I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 829 1 Ring 1 Ring

Chapter 829 One link after another ([-] words updated!)

Song Chi said: "I originally wanted to make the lineup of this movie more international, but Xio offered to cooperate with him if he had the opportunity, so he might as well take this opportunity to see if he could revise the script and add characters to make a film that can Let us work together to play together."

Zhou Yun originally wanted to say that this kind of random addition of characters and modification of the script should not be very good.

But she felt that she shouldn't have to tell Song Chi these words, Song Chi must understand.

It doesn't mean that scripts with commercial themes can be deleted and modified at will, and it doesn't matter.

In the same way, as long as it is a good story, it must be something that cannot be deleted at will. A good story is always linked together.

Song Chi could see that Zhou Yun hesitated to speak, and knew what she wanted to say.

He said: "I'm just looking to see if it can be added. If the result of the script adjustment is not as good as the previous one, then forget it. But if there is a way, we can add a protagonist and make a three-person protagonist group to make the story more beautiful. , and I don’t want to miss out on a well-known actor like Hugh Redman.”

Zhou Yun understood Song Chi's thoughts.

It is really not easy to bring together actors like Sedar and Hugh Redman in one movie at the same time. Such a lineup is actually very good in Hollywood.

In addition to Song Chi, the cast of this three-person protagonist group has box office appeal in any country.

Song Chi's main purpose in making this kind of disaster-adventure-themed commercial film is to make an influential film that sells well at the box office.

Zhou Yun understood Song Chi very well, just as Song Chi understood Zhou Yun very well.

A lineup like Sedar and Hugh Redman is a lineup that any film company can hardly refuse.

Other film companies can't find such a lineup with huge sums of money and scripts. Now that Song Chi has the opportunity to accumulate such a lineup, how can he be willing to give up?

Zhou Yun said: "I'm worried that if the script you come up with is not good enough, not only Hugh Redman will not accept it, but Sedar will also withdraw."

Song Chi: "Don't worry, if the script is not good enough, I won't show it."


Human power is actually limited.

When we were young, we often fantasized that we would suddenly awaken some kind of power to save the world. When encountering any setbacks and problems, we would generate an invincible power in the fantasy, as if one day in reality, we could easily and effortlessly Solve these problems.

But growing up is a process of gradually accepting that one is just an ordinary person.

Not to mention strength, if you want to master any skill, you have to learn, learn, and practice persistently.

It's hard to learn, but it's just an extra skill and way to improve the efficiency of doing things.

But there are too many unsatisfactory situations in life.

Especially for many difficulties, it is not because you don’t work hard enough, nor because you can’t do it, there is no reason for it, it’s just that the door is not open to you.

Zhou Yun also thought that in the past year, he was too much like a heroine in a film, television drama or novel, with a smooth journey and no real hardships.

But she didn't have the slightest sense of smooth sailing—it felt that she had experienced a lot of struggles, entanglements, hardships and tribulations along the way.

But these things are really not enough for outsiders.

It is not something that can be understood and resonated by others in terms of language.

Therefore, Zhou Yun has always been afraid to comment on Song Chi's work.

In terms of debut, in terms of the number of filmings, in terms of people and things experienced in this entertainment industry, Song Chi is far more qualified than her to say such things.

And Song Chi opened a film and television production company, and what he had to face and deal with were ten times more complicated people and things than she had to face and deal with.

Therefore, Zhou Yun didn't want to point fingers at Song Chi's decision.

She doesn't want to be like this.

After convincing himself in his heart, Zhou Yun laughed again and said, "Does that require me to appear in two scenes?"

Song Chi said, "Of course it's fine if you want to."

"Of course I am willing." Zhou Yun said, "When you ask the screenwriter to change the script, help me add a character with a sentence or two."


"The script, it's not a personal creation."

Zhou Lan made an appointment with the screenwriter of "Me at the Same Table" today.

The screenwriter of "I'm at the Same Table" is Ren Suzhi, a 30-year-old woman who is divorced and has a child alone.

