I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 841 She Is The Best Actress Forever In My Heart

Chapter 841 She Is The Best Actress Forever In My Heart
What Zhou Yun did not expect was that Ning Yao did not attend the closing ceremony.

This shocked Zhou Yun very much.

This is not a good sign.

Generally, winners will receive the news in advance and be called back to attend the closing ceremony. If Ning Yao wins the award, he should attend the closing ceremony and award ceremony.

Didn't you win an award?
However, according to the feedback from the front-line reporters, Ning Yao was the most popular candidate for the best actress at this year's Berlin Film Festival. Film magazines and professional forecasting media from various countries listed Ning Yao at the top. one.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, then sent a message to Song Chi, asking him if he knew what was going on.

Song Chi said: "I don't know, but I met director Kim Byung-deok at the scene, and "The World" should win an award."

Since the crew of "Mortal Realm" attended the closing ceremony, why didn't Ning Yao attend?
The absence of Ning Yao caused a lot of discussion in the domestic media.

But on the other hand, many people also said that Ning Yao was absent from the closing ceremony because he was rushing back to China to film.

Whether the news was true or not, Zhou Yun didn't know which news was true and which news was false, but anyway, she couldn't directly ask why Ning Yao didn't attend.

If Ning Yao replied that it was because he didn't receive the invitation, it would be embarrassing.

In fact, since the crew of "The Mortal Realm" appeared on the red carpet at the closing ceremony, they would definitely not miss Ning Yao's invitation.

It seems that Ning Yao really has little hope of winning the award this year.

Zhou Yun felt somewhat lost for Ning Yao at this moment.

Zhou Yun did not watch the live broadcast of the Berlin Film Festival.

She is still filming on set.

Today's scene is not very demanding, there is no need to run around, just sit in one place and take a close-up shot.

Literary drama.

Zhou Yun is very fond of filming literary dramas now, especially this kind of acting in a non-moving camera, she has a sense of control that is very familiar.

She is still playing with Hugh Redman in this scene today.

In this movie, she plays the most opposite Hugh Redman.

In fact, the characters played by the two also had some affection in the play.

This is where it gets more ambiguous.

I am already very familiar with Hugh Redman filming, and the two of them have a tacit understanding with each other.

Hugh Redman's performance of Zhou Yun has been fully grasped, and he will not be distracted from time to time like at the beginning.

In fact, she and Hugh Redman have completely different acting styles. When these different styles of acting are put in one shot, if one is not careful, it will make people feel abrupt and strange.

Both of them adjusted a lot to each other.

Hugh Redman and Zhou Yun chatted about the next movie between the performance and the encore.

"Will you still be making movies in Hollywood?"

"Yes, of course." Zhou Yun said, "But I don't have any plans yet. I was too tired before. After filming "Killing Song", I have to take a good rest."

Hugh Redman said: "I also want to take a break, but later on, my agent also helped me talk about another drama, and I will be joining the group soon. I am quite curious, why didn't you and Song Chi start a company together?" ?”

"Why do you want to start a company together?" Zhou Yun said, "He is him, and I am me. Many things are not clear when they are brought together."

Hugh Redman: "Well, I just thought it would be a strong combination if you two started a company together, lol."

"It's all the same. The two companies can join forces, and there is no business conflict between me and him." Zhou Yun said, "What I want to do with him and the movies we produce are not of the same type, oh, yes. Hey, didn't he invite you to make one of his movies? How's your discussion going?"

Hugh Redman said: "I'm a little hesitant about my role, it's not particularly exciting."

"It doesn't matter, you can figure it out for yourself, there is no need to make a decision based on other factors." Zhou Yun said very simply, "I often reject his movies, of course, if it's not a big problem, it's just some people who want to For adjustments, you can just talk to him directly, as long as it is a reasonable request, he will definitely respect you."

Hugh Redman asked: "Xiaoyun, I actually want to ask, do you think it is necessary for me to let more Chinese audiences know me? Actually, acting in Hollywood movies will also get a lot of money in China." A good box office will also gain a lot of Chinese audiences and fans."

Zhou Yun: "Of course, but Hugh, I think you must know that the Chinese film market is getting bigger and bigger, right?"

"of course."

"Then have you ever thought about it? When you come to China to act in movies and Chinese-language movies, we have a different feeling and impression. Just like your Hollywood movies now often take the Chinese market into consideration. You want to use some Chinese It is because of market considerations that people play roles, so if you can become an American actor who is more familiar and familiar to Chinese audiences in the big market of China, the producer will definitely consider you when considering the actor market. "Zhou Yun said, "How should I put it, actors have higher popularity and box office appeal, which is never a bad thing, because it allows you to have more choices and will not be squeezed out by others. Hollywood has not received suitable roles and good scripts for a while. At this time, a Chinese film company will give you a good role. You can come to China to make movies, just like I also come to Hollywood to make movies. I always tell myself If Japan has good scripts and good characters, I will make Japanese movies, and if Britain has good scripts and good characters, I will make British movies, that’s what I think.”

Hugh Redman said: "I talked to my agent about it, and my agent thought I was so naive, and said I was thinking too much, I am an American, and I was born to stand in many other countries. The starting point of envy, after all, Hollywood belongs to us in the United States, she always said, I just need to make movies in Hollywood well, abandoning Hollywood to make movies elsewhere, that is something a fool would do."

"No one has ever asked you to abandon Hollywood." Zhou Yun said, "I came to shoot "Killing Song", and no one said that I abandoned Chinese movies."

Hugh Redman: "I also want to let more Chinese audiences know me, so I wanted to participate in your husband's film project at that time, but I don't know whether this decision is right or wrong."

