Embarrassed, embarrassing.

Zhou Yun's character, which is very unwilling to show affection in front of others, can be said to have shown his affection in full view this time.

His face turned red.

It's been a long time since I saw Song Chi, and I was too carried away in surprise.

Zhou Yun introduced Song Chi to Tim and they got to know each other.

Tim Lange knew Song Chi.

"We met again." Tim Lange patted Song Chi on the shoulder and said, "I said before that we would work together, but in the end we will cooperate with your wife first."

The two had worked as judges at an international film festival together before, and they had known each other for a long time.Saying that we want to work together was just a polite remark at the time, and everyone in the same industry would always say such polite remark.

Zhou Yun finished his work and went back to the hotel with Song Chi.

They haven't seen each other for a long time, and both of them are very excited.

"Yeah, the two of us are really fine."

"Yes, but we haven't decided when it will start up. There are indeed many projects under discussion." Zhou Yun said, "I also want to take a good rest."

The same goes for Zhou Yun.

Neither of them are the type to want to consume each other.

"There are currently two films scheduled, one is Shen Yao's comedy "Yu Zhong You Shu", and the other is the new film "Just One Time" directed by Lu Xingxing."

Seeing Liu Xi's excitement, Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Do you like him so much?"

Song Chi was not so surprised.

Song Chi asked, "Where's your "Son of Prophecy"? How's it going?"

Song Chi tried to modify it by himself, attached the feeling he wanted, and sent it to the screenwriter, asking him to revise it again.

He does have a lot of information to look at, there are too many things big and small in the company.

"It's okay, anyway, I'm not used to the food here, and I still have a Chinese stomach." Zhou Yun said.

It was mainly because of what Zhou Yun had encountered before, as long as she was abroad, she would not dare to be careless.

But both Zhou Yun and Song Chi knew that he would not come.

Song Chi asked Zhou Yun in a low voice if he wanted to go.

Song Chi rented a car here, and he planned to go around by himself.

"After the filming of "Killing Song", do you have any other scenes to film?"

Liu Xi is very enthusiastic about Song Chi, it can be seen that she really likes him very much.

If "Jian Yuntai" is going to be released during the Spring Festival, then Song Chi should be busy with the publicity work now, why did he come to her to accompany her?

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I don't mind."

Zhou Yun was not interested in going to the bar, she said: "I don't want to go, if you want to go, go with them, I'm a little tired, I want to go back and rest."

The topic of #周云和宋智在澳门旅行# immediately became a hot topic.

At this dinner, Song Chi fully demonstrated his ability to talk and laugh freely and move forward and retreat freely, which is his best social face.

"Forget it, I still have some information to read, and Wu Chengbao sent me some information."

After the work was done, Song Chi also felt a little sleepy, so he got up and went in.

"She's been my idol since childhood." Liu Xi's eyes were shining brightly, "I liked him very much when I was in high school, he's so handsome!"

Song Chi never let matters at work or in the company go beyond his control.

The two ordered food, washed it, waited for it to arrive, and ate dinner together.

Zhou Yun didn't go, Song Chi didn't want to go to the bar with these unfamiliar people.

Zhou Yun knew what he wanted to do when he saw him like that.

Song Chi enjoyed the peace and tranquility of this moment.
The book "After Breaking Up, I Became a Popular Star in the Entertainment Circle" with the same theme as the entertainment industry has finally been written, and there are still [-] words of serialization, which is expected to be completed by the end of March.

She has to get up early to film tomorrow, and wants to go to bed early today.

Hugh Redman hung up the phone.

"Maybe... I don't know, maybe we are already habitually relying on our managers and assistants." Zhou Yun felt that he was the same, relying too much on his managers and assistants, many things were handled by them, She really has very little to do.

Zhou Yun laughed.

Song Chi smiled.

Everyone raised their glasses.

Song Chi nodded.

Song Chi looked at her helplessly, and said, "Could it be that I have no ability to live without my assistant? Don't worry, leave it to me, just arrange a dinner."

In the past two years, Song Chi has been transforming, and has never played that kind of handsome and handsome role. However, in the first few years of his debut, under Zuo Jing's arrangement, Song Chi's screen image has always been very handsome and handsome, fascinated A large group of girls.

After being seated, Song Chi said: "I have been filming in China before, otherwise, I should have come to meet you earlier. Thank you very much for taking care of Xiaoyun in the past. I respect everyone."

