I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 843 Adventure Spirit

"Zhou Yun is back, hurry up and make an appointment with her."

Liu Ziyan from Yue Hai sent Xu Jinbo a screenshot of Zhou Yun's circle of friends.

Xu Jinbo replied: Yes, yes.

But he didn't intend to bother Zhou Yun today.

Since I just came back, I definitely want to take a good rest.

After Xu Jinbo collaborated with Zhou Yun in "Deep Sea", he got to know the actress Zhou Yun.

Xu Jinbo always likes to treat all the first-line actresses in his way. In fact, Zhou Yun doesn't buy it at all.

Compared with showing the sincerity of "Cheng Men Lixue", it is better to make the script better and form a better team, which will move Zhou Yun even more.

The drama "Flower City" has been in preparation for more than a year, and it's not that no one has proposed changing the heroine, so that the drama has been filmed long ago.

However, Zhou Yun and Yue Hai's "Deep Sea" is really good at playing, earning real money, and no one in Yue Hai would dare to say that changing the heroine can make so much money, so that the reference to changing the heroine , was soon forgotten.

Still want Zhou Yun to play the leading role.

Yue Hai wanted to replicate the commercial success of "Deep Sea", so he wanted to use the original crew.

The director still uses Cui Xidong.

As for the second part of "Deep Sea", before the filming of "Flower City", Yue Hai didn't make this plan.

Zhou Yun would definitely not accept that others would continue to play his role.

When the time comes to make Zhou Yun angry, the loss outweighs the gain.

Of course Xu Jinbo knew what Yue Hai was thinking and planning.He has his own plans.

In fact, for a producer like Xu Jinbo, it is impossible for him to give everything in his hands to Yue Hai.

They must have their own resources in their hands, and this is where they cannot be replaced.

Among these resources, actor resources and director resources are very core resources.

He can handle actors that others can't handle, and he can handle directors that others can't handle. This is his core value in Yue Hai.

As a producer, where is the most valuable?
The vision of looking at the project, the ability to group plates, and the courage to push forward.

Xu Jinbo had already communicated with Zhou Yunfang for several rounds about the play "Flower City", and he never said he would not act in this play, which showed that Zhou Yun was not disgusted with acting in this play.

Maybe other actors must sign a contract with them to ensure that the show can hit them.

But Zhou Yun is not like this.

Of course, Zhou Yun's schedule is also very tight, but Zhou Yun is also the kind that as long as she is willing to act in this movie, she will do a lot of work to coordinate the time and cooperate with the filming of this movie.

Xu Jinbo thought clearly now, the most important thing is to first modify the script according to Zhou Yun's request.

As long as the script satisfies Zhou Yun, the following things will move forward quickly.

After figuring this out, Xu Jinbo has a very good idea of ​​how to cooperate with Zhou Yun in the future.

He doesn't need to think about whether there is a market for the subject matter, whether it is the most popular in the market, as long as it is a good script, he can give it to Zhou Yun.

Driven by this kind of thinking, Xu Jinbo has sent three more scripts to Zhou Yun's studio, all of which have passed the review of Zhou Lan's selection of this group, saying that when Zhou Yun comes back this time, he will Show Zhou Yun the script.

Xu Jinbo thought, why not wait for Zhou Yun to read these three scripts, and then go to chat with Zhou Yun about the follow-up cooperation.

Xu Jinbo thought very clearly that as long as Zhou Yun was willing to take another script, even if she didn't like the other two scripts, she could still act for Yu Chu and Wang Jing.

Of course he knew that although Yu Chu and Wang Jing could play the heroines now, it was difficult to get good and breakthrough scripts.

Just like the script in his hand, in terms of quality, it is definitely a good script. It will be sent to Zhou Yun's notebook and put outside. Many first-line actresses must rush to act, and Yu Chu and Wang Jing will not be able to turn.

Xu Jinbo is willing to give them both, as long as he can maintain a good relationship with Zhou Yun.

In fact, if Yu Chu and Wang Jing were to act, then it would be better to give them another actor who could handle the drama better.

Now Yue Hai has a few first-line actors who can carry the drama, and Yue Hai's self-made drama must give priority to them.

Especially Gu Huaichun.

