The scene that Zhou Yun is going to shoot today is a bit exciting.

She is going to jump from a three-meter-high platform.

Three meters is not very high on paper, but when you see the height of three meters in person, you will know how terrifying this height is.

Before Zhou Yun got on this high platform, she also thought that it was just a thrilling move, and it wasn't the first time she did it.

As a result, as soon as I went up, my whole heart was raised, hanging in my throat, and the previous boldness and self-conceited "not afraid" collapsed in an instant.

Not at all.

Zhou Yun has been filming for so long, but he has never filmed a scene similar to "jumping off a cliff".

Her calves were trembling with tension.

When the people below asked how she was doing, she had to pull herself together and say, "Everything is OK."

The staff next to her who was responsible for helping her confirm the safety device couldn't hold back her laughter when she saw how nervous she was.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, you won't get hurt."

Zhou Yun said: "There is no way, this is physical fear."

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said to Tim who was below: "Tim, can we shoot the distant view first?"

Tim Lange said, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'm a little nervous now, and I can't move my legs. If you shoot close-ups and close-ups, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my expression. Let me jump a few times first to get used to it."

Tim Lange nodded upon hearing this, and asked, "Should I wait a while? Wait for you to get used to it first?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

She really felt that she needed to slow down.

I even felt a little ashamed—mainly because she had always shown no fear before, but now she just slapped her in the face.

But everyone was very understanding and considerate of her, and did not urge her to enter the state as soon as possible.

In fact, Tim Lange has been filming with Zhou Yun for a long time, and he also has some understanding of this Chinese actress.When it comes to acting, you don't have to urge her or encourage her at all, she will do it very seriously.Tim only needs to give her some advice on the direction of Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun will adjust himself and lean in the direction he wants.Therefore, when shooting this scene, Tim saw Zhou Yun nervous, trembling, and unable to enter the state for a long time. He even felt a little fresh, because he had never seen Zhou Yun like this.

The on-site staff actually thought it was a bit new, because they had never seen it before.

This kind of feeling may be similar to that of a host who never speaks up or makes a typo. Suddenly one day, everyone will not feel that they have been delayed from work and have to re-record it. Commemorate it.

Zhou Yun tried to dance once.

Jumping from a three-meter-high platform, there is a cushion below to catch her, and there is a safety rope on her body. When she is about to hit the bottom, hold her tightly to prevent her from directly hitting the cushion.

Scared to death.

Zhou Yun's face turned pale.

However, after actually jumping down once, Zhou Yun wasn't so scared anymore.

This will be a very thrilling and very exciting scene in the movie.

Tim Lange was asking a lot for this scene.

Including the close-ups of Zhou Yun panicking, as well as her running, jumping, and falling, each pose had to be photographed several times until he was satisfied with the one.

Zhou Yun felt that he had probably jumped off the high platform dozens of times.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon before the filming of this scene was finished.

Tim Lange said: "Xiaoyun, you have worked hard today, and you have maintained this state of panic."

Zhou Yun shook his head, not recovering a bit.

"It's okay, I'm going to take it easy."

Although it was all a show of panic, but it was also a long time to actively maintain that emotion. Now Zhou Yun's mind is a little blank, and his body is a little weak.

She fell asleep in the car back to the hotel.

Liu Yun was surprised to see Zhou Yun closed his eyes.

Are you so tired today?

Usually, Zhou Yun was a little tired after filming, but he didn't fall asleep directly in the car.

Liu Yun originally thought that Zhou Yun only had to shoot this one shot today, which would be easier and simpler.

When they arrived at the hotel, Liu Yun woke Zhou Yun up.

"Sister Xiaoyun, we are here."

Zhou Yun woke up and replied in a daze, "I've already fallen asleep."

"Yes." Liu Yun asked, "Drink some water?"


Liu Yun opened the lid of the kettle and brought it to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun took a sip and swallowed his dry throat just now, which made him feel much better.

"Xiao Yun, is Song Chi at the hotel?"

