentioned Chris Pine, Nakajimaho would blush .

"Sister Lan, if I were the kind of person who could play a character well by thinking about it for a long time, I wouldn't take the path of 'Talk of the Sea of ​​Questions'." Yu Chu said sincerely, "I I have thought about it, and thought about it seriously, but what I figured out is not that kind of thing at all. I might as well go to a film crew to accumulate my own practical experience. There is a director there. As long as the director is reliable, let the director come to me. Grasp the direction, and I can progress faster."

Moreover, for Yin Lin, she has already won an award, and now she needs a movie that can prove that she can carry the box office.

Just such a one-man performance, he performed so that the audience was quiet, and many people wept.

Zhou Yun was a little curious, and asked: "But it's very difficult for a new director to make a film, right? Is this film festival only accepting debut works?"

Song Chi said: "This is what we have to learn. Their filming is basically the same as going to work. They don't shoot from morning to night like us. The main reason is that the entire production process has not kept up. It must be done in this way. To save on shooting costs."

She sent a message to Nakajima Ho: You want to treat me to dinner!
Nakajima Ho:?

"Oh, that's right." Zhou Yun suddenly thought of something, "I heard that there is a new movie starring George Hardy, should we watch it together?"

Zhou Yun said: I was almost forced by Chris to tell him that you like him!Fortunately I persevered!

Lily Crews looked at her in surprise, as if she didn't expect that she would take the initiative to praise her.

This is true.

"But you still have to take a breath yourself, don't be too tired." Zhou Lan said, "You must have a one-month rest period between each play, unless it is a special case, Xiao Chu, I will not allow this You are arguing with me, you are human, not a robot, you will get tired from acting, you must rest."

When filming, everyone is thinking about making this scene a good one.

She only cared about crying by herself.

"Okay." Chris Pine nodded.

After Tim Lange noticed Liu Xi's thoughts, he angrily scolded Liu Xi for being unprofessional and selfish, making Liu Xi cry.

That disgusting arrogance took on a tragic sense at this moment.

Zhou Yun said: "I don't have such an idea, don't blame me, I just care about my friends, I'm just curious."

Who wants to be in a bad movie?

Yu Huaijiang added: "Xiao Mo has written a new script, are you interested in reading it?"

Because in Zhou Yun's heart, the image of Lily Crews is a willful, hot-tempered, hedgehog-like person, instead of being fragile and broken like she is now.

At present, the filming of "Killing Song" is only one-third over.

"Actually, for a movie, sometimes the script is not that important. You see a lot of movies made by big directors. The stories are actually very bad, but they are made very artistically."

Yu Chu's words made Zhou Lan fall into deep thought.She was wondering if she had fallen into a certain routine, thinking that there was only one way for an actor to hone his acting skills?Zhou Yun's preparation process for a role had already influenced Zhou Lan's perception of actors invisibly.She always subconsciously compares everything with Zhou Yun's. The one that is close to Zhou Yun's behavior is right, and the one that is different from Zhou Yun's behavior is wrong.This is not right.


Yu Huaijiang told Zhou Yun: "This film will be sent to Cannes this year. If it goes well, it should be shortlisted for a competition unit. If you have time then, help this film stand on the stage."

"That would be a pity."

Liu Xi groaned, and after two seconds, he said, "I thought you had a bad relationship with her. You lost your temper with her so much before."

Now the studio is indeed facing a very embarrassing situation.Whether it is big or small, this studio has a top superstar like Zhou Yun, Yu Chu and Wang Jing, two quasi-first-line, and Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, two young students who have gradually become known to everyone, actors The lineup is comparable to a medium-sized brokerage company.

Yu Huaijiang: "I told her before, don't start accepting bad movies just because she is popular, it will damage her a lot."

Yu Huaijiang said: "Yin Lin's vision for choosing scripts is not as good as yours."

