I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 830 "Variety Show" Interview

Chapter 830 "Variety Show" Interview ([-] words)
Liu Xi was very dissatisfied.

Because Cliff Stewart refused to come here with her for a few days.

He obviously has nothing else to do recently, so why didn't he come?

Because of this reason, Liu Xi's mood also became very bad.

Everyone can see it, so no one wants to recruit her these two days.

This made Liu Xi even more depressed, with a feeling of being rejected by the people around him.

Liu Xi also found a problem, she became more and more jealous of Zhou Yun.

In fact, Liu Xi never thought of being jealous of Zhou Yun.Among this group of actors, only she was not an actress before, but a model.Being able to enter the movie "Killing Song" is a coincidence on the one hand, just in time for Jin Zhulin to be injured and unable to shoot action scenes, and on the other hand, Cliff Stewart greeted the senior management of Merando, and they sold It gave Merandu a face.

She thought, this is a big IP, as long as she can participate and become one of the actors, her popularity will open up after the movie is released.After that, she didn't have to be frustrated as before.

She can't do it all her life as a model.Modeling is a job of youth, at most 30 years old, 40 years old?Then what?

Many models finally transformed.

Liu Xi doesn't plan to wait until she can no longer be a model before transforming, it will be too late by then.

Not only is she getting older, she no longer has such an advantage, and people don't want to give you a chance, but also, by that time, she just can't get along in one line of work and has to go to another line of transformation.

Liu Xi hates such "have to".

When she ran out of South Korea, she just wanted to display herself in a bigger world.

Liu Xi has firmly believed since she was a child that her future is destined to be extraordinary.

In fact, compared with those who went to school together at the beginning, she is indeed the most extraordinary one.

Liu Xi is jealous of Zhou Yun because Zhou Yun is not a few years older than her, but she has already opened a big gap with her peers.

She is so low-key.What Liu Xi dislikes the most is Zhou Yun's "low profile".Because being low-key requires capital and confidence, people who don't have much need to be high-profile and let others see themselves.

Liu Xi also often wonders when she will be able to have Zhou Yun's natural "low-key sense" and "indifferent sense".

Some people have said that she has an aggressive face.

Once upon a time, Liu Xi liked and was very proud of having such a face, so that no one dared to underestimate her.

But in this crew, I saw that Zhou Yun is always so calm when getting along with people and dealing with people. When filming, he is also very devoted, and he is not even afraid to expose his weaknesses and shortcomings.This kind of frankness in her that she doesn't regard herself as a popular star is particularly irritating to Liu Xi.

Ho Nakajima is also in that style.However, Nakajimaho has a desire to become famous and become more popular in his heart.Liu Xi could tell that she knew that Nakajima Ho was essentially the same person as her, so Liu Xi could cooperate with Nakajima Ho's performance with peace of mind and at the same time look down on her in her heart.Facing Zhou Yun, she could only be jealous.

Tim Lange was very unhappy with her.

Liu Xi also noticed it.

Her acting skills are poor and her acting skills are not good, unlike other actors who have rich acting experience and good acting skills.

Tim also felt that she was not able to devote herself to the role and had too many distracting thoughts.

Liu Xi also admitted.

However, how many people can make such a movie without distracting thoughts?

Does she look good in this shot?

Could this action design be a little cooler and more colorful?

In this scene, can she have more frontal shots?

Liu Xi thought to herself, she came to make this movie just to be popular.

How could she have no distractions?

Liu Xi and Tim Lange looked down on each other a bit.

Isn't this just a commercial movie?What are you doing acting like you're shooting an art film?
Of course, Liu Xi dared not say this in front of Tim Lange.

Tim Lange is also a big director in Hollywood, Liu Xi still dare not offend.

On this day, "Variety Show" sent people to interview the crew of "Killing Song".

The movie "Killing Song" has attracted much attention, "Variety Show" wants to get an interview with "Killing Song" which is currently being filmed, and "Killing Song" also needs publicity to keep attracting attention.

It's just that "Variety Show" had conflicts with Zhou Yun before.

After Zhou Yun knew they were coming, he was a little dazed and didn't know what to say.

Executive producer Brirange approached Zhou Yun, mentioned the matter to her, and asked her opinion.

"Miss Zhou, I know you had some unhappy things with "Variety Show" before. I don't know what your plan is? Are you still willing to participate in this promotional event?"

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "If everyone participates, it's not good if I don't participate, right?"

Brirange: "I think so too. However, if you are really resistant and don't want to participate, that's fine. I'll communicate."

Zhou Yun: "Forget it, it's okay, let's participate."

If "Variety" magazine really does a promotional interview with "Killing Song", then she will not be one of the main creators, and it will definitely cause criticism.

Besides, Zhou Yun didn't want to affect the promotional activities of the entire crew because of his personal problems.

Of course, with the attitude of "Variety Show" before, Zhou Yun will definitely not cooperate with this magazine in the future.

Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan about it.

Zhou Lan: "You did the right thing, oh, by the way, I just want to call you too. I have a movie project here, and I'm a little confused. Please help me refer."

"What project?"

"Do you remember a novel I recommended you to read last year? It's called "The Left Hand". It tells the story of a girl who was bullied on campus."

"I remember." Zhou Yun was deeply impressed by the novel, "What's wrong? You want to make it into a movie?"

"Yes, but you also know that according to our current censorship system, it is actually very difficult to pass the review on the subject of campus bullying. It takes a lot of effort, and more importantly, no one knows the final review. What does the edited version look like?" Zhou Lan said, "So I was hesitant to do this project."

Zhou Yun pondered and asked, "Are you going to develop the studio yourself, or join forces with others?"

