I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 831 See Tricks and Tricks

Chapter 831 Seeing the trick and tearing down the trick ([-]-word update)

The editor of Variety was shocked by Tim Lange's high evaluation of Zhou Yun.

In fact, the editor of "Variety" today has no opinion or emotion towards Zhou Yun himself.

They are not stupid, seeing that Zhou Yun will become popular in the future, they will not intentionally worsen their relationship with Zhou Yun.

However, as an established magazine, they won't just bow down to a celebrity artist so easily.

"You are a very prolific director. I heard that you still have many projects in the pipeline. Among them, everyone is very concerned about "Deep Sea Dream Hunter". I wonder when will your film start?"

"Oh, thank you all for paying attention to my project. In fact, we have been advancing this project, but its shooting is very difficult. We haven't found a suitable shooting method yet. When we find a suitable, If we can make this movie, we will put the official shooting on the agenda."


After Variety interviewed Tim Lange, he was taken to Hugh Redman.

"Hi Hugh."

"Hey, Xiao Yun, are you done with your interview?"

"Aren't you worried that the audience will get tired of your combination?"

"If you were to choose one of them to be your girlfriend, who would you choose?"

Liu Yun nodded and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, your answers are so good, I sweat for you when I hear their questions, and I'm afraid that if I accidentally fall into the pit of their questions."

"This time I mainly cooperate with her. If there is a chance, of course I also want to cooperate with a movie and let her cooperate with me." Hugh Redman said, "This time most of them are action scenes. If there is more focus on I think a movie about the relationship between characters will definitely have a different feeling.”

"Oh, I'm not going to answer your question. I already have a girlfriend. Your question is a bomb."

The editor was a little surprised by Hugh Redman's answer.

"Are you implying that the Oscars are unfair to Asian actors?"

The editor obviously likes a handsome guy like Hugh Redman very much. When listening to him, his eyes light up and he looks at him with admiration.

At this time, it is the season of heavy snow in North America.

In fact, the content of Hugh Redman's answer has already expressed a lot of things.

Hugh Redman greeted them warmly.

"You are a very rational person."

"Then do you have confidence in yourself?"

"You heard it too? It doesn't look like I'm too sensitive and supercilious." Zhou Yun shrugged his shoulders, "It's okay, it's not the first time they have prejudiced against me. The answer should be no problem, right?"

"Oh, what should I say about this question? They are all very beautiful girls. Besides, they are all different and have their own personalities. In fact, we actors often gather together, eat, go to bars, and sing songs. Everyone When we play together, we all have a good relationship, and they are both great actors."

At this time, Hugh Redman knocked on the door and came in.

"In fact, we have to face this point. Movies have always belonged to a country before they can become a world. Of course, I understand that the vast majority of Oscar nominees are Hollywood filmmakers. It is not set in Asia. I believe that if the Oscars are set in Asia, then Asian films will be the mainstream of this award. There is no need for us to require an award to reach the final level of equality in a staged development state. For people like me For many Asian actors, being able to enter the scope of Oscars is a goal we will work hard for, but that is not the goal of our career, we are not Hollywood actors."

Liu Yun, who had been listening but didn't speak, suddenly said, "Sister Xiaoyun, why do I feel that many of their questions just now have bad intentions?"

"I didn't cut them apart. Whether it is rational or emotional, they are all me, me in different states, and I don't want to be divided into two me." Zhou Yun said, "The same is true for acting. , it itself is not pure emotion, of course, it is not pure rationality, any good actor will always walk between the two, and reach a new balance every time he plays a role. "

Hugh Redman said: "My agent told me that if I don't act in this movie, I will definitely regret it. Now that I have been shooting for so long, I find that my agent is right."

"It was a pleasant chat with them. This is not the first time I have interviewed them." Hugh Redman said, "I just finished filming. Are you free tonight? I want to invite you to dinner. I have a piece I want to tell you something."

"Believe me, with her acting skills, everyone will never get tired of our performances. We will show completely different performances in different movies." Hugh Redman said.

"Regret? No." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I never thought that the Chinese-language film "Behind the Scenes" would be loved and praised by so many foreign audiences in the United States. It was already an accident to be nominated for the Golden Globe Award What a joy, there are usually very few Asian actors shortlisted for Oscar acting awards, right?"

In any case, some unpleasant things have happened before.

"But in fact, Chinese films were very active in the international film industry in the past."

Zhou Yun had already finished filming his own scene, and was waiting for them to come over in the lounge.

"Yes, it's the first one."

"Variety Show" put the interview with Zhou Yun to the end.

"It sounds like you can't wait to work with her again."

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, and said, "It doesn't matter what I say, after the movie is released, the audience has the final say."

The editor and Hugh Redman had met before and knew each other.

"Yeah, we haven't seen each other in a long time," Hugh Redman said to them, "but the weather is still worth coming here, isn't it?"

"If you don't have confidence, you won't accept the role." Zhou Yun smiled faintly, "I have always been quite confident in acting."

"First of all, I am not the best actor in China. At best, I can only say that I am a relatively well-known actor in China. A really good actor. There are too many actors who are better than me, but they may not be like me. Because of some luck, I was seen and recognized by more people."

She also nodded frequently in agreement when Hugh Redman spoke.

"Yeah." Liu Yun nodded.

