What happened at the reception held by the Korean Film Association was indeed not hidden. When Zhou Yun went to a media meeting the next day, he ran into Carlo on the way and was asked about it.

Zhou Yun didn't give details of what happened last night, she simply said that she just couldn't understand that person's behavior, so she got involved with him.

Carlo heard the words and said: "Xiaoyun, you are amazing. You have done something that many people dare not do. I have heard from many people before that you are a very courageous woman. I finally Got it."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly and said, "Carol, I really hope I didn't cause you any trouble."

Carlo: "Oh, trouble? Not to mention, although Taikang Group is one of the sponsors of our Berlin Film Festival this year, but they will not take their anger to the film festival because of this incident. This incident itself is He made his own mistakes."

Zhou Yun: "It turns out that he is a sponsor of the film festival, no wonder he is so arrogant."

"Oh, Xiaoyun, he is not a sponsor, but Taikang Group. He cannot represent Taikang Group." Carlo corrected Zhou Yun's mistake very seriously.

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Okay, I know."

This afternoon is the private screening of Zebao.

After Zhou Yun finished his work in the morning, he returned to the hotel and checked with Zhou about all the procedures in the afternoon.

She will be hosting the private screening in the afternoon.

Ning Yao and Zhu Wenju will attend.

But because it is a private screening, there are no red carpet events or media links, and it is purely for buyers.

This is the first time "Zebao" is facing its audience after its re-editing.

Zhou Yun didn't even read it.

Time is too tight, and Zhu Wenju also wants to keep some mystery.

Song Chi originally agreed to come and help promote "Zebao", but "Cigarette" temporarily added a new session in the afternoon, and he wanted to participate with the crew, so he couldn't come.

Before the official screening, Zhou Yun briefly introduced to everyone in English what kind of movie it was, and then the screening began.

In the dark space, only the light of the big screen shines on everyone's face.

This sense of ritual of sitting in the dark and watching movies is the eternal charm of movie theaters.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a silhouette of a woman. She is standing under the bridge, and the bridge is full of traffic. It is very lively, but she is the only one below, and it is completely impossible to see who it is.

The camera slowly advances, and Ning Yao's face is shown on the big screen.

This is a face without makeup.

Plain and clean, with a few spots, compared to Ning Yao's usual image in front of everyone, she on the screen seems to have a sense of purity that has been washed away.

She took out a cigarette from her pocket, lit it, took a puff, exhaled the smoke ring, took out her mobile phone, and made a call with a cold expression.

A man's voice sounded: "Hello, Zebao."

The shot ends here, and the title of the film appears on the big screen.

The beginning of this rework reveals a sense of loneliness.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Later, the title of the movie surprised Zhou Yun even more.

Earlier, Zhu Wenju spent three to ten minutes talking about Zebao’s childhood, but now all of them have become fragmented presentations, as if they were fleeting. After about 10 minutes, with the words "director/screenwriter Zhu Wenju" typed out, This passage of light and shadow about the past fades into darkness.

Lights up again, it is heavy rain in a city.

Wearing a windbreaker and holding an umbrella, Ning Yao hurried through the crowd and walked into a towering office building.

Go straight to the point and enter the working world of the heroine in the film.

Busy, numb, constantly getting up and sitting down, like a mechanical action.

Then, he was called in front of him by the supervisor, and he was humiliated viciously through the work report of last month.


After watching the first 10 minutes, Zhou Yun was filled with amazement.

Zhu Wenju almost drastically changed the beginning of the movie.

But it's been refined.At the beginning of this film, the character played by Ning Yao is outlined in a very simple but capable style, like a sketch.

Compared with the previous version released in China, it highlights the character of the characters and Ning Yao's acting skills-the previous version is full of the director's own nostalgia and emotions.

It's almost invisible now.

Zhou Yun turned his head and glanced at Ning Yao.

Ning Yao's eyes were also full of surprise, even a little unexpected surprise.


