I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 824 So Many People Are Watching

Chapter 824 So Many People Are Watching ([-] Words Update!)

Probably because of the popularity of "Deep Sea" last year, in January this year, almost every online video platform in China launched a drama with two female protagonists.

Among them, "The Year of Maturity" launched by Lizi Video has a lineup such as Cheng Shenlu and Yu Yan, and it tells the story of the "upgrade" of veterans and rookies in the workplace.

Yuehai.com launched "Death Forecast Letter", which used a senior lineup of Fan Zhu and Liu Qingqing to tell the story of a pair of neighbors caught in the same suspenseful incident.

The cast of "One Year One Meeting" in the third video is relatively inferior to the former one. It is Yu Sitian and Jin Lin who are weaker than the first two in terms of popularity and actor popularity, and this is still a The story of pure love and female growth, the presentation is the worst.

The three dramas started broadcasting almost at the same time, and the platforms, drama crews, celebrity teams, and fans started a publicity and marketing battle one after another, which was very lively.

China's market is too big, and it has never been dominated by one company.

What surprised everyone the most was that the quality of these three dramas was surprisingly high, no one was ridiculed for stretching their hips, and even passers-by fans praised them.

This made the three companies very overjoyed—anyone who works in this industry knows a truth, if a play is to be well received by the public and gain a good reputation, it is something that cannot be expected.

The three platforms have increased investment in publicity to compete for audiences.

Zhou Yun knew that this drama was very important to Song Chi and his company, and the investment was huge.

Song Chi and Wu Chengbao happily celebrated with everyone, and when they returned to the office, only the two of them were left, Wu Chengbao said: "Old Song, the results of "The Sword Lady" this time are not bad, and the feedback is also good, you Say, has the genre of martial arts dramas become popular again?"

So, Song Chi took the two leading actors Zhang Hongyu and Xu Zhuqi to start the promotion.

Zhou Yunyuan is filming in Australia, but he is chasing "The Sword Lady" every day.

Zhou Yun immediately changed his face and scolded: "How is it possible!"

Song Chi himself didn't want to act in such an online university, but he started his own company, and he gradually understood why many companies were keen to be an online university.

She created a super chat called "Dao Niangzi Chasing Change Diary".

The popularity directly surpassed "Death Forecast Letter" and "Once a Year", reaching the second place in real time.

All in all, Zhang Hongyu once again relied on this drama to return to the front line in the popularity of the market.Of course, in terms of status in the arena, she has already been above the top.

Wu Chengbao let out a hey, and said, "That's because Xiaoyun is starring, you can try another person."

She stood there, opened her eyes wide in surprise, then let out a scream of surprise, ran over, and threw herself on Song Chi enthusiastically.

Song Chi nodded.

Zhang Hongyu is so popular that she already has a high status in the world, but now she is a guest at all events, and has officially announced two important business endorsements one after another.

There is no middleman like theaters to earn the price difference, and there are no other link costs. You can start making money directly when you go online, and the capital returns quickly, without waiting for the schedule.

"The Lady of Swords" is also simulcast on the Internet and the channel, but it is on the stage first and then on the Internet.

For the promotion of this show, Zhou Yun really mobilized everyone he could mobilize, and owed a lot of debts of favor.

As a veteran movie queen and movie queen, Zhang Hongyu's audience popularity is not usually strong.

He didn't know how the show would fare.For a martial arts drama, there is no way to implant it, and it can only make money from copyright.The investment of this drama is as high as [-] million yuan, which may be a bit inferior compared to other big productions. It is not a top-level production cost, but for Song Chi's company, it is a very large investment.

Song Chi's company bought a lot of marketing for this drama, and it can be seen every day on the hot search.

Finally, the ratings came out, and the ratings of the first episode reached 0.945%, meeting expectations, and everyone was relieved.

Zhou Yun asked Nakajima Ho to help with publicity.

Zhou Yun went to Jin Zhulin and Liu Xi to help promote it, and the two readily agreed to help post the stills on their social platforms. Please pay attention to and support this drama.

