I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 844 Paying for Justice

Chapter 844 Paying for Justice

At noon, Zhou Yun and Song Chi went to a restaurant near his company for lunch.

The owner of the restaurant and Song Chi were old acquaintances, and they had reserved an area separated by a screen in advance, so that people outside could not see the people inside unless they walked in.

There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and two people went in and sat down wearing hats and sunglasses.

Although some people suspected that these two people were a bit like Song Chi and Zhou Yun, but because the screen separated them, those who were wondering were embarrassed to go directly behind the screen to confirm.

With such a screen blocking, Zhou Yun and Song Chi could have a good meal without interruption.

After a while, Wu Chengbao also came over.

The three chatted about the release of "Jianyuntai" and another sci-fi disaster film that is in preparation.

"The newly revised script has been sent to Hugh Redman. Let's wait for his feedback. Sedar has little opinion on the revision of the script, and she is also willing to cooperate with Hugh Redman." Wu Chengbao Said, "It's just that the schedules of the two of them are too tight. If we want to shoot, we have to wait until next year to start the filming. This year's schedules of the two of them don't match at all."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "There are still a lot of things that need to be prepared in advance."

Wu Chengbao asked: "Xiaoyun, didn't you fancy "Idol Replica" before? When are you going to shoot?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, but I don't have a confirmed shooting plan for the rest of this year. Let's go and see who will be the director of this movie." Zhou Yun said, "I have never done this type of film before." I’ve filmed it before, but I don’t know which director is more suitable.”

Wu Chengbao said: "I'll make a list here, and we'll discuss it in a meeting, how about it?"

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

"The competition for the Aoki Award this year is quite fierce." Wu Chengbao said again, "I don't know how many nominations "Cigarette" can get."

Zhou Yun asked: "Has "Cigarette" applied for the Aoki Award?"

"Reported, but this year is considered a big year. Last year, many films were of high quality, and the competition will be very fierce," Wu Chengbao said, "especially "Standing Storm" directed by Zhang Chu, "Walking and Watching" directed by Xing Dinglan, Chen Bi Director Chi's "Flowers Blooming for a Summer", these three films are all literary films with a very good reputation last year, and the box office is also good. The famous director's masterpiece is definitely a guest of the Aoki Award. "Cigarette" is the work of a new director. I don’t know if I can break through the encirclement.”

Zhou Yun had watched all the three movies mentioned by Wu Chengbao when they were released last year.

Indeed, all three films are good films, each with its own merits.

Zhou Yun himself actually likes "Walking and Watching" directed by Xing Dinglan the most. This is a movie that focuses on a few young people. It is very youthful and very sad. Watching this movie in the cinema brings a sense of memory.

As for "Standing Storm" and "Flowers Blooming for a Summer", the former is very stable, which is the scheduling and rhythm of a veteran director who sits firmly on Mount Tai, while the latter is a portrayal of fierce and unrestrained daily life.

The domestic film market in recent years has basically been dominated by mainstream commercial blockbusters, and film awards are actually the same. It is rare that there were so few excellent literary films last year. While gaining good reputation, they also achieved good box office results and audience popularity Also very high.

Zhou Yun asked: "Then "Cigarette" has little hope of being shortlisted?"

"I don't know, everything is unknown. I have confidence in the quality of the film, but for an award, who is shortlisted and who is not, there are too many factors involved, it is not that simple." Wu Chengbao said, "There are There are also many balance issues to be considered, especially for several major awards. Not to mention, there were many movies with high box office and good reputation last year, and the Aoki Award certainly cannot exclude them. "

Zhou Yun nodded.

Wu Chengbao said: "Maybe you can break out of the encirclement with "Four Killers" and nominate Best Actress again."

Zhou Yun quickly shook his head and said, "I don't think I can be nominated for Best Actress with this movie, and I didn't have much breakthrough performance."

Wu Chengbao said: "Whether you make a breakthrough is one thing, and whether there are more suitable and better nominees than you is also a problem. Of course, this year's best actress award is a big year, and many outstanding actresses have won the award. I heard that Ning Yao sent the Aoki Award with the re-edited version of "Zebao", and the re-edited version of "Zebao" will be re-released in March."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Ning Yao did really well in "Ze Bao". She has no problem getting nominated."