The re-edited movie is much smoother than the previous version, minus a lot of Zhu Wenju's self-expression, but focusing on the role of Ning Yao, speaking from the perspective of the character.

Almost all monologues like a person are deleted, and turned into a large number of close-ups and close-ups.

But these clips highlight Ning Yao even more.

Her character in this edited version is more three-dimensional, coherent, and at the same time reaches the hearts of the audience.

Zhou Yun has a premonition that if this version is released in China again, Ning Yao will become a strong contender for the best actress this year.


Ning Yao performed meticulously.

And this was not shown in the previous version.

Ning Yao in the previous version was diluted by the lengthy narrative and a lot of telephoto shots.

But in this version, it is completely and emphatically highlighted.

At the end of the screening, the lights in the auditorium were turned on.

Zhou Yun stood up, took the microphone from the staff, and walked to the front of the screen.

The auditorium is full of film dealers from various places.

Zhou Yun looked over everyone's face.

"Wow." Zhou Yun smiled, "Mr. Steve, are you okay?"

Mr. Steve, who was sitting on the left, had red eyes and was called out. He lowered his head and smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

Zhou Yun said: "Like everyone else, this is the first time I have seen this edited version. This is the first time that the director Mr. Zhu Wenju has shown it in front of so many people after re-editing it. I don't know if everyone likes it. movie, but after watching this edited version myself today, I realized that I was actually blind at first. To be honest, I didn’t expect the director’s second edited version to be so good. There are news in the past two days Kahlo from the Berlin Film Festival asked me to recommend a film for him, and this is the film I would want to recommend to Mr. Kahlo."

She also invited Zhu Wenju and Ning Yao to promote the movie.

What Zhu Wenju said first.

He doesn't speak English, so Zhou Yun directly translates for him.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhu Wenju. This is my first time making a movie. To be honest, I feel very dizzy now because everything is so unreal. Obviously this movie has already been released in China, and it was shown again today. For such a re-edited version, the box office of the previous version was not very high in China. Of course, this is my fault. I put a lot of things I wanted to express in it. Because of this pursuit, my leading role, Ms. Ning Yao, was also rejected. Submerged, everyone can't see how good she actually acted, I made the most important mistake, I'm just a director, not an actor, I can't use the director's perspective to act as the actor's perspective, and then stuff things It's full, the movie shouldn't be like this, I thought it would take a long, long time before I could get a second chance to correct the mistakes I made in the first feature film, but I didn't expect Miss Ning Yao and Ms. Zhou Yun gave me a second chance to re-edit a version."

"I don't know what to say, actually I've said all I want to say, thank you for watching this movie, thank you."

Zhu Wenju put down the microphone.

Everyone clapped their hands sparsely.

There were only eight filmmakers here today, not many people.

Ning Yao's English is not bad, she also made preparations before, so she spoke directly by herself.

"Hi, I'm Ning Yao, the star of "Zebao" and also the producer." Ning Yao smiled as he spoke, "As the director said, this is a very bold attempt by us. The two of us, One is a producer for the first time, and the other is a director for the first time, in fact, it is all to make this movie, I hope everyone will support it."

After the screening, Zhou Lan prepared a small reception.

Let's drink some wine together, chat, and talk about business.

People are interested, bid, and then see if they accept it or not.

It's all a private chat.

Zhou Yun and Ning Yao were also present, chatting and joking with everyone.

Of course, how to talk about it in the end is Zhou Lan's business.

In the evening, both Zhou Yun and Ning Yao had other plans, so they left early.

Until 08:30 in the evening, Zhou Lan sent a message to Zhou Yun: Everyone is still very interested in this movie. Steve wants to win the distribution in all overseas regions except China. He offered $800 million The price, this price is not bad, but what he wants is a buyout. Ryusuke from Japan wants to buy the distribution of Japan and South Korea, 115 million US dollars, which is also a buyout from these two countries. Opened for $300 million, but not a buyout.