However, judging from the current feedback of this drama, it seems that there is still a certain distance to become a hit.Of course, what we are talking about here is the real explosion, not the "explosion" logo on those software.According to the signs on those software, the "explosive models" are too unpopular.

Zhou Yun's fans were very surprised and left a message: I have never seen you promote so much in your own drama.

Song Chi asked, "What about the contract we signed with them?"

"Sword Lady" took over and started large-scale word-of-mouth marketing to attract audiences who have no drama to follow.

"Basically there is nothing else to do, so I'll come to accompany you." Song Chi said, "Anyway, Wu Chengbao is involved in the company's affairs. My next play is still early, so I finally got free."

Hongcheng Satellite TV is not CCTV, and it has been the best in the past year to get this rating. According to this trend, it may very likely break 2.

Song Chi heard the words, thought for a while, and said, "You ask every agent to evaluate the actors under him, which ones are worth focusing on training, and stay in the company to focus on training, and which ones are currently relatively poor. For some, discuss the cooperation framework with the TV station and the platform. We can get a little less money from our side, and get them stable opportunities to perform. Don’t have no movies to shoot for half a year, at least ensure that they have movies to shoot and roles to play. Acting, also, you make a roster of contracted actors of our company and introduce everyone's situation. This booklet will be updated in real time by the agent and sent to various film and television production companies on a regular basis. She talks about a cooperation. If she has the resources to push us these actors, we will give her a cut, and take half of our own company’s share to their studio. In a word, if we sign these actors, we can’t let them go. , I can’t help it if it’s so small, but I have to let them have a scene.”

This is also a drama tailored for Zhang Hongyu.

This drama was broadcast on Hongcheng Satellite TV and Chestnut Video Network.

Seeing the fans say this, Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry.She has never been so concerned about the promotion of her own play, but to be honest, she is also embarrassed to be asked to promote a play starring her so vigorously, and she will feel too "Wang Po sells melons", but the publicity There is no such concern in other people's plays.

The TV station came to buy the rights to broadcast "Mother" again.

To Zhou Yun's great surprise, at this moment, Song Chi parachuted into the filming set of "Killing Song" without even saying hello to her.

Song Chi picked her up and weighed her, "Fortunately, I can still hug her."

"Sword Lady" is quite popular, and many people around are chasing after it.

Explosive hits are hard to come by, and "Sword Lady" has achieved the current results, which has exceeded expectations.

"Hey, I have a very headache right now. We have opened so many dramas. Basically, as long as they are newcomers who are discovered by ourselves, they are all signed under our own hands, but we don't have such strong management resources in our hands to support them. Their development, a manager with a dozen radish heads, more monks and less meat." Wu Chengbao said, "But, to be honest, we signed so many actors, 90.00% of them are not competitive outside the five, and no one else knows them. , I can’t even play the small supporting roles, and it’s quite a delay for these children. One manager manages more than a dozen people, and the energy is really not enough.”

"Tell them well, it really doesn't make sense, you should pay, and you should go." Song Chi said.

At this time, the drama market has basically been divided into three categories.

The audience's evaluation of the premiere was also very good, saying that it has been a long time since I have seen such a well-produced and martial arts drama with such a strong flavor of martial arts.

She couldn't rush back to help the platform, so she recorded a VCR, posted on Weibo, and launched a "Chasing Diary" project on her social platform.

"The Swordsman" is a very long martial arts drama, with an episode of 10 minutes, a total of 75 episodes, and one episode is broadcast every day. When it comes to Saturday's variety show rehearsal, the schedule will be delayed, and it will be broadcast for about three months in total.

But Zhou Yun recognized him at a glance.

Immediately afterwards, three days later, "The Lady of Swords" airborne on Korean ME streaming media.

The industry was also full of surprises. Zhang Hongyu has basically never made action scenes, but she showed off her skills in "The Swordsman". Everyone unexpectedly discovered that Zhang Hongyu can also shoot martial arts.

Zhang Hongyu's acting skills have been discussed a lot by the audience, and the popularity is more than double that of "Mother".

