On the day of wrapping up, the atmosphere of the crew of "Killing Song" was very happy.

On the one hand, the more than 100 days of filming is finally coming to an end, and on the other hand, the filming process of this film is generally smooth, without major problems, which is worth celebrating.

When Tim spoke, his eyes were red.

"You young people are the best actors I have ever worked with, and I am very much looking forward to the day when I meet you again." Tim said.

Many people came to take photos with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun didn't refuse anyone who came, and stayed until the group photo with everyone was over before returning to the hotel.

She gave her team a vacation and told them to go to Australia and have fun before coming back.

She returns home first.

Everyone is very happy.

Zhou Lan came to Australia to pick up Zhou Yun in person, and brought Cao Jun with him.

On the day we returned home, the sun was shining brightly in Australia.

Zhou Yun took a photo of the sky at the airport and posted a Moments: Goodbye, Australia, I'm going back to China!

People in the circle of friends liked it one after another, and left messages to make an appointment when they returned home.

On the plane, Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun about the transaction of "Zebao". In the end, the film was sold to Steve in the United States for US$500 million for distribution in Europe and America, and Ryosuke in Japan for 60 million US dollars. $[-] won the local release in Japan, other than that, everything else is still under discussion.

Zhou Yun nodded.

This is a contract that has been signed after many rounds of communication, and it is not a buyout price, and you can still get a share of it.

Zhou Yun said to Zhou Lan: "In the future, when we sell films, we will try our best to sell as much as possible, unless the film studio is particularly short of money and needs to pay back."

Zhou Lan said: "You probably don't even know how many film producers come to us to act as an agent for overseas distribution, and they watch films every day."

Zhou Yun: "This is not our main business, so don't take up too much of our energy."

"I think we can open up a new business." Zhou Lan said, "This is good for us. You have such a channel, and every film and television company needs to think highly of you."

Zhou Yun heard the words, thought for a while, and asked: "But, do we really have the ability to do such a thing now?"

"Ability can be developed. The key is whether there is an opportunity to exercise. Now that the opportunity has come, do you want to give up this opportunity?" Zhou Lan persuaded, "Xiaoyun, you don't need to worry about these, I will The arrangement has been made, and the studio is already working hard to recruit people. I think it will be a general trend for Chinese-language films to go global in the future, and we should not limit ourselves to the brokerage business.”

Zhou Yun said: "Actually, we are all starting to make our own movies now, which is also a business we haven't done before."

"We make our own movies, and the investment cost is actually very high, and the risk is very high. I don't plan to expand this business." Zhou Lan said, "Whether it's investment or making movies ourselves, this is It’s a very risky thing, but if you have a channel in your own hands, find an overseas film company for domestic films, or simply distribute it yourself, the cost is much lower, and the risk is more controllable.”

The two chatted for a long time on the plane.

Zhou Yun didn't stop Zhou Lan from doing this, but she knew it was not that easy.

"Zebao" just caught up with them. Other films may not be of interest to overseas film studios, nor may they be sold.

Zhou Yun was afraid that he was not capable enough, so he took on such a job. In the end, it delayed the sales of other people's movies for no reason, failed to meet their expectations, and caused others to complain instead.

Zhou Lan knew what Zhou Yun was worried about, so she immediately said to Zhou Yun: "Don't worry, I will never become fat like this, but Xiao Yun, this opportunity is really rare, I also think The next 20 and [-] years will be the window period for Chinese-language films to go overseas, and if we seize this opportunity, we will definitely reach a higher level."

Zhou Lan said so, of course Zhou Yun no longer refused.

Zhou Yun has full trust in Zhou Lan.

If she didn't trust Zhou Lan, she would have no one else to trust in her work.

Therefore, Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, if you want to develop business in this area, go for it. I support you, but we must not take too many, and it will be very uncomfortable if it falls into our own hands."

Zhou Lan nodded: "Of course."

On the plane back to China, Zhou Yun put on the blindfold and fell asleep.

It's just that she didn't sleep well on the plane, and she woke up after not sleeping for a while.

Looking again, Zhou Lan is still looking at the tablet computer in his hand, there should be a lot of work materials to read.

Zhou Yun took out his e-reader, ready to read for a while.