Yue Hai's productions of film and television dramas are often commercial mainstream dramas. Gu Huaichun and Yue Hai have always had conflicts in choosing dramas. He knows that if it is these few scripts, Gu Huaichun will definitely be satisfied.

Except for Xu Jinbo, other producers of Yue Hai would not choose such a script, and if it was not for the purpose of impressing Zhou Yun, Xu Jinbo would not have won such a risky project with less clear prospects for commercial returns. script.

The cooperation with Zhou Yun made Xu Jinbo change some of his original ideas.Although Xu Jinbo has always believed that if it is not Zhou Yun who is the leading actor, or an actor like Zhou Yun who can really carry the drama to support a drama, most of the actors actually still have to enjoy the bonus of the subject matter, and it is impossible to attract the audience with everything they do. , but Xu Jinbo also slowly accepted Zhou Yun's attitude.A drama is very popular, but its reputation is average and its quality is average. In the long run, such a drama is actually not a good thing for a creator.

Xu Jinbo always felt that red is red, not red is not red, not red is the original sin.Now Xu Jinbo has tasted the benefits that "Deep Sea" brought him.

In Yuehai, so many producers have successfully produced dramas with good commercial returns and smash hits. However, they have been in the industry for ten or 20 years, and they seem to stop at one and can’t get up or down. stage, everyone called them senior producers, gold medal producers, and everyone in the industry has heard their names, but when it comes to achievements or something more metaphysical, they don’t reach that level .

"Deep Sea" made him overtake in a corner, and even appeared on the PPT that Yue Hai introduced to shareholders. He is the representative of the producers owned by Yue Hai. Apart from him, the other two are big names in the industry. He is a big name respected by the entire film and television industry.

At that moment, Xu Jinbo realized what Zhou Yun meant.

Producers also want to read masterpieces, and "Deep Sea" has become the most representative work in his producer career, so much so that in the past six months, Yue Hai's boss has personally invited him to dinner five times to talk about the follow-up project, talk about future development, and draw big cakes for him.

All this highlights a sign.

Yue Hai paid more attention to him, and this was reflected in his salary and bonus.

In the past, he tried every means to negotiate a higher salary with Yue Hai, but now Yue Hai took the initiative to chase him and give him a bonus.

Xu Jinbo also knew why.

On the one hand, "Deep Sea" was too successful, and on the other hand, it was because he was the only producer in Yue Hai who could talk about Zhou Yun and invite Zhou Yun to star in a drama series produced by Yue Hai.

Yue Hai now needs him to continue to maintain a cooperative relationship with Zhou Yun.

Xu Jinbo didn't intend to tie his career to Zhou Yun alone.

So, on the one hand, he continues to cooperate with Zhou Yun to find new projects and promote "Flower City", on the other hand, he is also working on other projects at the same time.

However, he has changed the direction of his production projects.

He set a new requirement for himself, not only to obtain commercial returns, but also to be recognized by the industry.

Recognition in the industry is golden, and it is his real influence in this industry.


Zhou Yun started reading the script the next day.

Song Chi was going to the company for a meeting, so she followed Song Chi to his company and read the script in his lounge.

The studio prepared eight scripts for her, all of which were thought to be very good.

Each has its own characteristics and is of a high standard.

Zhou Yun first read the outline of the story and the suggestions written by the reading group, listed the ones he was most interested in, and read the ones he was least interested in first.

The time to read the script is quick.

However, the scripts of the series are very long, and the number of words is longer than the general novels on the market.

A thick stack.

Not long after Zhou Yun started reading, Wu Chengbao knocked on the door and came in.

"I heard that you also came to the company today, let's say hello." Wu Chengbao smiled all over his face, "Is the filming of "Killing Song" going well?"

"Very well." Zhou Yun nodded and asked, "Isn't your "Cigarette" going to be released soon? Why are you all in the company?"

"Isn't there a publicity meeting right now?" Wu Chengbao said, "In the next few days, Lao Song will go on a road show with the crew. This is a literary film, and he is the only star. Come on, do you want to come with us?"

"I won't go." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I don't want to bother, I want to rest."

Wu Chengbao: "Okay, then the road show here in Shanghai, can you be there to support it?"

"Shanghai has no problem." Zhou Yun said, "Of course, will you hold a domestic premiere?"