The screenwriter has already revised three drafts of the script. After Song Chi finished reading it, he still felt that the relationship between the hero and heroine was a bit crooked—it wasn't natural enough, and it would make people feel nasty instead of romantic.


Zhou Yun was very surprised, and said, "I have been filming here for so long and I haven't met any paparazzi. Why do these paparazzi appear when you come here?"

"What's wrong with me? I actually treat you as a person who has no ability to live."

The street lamps cast a gentle light.

When Song Chi saw her taking a shower, he didn't think so at first, knowing that she would get up early tomorrow, but when she came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, all the rationality in Song Chi's head was thrown away. The smoke cleared.

"It's always like this for the first time. I don't have any experience. However, you can ask me any questions. Anyway, I have already gone through all the pits you want to go through."

In addition, there are not too many people around here, the place is empty and very comfortable.

Song Chi nodded very naturally and said that he would definitely come as long as he had time.

He specially invited Sedar to star in this film, and the goal is to target the global market.

In fact, there are still quite a few Chinese-owned restaurants in Australia, but not near where they are filming.

"I can only call the nearby restaurant and ask them to deliver it." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to go out, why don't we call the restaurant to deliver it, or order directly at the hotel."

"Yes." Song Chi nodded, "A comedy, a warm and inspirational film."

In the evening, the main creators of "Killing Song" came to the "Island" restaurant one after another.

"As soon as your girlfriend left, you went to the bar to have fun." Nakajimaho said, "It's too much."

Zhou Yun is not the kind of person who has to eat what he wants to survive.

Zhou Yun: "Oh, no, it's still so early. I'm really tired and want to rest. It's boring if you go back with me. Go play with them."

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of Song Chi's "Jian Yuntai", "Didn't you say that "Jian Yuntai" is trying to be released during the Spring Festival? It won't be released?"

"it is good."

Tim Lange waved his hand and said, "You young people, go and play, I'm going back to rest."

"What about noon? Can you come out?"

When pretending to be in a certain state, she always has a moment of absence.

"Lu Xingxing is the director of "The Name of the River", right?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

There is another blockbuster behind him, which is the same blockbuster as "Jianyuntai", but it has changed from a pure disaster film to a disaster adventure blockbuster.

Halfway through eating, Hugh Redman called.

Tim Lange said that if there is a second part of "Killing Song", he hopes to invite Song Chilai to play a guest role.

Sometimes, Zhou Yun is very envious of Song Chi - but she can't really put on a mask that doesn't belong to her and bring it to the extreme.

By the time it was over, night had completely fallen.


Zhou Yun nodded.

Hugh Redman said, "Just drink."

Neither Zhou Yun nor Song Chi expected that the paparazzi would take photos and videos of them walking, and post them on the same day.

Song Chi: "However, it's true that I rarely book restaurants in the past few years. It's all done by them, so I can just go there."

"Okay, I'll pick you up at noon, and we'll have lunch."

Zhou Yun was already fast asleep on the bed.


Zhou Yun said with a smile: "He didn't come with me, but he invited all of you to dinner tonight, are you all OK?"


Zhou Yun: "Obviously you used to be able to live on your own in my impression, but now I subconsciously feel that it is difficult for you to take care of your life by yourself."

Liu Xi suddenly realized something, looked at Zhou Yun with a little embarrassment, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I like him, you don't mind?"

When Zhou Yun went to the set, Nakajima Ho and Liu Xi ran over immediately and asked, "Where's Song Chi?"

Zhou Yun kicked him on the waist.

Song Chi does have many fans of Liu Xi's age.

The two walked for about an hour before returning to the hotel.

"I can't help it, I'm too busy." Zhou Yun smiled, "However, I cherish the current state, it's already very good, how many people find it difficult to balance career and life, the two of us are very lucky among them Even though we are old, we are still doing what we like, and we can often meet and stay together.”

"It's only eight o'clock," said Hugh Redman. "Let's go play together."

Song Chi took Zhou Yun's hand and walked together on the empty road.

Song Chi said: "The publicity team finally suggested not to release it during the Spring Festival. "Jian Yuntai" is a disaster blockbuster, not a comedy, not suitable for family fun. There is no need to grab this time. It should be moved to the summer."

But what kind of results will be achieved in the end, he has no idea.

Zhou Yun also laughed.

"I said why you refused to go to the bar."

Song Chi said, "Then what do you usually eat?"

He walked over and looked at Zhou Yun with burning eyes.