Zhou Yun has recently become obsessed with Ken Fleck's spy novels.

She was fascinated.

This kind of subject matter is a natural story.

As long as the story is not badly written, the subject matter is inherently attractive.

Zhou Yun always thinks of "Sinking Moon on the Sea". This drama is the only spy war drama she has acted in, but now because of her fingertip drug use, there is no news for a long time, and it may even not be broadcast in the future.

This made Zhou Yun a little depressed.

She and Song Chi acted pretty well in this play—she could feel it when she was acting, especially when fighting Song Chi, both of them put in a lot of effort, and they matched each other perfectly, This kind of tacit understanding, Zhou Yun really can only experience it here in Song Chi.

The tacit understanding between her and Song Chi is not the type of sympathy, but mutual trust.

Zhou Yun fully believed that Song Chi had the ability to catch up no matter how she acted.

This sense of trust between opponents is very important.

Because of this, Zhou Yun is also looking forward to the broadcast of this drama.


Zhou Yun was distracted, thought of this, and immediately sighed.

Zhou Lan heard her sigh and turned to look over.

"Why are you sighing suddenly?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I thought of "Sinking Moon in the Sea", and felt that it would be a pity if this drama could not be aired."

"Chen Wenjun is trying to find a way to do his job. Besides, there is still hope for this drama starring you and Song Chi. The official also knows the influence of the two of you overseas. Originally, they wanted to vigorously promote Chinese dramas in the past few years. Going overseas to increase your overseas influence, the drama that the two of you are the only co-stars, they must also hope that it can still be aired normally." Zhou Lan said, "I have heard some rumors, and it is estimated that it will be released. It will not be affected by the finger and tail."

"Really? That would be great!" Zhou Yun said pleasantly.

Zhou Lan: "This is also due to the performance of the two of you at the Berlin Film Festival this time, which allowed the officials to see the influence of the two of you overseas, and they don't want this show to be in vain. The quality is really high, this is the news I heard, the original words of the people above."

"What about the end of the finger?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "I don't know, and we don't know what will happen to this matter, but they should find a way to solve it, and it has nothing to do with us."

Zhou Yun is really happy. If "Sinking Moon in the Sea" can be broadcast, it must be a great thing.

Back in the country and setting foot on this familiar land, Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

She said: "This is the first time I've come back from the cast, and there is no other drama waiting for me to join the cast."

Zhou Lan said: "Do you want to join the group? If you want to join the group, I will arrange it for you right away."

Of course Zhou Lan was joking.

Zhou Yun squinted at her and said, "If you want me to die suddenly, you can arrange for me to join the group."

Zhou Lan laughed.

"You should take a good rest for a few days. I won't arrange work for you for the next week. After that, I will have some schedules and arrangements. The new season advertisements for VX, Jinling Jewelry, and Roger Watches, and two magazines. The promotion of "Chen Yin", the preparatory meeting of "Idol Replica", the preparatory meeting of the second season of "Under Dress", the promotion meeting of "Son of Prophecy", and the award ceremony of this year's Aoki Award, you will be the guest of honor Attendance is all in March."

Zhou Yun's head got dizzy.

"I'm going to faint."

Zhou Lan: "Don't get dizzy, these are only temporarily settled jobs, and there are still many people in contact."

"Stop, stop, stop, don't arrange too much for me. There is only so much work in March. That's enough." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "Okay then, originally I wanted to put on two more shows for you, so I could promote "Chen Yin" by the way."

Zhou Yun: "...What does Director Jiang mean?"

"Of course Director Jiang hopes that you will actively help promote it. However, it depends on yourself. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be on the show. I've just been pestered by some producers who keep making appointments with me and want to invite you. It's been a long time since you appeared on the show, I mean these domestic shows." Zhou Lan said, "The last time you appeared on the show was Liu Yuan's new show. Of course, that time you and Song Chi Appearing together, the topic is very high, everyone has a heated discussion, and you have never left everyone's sight."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "It's fine to be on the show, but if you want to be on the show, you can bring the actors from the crew of "Chen Yin" along."

"Huh?" Zhou Lan said, "The cast of "Chen Yin" is very strong, all of them are first-line stars, and everyone may not be able to make up the time."

