Chapter 839 Back
Zhou Yun has never been a judge of a film festival, but Song Chi has, and told her that being a judge of a film festival, or a judge of some film awards, is not as glamorous and stressful as everyone seems.

You have to watch so many movies in such a short period of time, and then select the good ones and vote for the appropriate awards. When your opinion disagrees with other judges, and you have disputes with him, it’s for yourself. Discuss about the movies you like and watch.

Although Yu Zhihe is a world-class director, on this occasion, not everyone respects him.

The lineup of judges for the main competition unit of the Berlin Film Festival has two talents. It doesn't mean that you are a world-class director, but he is just a small guy.

Zhou Yun said: "Although it is very hard, please continue to fight for a good movie."

She encouraged Director Yu Zhihe with the kind of passionate tone and gestures she often sees in Japanese movies.

Yuzhihe couldn't help laughing.

Jin Bingde couldn't hold back his worry, and asked with concern: "Zhou Yun, Li Zhentai didn't bother you later, did he?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Director, don't worry, he can't find it on me even if he looks for trouble."

Kim Byeong-deok said: "He has a very bad reputation in the Korean entertainment industry. Almost all actresses walk around him when they meet him, but few dare to offend him. The Kangtai Group is very powerful in Korea, and its business is almost involved. In every industry field, in fact, Kangtai Group has influence in the whole world, if you offend him so much, he must hold a grudge."

Zhou Yun: "I will pay attention, director, but you don't have to worry too much about me. I'm not a vegetarian. Instead, I'm worried about the actress named Song Zhi who was bullied by him yesterday. How is she doing?"

Kim Byung-deok said: "I asked my producer to inquire for help, and I heard that her agency has stopped all her work here, and asked her to return to Korea immediately."

Zhou Yun was surprised.


"That's it. It's why a person like Li Zhenyang can always be arrogant, no matter how bad the people around him think about him, it won't affect him. It's because of this." Jin Bingde seemed to suppress a cloud of anger on his face, "Because The final result has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong, and those who make him unhappy and dissatisfied will always suffer in the end."

A world-renowned director like Kim Byung-deuk feels powerless when he speaks at this moment.

Zhou Yun became even angrier when he heard this.

She has never met such a person in China, or in other words, she has encountered such a self-righteous person, but he does not have such energy as Li Zhenzhen, and even a great director like Jin Bingde can only be indignant in private.

Just then, a man in a black suit came over, aiming at her.

"Miss Zhou Yun, is it convenient for us to chat?" He asked.

This man is a total stranger.

Zhou Yun didn't want to chat with a stranger in this kind of place.

"Sorry, if you have work matters, please contact my agent." Zhou Yun directly refused.

But the man said: "Miss Zhou Yun, I am inviting you on behalf of Mr. Li Zhencheng."

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment when he heard Li Zhenti's name, and then he saw Li Zhenti gestured to her about five meters behind the man with the wine glass in his hand, and smiled at her with an unknown meaning.

Zhou Yun's face suddenly became ugly.

"Then I don't even want to go there anymore. You tell Li Zhencheng directly that I hate him very much and suggest that he not appear in front of me again."

The man in the black suit had a look of shock on his face, as if he hadn't thought that Zhou Yun would dare to directly reject Li Zhentai.

He looked at Zhou Yun in surprise and didn't move for a long time.

"Miss Zhou Yun, Mr. Li Zhenti belongs to the Taikang Group—"

"I don't care where he is." Zhou Yun interrupted impatiently, "He has nothing himself, so he has to tell others where he is from wherever he goes? One can only rely on background to let others know My own people are despised."

The man in the black suit took a deep breath and said very seriously: "Miss Zhou Yun, you will regret what you said today."

Zhou Yun kept a cold face and said nothing.

When the man in the black suit returned to Li Zhentong's place and whispered a few words into Li Zhentong's ear, Zhou Yun saw that Li Zhentong's expression instantly became extremely ugly.

When Zhou Yun didn't expect it, Li Zhen raised his hand suddenly, and slapped the young man.

And the young man who was slapped lowered his head even lower while bowing.

Zhou Yun was full of helplessness, and he hated Li Zhentong even more.

She bid farewell to the two directors, Yu Jiha and Kim Byung-duk, and left here.

She has one last trip in Berlin.

A special screening of the film Days.

Carlo personally introduced Zhou Yun to everyone.

In addition to the judges from the jury of the main competition unit, Song Chi and Ning Yao also came.

Zhou Yun originally thought that this was a very simple screening event, but when he arrived at the scene, Zhou Yun discovered that the film festival took this part very seriously, and it was also very large, with nearly [-] spectators at the scene.

After the screening of "Days", Carlo also invited Zhou Yun to the stage, and briefly chatted with everyone about the filming of this movie for a while.

Zhou Yun introduced the mutual encouragement between her and Wen Bing during the filming of this film, as well as the passion for creation.

Carlo asked a question: "We often say that a creator needs reason and passion at the same time. How do you deal with the two? When performing, if you are too rational, you have no emotion, and if you are too emotional, it will be easy to grasp. Keep the rhythm."

Zhou Yun said: "I used to pursue the sense of presence, but now I prefer to take all the details of the performance into consideration during the preparation stage, and then throw away all these details during the live shooting, instead of pursuing every detail. It must be in place."

"If the things you prepared in the end won't be used, why did you prepare them before?"

"The stage of preparation is to figure out the direction of the performance of your character, and you can't even get the direction wrong." Zhou Yun said, "For example, why is this character angry and why she can't control her anger? , I have figured out this direction clearly, and I will not act wrong when I go to the scene. As for how I want to be angry, whether to express the character's angry state by swearing or staring, I will not give myself too much I will act according to my state at the time, and I am particularly concerned about the presence and presence of this performance, because I am not yet capable of making every performance with design completely invisible."

