Chapter 837 Courage
Some actors only focus on acting all their lives, and don't care about anything else.

But Zhou Yun and Ning Yao are obviously not such actors.

In this era, it seems that it is really not easy to be a very pure actor who only acts.

Be it Zhou Yun or Ning Yao, if they don't do it, many people will come to them and ask them to do it.

This is the case in any industry. The person in the highest position holds the most resources in his hands. The same thing may take four to five years for others to do, but it may only take three years for such a person to do it. months.

One phone call will do it.

This is why many actors later transformed themselves into directors. With investors, producers, and so many photographers, lighting engineers, makeup artists, etc. who have worked with them, it is very convenient for them to transform into directors. resource.

At the reception in the evening, the main participants were Koreans.

To Zhou Yun's surprise, she also met Jin Zhulin here.

Since Jin Zhulin was injured and left the crew of "Killing Song", she and Jin Zhulin have not met each other again.

Later, she heard that Jin Zhulin had accepted another Korean drama, but she did not expect to meet in Berlin today.

On the red carpet of the opening ceremony during the day, Zhou Yun did not see Jin Zhulin.

She was pleasantly surprised and pulled Jin Zhulin to exchange greetings, and asked, "Why didn't I see you this morning?"

Jin Zhulin smiled helplessly and said, "The flight was delayed, so I didn't catch up."

At such an event today, Jin Zhulin is the most popular Korean actress in the audience, and from time to time, people come to greet Jin Zhulin and toast.

Compared to her, although Zhou Yun and Ning Yao are popular, but because they are not from the same country, except for some big names, others are still a little afraid to take the initiative to get to know them.

Facing Jin Zhulin is completely different.

Zhou Yun and Ning Yao didn't know many people at this reception. The key point is that not everyone can speak English, and communication is a problem.

Seeing Director Kim Byung-deok surrounded by people all the time, Zhou Yun felt that she might not have a chance to chat with him tonight. At such a time, she was never willing to hug and talk to people. People come and go, and it seems too hasty , A lot of words can't be said, it's better not to see.

But just when Zhou Yun was about to leave, Jin Bingde suddenly left the crowd with his assistant and walked towards her.

"Miss Zhou!" Jin Bingde's assistant shouted in broken Chinese.

Zhou Yun had already laughed, she already knew how to smile on such occasions to make her look extraordinarily charming.

"Director, hello." Zhou Yun spoke in English.

She knew that Jin Bingde's English was good, and Ning Yao had said it.

After hearing Zhou Yun speaking English, Jin Bingde was a little happy, and immediately spoke in English, saying: "Oh, it's great that we can communicate directly in English. I wanted to come to talk to you just now, but I've been being rejected all the time. Wrap around, can't get away from you, alas."

"Everyone finally got the chance to meet you, so they all want to know you." Zhou Yun said immediately, "I also really want to know the director, but because there are too many people around you, I thought I'd better get to know you first." Don't bother me, I will meet you later when I have a chance."

Jin Bingde: "Why wait until later? I have heard Ning Yao mention you several times. I asked her who is the actress she admires most in China, and she told me your name."

When Zhou Yun heard this, his eyes widened in surprise, "Really?"

"Yes, I have always felt that it is nothing for an actress to be admired by the opposite sex, but being able to be admired by another equally outstanding actress is the greatest skill." Jin Bingde said with a smile.

He gave Zhou Yun a very different feeling.

If the Japanese director Yu Zhihe gave her the impression that he is a gentle, introverted and even a little cute director, then Kim Byung-deok is completely enthusiastic, extremely expressive, and passionate.

During the chat between Zhou Yun and Jin Bingde, he felt this more clearly.

Jin Bingde's emotions were very strong, even so strong that Zhou Yun felt a little overwhelmed.

It's really very similar to the style of the movies he shot.

In Kim Byung-deok's films, there is also a very strong personal style. Not to mention the heroic colors, the emotions are also strong, even a bit bloody, but they are handled very advanced.

At this moment, there was a scream beside them.