Liu Xi quickly replied: She always likes to do this kind of thing that she thinks is good for others, but she really hates it.

Nakajima Ho did not agree with Liu Xi's words, but subconsciously, she felt that Liu Xi's words were actually vaguely correct.

The two are very familiar with each other, but Zhou Yun will still be moved by Song Chi's performance.

Chris Pine: "You gave me that feeling."

Zhou Yun was thinking about Nakajimaho and Chris Pine. At noon that day, the two had dinner together. Zhou Yun happened to see Chris Pine walking over with a plate, and immediately waved him to let him Eat with them.

Zhou Yun: You can't be shy at this time, Xiaosui, go all out!

Anyway, if she is not interested, she just gave them the information in advance, and the official promotion will still be at the Berlin Film Festival.

Nakashima Ho's face turned red.

For example, "Are you so busy that you even brought the magazine shooting team here to shoot? It seems that she is the most popular in the whole world, and everyone has to revolve around her."

At this moment, she didn't seem to think that there were other people around, and so many people.

"Xiaoyun mentioned it to me." Zhou Lan said, "I talked to him, he is not free now, I originally wanted to sign him, because it is true that our studio does not have this type of actor, but he has There are other companies that can’t sign with us.”

After the filming of this scene, Zhou Yun took the initiative to say to Lily: "You did a good job in that scene just now, I was shocked by you."

"It's really not good. I haven't had much contact with her." Zhou Yun said.

He looked at them suspiciously and asked, "Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?"

She didn't intend to ease the relationship with Lily Crews, but just said a heartfelt sentence.

Nakajimaho didn't know.

At that time, Zhou Yun and Lily Crews were filming on the set and did not see this scene with their own eyes.

"All next?" Zhou Lan was shocked, "How can this be tolerated?"

Chris Pine nodded very carelessly, as if he didn't believe in Zhou Yun's "simpleness" at all.

A film festival that only accepts debut films means that the participants are different every time. In this way, it is basically impossible to cultivate its own directors and it is difficult to expand its influence.

Especially Song Chi has a crying scene, he needs to shed tears to the camera (in the scene, to the person he loves deeply) and say some heart-wrenching words.

is it?

Zhou Yun's eyes were also red, and he even wiped his tears. This scene was captured by the photographer in charge of filming and recording.

Nakajima Ho felt that she was actually jealous of Zhou Yun.

But it seems Yoo Hee is different.

Zhou Yun is the only one who knows about liking Chris Pine.But Nakajima Ho didn't expect Zhou Yun to be so proactive and actively advise her after knowing this.Nakajimaho is actually very distressed, because she doesn't want Chris Pine to know that she likes him. We are just making a movie together, and we will rarely see each other in the future. Let this relationship It's fine to end without a problem.However, under Zhou Yun's instigation, her own heart was also disturbed. At one moment she wanted to be brave, and at another moment she rationally told herself that bravery is actually worthless, and it is impossible for two people to be together if they get together less often.

Zhou Lan realized his problem.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment.

Nakajima Ho feels that Zhou Yun also has a little bit of this meaning in real life.

Chris Pine asked solemnly: "Xiao Yun, is there something you are hiding from me?"

Nakajimaho just lowered his head to eat, and was too embarrassed to raise his head.

Everyone's interest in these two movies is relatively average, and they still want the movie starring Zhou Yun more.Now Zhou Yun is well-known in France, has his own fans, and has a fixed audience.Zhou Lan had expected and prepared for this, she had made the introduction of these two movies in advance and gave them to them.

Lily Cruise's crying completely shocked Zhou Yun, and it also made Zhou Yun unexpected.

"Three Grains Film Festival." Yu Huaijiang said, "I organized this before. The purpose is to discover new directors and give new directors a chance."

Zhou Yun has nothing but disgust for Lily Crews, not hatred.

Ning Yao took over the TV series "Sparkling Waves", which aroused everyone's expectations, and was regarded as a strong contender for future TV dramas.