"Well, there is also Yin Lin who lost [-] pounds and starred in a seriously ill patient. Although the film's reputation is mediocre, her performance and sacrifice of personal image have been recognized by many people." Wu Chengbao said, "This is two Seed players."

These things pop up every time we compete for awards.

Zhou Yun rejoiced that she was very lucky, she had won the awards early on, and her expectations for these awards were not so great, otherwise, she might not be able to treat this matter with such a normal mind.

Of course, even if you have won an award, you will still be eager to win it next time.

This is an uncontrollable desire.

In the end, they were still chatting about Ning Yao's performance in "Zebao" at noon. In the afternoon, Ning Yao called Zhou Yun and asked if she was in Shanghai.

Zhou Yun said yes.

Ning Yao asked her out for coffee.

The two met in a very remote and private cafe.

Zhou Yun was originally surprised why this cafe seemed to be empty, but when he saw the price, he instantly understood.

However, this store is really stylishly designed, not only artistic, but also beautiful.

The spray painting of the wall panels in bold colors creates a sense of quiet release for the whole space.

Zhou Yun was very moved, took out his mobile phone and asked Ning Yao to take some pictures of himself.

Ning Yao happily helped Zhou Yun take pictures.

"Do you want me to take a picture for you?" Zhou Yun asked.

Ning Yao shook his head and said, "I don't need it, I've been here several times, and I've taken a lot of pictures, but let's take a group photo later, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

In fact, it was less than a month.

The two had obviously just met in Berlin.

Because of the movie "Zebao", the relationship between the two is closer than before.

Thinking of Ning Yao missing the Best Actress Award at the Berlin Film Festival this time, Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Ning Yao, when will you join the group?"

Ning Yao nodded and said, "I have received a movie, and I will join the team in May this year."

"What movie?"

"Suspense crime." Ning Yao said, "I play a mother who has to kill a gangster who broke into the house in order to protect her son. It's quite thrilling."

"Huh? Sounds interesting."

"Well, the script is also very refined. The story happened in one place, which is the home of the character I played. The main actors are only a few people. There is no group play. People in my team said that this is a 'script killing' A story like this." Ning Yao said.

Zhou Yun: "Is the filming finished soon?"

"The filming can be finished in about 20 days." Ning Yao said, "It doesn't take time."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"very nice."

Ning Yao asked, "What about you?"

"I'm empty in the back, I'm reading a book, but I also want to take a good rest during this time." Zhou Yun said, "There are several dramas that I will meet with you one after another, so I will take a good run Propaganda, let’s talk about the rest later.”

Ning Yao nodded: "You have been filming and working non-stop for the past two years, and I haven't seen you take a break."

"I always feel like I'm just starting out, I don't feel safe, I want to seize every opportunity in my hands, and I dare not give up." Zhou Yun said, "Now I am slowly daring to let myself relax. Be prepared, even if you take a break, it won’t be a long time without work to meet with you. I think confidence is really related to time. I have been an actor for several years, and I have gradually figured out some of the ways of this industry. I dare to give up something."

"Haha, I understand what you mean, and I feel the same way. When I first acted, I didn't know what to say, and I didn't dare to talk too much. Anyway, I followed what others said, and I was almost 30 years old. , I started to take the initiative to put forward some requirements for my work."

When the two chatted here, Ning Yao suddenly said, "By the way, Xiaoyun, did that Li Zhentai from Korea contact you later?"

Zhou Yun shook his head in doubt, and said, "No, why did he contact me?"

"He told me through some people that I'd better not go to Korea, otherwise I'd have to look good." Ning Yao said this with a smile on his lips, "When I heard this, I was stunned. After finishing high school, I have basically never heard other people say this sentence, unexpectedly, I thought he threatened you as well."

Zhou Yun said: "I have been filming in Australia before, maybe he can't find someone to spread the word to, but this kind of person, you don't talk to him, but because of his family background and influence, he doesn't know at all. The sky is high and the earth is high, maybe he really has such abilities in South Korea, but the two of us don't work in South Korea, so what do you do with a guy like him."