Zhou Yun and the others turned their heads to look in surprise.

About three meters away, a woman in a black evening gown looks startled, looking in disbelief at the man standing behind her.

The startled look on her face suddenly turned into anger again, and then she raised her hand and gave the man behind her a look.

A very loud slap.

There was a gasp of cold air all around.

Zhou Yun was also shocked, and looked at them with some surprise.

Suddenly, at this moment, a man in a wine-red suit rushed forward, and unexpectedly slapped the woman on the face again, pointing at her and yelling at her, speaking in Korean, Zhou Yun didn't understand what he was cursing what is it.

However, judging from the expressions of the people around, it is estimated that they are some very insulting words.

The eyes of the woman who had slapped someone else and was slapped again were red, and tears were falling down one after another like a chain of beads.

And the young man who was slapped by her also showed anger on his face.

He glared at the woman viciously and cursed loudly.

Although Zhou Yun couldn't understand Korean, he also knew that it must not be a nice word.

"What happened?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Jin Bingde's face was full of anger, and he said, "It's a shame."

Zhou Yun was at a loss, and was taken aback by Jin Bingde's angry words.

However, no one explained to her what happened.

A man who looked like a manager ran over, pulled the woman behind him, and kept bowing at the same time, as if he was apologizing to someone.

It was humble in that way.

Those two angry men with aloof faces were still cursing something relentlessly.

Zhou Yun asked: "Director, what happened?"

Jin Bingde said very contemptuously: "That Li Zhentai of the Kangtai Group slapped that actress for being so messy, and now he is apologizing to that actress."

After hearing Jin Bingde's words, Zhou Yun was instantly enraged.

Also as a woman, Zhou Yun felt particularly empathetic about this kind of thing.

Before she became famous and popular, she also experienced such things, so Zhou Yun hated such things.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect the most was that the man named Li Zhentai dared to force the actress to apologize.

WTF? !
For a moment, Zhou Yun almost rushed over, pointing at Li Zhentai and cursing.

But the moment she raised her foot, something stopped her.

Zhou Yun found sadly that he hesitated.

If she was younger, would she be impulsive?Does she hesitate?
Zhou Yun saw Jin Zhulin.

She clasped one hand tightly to her chest with a stern expression.

Li Zhentai cursed and cursed, then suddenly raised his hand and hit the actress on the head.

The scolding was fierce.

At this moment, a petite figure suddenly rushed up without hesitation.

It is Ning Yao.

Ning Yao stared straight at Li Zhentai, pushed Li Zhentai away, pointed at him, his eyes widened, and angrily reprimanded in Chinese: "Try again!"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

However, at the moment Ning Yao rushed out, she rushed forward without even thinking about it.

Before she could react, she had already stood with Ning Yao.

Li Zhentai looked at the two women who suddenly appeared in surprise.

Of course he knew the two women.

China's most famous, most popular, and most shining actresses tonight.

However, maybe it was because he was used to being arrogant and domineering, even when facing the two of them, his arrogance did not diminish at all.

He yelled in English: "You two mind your own business, the Chinese don't mind our Korean business!"

Zhou Yun looked at him coldly and said, "An immoral person like you will be punished by everyone."

Li Zhentai laughed angrily, and scolded: "What are you? Go away! You bitch!"

Zhou Yunyang slapped Li Zhentai with his hand.

"Try to swear at me again!"

Li Zhentai stared at Zhou Yun with wide eyes, as if he couldn't believe it.

Tonight, he had already been slapped for the second time.

The man next to Li Zhentai helped scold Zhou Yun: "Are you crazy? This is Li Zhentai, Li Zhentai of Taikang Group!"

Zhou Yun's English is so fluent that it is more than enough for quarreling, he just rolled his eyes, "I don't care if he is Li Zhentai or Zhang Zhentai, don't f**king show off in front of me, let me see who dares!"

Li Zhentai suddenly raised his fist to strike.

The man next to Li Zhentai suddenly grabbed him and said something in Korean.