"It won't be held, the cost of holding the premiere is too high, and we are not a commercial film, we can only hope to spend the money wisely in terms of publicity."

"Is it pre-ordered now?"

"The pre-sale has started, and the pre-sale results are not bad, which is considered very high among literary films, but this is also because of the strong support of Lao Song's fans, but the film itself has not spread among passers-by." Wu Chengbao said , "It is still necessary to expand some publicity as much as possible to let more people know about this movie."

"Well, what are you going to do?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wu Chengbao said: "The movie "Cigarette" is more likely to be aimed at people who are usually interested in literature and culture. We are going to go to various colleges and universities."

"But college students may not be interested in this movie, and most young people know Song Chi. If they pay attention to Song Chi, they will know that he has such a movie released." Zhou Yun said.

"Yes, but we still want to use this method to increase the box office on the first day as much as possible and increase attention. We are very confident in the quality of this movie, so we hope that it can still stabilize the film schedule in the first week and wait for word of mouth. Slowly fermenting, the box office should be able to rise."

Zhou Yun asked: "What is your expected box office for this movie?"

"According to normal estimates, it should be about 6000 million to 8000 million." Wu Chengbao said realistically, "But we still want to break through [-] million, but the style and subject matter of the movie are really not very popular with the audience, so we can only say our best. "

"Can the box office of 6000 million be paid back?"

"Yes, the cost of this movie is very low. Lao Song also got his share, and he didn't get paid. The total production cost has not exceeded 800 million. Of course, including the cost of publicity and distribution, it will still be about 1500 million." Wu Chengbao Said, "In the past few years, there have been basically no such low-volume movies on the market, and even the cost of many online majors is higher than this. However, if Lao Song wants to make this script, we can only I can support it, but I just say try not to lose money.”

Zhou Yun understood what Wu Chengbao meant.

In fact, normally speaking, if this movie is not starring Song Chi, the final box office may not even reach 100 million. This is the real situation of literary films in the market.

Zhou Yun sighed.

It is really difficult to make a literary film in China.

In fact, it is difficult to find investment for literary and artistic films all over the world. However, in many places, literary and artistic films already have a mature channel. From production to release to subsequent sales, they may earn less, but there is still a stable route to follow.

But in China, what kind of results literary and artistic films want to achieve really depends on fate.

There are also a few literary films that get attention every year, and the box office is also good, or they are broadcast well on video platforms, but they are all unpredictable. There is no such thing as a good word of mouth can be converted into a good box office - not to say that there is no such thing Situations, but very few, basically belong to the case.

This is why both Zhou Yun and Song Chi are using their strength to support domestic literary films.

After Wu Chengbao left, Zhou Yun continued to read the script.

However, what Wu Chengbao said just now is still in his mind.

Zhou Yun was thinking, although he said he wanted to support literary films, he had made very few films in the past two years.

"Days" counts as one, "Words of Fallen Leaves" counts as one, and later "Sui" counts as one, and then there are no more.

In fact, "Year" is not aimed at scripts or literary films.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, maybe he can set aside some time every year to support a new director and make a literary film.

As long as the script is good, there is nothing wrong with it.

She can also be like Song Chi, who only takes the share but not the salary, and doesn't care how much it makes at the box office, but she can use her influence to drive more people into the cinema to watch literary films.

Zhou Yun recalled the eight scripts in his hand, there really are no low-budget literary films.

She sent a message to Zhou Lan: You ask them to find me some suitable literary films for me to act in.

Zhou Kan:?Want to win an award?

Zhou Yun: No, I just don’t want to give up. All the scripts you gave me are good enough to be seen at a glance, without that kind of energy, which makes me feel a little risky.

Weekly view: ...

Zhou Yun: I'm serious. I'm not saying that the script you selected for me was not good. It's very good. I just want something different.

Zhou Lan: Are you not satisfied with these eight scripts?

Zhou Yun: That's not what I mean!I mean, besides these eight, I want something a little different!

Zhou Lan: I'll find it for you, but don't blame me for not reminding you. You said it yourself. In the future, the rhythm must be controlled. If you don't want to join the group seamlessly, you should weigh it yourself. You have plans to shoot and there are still several movies in the future. Woolen cloth.
March, a new month, ask for a monthly pass!

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