I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 836 Opening Ceremony

The next day is the opening ceremony.

That night, Zhou Yun and Song Chi didn't go back too late after playing.

The two of them finished communicating with everyone at about eleven o'clock in the evening and left the dinner party.

On the car back to the hotel, Zhou Lan and Wu Chengbao were both there.

The two of them have been keen to meet various people at the dinner scene just now.

There are some resources Zhou Yun and Song Chi can't use, but other actors under their banner can.

Wu Chengbao said: "A well-informed person has already come to me to inquire, saying that he heard that Carlo, the artistic director of the Berlin Film Festival, intends to let you be the film selectors of the Berlin Film Festival, and asked if this is really the case. If there is such a thing, they want to ask you to recommend a movie."

Song Chi was not surprised by such a thing.

"When Carlo spoke, I guessed that there would be such trouble."

"Deny it." Zhou Yun also said, "I don't want to be asked about it all the time."

Zhou Lan said: "It's useless to deny it. Several domestic media have already published similar reports, saying that at today's dinner party, Mr. Carlo personally asked you to recommend movies to the Berlin Film Festival in the future."

"It's just a recommendation."

"In the eyes of others, this is already a great power." Zhou Lan said, "You also know how many people in our country want to rush into the three major film festivals every year."

For Chinese filmmakers, this is indeed what the World Cup and the Olympics are to sports.

Because of some historical reasons and the influence of the three major film festivals themselves, everyone regards these three major film festivals as the highest hall of film, and Oscar is another hall.

Zhou Yun said: "Anyway, if the media comes to ask, you can help us deny it and don't admit it."

Zhou Lan asked: "Why don't you admit it? Mr. Carlo really wants you to recommend movies to him."

"Anyone who knows him can recommend the movie. It's no big deal, but it's just because I said it in front of so many people today, it seems a bit special." Zhou Yun said, "I'm most afraid of this This kind of news spreads and turns into Zhou Yun and Song Chi deciding how many Chinese films can enter the Berlin Film Festival in the future, exaggerated, but some people believe it, and then it turns into all kinds of malicious news.”


"Furthermore, if people really misunderstood how much power we have and asked us to help, then we recommended it in the end, but it didn't work out, and people thought we didn't care, and instead gained points." Zhou Yun said, "If it's true If there are good works, let’s recommend them to Carlo, and don’t talk about it specifically, the troubles outweigh the benefits, and we don’t need such benefits.”

Zhou Lan nodded.


The next day, the opening ceremony.

Zhou Yun walked onto the red carpet by himself, without Song Chi.

Her appearance on the red carpet is very elegant and beautiful, very classic and can't go wrong.

This is mainly due to Zhou Yun's own aesthetic preference, not to say that she is unwilling to try other things, but generally on such important occasions, she is still a bit more conservative and doesn't like to take the route of taking the lead.

Carlo greeted all the guests at the door as usual.

Zhou Yun attended this time as the spokesperson of the sponsored brand and did not bring any work, but because of her recent popularity and popularity, she also attracted much attention on the red carpet.

Compared with the degree of attention at the International Film Festival last year, it is much higher.

Zhou Yun actually felt embarrassed.

It seems that whether it is in China or in the international arena, she is not the kind who becomes famous by her works.

Zhou Yun was already popular before he actually had any works in China. First, his scandal with Song Chi became popular, and then because of various things, such as microblog fans, or other news, it was constantly exposed. So much so that before "The Eighth Heartbeat" was aired, she was given the role as the second female lead in "Questioning the Heart". There were reasons why Song Chi wanted her to act, and also because she was already popular at the time and was able to persuade Get the reason from the investor.

Even after going abroad, Zhou Yun became popular in the United States for the first time because of the attack on the hotel, and many things after that benefited from the popularity accumulated at the beginning.

Zhou Yun has to admit that her development in the film and television drama business is actually due to her "journalism physique".

In all aspects, everyone chooses an actor to cooperate with. Whether the actor is popular or not is a very important issue.

Very important.

There are a lot of Chinese people at the Berlin Film Festival today.

In addition to Zhou Yun and Zi Fang from the jury of the main competition, there were also Ning Yao who attended with the crew of "The Mortal Realm", Song Chi who attended with the crew of "Cigarette", and several other actors of the film.