Wu Chengbao nodded: "You can say that, and I think so too. In fact, there are no actors who have become popular, and they can earn limited money for the company. There is no need to be trapped in their own homes and let a little profit go out, as long as they can grow up. .”

"The Lady of the Sword" is not exclusive to Hongcheng Satellite TV, but there is also a new drama "Mother" that has just aired for a year.

In an interview with reporters, she publicly thanked Song Chi, saying that actresses of her age were about to withdraw from the leading role market, but Song Chi tailored "Mother" and "The Lady of Swords" for her, Let her career rejuvenate.

After the first round of the TV broadcast, there will be two, three or even more follow-up rounds, and the webcast will also enter the VIP charging stage after the end, and the company will also earn a share at that time.

Zhou Yun talked with Song Chi about this, and Song Chi himself was quite normal.

Zhou Yun was also happy to see Song Chi's company developing so smoothly.

"That's right." Wu Chengbao sighed, "Our company's two dramas, one "Sword Lady" and one "Jianyuntai", have blocked our cash flow at nearly half the level, and now we can finally return a lot. There are two small-budget web dramas that are about to start, and I plan to develop derivative web dramas for these two web dramas to form a brand. Our previous "A Thousand Gold Never Die" has made a lot of money, and we are already developing the second one. I also asked the screenwriter to write big online scripts at the same time."

Song Chi nodded when he heard the words, and said, "You haven't touched on the Internet University before, have you? Can you get it back?"


With such an achievement, Song Chi knew that as long as "The Sword Lady" didn't fail, it would definitely not lose money.

As a result, the ratings of this round of "Being a Mother" were even higher than the first broadcast. Many people said that watching "Being a Mother" cried to death.

The internal evaluation of this drama is very high, so I want to make a head start.

What's more, Song Chi has almost negotiated with two companies in Japan and South Korea. This drama is broadcast in these two countries, and the copyright fee is also very expensive.

This data is not explosive, but it is also very good.

Song Chi breathed a sigh of relief.

But Zhou Yun was happy.

In addition to Zhang Hongyu and Xu Zhuqi, there are many new actors.

"To be honest, the risk of an online university is much smaller than that of a theater movie. If a well-known IP like "A Thousand Gold Never Comes Down" has already made a name, if it is developed into a series of online universities, the cost of making an online university may only be 1000 yuan. about [-] yuan, but the final distribution of accounts is basically higher than the cost of the input, it is hard to say how much it will earn, but there are other copyright channels that can be developed." Wu Chengbao said, "We have always been good at making small but sophisticated plays. I have also trained many new directors and actors, but in fact, there is still a gap between online dramas and online dramas and the real mainstream market. Whether it is a director or an actor, the short-lived popularity is not enough for the market to buy them into a series. If so, it can maintain their popularity and further open up their recognition in the market."

Under such circumstances, "Sword Lady" produced by Song Chi Company was promoted by Hongcheng Satellite TV.

Wu Chengbao was so happy that he distributed red envelopes in the company's publicity group every day, encouraging everyone to continue to work hard.

Song Chi took the crew to the recording of more than a dozen programs such as "Visiting Life", "One Meal, Three Meals", "This Weather Is Really Nice", and even organized a grand celebration ceremony for the launch of the broadcast, inviting all his friends in the circle to come platform.

In fact, why are so many companies doing "XX Universe" now?The reason is also here, a new IP is always risky, but if a brand is formed in the hearts of the audience, then this universe is the biggest IP, as long as it is a work in this universe, there will be a group of regular audiences and fans to support it, It can save a lot of publicity costs and reduce the risk of income.

The next day, Song Chi came to the company, and everyone in the company had gathered together, waiting for him to come to celebrate the success of the premiere.

Song Chi understood what Wu Chengbao meant.

She likes watching Zhang Hongyu acting very much.

He wears a cap and a mask.

This ceremony is also a means of publicity for the company, and it will be posted on the Internet later to attract more people to pay attention to the drama "Sword Lady".

