I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 845 The break is over and work begins

Chapter 845 The break is over and work begins

There are actually many actresses like Wei Chunli.

Actresses like Zhang Hongyu who have almost never left the profession of actors and have been acting all the time are actually in the minority.

Zhou Yun couldn't help thinking about his future.

It is definitely impossible for her to give up her career.

Zhou Yun never thought about it, nor would he allow himself to do so.

However, whether she is pregnant or giving birth, there will always be a delay for a while.

A few years, a few years.

Just like Yu Chu, when "Deep Sea" was on the air, she was pregnant and gave birth to a child. Even if she recovered quickly and returned to filming in a hurry within two months after giving birth, she still missed her best that period of time.

This is an unpredictable effect.

Zhou Yun does not intend to discuss the differences between men and women in this regard at this time, as well as the difficulties women face.

It's not that she doesn't care, she certainly does, and she very much wants to push as far as possible to resolve these dilemmas.

However, from her personal subjective point of view, even if she doesn't find a boyfriend or get married, she still wants to have a child of her own.

This is her wish.

Therefore, the impact on the career is inevitable.What Zhou Yun was thinking about was how to minimize the impact of this incident on himself.

As an actor, if you don't maintain exposure, one year or two years, it will be gradually forgotten by the industry.

When you come back, some people in the industry will remember you and look up to you because of your past achievements, but in the end, something has changed, and only you understand this.

Zhou Yun has always known that the most important thing for her to have such great autonomy now is because of her success.

Whether it is industry recognition, awards, popularity, or real works, they are so heavy that no one can ignore them.

Therefore, Zhou Yun never thought that "The Song of Killing" was just a commercial action film, not artistic enough to make it, and he never made "Under Dress" or "Four Killers" according to his own character.

She doesn't want to act in every play, but she has to.

So she never considered herself an artist either.

Not at all.

Zhou Yun has always maintained his "impression of success" in the industry, or the image of a "top actor".

Shoot commercials, get endorsements, appear in fashion magazines, get the most difficult brands to buy, and travel with high-end or top-notch brands.

This wasn't something Zhou Lan forced her to do, it was something she was fully cooperating with, and she knew she had to.

She is an actor, and she attaches the most importance to the identity of an actor, but she also knows that she is a star, and she must maintain the shining appearance of a star, so that she can achieve the greatest degree of freedom as an actor.

Red, in order to play the role you want to play.

It's that simple.

Song Chi wants to start her own company, and she wants to open her own studio, all in order to grasp the autonomy in her own hands, so that when the day of "flowers without a hundred days of red" comes, she can leave herself as much as possible. A well-thought-out back road.

Wei Chunli said with a smile: "Xiaoyun, let me tell you in private, if you can, never give up your career. Lao Cong is a good man and treats me very well. I don't regret marrying him, and I don't regret marrying him." I don’t regret spending time with my family, but I often think that if I had to choose again, I would not give up my career completely.”

Zhou Yun understood what Wei Chunli meant.

She nodded.

"Sister Chunli, do you still want to act? If you still want to act, if you have the opportunity in the future, I will make a play or Song Chi's. If you are interested and have a suitable role, we invite you to act."

Wei Chunli waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I'll forget it."

Zhou Yun didn't know how Wei Chunli's acting was, but she could see that Wei Chunli was full of regret and regret for not being able to continue acting.

This made her want to do something for Wei Chunli a little bit.

Cong Lan helped her a lot when filming "The Storm".

Zhou Yun has always been grateful.

Zhou Yun asked: "The director has been filming, Sister Chun Li, if you want to film, why don't you play a role in Director Cong's film?"

"He cares about his own reputation the most. No one in his family would use it in his plays." Wei Chunli sighed helplessly, "My niece, Xu Moyun, is also an actor and has acted in plays for many years." Well, I haven't even acted in a single play of her uncle's, and my brother is still angry with me for this, I said, what are you angry about, I have never acted in his play even though I am his wife."

Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Wei Chunyu complain.

"In fact, he has recommended many of his friends, but he never said, alas, he has this personality, so there is nothing he can do about it." Wei Chunli said, "All my relatives know that he is a great director. Come to him for help, those with poor grades, ask him to find a way, want to be sent to this industry to become a star, in fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon, everyone is like this, but he speaks straight, not euphemistic, very It was easy to offend relatives, and the number of people who came and went gradually decreased."

Zhou Yun recalled that Cong Lan was indeed not a soft-tempered director on the set of "Staying the Storm".

However, Zhou Yun didn't think he was fierce.

He is a very upright person, what to say, straight to the point.

"Before, he offended some people because of his tough temper. Later, it was difficult for him to win awards for the plays he directed, and some people suppressed him." Wei Chunli said, "It happened to be when he went to direct your film "The Storm" , In those few years, he was severely suppressed, and the companies he used to work with did not cooperate with him anymore, and after directing "The Storm", he was also fueled by some caring people, who spread his outdated and outdated remarks."

After "Ding Feng Bo" was broadcast, there were indeed a lot of sunspot remarks.

However, Zhou Yun didn't know that some of those sunspots' remarks were aimed at Cong Lan.

Zhou Yun: "I always thought that such a highly respected senior like director Cong Lan would not encounter such a thing."

"Oh, my dear, there have never been many such things, and you must have encountered them. As long as you stand higher than others, someone will try to step on you." Wei Chunli pursed her lips, "Old Cong The speed of filming has slowed down a lot in the past two years. Many people think that he is old and can't keep up with energy. In fact, every project he is promoting will encounter some resistance. This time Song Chi has a project to Looking for Lao Cong to shoot? Lao Cong specifically told Song Chi that if you find him as a director, you will encounter some obstacles."