Zhou Yun said: "Oh, is that right? Forget it, I just think it will be more effective in promoting "Chen Yin" if everyone is on the show together."

"You don't have to worry about the promotion of "Chen Yin". This kind of all-star cast has long been popular before it is broadcast. Moreover, when the time comes, everyone will be on different programs to promote this drama, and the coverage of the promotion will be even greater. " Zhou Lan said, "You can bring Huang Zicheng on the show, and I also helped him contact a lot of shows to be on."

Zhou Yun nodded: "Okay, then you can help me connect with the two programs, don't arrange too tight for me, I need to rest."

"Do not worry."

Zhou Lan nodded happily.

Zhou Yun is willing to accept two programs, and she can also return two favors.

I usually contact Huang Zicheng, Lu Zhongting, Wang Jing, Yu Chu and others with some major column groups, but they all owe favors.

Zhou Yun returned home.

Zhou Lan helped her push all the boxes in.

"I've already found someone to clean the house for you in advance. I won't bother you this week. You can do whatever you want." Zhou Lan said, "I'll see you in a week."

Zhou Yun hugged Zhou Lan, "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Lan: "I am happy when I make money, and I am happy when I work hard."

Zhou Yun: "It doesn't cooperate with me at all."

Zhou Lan rolled his eyes.


Seeing her hurrying away, Zhou Yun suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, didn't you say that after I finish filming, you will introduce me to—"

Before Zhou Yun could finish his sentence, Zhou Lan closed the door and ran away.

Zhou Yun: "..."

She chased after her, opened the door, and said to Zhou Lan's back, "Don't think you can escape, I remember it clearly! Hurry up and make arrangements for me!"

Zhou Lan looked back at her speechlessly.

Zhou Lan was very depressed.

She just thought that Zhou Yun would forget about it, who knew that he could remember it so clearly, without forgetting it at all!
Zhou Yun smiled triumphantly.

Do you expect her to forget?
Oh, it's impossible.

It took Zhou Yun an hour to organize his suitcase and put everything in order. Zhou Yun was also tired, so he sat on the sofa with his hands drooping on the back of the sofa.

At this time, she slowly calmed down.

Everything about filming in Australia really felt like it was over.

She is back to normal life again.

Zhou Yun picked up the phone and asked Yu Chu: Are you filming or not?
Yu Chu: You are filming, have you returned to China?
Zhou Yun: Well, I just got home and I want to see my godson, where is he?
Yu Chu: Just stay by my side. Yuesao is helping me take him. When I go back to the hotel, I will let him video-video with you.

Zhou Yun: What about the video, I will visit you in two days, and I want to see her with my own eyes.

Yu Chu: Okay, then tell me before you come, I will ask the director for leave.

Zhou Yun: Why don't you ask for leave? You are filming your movie, and I will take my godson to play.

Yu Chu: Damn, now that you have a godson, you don't care about me anymore?I'm jealous!
Zhou Yun: Why are you jealous? My godson is also your son.

Yu Chu: No, it's because my mother and I are friends with you, and he is your godson. You can figure out the key points!
Zhou Yun: You are enough, you can eat your own son if you are jealous.

Yu Chu: Then what's the matter?I tell you, you must accompany me.

Zhou Yun: Alright, alright, I see.

Just after the chat, there was movement at the door, and Song Chi came back.

Zhou Yun immediately jumped up from the sofa and ran to the entrance.

Song Chi appeared at the door with two bags of things in his hand. Seeing Zhou Yun's joyful smile, he smiled too.

"I thought I'd be home before you."

Song Chi had a program to record today, and after the recording was over, he hurried back.

He knew Zhou Yun was coming back today.

Zhou Yun said: "I just arrived too, what are you carrying two bags?"

"When I was recording the show, other people gave me some gifts." Song Chi said, "I brought them back."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and asked, "Isn't it a gift from a girl?"

Song Chi: "There are men and women, but I guarantee that no matter whether it is a man or a woman, they will be given away cleanly."

He put down the bag and raised his hands to swear, his eyes filled with a doting smile.

The new volume is about to be opened a long time ago, and I have been forgetting to open it.

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