How many people do you meet in your lifetime?How many people will you meet who will interact with you?
Zhou Yun didn't know if anyone had calculated this data, but she knew very well that there would definitely not be many such people.

Lu Zhongting finished filming the web drama "The Past 1995" for two months and started to rest.

Nakajima Ho: Huh?
Zhou Yun: None of us will be there, only you and Chris will be there.

In fact, Nakajima Sui has always wanted to tell Liu Xi, don't tell her these things, she doesn't dislike Zhou Yun as much as she does.

Zhou Yun: Take advantage of the opportunity to watch movies.

Zhou Yun believes in these principles, and Yu Huaijiang must understand them all, but he may not accept them.

Zhou Yun played against her once, and his mind was rarely distracted.

One day, Liu Xi secretly complained to her: Why does Zhou Yun always act like he cares about everyone?Although she is the heroine, it doesn't have to be like this, right?
Nakajima Ho was very surprised when she heard Liu Xi's words. She didn't expect that in this crew, besides Lily Crews, there would be people who would dislike Zhou Yun.

"You have a conspiracy!" Zhou Yun immediately put away his triumphant smile, "I'm just purely happy."

But a staff member of the crew saw it, took a photo, and sent it to the entire crew.


In "Killing Song", the girl played by Zhou Yun, like the protagonists of almost all commercial films, is kind, full of sense of justice, unyielding, strong, and never gives up.

Tim Lange finally passed, comforting her for a long time.

Lily Crews should have said at this time: "Then you go to die."

Yu Chu didn't earn much from this job, but it was a new expansion.Shooting French fashion magazines - this is enough for her to boast for a year in the fashion field.After all, France is the "grandmother" of fashion in the world.

Zhou Yun nodded and left.

Tim Lange was also stunned.

"It's two different things. I don't like her as a person, but she really did well in this afternoon's scene, so I'm exaggerating."

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "However, he himself said that he is not very satisfied with his current company, and he is willing to come to us when the contract expires."

Yu Huaijiang suddenly thought of something, "Xiaoyun, you pay so much attention to author-type directors, are you interested in coming to our film festival to find new directors as a judge?"

Zhou Yun nodded in surprise, and said, "Yes, she performed very well this afternoon, and Tim also praised her."

Zhou Yun also had a very obvious feeling.

In the crew of "Killing Song", Lily Crews, who had been awkward with the director for several days, finally reconciled with the director.

"Thanks to you, Dai Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng have acted in a few plays. Tell me, should I sign another newcomer? Actually, our studio has never signed an artist who is completely owned by our studio. But now the cast of the studio is basically all young people, and they are all competing products, and if one person comes in, it will affect the resource allocation of the other.”

However, by coincidence, she did not say such words, and with an attitude of acquiescence, indulged Liu Xi to complain to her again and again.

Zhou Yun chatted with Yu Huaijiang, and suddenly they talked about a movie that was released recently, which was Yin Lin's "Silent Life".

"Yes, I am a little narrow-minded, I admit."

Before returning to Australia, Zhou Yun met with Yu Huaijiang.

Chris Pine just left.

But at that moment, she didn't know whether it was enlightenment or something suddenly changed her thinking. She completely changed her way of acting and stared at Zhou Yun in silence, as if her eyes could see through her. This silence lasted for three seconds. She just smiled contemptuously, raised her eyelids, showing a little thorn, and said in a restrained and proud manner: "Then let's see who will die later."

Zhou Yun lost his mind.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, and I didn't say which side to focus on. Let's read the script. I still care about the script."

After lunch, Zhou Yun went back to his lounge to rest, preparing for a lunch break.

Zhou Yun said, "Of course there is."

"Yue Hai said he wanted to develop a spin-off of "Deep Sea" based on your character. What do you think?" Zhou Lan asked.

But Tim Lange said that now Lily Crews can finally act.