Zhou Yun said: "Song Chi will definitely not care about it. People like director Cong Lan should be the mainstay of our industry. By cooperating with him in a film, other creators can learn a lot. These things have benefited us a lot, not just as simple as a play."

Wei Chunli nodded: "You and Song Chi are both good boys. When our old friends got together, everyone would give you two thumbs up when they mentioned you. In fact, it’s normal to be smug, whoever is popular doesn’t get sloppy, but it’s not easy for you, especially when I heard that you were still in Ningyao when the movie "Zebao" was losing money, and you agreed to help her do it Overseas distribution, you are very loyal."

"Sister Ningyao and I are good friends. In fact, I have no idea about doing this kind of thing. I have never done it. Sister Ningyao said that other companies are not optimistic about it and she is unwilling to do it. So I bit the bullet and took it." Zhou Yun said, "The main reason is that I have been in contact with overseas people in the past few years and know some foreign film producers, otherwise I would be powerless."

Wei Chunli: "Very good. You have such resources and are willing to help everyone. They should all learn from you."

Zhou Yun quickly shook his head and hands.

At this time, Song Chi and Cong Lan finished chatting and came out.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi said goodbye to Cong Lan and his wife and left.

Zhou Yun relayed what Wei Chunli said to Song Chi.

Song Chi said, "Director Cong offended Jing Dongtian."

"Oh, him." Zhou Yun knew this person. He even apologized to Zhou Yun when the crew of "Ask the Heart" failed in the Chinese Awards. At that time, Zhou Yun left the impression of a very modest old man.

"What happened between them?"

"The two of them competed for an award for a year, and it was very unpleasant. Later, Jingdongtian won the award. Director Cong told the media in dissatisfaction, saying that Jingdongtian won the award by improper means, saying that Jingdongtian won the award. A robber."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in shock.

Such a story happened to these two!

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say for a while.


It's really incredible.The main reason is that both of them are old seniors now. In the eyes of their younger generation, both Jing Dongtian and Cong Lan are already successful and highly respected people, and there is no need to fight over some things like these younger generations. blood flow.Such a story happened to the two of them, and it was indeed a bit abrupt.

"However, Director Cong and Sister Chunli have such a good relationship." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Chunli has sacrificed so much for him, yet she doesn't have any complaints."

Song Chi said: "Sister Chunli is willing to sacrifice because she loves Director Cong and their family."

Zhou Yun: "Yeah, I chatted with Sister Chunli today and asked her if she wanted to act again now that she has free time, she said forget it, but I can see that she still wants to act, but she doesn't want to give trouble for others."

Song Chi: "If there is a suitable opportunity, ask her if she would like to come out to play again."

Zhou Yun: "I won't take a rest in the future."

Song Chi raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"I support you [-] percent."

"You can't be absent from the matter of raising a child."

"Of course."

"We don't care about the male lead outside and the female lead inside."

"definitely no problem."

"very good."

"I thought we had this tacit understanding in this regard for a long time."

"We still need to reach a consensus." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to be a strong woman, but I also don't want to give up my career. I love acting more and more."

"I understand, I understand, and I do the same." Song Chi said, "When you have to make a sacrifice, I will make the sacrifice with you, it's not your business alone."

"of course."

the time passes so fast.

Zhou Yun never thought that one day he would discuss these matters with Song Chi.

In other words, I didn't expect it to be so early.

The promotion of "Cigarette" started non-stop.

As the producer and lead actor, Song Chi participated in every road show and promotional activity with the crew.

No premieres, no red carpets, just one road show after another.

Zhou Yun didn't stay at home alone.

She went to Yu Chu's crew, stayed with her for a day, and then played with her godson all afternoon.

It's an amazing feeling to be with a child.

Zhou Yun didn't even know how to describe his wonderful mood.

Could it be... Are you really old?

When Zhou Yun thought of this, he quickly shook his head.

What do you think.

This week of no work and rest passed quickly.

Zhou Yun was not even used to the state of opening his eyes from the bed for several days without knowing what he was going to do today.

Very strange indeed.

The tiredness from before was gone.

On the day when he resumed work, Zhou Lan drove downstairs on time and personally picked Zhou Yun to the company.

There are several meetings to be held today, all related to her.

Zhou Lan had already prepared the materials in advance and put them on the back seat.

"You can take a look at the materials to be discussed today." Zhou Lan said, "especially the cast of the second season of "Under Dress". He Yong wants to make this show a gift package for thousands of entertainment actors. I can't accept it."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun picked up the information and flipped through it for a while. .

There are about twelve main actors in the second season of "Under Dressing", and the listed actors are all contracted actors of Qianqian Entertainment.

Zhou Yun knew why Zhou Lanhui was speechless at a glance.

She said: "He did this on purpose. First, let us cut off half of the actors from Chengqian Entertainment as candidates. The remaining half is still thousands. He pretended to be angry to express his anger. In fact, Still got nearly half of the roles."

Zhou Lan: "Yeah, you don't even know what to say to this kind of person, and your little calculations are so loud."

"But the production company of this drama is thousands, and it is understandable that they want to arrange their own actors in it. I don't mind using thousands of actors, but at least some fresh faces." Zhou Yun said, "First of all, the first I will definitely not agree to let Xu Siyao play the heroine of the second season, and then she will stick to it like sticky candy, what is better than the first season or something."

Zhou Lan laughed and said, "Yeah, this is obviously to attract your artillery fire, and then he reluctantly removes Xu Siyao to keep the others."

Zhou Yun: "Scheming."

"However, do you have an idea for the heroine?" Zhou Lan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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