She came out to meet today and brought her child with her.

Therefore, the choice of venues is very limited, and finally I chose this western restaurant.This western restaurant has a parent-child area for children to play, and two staff members play with the children.

Ren Suzhi sat in a position where she could see her child, chatting with Zhou Lan.

"I often feel that if a script can contain 5% of what the screenwriter wants to express, it will be very difficult."

She is a very elegant and quiet woman, and she dresses in the same style. Judging from her appearance, it is impossible to tell that she is the screenwriter who wrote stories of intense emotional conflicts and tragic growth of teenagers.

"Isn't there often such news on the Internet? For example, a certain actor wants to add a play, a certain investor wants to change a play, etc." Ren Suzhi said, "Actually, these are the simplest commonplace, or, It is something that has not been negotiated. Many people often regard the script as a complete work. You can say so, but in my eyes, it is a defective product. If the script is not produced, it is a defective product. "

Zhou Lan was very surprised.

Because the screenwriters she had contacted before all cared about their own creative independence, emphasizing not being influenced by others, and emphasizing respecting their creations.

Ren Suzhi was actually talking about the commercial creativity of the script very indifferently.

"Actually, people ask you to write a script for money, and you just collect money to do things. What direction do you want to write, what kind of story do you want, what kind of characters do you want, you put forward your requirements, and if I can meet them, I will Write, I can’t reach it, I can’t write it, I won’t take this job, in the creative stage, anything can happen, if you want to add an actor in the middle, you have to add a role for him, or the producer can negotiate When a big actor comes down, one protagonist becomes two protagonists, not only to add one protagonist, but also to try to ensure the time of their appearances, flash points, and the amount of lines, this is delicate work."

Zhou Lan nodded.

"Teacher Ren, you are very rational."

"No, it's just that I have corrected my attitude from the very beginning." Ren Suzhi said, "I have never regarded myself as an independent creator. The script is something that many people have to work into. Of course, I am not God, not all cats, cats and dogs can be added. The script still needs to talk about a basic logic, a beginning and a transition. If the request is unprofessional and unreasonable, then I can only ask them to hire someone else, because I don’t have the ability and capable of doing such a thing.”

Zhou Lan laughed.

"Of course."

Ren Suzhi said: "I know your reason for coming, but I have already signed seven contracts and promised to write seven movie scripts for others, so I don't have time for the next three years."

Zhou Lan was taken aback, shook his head, smiled, and nodded, "Mr. Ren, it's okay, I guessed it, you must be very busy, the movie "Me at the Same Table" got a box office of more than one billion with such a small cost , everyone must be flocking to your script, I personally like this movie very much, so if I want to get to know you, I don’t have to sign a script from you.”

Ren Suzhi glanced at her in surprise, and said, "I thought you were here to help Zhou Yun make an appointment for a script, but in fact, if I have time, I would also like to help her write a script."

"It would be great if I could ask you to tailor a script for her. I would also like to see the two of you working together, but this time it's really not." Zhou Lan said, "I just want to get to know you. It's best if you get a script, but I know it's hard."

Ren Suzhi asked: "Zhou Yun is probably still filming abroad, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan nodded.

Ren Suzhi said: "She is one of the actresses I admire the most. I often hear her colleagues mention her, saying that she is the actress that screenwriters most want to work with. Basically, she never asks for unreasonable revisions to the script. As long as she accepts the play, she will Acting according to the script, without any moths, and said that as long as she is on the crew, the screenwriting will be very easy, because other ghosts and ghosts don't dare to mess around, it is very safe."

Zhou Lan laughed.