"Don't say that, I just think that although I hate her, she didn't step on my minefield. I just don't like her attitude, and it doesn't affect my evaluation of her in other aspects. Some people, As you said, no matter how good she is, I can't praise her, there must be such a person in life, but it's not her." Zhou Yun thought for a while, and added, "At least not for now."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Chris Pine asked: "Are you going to introduce a girlfriend to me? Oh, I have heard that you Asians are very keen on introducing objects to others, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Zhou Yun couldn't hold on any longer, she said: "Chris, you believe me, I absolutely did not hide anything bad from you."

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

The TV series "Tiger Mom" ​​that Huang Zicheng joined last month is still in the filming.

Chris Pine came to her out of the blue.

Since Yu Huaijiang invited Zhou Yun to film "The Scholar in the Hidden Mountain" last time, Yu Huaijiang has been chatting with her about movies from time to time.

For example, "Obviously she is a heroine, but she always pretends to be equal to everyone. In fact, such a posture makes everyone even more uncomfortable."


Nakajima Ho:!

Yu Chu nodded and said yes.

Zhou Lan personally accompanied Yu Chu to France this time.In addition to Yu Chu's work, Zhou Lan also has some film dealers to meet. She has two films on hand to sell, one is "Zebao" starring Ning Yao, and the other is "Son of Prophecy" directed by Liu Qidong.

Nakajimaho thought to himself, he was really going too far.

After Liu Xi came back, Zhou Yun was still worried that Lily Crews would find trouble with Liu Xi, but he didn't.

This time when Yu Chu went to work in France, an editor of a French magazine liked "Deep Sea", so he recommended this Chinese actress to both the magazine and the brand. They all enthusiastically agreed to this collaboration—however, instead of the cover, it was shot on the inside, with about eight pages of content, including three brands and an exclusive interview.

Yu Chu shook his head and said, "Sister Lan, I know myself well. I don't have much talent in acting. Let alone comparing with Xiaoyun, I'm far behind Xiaojing and Xu Siyao. I have the popularity I have now, one is because I acted in "Deep Sea" and got to know me because of the light of this drama, and the other is because of hard work, although the acting is average, but the volume is large, everyone can always see me , If you can’t be a movie queen, a model worker can always do it.”

Chris Pine showed that "simple" expression of not believing Zhou Yun at all.

To Zhou Yun's surprise, on New Year's Eve, the production crew had a holiday and asked everyone to fly back to spend New Year's Day with their families.

"That's fine, that's it. I'll go buy the tickets and send you the time later." Zhou Yun said.

One afternoon, after visiting the Louvre, Zhou Lan and Yu Chu had afternoon tea at a nearby dim sum shop.

Nakajimaho hesitated for a moment, and said: "Xiaoyun, I thought about it, and I still forget it. I don't want to take the liberty of confessing my love to Chris at this time. If he doesn't accept it, it would be too embarrassing to film together later. gone."

"Yes, as long as it's not in the same schedule, you can pick it up for me. I can't fight for quality, so I can only fight for quantity first." Yu Chu said, "Now my parents help me take care of the children, basically follow I'm leaving, and I don't have any worries. If I don't work hard now, will I work hard later when I don't have the competitiveness? I also believe that hard work can make up for one's weakness. Since your acting skills are not good, you should exercise more."

Later, Liu Xi often complained to her about Zhou Yun.

It's the end of the new year, and the Spring Festival is approaching.

Zhou Yun discussed with Zhou Lan that the year-end bonuses for everyone in the studio this year will be increased by one-third from last year's for the same position.

The main reason is that the income of the studio this year has also increased a lot compared to last year.

Those who should give gifts give gifts, and those who should give red envelopes give red envelopes. Zhou Yunren is abroad, but he is dealing with domestic affairs every day.

Everyone is happy.
A [-]-character fat stamp, ask for a monthly ticket!

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