"Whether it's right or wrong, you'll know if you try it, and it's not like you can shoot for half a year and a year." Zhou Yun said, "You have the opportunity to try and make mistakes. From my point of view, I will definitely I suggest you try it. China’s film market is no weaker than your American film market. We produce one or two movies every year with a value of $[-] million. I know that Hollywood is the most developed place in the world’s film industry. , but who knows what will happen in the future? Just like ten years ago, who would have believed that a Chinese actor like me would become the heroine of a top Hollywood commercial production?"

Hugh Redman nodded.

"You are really convincing, and I was convinced by you." Hugh Redman said, "If there is a role suitable for me in the future, you recommend me."

Zhou Yun nodded seriously: "Of course, no problem."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Tim came up and asked.

Hugh Redman said, "Small talk, Tim, can we do another one?"

Tim said: "I have something to discuss with you. I want to make some changes to the shot just shot. I have a new idea."

Zhou Yun and Hugh Redman looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

They were all used to Tim's whimsical behavior.

Tim is like this. Any new idea will overturn the original setting and try to realize it.

But Zhou Yun and Hugh Redman have both seen it. Whenever Tim has this idea, basically his new idea is better than the original one.

And Zhou Yun and Hugh Redman happen to be the kind of actors who are willing to give anything to make the movie better.

So, they never refused.

Tim likes them both too, that's why.

Some actors are the type who want everything to be said up front and to prepare them well before they can shoot.

It's not that they don't want to cooperate with Tim, but Tim's random and temporary thoughts are different from their performance habits, which makes them very uncomfortable.

Tim also knows that his temporary ideas will cause a lot of trouble for everyone, but he didn't do it on purpose. For many things, he must shoot them on the spot once before new inspirations emerge, not the kind that can be done in advance. Thinking about many things came out.

This is everyone's creative habits. It can only be said that the performance habits of Zhou Yun and Hugh Redman can just match Tim's creative habits.

Not Lily Crews.

Tim didn't make adjustments to the Lily Crews part until later.


After filming, Zhou Yun went to a nearby bar with Hugh Redman and Nakajima Ho for a drink.

The main reason is that the three of them are filming scenes with a lot of emotional ups and downs today, and they need to adjust their moods. If they don’t drink together, talk, go back to the hotel alone, and stay with no one else, they will not be able to get out of that emotional state. Come.

The results of the Berlinale are in.

"Where the World" won the Jury Prize.

And the best actor award was given to an actor.

That's right, the Best Actress award was canceled this year, and the Best Actor and Best Actress awards were combined into one Best Actor award.

This result shocked filmmakers all over the world.

Zhou Yun was even more confused.


Zhou Yun called Ning Yao.

"Sister Ning Yao, are you alright?" Zhou Yun asked, "I saw the news just now, I, I... I really didn't expect that this year would turn out like this."

Ning Yao was somewhat disappointed.

After all, this is the closest she has come to an international award. So many people said that she is very likely to win the Best Actress this year, but who knew it would end up like this.

Ning Yao said: "It's okay, there will be opportunities in the future."

"Well, there must be many opportunities in the future, Sister Ning Yao." Zhou Yun said, "Don't be too depressed."

Ning Yao: "It's really a bit depressing. I thought I finally got a chance this time. Haha, well, I actually didn't expect that I would have such a big obsession with this award."

Zhou Yun: "Everyone is the same, who doesn't want to win prizes."

Ning Yao hummed.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoyun, don't forget to tell us when you come back, let's make an appointment together."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say to Ning Yao, so he hung up the phone.

This year's Berlin Film Festival ended amid heated discussions.

Zhou Yun is not in China, but he also saw many people feel sorry for Ning Yao in the circle of friends.

Zhou Yun thought to himself that Ning Yao would probably feel even more uncomfortable seeing such a regretful voice.

However, if no one feels sorry for her, it will be difficult.

All in all, it's uncomfortable.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, if he encountered this kind of situation, he would not be much better, just as depressed and uncomfortable.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that many people on Weibo were ridiculing Ning Yao, which probably meant that Ning Yao had posted so many drafts before, saying that this year's Best Actress was in her pocket, It turned out to be such a big joke.

Zhou Yun watched these people taunting Ning Yao, and many of them's IDs and avatars showed that they were her fans, which made her very uncomfortable for a while.

She even had the urge to leave a message to these fans, telling them not to say such things again.

But Zhou Yun also knew that in this situation, once she stepped down, it would only make the situation worse.

Zhou Yun sighed.

However, she didn't want her fans to continue to ridicule Ning Yao.

Probably because before she appeared, Ning Yao was the most recognized acting school among young actresses, the queen of the actress, so the fans of the two of them have always been a little at odds, on the matter of who is the top actress Disputes endlessly.

Zhou Yun really didn't want everyone to attack each other for these false names.

She is very willing to compete with Ning Yao, but she doesn't want to compete like this. It's unnecessary and unattractive, not to mention that she and Ning Yao admire each other and are friends.

Zhou Yun thought about it, and still posted a Weibo: She is the best heroine forever in my heart.

Ning Yao was not named, but she felt that everyone knew who she was referring to here.

Less than 5 minutes after Zhou Yun finished posting Weibo, Ning Yao sent her a message: What are you doing!
Ning Yao then sent another voice message: Don't speak for me next time, we know what kind of person each other is, and other things, you can't control them, and I can't control them either, let's not bother.

Then there was another voice message: Xiaoyun, you are also the best heroine in my heart forever.

Zhou Yun laughed.

However, what she and Ning Yao didn't expect was that Zhou Yun's Weibo would attract many actors to follow suit and copy and paste.

——She is the best heroine forever in my heart.

The voices of these people were forwarded by many people on the Internet, swiping the screen, and inexplicably became a hot topic in those two days.
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(End of this chapter)

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