"That's true. Xiaoyun's philosophy is very similar to yours. Before she decides to cooperate, she will want to get to know you, talk about a lot of things, or ask a lot of questions, or there are indeed some things she doesn't agree with. They need to be revised. Both parties We have reached an agreement, and after accepting this scene, Xiaoyun will not have any other opinions." Zhou Lan said, "She also does not allow everyone to start filming, because of some personal reasons to change the pre-determined The plan, which includes the script. The producers, directors and screenwriters who have worked together have indeed exaggerated this point. With Xiaoyun, they have fewer things to deal with. What actors quarrel and fight, This one needs to be added, that one needs to be deleted, and everyone knows Xiaoyun's temper, so he basically dare not. Speaking of which, as her manager, I have a headache. Once when I was filming a scene, an actor often Being late and never changing after repeated admonitions, Xiaoyun actually waited for the actor to come over live on the set every day, I really felt like my heart was going to jump out, this was too offending, but Xiaoyun has such a temper."

Ren Suzhi laughed.

"Yes, I've seen reports of that too."

She glanced at the children who were playing, and said: "In fact, I seldom give any suggestions on which actors will be the finalists of my script. The producers will ask for my opinion, and I usually don't give suggestions. Choosing actors is also a matter of choice." It's a very complicated thing, but for some actors who are difficult to work with, I often suggest not to work together."

Zhou Lan: "In fact, basically every film and television company has a roster in their hands. It is clear which actors are easy to cooperate with and which actors are not easy to cooperate with."

"Even so, as long as the actor is famous and popular, it won't affect everyone looking for him to act."

"Well, there is no way, everyone has to open so many projects every year, and there are only so many famous actors who can carry the drama." Zhou Lan said, "Just like the actress who was blocked because of the surrogacy incident two years ago, She is notoriously difficult to work with, and the salary is extremely high, but even so, don’t various companies still flock to her to cooperate? I can’t believe that her salary for a movie can be worth a small amount Yun has made four or five movies, which has completely affected the market price and balance."

"Haha, I know the person you're talking about." Ren Suzhi nodded, "That actress, oh, don't say anything, it's hard to say."

She thought of something again, and asked: "Zhou Yundu is already such a top actor, why should the salary be so low?"

"Basically, dividends will be added now." Zhou Lan said, "We don't want to cause a lot of burden on the film studio because of our salary, and finally add dividends. The salary is still quite a lot, but we also have to bear It’s the risk of dividends.”

"That's very conscientious, and take risks with the film crew." Ren Suzhi said, "No wonder everyone wants to cooperate with Zhou Yun so much."

After meeting with Ren Suzhi, Zhou Lan said goodbye.

Back at the company, secretary Li Zhu greeted him immediately.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Lin is here." Li Zhu whispered.

Li Zhu didn't add any background to Boss Lin, so it only refers to that person.

Lin Zhiping.

Zhou Lan was a little surprised and asked, "Is he in my office?"

"Yes, he is waiting for you in your office."

Zhou Lan walked into the office happily, "Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came? How long have you been waiting?"

Lin Zhiping was sitting on the sofa looking at his mobile phone, he smiled and stood up.

"I just came here, and I happened to pass by here, so I brought you a cake. Unfortunately, you are not here."

Lin Zhiping pointed to the cake on Zhou Lan's table.

It is very small and can be eaten in about two or three bites without the burden of getting fat.

Zhou Lan said: "I just went to meet the screenwriter of "Me at the Same Table". You are so busy, you still have time to buy me a cake?"

"Okay, I admit, I asked my assistant to buy it." Lin Zhiping immediately smiled candidly, "It's just that I brought it up with my own hands."

"Tsk tsk, strange, I have to taste it." Zhou Lan said with a smile, "Are you going back to the company later?"

"Well, there's another meeting in half an hour. If you don't come back, I'm leaving." Lin Zhiping said, "Actually, I'm leaving now."

Zhou Lan immediately walked over and hugged him.

She said, "Are you free tonight?"

"I don't know when my side will end yet." Lin Zhiping said apologetically, "There is a game tonight, and I need to participate."

"Okay, it's okay." Zhou Lan lifted Lin Zhiping's chin and kissed him on the mouth, "You do your work first, we'll make an appointment later."

Lin Zhiping hummed, but did not end the kiss, but kissed back even harder.
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(End of this chapter)

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