Besides them, Yu Yan and Wan Fang also appeared on the red carpet of the opening ceremony.

I don't know why they appear.

When Zhou Yun walked the red carpet, the red carpet was cleared for her.

This red carpet is actually not long, far from as long as it seems in many news.

The others were stopped first and were not allowed to enter the arena. Only Zhou Yun was filmed by all the media.

When this scene happened, it happened to be the time when Yu Yan was waiting to enter the arena.

Today, she worked hard to "compete for beauty", take more photos, and post a draft when she returns to China to stir up the popularity.

Therefore, her look today is also very exaggerated - a very Chinese-style flying swallow hairstyle, and a specially designed blue cheongsam with a particularly protruding front and back, and the slit almost reaches the waist.

She knew that after she came out with this look, she would definitely be discussed by many people.

But it doesn't matter, what Yu Yan wants is the enthusiasm of this discussion.

She was already mentally prepared until she saw Zhou Yun, who was enjoying the red carpet that belonged to her alone. She was more graceful, elegant and intellectual than before, whether she waved, smiled, or posed Either way, the whole person is in high spirits, as if a layer of warm light is shrouded in his body.

That made Yu Yan very envious and jealous.

If you can, who wouldn't want to stand there so indifferently, without any exaggerated actions, all the media cameras will be aimed at you.

Yu Yan also knew that she was a bit of a sensationalist - but, there was no way, she needed to "sensationalize".

When Zhou Yun finally finished walking the red carpet, six guests including Yu Yan stepped onto the red carpet, each occupying an angle.

Yu Yan posed exaggeratedly sexy poses just to take the sexiest photos.

She didn't think about whether it was appropriate, whether others would scold her after seeing these things.

Yu Yan wants to become popular.


In the movie palace, Zhou Yun met Ning Yao who came in early.

The two met happily.

"Ah, Sister Ningyao! You are so radiant today, and you are really in good spirits on happy occasions!" Zhou Yun said, "I won the best actress this year, and I will have a celebration banquet when I get home!"

Ning Yao said with a smile: "No way, just let it be fate, it's too hard to say whether you will win the prize or not."

Zhou Yun is not talking nonsense.

Ning Yao is definitely one of the seed contestants for the best actress at the Berlin Film Festival this year.

The "Mortal Realm" she acted in was originally the new work of a great director, and it was a film from a completely female perspective. With Ning Yao's strength, as long as the film does not collapse, the right time and place will be there. As a competitive opponent, Ning Yao has great hope.

Of course, this kind of thing can't always be milk, the more milk the more dead.

Ning Yao said: "It's a pity that the film you and Wen Bing made was not finished, otherwise we would have caught up with the Berlin Film Festival."

Zhou Yun shook his head: "Is this called a pity? This is called luck. Let's not compete on the same stage, okay? If you go to get others, I will go to get them too."

Ning Yao laughed heartily.

"Besides, the focus of our film is not on performance. I don't think there is much opportunity for performance awards."

Ning Yao: "You're being modest again, it's impossible."

"Really." Zhou Yun said, "but I really like Wen Bing's idea of ​​this movie."

Ning Yao said: "Every time I hear you and I praise Director Wenbing, I really want to ask him when he will ask me to cooperate."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I'll ask him for you later."

Ning Yao took Zhou Yun's hand and said, "Xiaoyun, it's great that you can meet a director who understands you so well and can shoot you. You should cherish it. My biggest emotion now is that the director who is the most ignorant of me in filming For several years, I haven’t met a director who can shoot me, which made me take a lot of detours, and then I slowly figured it out, you understand it much earlier than me, I know it when I watch you act, you understand yourself.”

Zhou Yun: "Sister Ning Yao, I'm ashamed that you praise me, I don't know if I'm as good as you say."

"Yes." Ning Yao nodded earnestly, with sincerity in his eyes, "Very yes, you don't know it."

The two were talking to each other, and Yu Yan also came in and found them.

"Hi, Sister Yao, Xiaoyun." Yu Yan walked towards them in surprise and said hello, "It's nice to see you."

Zhou Yun glanced at Yu Yan's appearance in surprise, and smiled in time.

"Sister Yan."

