Zhou Yun's look today combines gentle and sexy temperaments that conflict with each other, with a bright and charming smile.

It's really rare to walk the red carpet with Song Chi.

She held Song Chi's hand with a rare sense of relaxation, even a little excitement.

The photographers and everyone who came to the scene were cheering and shouting their names. This kind of enthusiasm formed a heat wave and infected Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun even wanted to kiss Song Chi in front of so many people.

In the past, she always felt that those celebrity couples who kissed on the red carpet were just putting on a show, but at this moment she suddenly had the same urge.

Excited, enthusiastic, and want to share my mood at the moment with everyone.

I want to hug and kiss the beloved person next to me.

Zhou Yun kept waving his hands, and at the same time couldn't help turning his head to meet Song Chi's eyes.

The eyes of the two are full of love for each other.

A lingering sense of electricity went back and forth between the two of them.

Song Chi suddenly stopped, put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist, bowed his head and kissed Zhou Yun's mouth in front of everyone.

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise, then he let go of all his shyness, and kissed Song Chi together.

The audience was stimulated by this scene, and screams broke out in higher decibels.

The flash light flickered on and on.

The kiss between Zhou Yun and Song Chi lasted about five or six seconds before it ended.

Song Chi raised the corner of his mouth and asked Zhou Yun with a smile, "Are you embarrassed?"

Zhou Yun's shoulders shrank slightly, she was really embarrassed, and gave Song Chi a slight look.

"This is a sneak attack."

Song Chi took Zhou Yun's hand and said, "I can't help it."

The two walked across the red carpet and entered the infield of the dinner.

The infield of the dinner party was very luxuriously arranged.

The appearance of the two of them also aroused everyone's attention and discussion.

Whether it is Song Chi or Zhou Yun, there is no doubt that they represent a face of China in the film industry.

Now they rarely show up at the same time. Not only domestic CP fans are cheering, but people who follow Chinese movies are also very happy to see this pair of young actors.

At the dinner tonight, all the judges of the Berlin Film Festival's jury were present.

This year's chairman of the jury is the famous British director Alsace Lester.

When he saw Zhou Yun and Song Chi, he took the initiative to greet them and said, "Today we finally meet. I have always wanted to get to know you very much."

Zhou Yun and Song Chi are not familiar with him personally, but they are very familiar with his works.

Alsace Lester is a film director who is very focused on telling the fate of characters in the historical background, almost all the film themes are like this.

The box office of his films is not very high, but he is the darling of awards and word of mouth.

"I often see you on the news recently." Alsace Lester smiled and said to Zhou Yun, "You are too popular."

A shy smile appeared on Zhou Yun's face, and he said: "Oh, Mr. Lester, don't make fun of me, I would rather not be in so many news, not be so popular, there are too many troubles beyond my expectation .”

Alsace Lester said: "Just call me Alsace, I'm so glad to meet you, I watched several movies starring you in England last year, including the recently released "Four Killers", you It's unbelievable that at such a young age, you can create so many different characters, and the characters have different types and temperaments, which shocked me. Moreover, I heard that you have only been acting for a few years, and you don't have much experience."

It's been a long time since Zhou Yun heard anyone say that he doesn't have much experience in acting.

She nodded and said, "Yes, it's true that I haven't acted for a few years."

Alsace Lester said: "You are really a genius, oh, Song Chi, don't get me wrong, of course you are also a genius, I have noticed your performance a long time ago, you became famous too early, everyone didn't treat you that way It was a surprise.”

Song Chi put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist, and made a joke very decently: "Oh, it doesn't matter, I already knew that I was old."

Alsace Lester laughed.

Of course, Song Chi is not too angry, he said so, so that the scene will not be embarrassing.

"It's true that you haven't appeared much in the past few years." Alsace Lester said, "I used to see you often at various events, but now I rarely see you."

Song Chi said: "Because I have been filming."