Callow: "What you've said is definitely helpful to a lot of young actors."

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Carlo, thank you for holding such a special screening event." Zhou Yun said, ""Days" is my first movie in which I play a female lead. It means a lot to me. Today I When I sat down and watched this movie, many images of the past also appeared in my mind. In fact, from today’s perspective, I can always see many unsatisfactory places. I have a feeling that if I go to act now, I will act I have become more mature, but in fact, I look back and think, it’s not like that at all, it’s there, I can no longer show the state in the movie "Days", for an actor, the performance state is more important than The so-called acting skills are much more important.”

Carlo applauds.

Everyone applauded together.

Zhou Yun bowed to everyone present.

So far, Zhou Yun's itinerary at the Berlin Film Festival is over.

Both Song Chi and Ning Yao had other plans and wanted to stay here.


Zhou Yun returned to Australia, the crew of "Killing Song".

During the past few days at the Berlin Film Festival, she contributed a lot of news.

Although everyone in the crew of "Killing Song" didn't see her on the scene, they saw her on the news almost every day.

Especially actors, almost all pay attention to the Berlin Film Festival.

Zhou Yun was almost treated like a top star at the Berlin Film Festival this time.

Every itinerary has an official broadcast, and three of them are accompanied by Carlo himself, which shows his treatment.

Of course, this is another story, the most important thing is the media's attention to her.

If there is any disturbance, everything will be used as news.

In particular, the news that she and Song Chi were married has exploded in the entertainment news pages of various countries for several days.

There are still many people discussing this matter until now.

This surprised Merandu.

In fact, in Merando's heart, Zhou Yun is just a top female star in China, but her popularity in the world is not high.But I don't know what's going on, with the film "Killing Song" from the preparation to the shooting, and now, Zhou Yun has fully demonstrated her popularity in the world and how much she is loved. media adulation.

Merlando is a film company, and any film is inseparable from publicity.

Good publicity can bring a good box office to the movie.

Actors with high popularity and many fans can bring higher attention to the movie.

However, Zhou Yun was not in the list of actors who they thought could bring the movie "Killing Song" the world's attention.

Zhou Yun's popularity, popularity, and frequency of appearances in the media in the past six months can almost compete with many first-line stars in Hollywood.

Very capable.

For Merandu, this was a complete surprise.

As for the other actors of "Killing Song", they were also surprised.

Especially for American actress Lily Crews.

She has self-knowledge, if she participated in the Berlin Film Festival, she would definitely not get this kind of treatment.

The status of an actor is often reflected in these aspects.

In terms of fashion, what kind of fashion magazines were on the cover, which month was it on, and was it single or multiple?

In terms of recognition from the film industry, what kind of film festivals have you been to, and what kind of attitude the film festivals have towards you.

In terms of the media's recognition of you, are people willing to pay attention to you, pursue you, and they will report any news you have.


These things cannot be bought with money.

Zhou Yun has never bought these things with money.

Zhou Yun used her strength to prove her true status to everyone time and time again.

Even, if it weren't for her being so young, her status might be even higher.

She doesn't lack recognition, awards, and popularity. Perhaps the only thing she lacks is qualifications.

Hugh Redman took Zhou Yun to the bar and asked Zhou Yun to invite them to drink.

Zhou Yun didn't get together with these little friends for several days, and he was willing to pay the bill and went boldly.

Everyone chatted and laughed in the bar, and asked Zhou Yun to tell them about the feeling of holding a special screening of his own works at the Berlin Film Festival.

Chris Pine said: "If one day I can hold a screening of my own film at the Berlin Film Festival, I will be satisfied in this life."

Zhou Yun: "Come on, you are a Danish, you are a frequent visitor to these film festivals in Europe."

"Regular customers don't mean being treated as solemnly as you by Mr. Carlo." Chris Pine said, "Zhou Yun, you are really too enviable."

"It doesn't help to be jealous," Hugh Redman said with a smile, "but we can also celebrate such a great actor, cheers!"

Let's all cheer.

At this moment, Liu Xi blinked suddenly, and asked, "Zhou Yun, did you have a conflict with Li Zhentong in Berlin?"

Hugh Redman immediately asked, "Who is Li Zhentai?"

Liu Xi explained: "He is a rich man from one of the top chaebols in Korea."

"Oh." Hugh Redman heard Liu Xi's introduction, but actually didn't understand what the word "top" referred to. He thought it was just a rich man, and didn't take it to heart.

Zhou Yun nodded to Liu Xi, and asked, "Have you heard that too?"

"I heard from my friends in Korea that this incident has spread in the Korean show business circle." Liu Xi said, "I heard that Li Zhentai has let others go. In the future, the film and television industry in Korea will Block you, he will not allow you to appear in South Korea."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

"Liu Xi, seriously, is this Li Zhenti out of his mind? He gave me a feeling that he couldn't think normally, and every word he said was a threat, as if no one in this world could disobey him." He does."

Liu Xi's expression turned pale.

"That's because you are Chinese. If you are Korean, you will know how influential he is." Liu Xi said, "He has too much influence in South Korea. If he doesn't talk about many things, others will." In order to please him and help him do it properly, no one would dare to offend him, not even the top actresses would choose to offend him."

Hearing what Liu Xi said, Zhou Yun showed a helpless expression.

"I don't know how he is in Korea, but to be honest, in China, there will never be such a situation where you can't get along if you offend one person." Zhou Yun said, "Is he the only one in Korea?" One person has the final say? It’s not his country alone.”

(End of this chapter)

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