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "Then what movies will be in this year's Spring Festival, do you have any news?"

Nakajimaho nodded, "Yeah."

She could only get up again and take a shower again.

Song Chi immediately laughed, bowed his head and kissed her.

Song Chi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

"I heard that your husband is coming!" Hugh Redman said enthusiastically, "Shouldn't we go to the bar together tonight?"

"Pull you down."

One advantage of being abroad is that there are not so many fans who know the two of them, and they can hold hands for walks openly.

Back at the hotel, the first thing Zhou Yun did was to take a shower, because it would take a while to dry his hair.

Hugh Redman sighed, and finally went with Chris Pine.

Song Chi immediately said, "Then I'll go back with you."

After dinner, Hugh Redman wanted to take everyone to the bar for a drink.

Zhou Yun was responsible for introducing everyone to Song Chi.

The film crew also arranged a car with Zhou Yun, which was specially responsible for picking up Zhou Yun.

Song Chi is well-known throughout Asia, and Nakajima Ho and Liu Xi know him completely.

The bodyguards followed about three meters behind them.

"I want to keep slim, so I just eat these, and if I'm not used to eating, I eat less." Zhou Yun said, "Fortunately, I have to keep my figure because I'm making a movie like "Killing Song", otherwise it will be more difficult."

Song Chi asked, "Are you hungry?"

Zhou Yun's words became less and less.She heard Song Chi joking with everyone, and she laughed too, but because of his presence, she no longer had to mobilize her emotions and became the one who organized the topic.Zhou Yun has this ability, but she often needs to remind herself to do so, which is not her instinct.

After dinner, the two went downstairs together and took a walk nearby.

He chuckled and said, "It's not very normal. They knew I came to Australia, so they must know that I came to see you, so they squatted near the hotel and waited for us to show up."

Song Chi: "You go to filming, I won't follow you, I'll go around the neighborhood, and I still have a few work calls to make."

Song Chi has his principles.

"You came alone without an assistant, how did you arrange it?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Then shall we go out to eat or order takeaway? Is there a takeaway here?"

"They are all movies suitable for the whole family to watch together." Zhou Yun said.

Hearing this, Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "We can't do it tonight, let's do it tomorrow. I'll treat everyone to dinner tomorrow, and I'll introduce him to you."

Liu Xi was also very excited, and said, "So I can see Song Chi at night? Ah! It's not too good!"

"It's really hard to guard against." Zhou Yun got off the bed, put a shawl on himself, and walked across the fluffy carpet with long and straight legs, "I'm going to the set at nine o'clock in the morning. Today there are two My scene, how do you do it? Go to the set with me, or go around by yourself?"

Hearing that Song was late, Nakajima Ho and Liu Xi both wanted to see him.

Song Chi raised his arms and supported his head.

Afterwards, Song Chi was glistening with sweat, and added: "I don't think about going to the bar because I don't want to go."

Hugh Redman: "Okay then, let's talk about it, tomorrow."

Because Zhou Yun was going to sleep, Song Chi took his laptop to work outside.

Song Chi said, "Is the food in the hotel delicious?"

Zhou Yun told Song Chi about inviting everyone to dinner tomorrow night.

"We can't remember the last time we took a walk like this." Song Chi said, "I kept talking about going on a trip together, but it didn't work."

"The director is already going to see the scene." Zhou Yun said, "It's the first time to help a director make a movie. I don't understand anything. I'm just crossing the river by feeling the stones."

Song Chi raised his glass.

"It must be the environment that gave you this illusion." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "A little bit."

Therefore, both Zhou Yun and Song Chi declined Hugh Redman one after another.

"it is good."

Song Chi has a good relationship with Wu Chengbao, but he doesn't completely trust him.



At the same time, the new attempt "Cultivation of Immortals Begins with the Villain" has also started to be serialized, please support, favorite and vote.

The reason for the double release is not because of other reasons. The main reason is that there are not many readers of the book "One Night", and the manuscript fee has not met expectations.

Originally, the data of the book "After the Breakup" has always been poor, and I have long wanted to cut the book and open a new book, but when I opened the book, I made up my mind that I must not cut the book, so although basically no one reads it, I still follow the My idea, after writing the whole story, 50 words, is considered sticking to the end.

All in all, thank you for your continuous support, and I would like to ask you to continue to support.What I can guarantee is that as soon as the book is opened, it will end normally, tell a complete story, not be overly supervised, and no meteorite will hit the earth.

Please everyone!

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