Alsace Lester said: "Unfortunately, when "Cigarette" was screened, our jury had work and could not go to watch the film."

Song Chi said, "I will invite you again when the movie premieres in the UK."

"Okay, then it's settled." Alsace Lester nodded.

In fact, at a dinner party, this kind of dialogue is all that can happen between everyone.

This is not an occasion suitable for talking about some really important topics. Everyone here is often here to get to know each other, exchange pleasantries, and as a member of the so-called celebrities and stars, jointly hold up this star-studded party.

Of course, it doesn't mean that such gatherings are flashy and meaningless.

There are many excellent people in this world, many of them, you may have only heard of their names, or seen their works, you want to get to know them, it is not good for you to contact them directly, just say you Well I'm XXX and I want to meet you, which is of course very strange.

Everyone needs an occasion to meet the person they want to meet. For Zhou Yun, Alsace Lester is such a person.

Although the two of them may never cooperate in the future, as a worker in the film industry, you know how talented he is, and you just want to know him out of appreciation, that's all.

This is enough.

In fact, if there is a suitable project in the future, when it is necessary to choose a partner, maybe because of such a meeting, we have a certain understanding of each other, and the impression will be deepened, and this person will be remembered.

Maybe Alsace Lester needs a Chinese actress and will think of Zhou Yun.

Maybe Zhou Yun needs a director who is good at shooting historical themes, and he will think of Alsace Lester.

There is no better occasion to meet so many people who want to meet so quickly than now.

Zhou Yun still has the Chinese concept: many friends have many paths.

In fact, the jury lineup for the main competition unit of this year's Berlin Film Festival is very strong.

In addition to Alsace Lester, there are American actor Louis Schoon, Japanese director Yu Zhihe, and Chinese actor Zi Fang.

Both directors are well-known. Louis Huen once won the Oscar winner and Berlin Film Festival winner. Zi Fang is a senior actor with more than 40 years of acting experience.

This was Zhou Yun's first meeting with Zi Fang.

Zi Fang hugged her very kindly, took a photo with her, and said: "I am very happy to see your success in the film industry in the past two years. Let's get in touch and communicate more in the future, shall we?"

In front of this senior, Zhou Yun was very obedient and said, "As long as you don't find it disturbing, you don't think I'm bothering you."

Zifang laughed very brightly, and said, "You child, how could I find you annoying."

Finally, Zhou Yun finally met Carlo, the director of the film festival.

Carlo, with a deep beard, embraced Song Chi and Zhou Yun warmly.

This couple from China gave a big gift to the Berlin Film Festival on live TV this afternoon—the news that they got married has been listed on the hot searches of entertainment news around the world in real time, attracting much attention, the Berlin Film Festival The attention and popularity also rose in real time.

In fact, how successful a film festival is is a very complicated matter.

First of all, of course, what is the quality of the films produced by this film festival? The reason why the three major film festivals are the three major film festivals is that they have been able to steadily and continuously release batch after batch of filmmakers for such a long time in the past. An inescapable classic in film history.

But in addition, there is another very important reason, which is attention.

This degree of attention is directly linked to influence.

Some film festivals have a very good reputation, but their influence is not high. Why?Because few people pay attention and few people participate.

The Berlin Film Festival and the Venice Film Festival have always been overwhelmed by the Cannes Film Festival, largely because Cannes has maximized its commercialization and can invite the most buyers, the largest production company, and grab the best Participate in the film works, and at the same time invite the most luxurious movie star lineup to help out.

The degree of closeness between the Berlin Film Festival and Hollywood in the United States has always been inferior to that of Cannes.

They also need exposure, they need influence.

Only when the influence of the film festival is large enough, those big enough producers, directors and actors will be willing to participate.

The attention and news value that Zhou Yun and Song Chi brought to the Berlin Film Festival are not lower than those of Hollywood stars. This is why the Berlin Film Festival attaches great importance to and treats these two actors.