Ning Yao sighed.

"It's not because "Mortal Realm" is scheduled to be released in South Korea in August, and I will still go to South Korea to promote it." Ning Yao said, "If I don't go to South Korea, I won't bother to talk to him, I'm afraid of him Crazy, really dare to do some bad things.”

Zhou Yun understood what Ning Yao was worried about.

In fact, Ning Yao's worry was justified.

With Li Zhentong's crazy criticism style, it is not surprising to find underworld thugs to take revenge on Ning Yao.

Zhou Yun said: "If this is the case, you can hire more bodyguards, that's the only way to go, but don't worry too much, the person he hates the most must be me, and I was the one who slapped him back then. "

Ning Yao: "I'm afraid that he really wants to retaliate against me by any means. Then I'm in South Korea, their territory. No matter how many bodyguards I bring, it's useless."

Zhou Yun was silent.

When people get along with lunatics, lunatics are often the least disadvantaged.

Zhou Yun asked: "Then have you communicated with director Kim Byung-deok about this matter?"

"Director Kim Byung-deok just sighed when he found out about this, and said that he would try to find a middleman to make things right." Ning Yao was helpless, "Actually, I'm really upset, I don't want to find a middleman to make things right with him at all, but, "Mortal Realm" "is released, and I have to go to the premiere, alas, I don't even know what to do."

Li Zhenti sent someone to send a message, which was completely threatening Ning Yao personally. Ning Yao would be worried, and Zhou Yun understood very well.

The two were speechless.

Why is the world like this?
They are just defending the justice in their hearts, but when they take the step of defending justice, they also choose to face the evil revenge.

Just this little thing makes them stymied. It is conceivable how difficult every decision they make is for those lower-ranking people who have been in an unequal and unbalanced power relationship for a long time.

Both Zhou Yun and Ning Yao are not unknown, and they are even very powerful people. Even so, they are still subject to such forces as Li Zhentai.

They defended their vision of justice in Berlin, and afterward, they will pay for such behavior.

In a really fucked up world, people not only have to pay for their mistakes, but also for their courage, justice and persistence.

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Ning Yao, if you really can't solve it in the end, you should not go to Korea. I believe Director Kim Byung-deok will understand."

Ning Yao said: "If this is the case in the end, that's the only way to go, but I still hope to go there."

The movie I worked so hard to shoot, and I also contributed such a wonderful performance. The Korean premiere was originally the biggest event for this movie in Korea. If she didn't go, I would be too sorry for the movie.

She is the heroine of this movie, and there is no heroine who does not attend the premiere.

After meeting with Ning Yao, Zhou Yun and Song Chi went to visit Director Cong Lan at night.

Zhou Yun and Cong Lan have worked together on the TV series "Fixing the Storm". Although the final word-of-mouth was not particularly good, the relationship between Zhou Yun and Cong Lan has remained very good.

Cong Lan is also a TV drama director.

Song Chi is visiting Cong Lan for a TV series his company is going to produce.

He wanted to invite Cong Lan to come out and direct this TV series.

Cong Lan and his wife invited Zhou Yun and Song Chi to a light meal at home and chatted for a long time.

In the end, Song Chi and Cong Lan went to chat about the project, while Zhou Yun sat in the living room and chatted with Cong Lan's wife.

Cong Lan's wife is Wei Chunli, who was also an actress when she was young. After marrying Cong Lan, she gradually retired and took on the role of a good wife.

As a director, Cong Lan spends a lot of time with the crew every year, so the family can only leave it to her.

When Zhou Yun heard Wei Chunli talk about the past, he thought of himself.

Will she sacrifice her job for her family and her children in the future?
Wei Chunli said: "After the child grows up, I also thought about coming back and starting acting again. After all, it is something I have always loved. However, everyone is willing to give me a few for the sake of the past and Lao Cong's face. The roles are played, but they are all affectionate, there is no acting talent, and the audience actually don't remember you, after playing a few roles, I will lose interest."

(End of this chapter)

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