Yu Yan said to Ning Yao: "Sister Yao, congratulations, you have been shortlisted for the main competition, can you win the Best Actress this year?"

Ning Yao immediately shook his head and said: "Oh, it's not good to say this kind of thing, do your best and obey the destiny, I did my best when I made the film, oh, director Kim Byung-deok waved at me, as if calling me to go, I'll go first gone."

As soon as Ning Yao was about to leave, Yu Yan asked, "Sister Yao, can you introduce me to director Kim Byung-deok? I really want to meet the director too."

Yu Yan looked at Ning Yao expectantly.

Ning Yao hesitated for a moment.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun helped smooth things over and said, "Sister Yan, Song Chi will be coming in soon, don't you want to say hello to Song Chi?"

Yu Yan was taken aback.

Ning Yao smiled gratefully at Zhou Yun, and said, "Then you should say hello to Song Chi first, and I will introduce you to the director when I have a chance."

Yu Yan had no choice but to say yes.

After Song Chi came in, Zhou Yun dragged Yu Yan to greet Song Chi involuntarily.

Of course Song Chi and Yu Yan knew each other. Although he didn't understand why Zhou Yun pulled Yu Yan so enthusiastically all of a sudden, he still chatted with her.

Yu Yan's reputation in the entertainment industry is indeed a bit bad.

The main reason is that Yu Yan nominated Huayu Award for Best Actress before, which shocked the industry and found it unbelievable and incomprehensible. Later, it was rumored that someone helped her get a certain leader to get this nomination, and let everyone treat her It's a bit embarrassing.

After this incident, Yu Yan's development in the industry is getting worse and worse.

Zhou Yun also felt very helpless.

However, it was basically her own fault that Yu Yan became what she is now.

Zhou Yun always felt that Yu Yan had a good hand and beat it.

After "The Eighth Heartbeat" became popular, Yu Yan also became popular.

At that time, she didn't seize this opportunity to make a good film, and she couldn't keep up with the follow-up. She also wanted to try to develop her career through some other means.

In this circle, winning an award is one thing, but everyone is not blind. If you win an award that does not belong to you, even if it is just a nomination, everyone will know it.

An actor's performance is a creation that cannot be borrowed at all.

Songs can be plagiarized, scripts can be melded, and directors can be named, but the actors' performances are what they should be, and no one can replace them.

After the opening ceremony, film screenings began in the afternoon.

Zhou Yun has a brand event to attend, and then an interview with a reporter on the official itinerary.

At the end of the day, I changed three sets of clothes and styles, and kept moving around in various places.

very busy.

Totally looks like a real movie star.

People know her everywhere she goes, not just reporters.

In the evening, Zhou Yun originally had no activities, but he was invited to a reception held by the production company of "The Mortal Realm".

Zhou Yun also went.

Besides her, Song Chi was also there.

Everyone here is an Asian filmmaker, and director Kim Byung-deok is a representative figure among Asian directors.

It is rare for everyone to have such an opportunity to sit together and communicate happily.

Anyway, participating in film festivals is always like this, Zhou Yun has never had time to follow the official schedule and watch movies from different countries.

Most of the time it is in this situation.

After the reception, Zhou Yun and Ning Yao went shopping and chatted together.

Ning Yao mentioned the private screening of "Zebao" tomorrow.

"Thank you for doing so much to help this movie."

"Sister Yao, have you seen the director's re-edited version?" Zhou Yun asked.

She hasn't seen it yet.

Ning Yao also shook his head and said, "No, I want to watch it with everyone."

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know what the director re-edited in the end."

Ning Yao said with a smile: "No matter what it is, I hope to sell a few more countries in the end so that he can pay less."

"Sister Yao, when you meet such a new director in the future, you like the script very much, will you still support them like this?"

"I don't know." Ning Yao shook his head, "It's much more tiring than me accepting a film and joining a group to shoot a film. I don't know if I would want to spend so much energy on making a film. However, it’s not necessarily true. Speaking of it, I still enjoyed the process and felt a sense of accomplishment. No matter what, I still helped him make this movie. Although the box office results were not very good, I’ve been an actor for so long. It’s the first time that I’ve been involved so deeply, and I’ve been involved in the whole process.”

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