Liu Yun shook her head, "I don't know either, I haven't contacted Brother Chi, but Brother Chi didn't say he was going out, so he should be here."

Zhou Yun glanced outside, the sun was just right.

"I sort of wanted to go for a swim," she said.

"The hotel also has a swimming pool." Liu Yun said, "How about we take a swim in the hotel's swimming pool?"

Zhou Yun nodded, "Okay."

Liu Yun said again: "However, Miss Xiaoyun, I feel that you are a little tired today. Are you sure you want to go swimming?"

Zhou Yun: "Go take a dip in the water, I think I need to change the environment now to let myself relax."

She went upstairs to her room to get her bathing suit.

Song Chi was not in the room.

Zhou Yun left her a message and went to the swimming pool by himself.

Then, she took her bathing suit and went out.

There were not many people in the swimming pool of the hotel. Zhou Yun changed into his swimsuit, got into the water, and swam around twice alone, finally pulling himself out of the undecided emotion.

She went ashore, wiped her body, lay down on an empty soft couch, put on her sunglasses, and was about to take a rest.

She had just laid down when she heard a familiar voice.

"I'm going to the pool."

It's Liu Xi.

Zhou Yun turned around in surprise.

Liu Xi was wearing a three-point swimsuit, walking towards her right front with a pair of long and straight legs. She was wearing sunglasses and holding up her mobile phone, as if she was calling someone. She didn't look at Zhou Yun, nor did she pay attention. To Zhou Yun here, passing in front of Zhou Yun.

"I'm still filming, can't you come to see me?" Liu Xi asked the person on the other end of the phone in English, "You don't even know that Zhou Yun and her boyfriends are here, and they have been with her for the past few days Living together, I have only myself, do you not love me at all?"

Zhou Yun: "..."

Ugh, this vulgar "I love you" "you don't love me" language game.

When Zhou Yun heard Liu Xi say this, he basically knew who she was calling.

The famous American Cliff Stewart.

"Oh, I know you won my role for me, but what does it matter? I don't mind if everyone knows that I got into this crew because of your relationship. In fact, everyone already knows that you are mine. I have a boyfriend." Liu Xi's voice became farther and farther away, "Why don't you come here..."

Liu Xi lay down on a soft bed in the distance.

She is still on the phone.

Zhou Yun could no longer hear what she was saying.

She put her mobile phone in her bag, locked it in the cabinet, and continued down the pool, preparing to swim two more laps.

At this time, suddenly a person jumped into the water from the other end, making a loud noise.

Zhou Yun ignored him and went on his own, when suddenly, that person caught up with her from behind.

Zhou Yun turned his head to take a look when he raised his head to take a breath in surprise.

Song Chi suddenly grabbed her from behind.

He hugged her and stood in the water with a smile on his face.

"Why do you suddenly want to swim? Don't wait for me."

"I left you a message."

"I saw it." Song Chi said, "So I'll come to you right away."

Zhou Yun: "I'm a bit tired from filming today, so I want to go for a swim. Did you call Wu Chengbao just now?"

"Oh, no, I went around the neighborhood and drank some coffee." Song Chi said, "If I had known you could finish work so early today, I would have come back earlier."

"No need, anyway, there is still so much time, you transfer yours." Zhou Yun asked, "How is the movie "Sinking Moon in the Sea" now? Can Chen Wenjun save it?"

Song Chi: "I have also entrusted the people on my side to protect this drama as much as possible. Now it is very clear that the finger tail must be removed and cannot be listed in the credit list, but this drama Whether it can be broadcasted, I don’t know yet, you may not know yet, after the finger tail accident, another actor was revealed to have taken drugs 20 years ago, but he is not famous, and people basically don’t know him, but this incident After the exposure, all the works he has acted in before have all his scenes deleted."

Zhou Yun sighed, feeling helpless.

"The current state really makes people feel insecure. If one person has an accident, the entire work will be affected."