Wu Chengbao also said: "However, Ma Qi and Liu Lingxin, the two actors in "A Thousand Gold Never Let Me Down", have been approached by other agencies and film and television companies recently, trying to poach them away."

Zhou Yun immediately asked: "Then how long will you stay here?"

More and more viewers are following this show, especially the ratings of Hongcheng Satellite TV, which continued to rise. When the tenth episode was broadcast, the ratings had reached 1.26%.

Song Chi: "A good story is the foundation. Moreover, the production of martial arts films has a very mature set of things, and the production cost is correspondingly much lower. Our "Sword Lady" is already a top match for martial arts dramas. From the director to the actors to the behind-the-scenes team, they all use the best, so it’s good. Don’t be fooled by the success of this show. Without a good story, you can’t attract such a good lineup. .”

Within an hour of being online, the number of viewers of the first episode exceeded 600 million, and the number of album plays exceeded 8000 million.

Knowing that it was a TV series produced by Song Chi's company, Nakajimaho agreed with a smile, and even recorded a VCR directly to invite Japanese audiences to watch the TV series.

In the field of public opinion, for a while, three online dramas competed for popularity, and the TV dramas broadcast by traditional TV stations died down one after another.

After Zhou Yun finished filming a scene, he watched it with Tim. After Tim confirmed that it was OK and there was no need to shoot another one, Zhou Yun happily said yes, and was about to call it a day and go back. At this time, Song Chi suddenly appeared from the crowd up.

Song Chi caught her with a smile and said, "It's so heavy."

"In fact, martial arts dramas have always been very popular, but because all the good stories have been filmed, the dramas that have come out in the past few years have not been highly praised by everyone, so they are not popular." Song Chi said, "Look at "Four Killers" starring Xiaoyun , a martial arts film, and finally took more than one billion at the box office, who would have imagined that a martial arts film could earn such a high box office before."

Just at this time, Song Chi also finished.

When the No.18 episode of "Sword Lady" was broadcast, the three double-female lead dramas from the previous three divisions basically ushered in the finale, and the battle ended early. The three dramas fought fiercely, and the final result was three The broadcast data of this drama is very impressive, and many people are almost chasing several dramas at the same time.

Song Chi: "Our actor management is indeed relatively extensive. After that, we still need to control the number and pace of signing actors. We can't sign a bunch of actors in a rush."

Hongcheng Satellite TV chose this time to start broadcasting because the three dramas have basically been broadcast to the middle and late stages.

"Sword Lady" is a martial arts drama produced by Song Chi's company.

"Sword Lady" was broadcast on U-NEXT streaming media in Japan at the end of January.

This is equivalent to doubling Hongcheng Satellite TV's 0.41% yesterday.

At midnight, the first episode of Chestnut Video will be launched.

Seeing his surprise appearance, Zhou Yun didn't bother with her anymore, his eyes sparkled, and he asked, "Why are you here suddenly?"

Then this is awesome.

The content of the agreement they signed with Hongcheng Satellite TV and Lizi Video is that different first-round broadcast results mean different copyright payments.

"I know, I've already begun to control it. Before, I thought that our company would shoot so many movies and use so many newcomers. It would be a pity not to sign directly to our own company. Now let's forget it, and don't care who signed it. Really irresponsible to people."

On the day of the premiere of "Sword Lady", Song Chi was a little nervous.

"After "A Thousand Gold Never Die" became popular, I asked the agency department to re-sign the agreement change letter with them, and adjusted the share ratio. It is better than the star artists of their level on the market, but this cannot stand some companies. Willing to pay high prices for compensation for them, some companies want to enter the film and television industry, they need to sign a group of their own artists, rich and powerful, not short of money."

Song Chi said, "I can almost stay until I go to Berlin with you."

Zhou Yun was even more pleasantly surprised, and kissed Song Chi suddenly.


Song Chi only grinned, and waited until she finished kissing before saying, "Okay, now the whole crew of you knows how much we love each other."

Zhou Yun didn't realize until this time, shit, this is the filming set!
So many people are watching! -
Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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