Zhou Yun is at the reception.

She thought about it carefully, and sent the news to Ning Yao: What do you think?
Ning Yao said: so many people want to buy?

She didn't seem to have thought that so many filmmakers wanted to buy "Zebao".

Zhou Yun said: The director's re-edited version is very good, exceeding my expectations.

Ning Yao: I didn't expect him to re-edit the movie like this, I'm so surprised.

Zhou Yun: From a once-and-for-all point of view, it is the easiest and cheapest way to sell the entire overseas distribution to Steve and directly earn 800 million US dollars. In this way, plus the domestic sales to TV stations and video platforms, you can also If you can earn almost 1000 million, you won't lose money.

Ning Yao:! ! !
Zhou Yun: Moreover, I would suggest re-release in China. I think the re-edited version of this movie will be liked by more people.

Ning Yao said: The company said that it will be re-released, and it is very likely that the final box office will not be able to cover the cost of publicity.

Zhou Yun said: Let them re-watch the newly edited "Zebao" first, after watching the movie, the re-edited version is nearly 10 minutes shorter than the previous version, not so long, and the narrative is also more Clear, the audience's viewing threshold has been lowered a lot, and I think it will attract many audiences who have not seen this movie before.

Ning Yao: Let me tell the company again, Xiaoyun, thank you so much!Unexpectedly, "Zebao" was actually sold.

Zhou Yun said: I am not surprised that it can be sold, but the transaction price is not good. A finished film can be sold no matter what. I am actually not particularly satisfied with the price given by these people. However, looking at it now, it seems that It can only be like this, as long as your costs can be wiped out in the end and you can make money, that's fine.

Ning Yao: This is very good!

Zhou Yun: I don’t plan to sell Hong Kong and Wanwan. I still plan to keep these two places. I don’t plan to sell the two countries as a package. I only plan to sell Japanese releases at Ryusuke, and the price may be [-]% off, but I think we can talk about this movie after the movie “The Mortal Realm” starring you is released in Korea. , We can negotiate a higher price. Let’s chat with Steve and see if we can negotiate a share instead of a buyout, and we can’t sell all the global distribution to him.

Ning Yao: I don’t know anything about these things. Just make up your own mind. Wen Ju and I will definitely listen to you.

Zhou Yun: Well, all in all, you don’t have to worry about losing money anymore, you can definitely make money. Also, if he is under pressure to prepare funds for a new film, come to me, and I’m willing to support him for a part.

Ning Yao: I'll tell him the good news right away!

After finishing chatting with Ning Yao, Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan and shared his thoughts with Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan said that she would continue to talk.

This news made Zhou Yun happy.

To be honest, of course she was also worried in her heart that the film would not be sold and overseas film studios would not buy it.

Zhou Yun was smiling when he suddenly saw that Li Zhentai again.

The man was accompanied by several people, and he was chatting with a blond foreigner.

Zhou Yun looked back impatiently and walked in another direction.

She really didn't want to contact people like Li Zhentong at all.

Garbage man.

However, seeing Li Zhenti reminded Zhou Yun of the Korean actress who was bullied yesterday.

Song Zhi.

I don't know what will happen to her.

Zhou Yun and Jin Bingde met again.

He chatted with director Yu Zhihe.

When Zhou Yun saw the two of them, he immediately put all these things in his mind behind him, and happily went over to greet them.


Yu Zhihe and Kim Byeongdeok saw Zhou Yun and hugged her affectionately.

Zhou Yun said: "What are you two talking about? I've always been curious, what will you directors talk about when you get together?"

she asked with a bright smile.

Jin Bingde laughed a few times, and said: "We can talk about everything, movies, literature, and some gossip. We can talk about everything."

Zhou Yun said: "Director Yu Zhihe must have worked hard these two days, right? He has to watch a lot of movies."

Yuzhihe nodded.


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