"Yes." Song Chi shrugged his shoulders, "However, the current environment is like this, and we can't comment on anything. We can only do our best to do the things at hand. Now Lao Wu is very nervous, and he has all the things to be filmed. The actors in the film and television dramas have been investigated, and he even wants to give each actor a drug test when filming."

Zhou Yun: "Actually, this is also a way."

"Yes, but, who can guarantee that someone will suddenly smoke after filming, the risk is too great." Song Chi said with a sigh, "I can only say that after finishing a film, hurry up, don't Press it in your hands, the longer you press it, the easier it is to cause accidents."

Zhou Yun: "Yes."

The two swam in the pool for half an hour, and went ashore to have dinner.

Liu Xi is no longer there.

They run into Hugh Redman in the elevator.

When Hugh Redman saw the two of them, he immediately yelled and said, "You two are tired of being together every day, and you don't want to play with us anymore."

Song Chi said, "We are going to have dinner, do you want to go with us?"

Hugh Redman immediately said happily, "Okay, I'd love to."

This person just wants to pull others together in everything he does, and doesn't want to be alone.

Referred to as excess energy.

The three of them ate together, and Hugh Redman was a chatterbox, talking non-stop.

"Is it awkward for the two of you to be filming together?" Hugh Redman asked, "Or have you never acted as a couple in a movie?"

"Of course I did." Zhou Yun said, "And what's so embarrassing about it?"

Hugh Redman said: "Won't it be embarrassing to act with people you know very well? Then you are amazing."


"I can't do it. If I want to act with my girlfriend, I will laugh a lot. I can't get into the state at all." Hugh Redman said, "This is my problem."

Zhou Yun asked: "Xiu, do you have any other plans after filming "Killing Song"?"

"Yes, I also accepted a film about murder and crime. After filming "Song of Killing", I will go to France to prepare."

"Oh, is this movie being filmed in France?"

"Yes." Hugh Redman nodded, "The filming will start in April next year. I won't be bothered to go back to the United States. I will go directly to France for a vacation first, and then go to filming."

"Aren't you going to accompany your girlfriend?"

"She will go over there and wait for me when the time comes." Hugh Redman said.

He blinked his curious eyes and asked, "Song, they said you opened a film company and are making films yourself?"

Song Chi nodded, "That's right."

Hugh Redman said enthusiastically: "If you have a suitable film project, you can come to me to act. I have always wanted to go to China."

"Huh? Didn't you go there when your movie was promoted?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Hugh Redman said: "I have been there, but I have never really lived in China. I really want to experience life in a different country."

Zhou Yun said: "I used to have this idea, but after I became an actor, I found it was actually very difficult, just like when I came to Australia to film a movie, in fact, I just went back and forth between the studio and the hotel."

"That's because you don't like to go out." Hugh Redman said, "I go out whenever I have time, oh, but you may not have as much time as we do, you have a lot of scenes to shoot every day, unlike We sometimes don’t have a scene to shoot for a day.”

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "Xiu, are you a fan of the book "Killing Song"?"

"I'm not. Most of the fans of this book are girls." Hugh Redman said, "My agent asked me to take this role, saying that it would definitely be popular."

He had a big smile and was really handsome.

"However, it was a joy to be in this movie."

Hugh Redman is basically an optimist in normal times.

Song Chi suddenly said, "If you're interested, Sedar and I will shoot a disaster-adventure movie this year, and there will be an American character in it."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She remembered that there should be no American characters in Song Chi's movie.

Hugh Redman said happily: "Really? Then send me the script."

Song Chi said, "Wait a minute, the script is still being revised, and I'll send it to you and your agent after the revision is completed."

"Okay." Hugh Redman nodded, "It turns out that China also makes movies about disaster adventures. I have never seen the kind of movies you make."

This type of film has been a mainstream commercial film in Hollywood for a long time.

It is true that other countries made fewer films, and for a while, South Korea also made more films.

After having dinner with Hugh Redman and returning to the hotel to part, Zhou Yun asked Song Chi, "I remember that there were no other foreign characters in your script, right?"


"Then why did you still tell Xio there?" Zhou Yun asked.

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