It seems to be trying to persuade Li Zhentai not to do anything to Zhou Yun.

But Li Zhentai immediately shook his hand away, and was about to hit him with a fist.

Zhou Yun moved his head to the side, folded his right hand, clasped Li Zhentai's arm, turned around, and moved his center of gravity downwards, grabbed Li Zhentai's arm, and exerted all his strength on his core. Back fell out.

Zhou Yun looked at Li Zhentai who fell to the ground with disdain, sneered twice, and said, "You dare to do something to a woman, it's no good."

Li Zhentai has never been humiliated like this.

At the moment when he was thrown out, the people around were stunned and gasped.

Li Zhentai's rationality has completely lost control, and he really wants to kill Zhou Yun at this moment.

With a roar, he got up from the ground, like a wild beast wanting to take revenge on Zhou Yun.

But at this moment, the security guards at the scene finally appeared, and four or five people held him down.

He was still yelling something frantically.

Because it was Korean, Zhou Yun didn't understand a single word.

However, she guessed that it was something like "let me go, do you know who I am? How dare you stop me".

Zhou Yun and Ning Yao are not afraid of such people at all.

Their manager didn't know when he came over, and he had already stood by their side.

Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun, "Xiaoyun, let's go back tonight."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Ning Yao's agent also advised her to go back.

Zhou Yun passed by director Jin Bingde, nodded slightly to him, and said, "Director, I'm sorry, I wanted to have a good chat with you tonight, but this kind of thing happened to me. It's really disappointing. We will talk again when we have a chance."

The way Jin Bingde looked at her had changed.

There was a little more shock and respect in the way he looked at her.

"it is good."

Zhou Yun left the reception.

And Li Zhentai was still roaring at the back.

As soon as Zhou Yun came out, he saw Song Chi running quickly from a distance.

He was also in a suit and tie, and looked as if he had just arrived from another formal dinner.

"Are you okay? I heard you got into a fight with someone?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "It's okay. I met a stinky and shameless thing. I beat him to the ground, and I was not bullied."

Song Chi instantly turned angry and asked, "Did he play tricks on you?"

"Playing with others, not me." Zhou Yun took Song Chi's hand and said, "Okay, let's go back."

Song Chi nodded.

He and Zhou Yun returned to the hotel.

After Zhou Lan followed them back to the hotel, she couldn't rest, so she contacted Ning Yao's manager to discuss with her what was going on tonight.

There are so many people talking about it tonight, and no one knows whether what happened tonight will reach the ears of the media.

In fact, things like this are usually hidden.

Zhou Lan was worried that he might start to clean up the mess for Zhou Yun again.

However, Zhou Yun did a really good job.

Deep down in his heart, Zhou Lan was actually proud of her courage.

The actress Li Zhentai mishandled tonight is called Song Zhi, she is a rookie actress, she has just debuted and she is only 20 years old.

On the Internet, you can often see the news that Li Zhentai is messing with some female stars and artists.

He came from one of the largest chaebols in South Korea and is the top richest man in South Korea.But no matter how so-called "top class" a person's background is, there are still some bad roots that should be there.

Zhou Lan wanted to stop Zhou Yun.

The moment she saw Zhou Yun rushing out, Zhou Lan wanted to stop Zhou Yun.

But she didn't move because she was a woman herself, and she understood what Zhou Yun had done, and also understood how isolated and helpless the actress named Song Zhi was in this situation.

With so many people present, even her manager could only keep apologizing to Li Zhentai to protect Song Zhi in this way.

Li Zhentai's background is too great, no one dares to offend him.

Especially those who work and live in Korea.

It can be said that Zhou Yun and Ning Yao are the only two people on the scene who have the ability and ability to stop all this.

Zhou Lan thought of this, so he didn't stop Zhou Yun.

How could she stop a right thing?

Zhou Lan thought, now is her battlefield.

In this battlefield, she will definitely protect Zhou Yun. Even the top chaebol in South Korea would never want to hurt Zhou Yun.

She is not afraid.
Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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