"Do you think the character you played can be recognized by book fans?"

"General actors are very emotional."

After he finished speaking, he smiled, and added: "Besides, I've never only been willing to act in movies centered on my character. Don't say that, it would be bad if you leave this impression on everyone."

"It's not fair, isn't it? Oscar is the yearning for all actors. If it's unfair, how can all actors yearn for it? But Asian movies are indeed rarely accepted by American audiences, no matter our skin color, appearance or Cultural backgrounds are all different. I know very well that these differences will cause a gap between them. Because of this, "Behind the Scenes" has been liked by so many audiences in the United States. My peers liked it, and I was even more surprised.”

The editor said: "There are quite a lot of actresses in your film, and they all come from different countries and places. What is your impression of them?"

"It's the first time you come to Hollywood to film, and you play the heroine of such a big production, how do you feel?"

"Hugh, we meet again. It's a pleasure to meet an acquaintance here," said the editor.

"You also said that you are very active in the international film industry, but not in the general public, right?" Zhou Yun smiled slightly, "If you want to talk about the international film industry, in fact, Chinese films have never been absent. You see, every year's film festival basically has the shadow of Chinese films? The films I starred in, "Days", "Behind the Scenes", "Four Killers", "Words of Fallen Leaves", these films are all in It has been screened in many international film festivals, like the upcoming Berlin Film Festival, there are also many Chinese films to be shown to everyone."

She shook hands seriously and asked them to sit down.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

"Don't worry, as long as it's not too hidden, I can usually get around it." After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he sighed, "I just didn't expect them to be so ruthless, asking these tricky questions again, it's very targeted. I."

"Haha, you can put it that way."

Zhou Yun answered this somewhat sensitive question with a lot of effort, always keeping a smile on his face.

"It's amazing and tiring. There are a lot of running, jumping and fighting parts in this movie, which requires a lot of physical strength." Hugh Redman said, "I've been keeping fit at ordinary times. But I often feel exhausted and out of breath. Therefore, I really admire the actresses in our film. Their movements and physical requirements are not lower than the standards for male actors. They also survived."

"How do you deal with reason and emotion?"

"Yes, we have finished the interview just now, now it's your turn." The editor said with a smile, "Actually, you are willing to take the role in the movie "Killing Song". Acting in a movie that is not the first protagonist."

"I'm very happy to be able to work with so many outstanding creators on a film." Zhou Yun replied decently, "I know this film is adapted from a very popular novel, and it was a bit stressful to accept it, but I was immediately drawn to the story."

"Haha, well, it's a pity I didn't let you fall into the trap." The editor didn't ask, "Then if you were asked to choose one of them as the heroine of your next movie, which one would you choose? This question cannot be left unanswered.”

Zhou Yun's answer was logically rigorous, and the editor couldn't pick a thorn in the moment, so he could continue to ask.

"Zhou Yun, this is your first Hollywood movie, right?"

"How does it feel to shoot this movie this time?"

It was actually a bit embarrassing for both parties to meet.


After Zhou Yun finished the interview, he sent people away.

He himself admired Zhou Yun very much, so he answered Zhou Yun's name in this question.

"Secondly, Chinese films have been developing all the time, but China's domestic market is too large. After so many years of development, in fact, our Chinese film market has not been fully developed so far. Therefore, our film industry, We are all still in the stage of constantly digging internal potential, but as our internal potential is almost fully dug, of course we will slowly turn our attention to the outside, which is also a question of the development stage." Zhou Yun said, " How many years have American films been developed, and how many years have Chinese films been developed? Many people are actually discussing this issue at different stages of industrial development. I believe that Chinese films will gradually be seen by the world.”

Hugh Redman asked, "Have you finished interviewing the director?"

"You were also nominated for a Golden Globe last year, and you are an outstanding actress among young actors. However, in the end, do you regret not being nominated for an Oscar?"

"Huh? Isn't she already the heroine?"

"It's done." A smile appeared on Zhou Yun's face, and he asked, "How are you doing?"

The "Variety" group immediately laughed knowingly, nodded, and said, "Yes, that's right."

Hugh Redman looked distressed, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Of course we all hope to have this opportunity to cooperate, but if I have to choose one, then I must choose Zhou Yun first."

"Many people told me that you are the best actor in China, but in recent years, it seems that Chinese movies have rarely been seen."



Zhou Yun didn't know what other people said when they were interviewed by "Variety Show", but she clearly felt from the interview team's attitude towards her that they looked at her a little bit like they did when they met in the morning. There is no curiosity and scrutiny.

However, when the other party greeted her warmly, Zhou Yun didn't put on a cold face on purpose.

Zhou Yun glanced at him unexpectedly and nodded.

Hugh Redman often came to her for dinner, but usually it was purely for dinner, and he rarely said "I have something to tell you" like just now.

Hugh Redman was too optimistic a person to associate him with words like seriousness and seriousness.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that what Hugh Redman wanted to talk to her was actually related to Elizabeth.

"I know you have a very good relationship with Elizabeth. Kesi is very interested in a role in Elizabeth's next movie and wants to play it, so I would like to ask you to introduce it." Hugh Redman's She looked a little embarrassed, probably rarely doing such a thing, "I'm not that familiar with Elizabeth, if it were you, Elizabeth would definitely think about it seriously."
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(End of this chapter)

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