"It must be with others, but I want to wait for the script to come out before looking for a partner. In terms of funds, our studio is still too small, and there is no way to make another movie independently." Zhou Lan said, " I was just afraid that this movie would not be released in the end, and it would fall into my own hands."

"Then try to go the international route." Zhou Yun said, "However, it cannot be screened in China, and if it is screened overseas, the risk is also very high. Alas, it is indeed the case. I understand your entanglement."

"Or just leave this story to other places." Zhou Lan said, "We only invest."

"You are reluctant to do this, you have been entangled with this story for so long, don't you just want to make this movie yourself?"


"Of course, you can completely change the background of this story, change it to South Korea or Japan, cooperate with the film company there, and not make a Chinese film."

"It's not necessary. I don't want to make my own Chinese movies, but I want to make Korean movies and Japanese movies? Besides, such a good story, I still want to make it into a Chinese movie." Zhou Lan said, "Now choose A little girl in the film crew is trying to adapt it into a script. I made an appointment with Ren Suzhi, the teacher of "Me at the Same Table" before, and wanted to ask her if she had this intention. As a result, she made it very clear as soon as she was seated. The schedule for the year is gone, and I have eight projects in hand, alas.”

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's really appropriate for Mr. Ren to write it, but didn't you have tossed and tossed for a long time for "I'm at the Same Table"?"


Zhou Yun said: "If you really want to do this project, then do it. However, in order to avoid falling into your own hands, try to control the cost as much as possible."

"Well, let me think about it again. If the risk is really too great, forget it." Zhou Lan said, "It's really not possible, and we can't use money to waste money."

"Mainland can't do it, maybe Taiwan and Hong Kong can." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, you can make your own decision. I will support you in the end."

Zhou Lan said yes.

"Song Chi has been with you, hasn't he?"


"Haha, Wu Chengbao has complained to me several times, saying that Song Chi went to you and left him alone to deal with so many troublesome things in the country."

"Song Chi has not been idle here, I think he has been working."

"If you start your own company, you basically have no way to be idle." Zhou Lan said, "You see, we have so many things to do in such a small studio. I feel that I don't even have enough secretary now."

Zhou Yun said: "Then recruit a few more secretaries, which happens to be able to cultivate some reserve forces. Don't you always say that there is a shortage of people?"

"Ancestor, if you recruit more people, you will have to invest a lot of labor costs, especially if you recruit several people at one time, how will they solve it later? It’s troublesome to pay the salary, whether the other one will increase or not, I would rather move slowly and build a normal echelon.”

"That too."

"Gold Ling Jewelry helped you buy the cover of the S magazine again, and is making an appointment with us to shoot."

"Why is Jin Ling Jewelry so rich? Buy covers one after another."

The cover of this kind of top fashion magazine basically costs 800 million to 1000 million yuan to get it off, and the ones in important months are even more expensive.

Generally, a brand rarely smashes so many covers in a short period of time.

"They have new products coming out?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "One more thing, the cover of your V magazine before, the response was very good, and the stock price of Jinling Jewelry rose a little. They are naturally willing to pay, as long as the money can be exchanged for In return, no company is willing to pay.”

Zhou Yun: "It's still rich and powerful. Among the many brands I endorse, Jin Ling Jewelry pushes me the most on the cover."

"The magazines also hope that you will shoot the cover. If you shoot the cover, you will always receive huge attention and attract traffic to the magazine." Zhou Lan said, "Nowadays fashion magazines have been greatly impacted by new media. They They all need to constantly show the brand side that they are still the top fashion 'bible', so that the brand side can see that they can still lead everyone's fashion aesthetics."

The fashion industry is a huge business chain. Zhou Yun is highly praised because she can play the rules of the game and has a natural sense of fashion. She is sought after by the fashion circle. She has a huge number of fans and is very capable of bringing goods. ——Behind the ability to carry goods is that everyone recognizes Zhou Yun's aesthetics and is willing to follow her aesthetics.


On the day when "Variety Show" magazine came to the crew, the crew was still shooting normally and did not stop working.

The editors and photographers of "Variety Show" magazine were led and accompanied by special staff members arranged by the crew of Merando. There were very strict requirements on what could be filmed and what could not be filmed.

Including the plot, there are very strict restrictions on what can be said and what cannot be said.

Zhou Yun only had one scene today, and this scene was very simple, it was just a close-up of his right hand.

However, shooting movies is really different from TV dramas.

Shooting a movie is shooting shot by shot.

Tim Lange was the first to be interviewed by Variety.

"How do you feel about working with these actors?"

Tim said: "They are all very young and energetic actors, and they are also well-known stars in their respective countries. It is very happy to shoot this movie with them, and everyone is very harmonious with each other."

"Working with these young actors, is there anything that impresses you more?"

Tim thought for a while and said: "There are many, including many of them who have actually shown sophisticated acting skills that do not match their age, and their attitude towards acting. In fact, filming this movie is very hard and dangerous. Some scenes are actually very dangerous, but basically everyone is very cooperative. I am not afraid to do those dangerous actions because I am very popular. I am very touched. You know, I have been a director for a long time. I often I encountered some actors who were afraid of hardship and danger, so they either refused to shoot or insisted on using doubles."

"So far, which scene has left the deepest impression on you?"

Tim didn't hesitate about this question, he said directly: "It's a rival scene between Zhou Yun and Hugh Redman. We designed a very exciting scene that has never appeared in previous movies, but that scene The shooting is very dangerous, and I dare not make this decision. After Zhou Yun listened to the action director talk about the danger of that action, even though the action director has always emphasized that this shot should be abandoned, Zhou Yun resolutely decided to present this shot. Deciding to shoot, and then finally actually filming that shot, I can't wait for everyone to see that shot on the screen, it's amazing!"

Speaking of which, Tim's eyes are shining.
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(End of this chapter)

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