Carlo pulled Song Chi and Zhou Yun to chat for a while, mainly asking if they had any plans for filming in the future. They are very welcome to bring more works to the Berlin Film Festival in the future, and said that it is a pity that there will be no Zhou Yun this time. The film starring Yun signed up for the Berlin Film Festival. He has always liked Zhou Yun's performance, and said that he really wanted the film "Cigarette" to enter the main competition unit, but considering that the director is a newcomer, he entered it as soon as he came up. The main competition was not suitable, so it was included in the screening unit.

I talked a lot, and I gave my face a lot, and then suddenly changed the subject and said suddenly: "Song Chi, Zhou Yun, do you have my email address and number? If not, I will wait a while Immediately ask my assistant to give you a copy, you are very representative young actors, and the Berlin Film Festival is also in great need of talented newcomers, on behalf of the Berlin Film Festival, I sincerely invite you to recommend good movies for us.”

Song Chi and Zhou Yun were stunned.

People around have been taking pictures of them, and some are videotaping them.

When Carlo said such words in front of Song Chi and Zhou Yun in front of so many people, everyone around them exclaimed in low voices.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were stunned because they were thinking whether they misunderstood Carlo's words?

Or, is Kahlo really inviting them to recommend films for the Berlinale each year?
In fact, all major film festivals in the world have their own selectors and recommenders. Otherwise, how could it be possible for Carlo and the others to select suitable films from thousands of works each year to enter the film festival's list? middle?

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "Director Carlo, of course there is no problem. If I see a good work that is suitable for screening at the Berlin Film Festival, I will contact you."

Carlo emphasized: "The most important thing is to recommend the movies you star in to us. All of us believe in your vision. Two of the best young directors in China, Wen Bing and Xue Qin, the first movie They all cooperated with you, and I heard that they were all excavated by you."

Zhou Yun waved his hands quickly: "No, no, don't get me wrong, director Wen Bing was discovered by Yao Yuanfeng of Xindun Company, and director Xue Qin was discovered by producer Shi Luoqi. I was just lucky enough to work with them on their debut film .”

Carlo said: "In any case, you are an actress with great vision, and you have the courage to choose to cooperate with first-time directors, and in the end, it turns out that they are all so talented."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "I will definitely bring your praise to them."

Carlo said: "I have heard that Wen Bing and you have filmed a new film work, but there is still part of the film that will be completed this summer. I hope you can bring this work to the Berlin Film Festival next year." Festival."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile and said, "There is a chance."

After meeting Carlo, Zhou Yun basically met the people he was going to meet today.

She and Song Chi finally had a chance to sit down and start eating.

really hungry.

In the middle, people kept coming to chat with them.

Of course, she and Song Chi couldn't ignore them, and they had to communicate with them in a good manner every time.

On the contrary, Zhou Yun finally met director Yu Zhihe in the end.

The last time we met was in Australia.

"Hi, Xiaoyun." Yuzhihe showed a gentle and friendly smile when he saw her, "I'm glad we met again."

"Director, I'm also very happy to see you." Zhou Yun said, "I'm very sorry, I really couldn't spare time to attend the last time you held a screening in Australia. join."

Yu Zhihe said: "We will definitely have many opportunities like this in the future. Look, we will meet again in Berlin soon, won't we? In two days, I will go to enjoy "Days" again."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Thank you for coming."

Yu Zhihe said: "I heard that you are going back to filming again soon?"

"Yes, the filming of "The Song of Killing" is not finished yet. I asked for leave from the crew, so I have to hurry back, so I can't keep them waiting for me." Zhou Yun said, "Nakajimaho and the others have worked hard these days, When I'm not around, I need to shoot their parts first, and it's very hard to shoot."

Yujiha hugged her.

"I have a chance to come to Japan. I brewed some plum wine myself. I invite you to come to my house for a drink or two." He laughed, smiling, very peaceful.
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