I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 846 "Under Dress" Sequel Meeting

Chapter 846 "Under Dress" Sequel Meeting

Zhou Yun said: "Look, the script of the second season made my character go to France to study and go on a business trip. A new colleague came to the editorial department. This new colleague is the protagonist of the second season. She will also play the role with Zhou Jianfeng. The male lead had some stories, and then fell in love with a young male model. It’s a sister-brother love story. They shouldn’t be too young in age, and they shouldn’t be a newcomer. In fact, they are looking for Xu Siyao in the right direction. We want this kind of people to know each other. It has been several years, and there is a little familiarity, and there is the CP feeling of sibling love."

Zhou Lan nodded.

"Actually, I think Yin Lin is quite suitable, but I don't know if she is interested." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "Yin Lin may not be willing. This is a sequel. An actress of her level is definitely taboo to act in a sequel movie. Besides, you also know that this drama still focuses on group portraits. It’s not the kind of heroine in the standard sense, and it may not be able to fully highlight her. Your reputation in the first part is not particularly good, and even you can’t get a good reputation. When other people receive this drama , maybe the first reaction is to resist."

Zhou Yun: "Yeah, among the actresses I know, the one who is more suitable is actually Yin Lin, who plays a light-hearted and aura female editor in this kind of drama with modern fashion themes. , There are many, but there are very few with distinctive personalities. Now I look back at myself in this drama before. I think I was too focused on the inner drama and the logic of the characters, but ignored one point. In a play where the external form is already very gorgeous, I should also design something eye-catching or impressive on my own characters, a little exaggeration is fine."

Zhou Lan: "Well, it's like Teacher Zeng Lili's performance in "Behind the Scenes"."

Zhou Yun's eyes suddenly brightened.

"You don't want to go to Teacher Zeng Lili, do you?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lily has been out of the shadows for so long, maybe she has recovered, I want to contact her to see."

"Wait, Xiaoyun, don't forget, in this drama, the female editor is going to have a relationship with a young model. Are you going to let Teacher Zeng Lili date a little fresh meat?"

"Why not?" Zhou Yun said, "A man in his 50s can fall in love with a girl like you, but why can't a woman in her 50s fall in love with Xiao Xianrou?"

Zhou Lan: "That's the truth, but I'm afraid the current audience might not be able to accept it."

"And—" Zhou Lan suddenly thought of another point, "There is also a problem with the setting of this position. This female editor is here to replace you, not the editor-in-chief."

Zhou Yun groaned, "Yes."

This thought had to be put aside temporarily.

Who is more suitable?
Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other.

"If you can't think of a suitable actor for the time being, why don't you invite various agencies to audition?" Zhou Lan suggested.

Zhou Yun: "I'm afraid that after sending out the audition invitation, various relationships will come."

Zhou Lan: "That's right, these are the most troublesome things, but I think this is the only way to go. There is no audition for this drama, and there will be an audition for the next drama. There is always an audition. It is impossible to never have an audition .”

"Actually, Yu Chu also fits this age group."

"But she doesn't quite match the role setting, she doesn't have that kind of flamboyant personality." Zhou Lan said bluntly, "She knows it herself, if it is a role suitable for our studio's actors, I will definitely have it I just stayed by myself, the key is that I couldn’t find a suitable one in my own studio, and there was no way to do that, I had to look outside.”

"There are only a few people who have a more flamboyant personality and a very good sense of fashion, and you can count them in the circle." Zhou Yun said, "But it seems impossible to accept this drama."

Ning Yao, Yin Lin, who fit this personality, are all first-line actresses, and they may not be willing to accept a TV series sequel.

Movie sequels are another story.

Zhou Lan: "Please recommend it. If it doesn't work, just look for it. I believe there must be many actresses who can take this role. It's just that they are not well-known and we haven't known them yet."

Zhou Yun: "Then it's better to audition, forget it, we will agree later and ask for an open audition for this role."


"Do you have any ideas about the role of this newly added young male model?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "You asked me what I thought, and my first reaction was Yu Zhiyang."

"Coincidentally, me too." Zhou Lan said, "He Yong still wants Luo Lu to play the role. In the first film, Luo Lu and Zhou Jianfeng competed for the leading actor and were eliminated. He still doesn't give up. .”

Luo Lu is a signed actor of Chengqian Entertainment, and he is a very handsome actor.

Compared with Zhou Jianfeng, he is not much better, but his temperament is a bit colder, not as tough as Zhou Jianfeng.

Zhou Yun said: "Luo Lu's image is also fine, but it depends on which actress you are paired with. The two of you must have a sense of CP."

"Yes, to be honest, I don't think Luo Lu's temperament is suitable for a sibling relationship."

"It's still like Yu Zhiyang." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Do you think Yu Zhiyang's appearance is more like a wolf dog?"

"Of course." Zhou Lan said, "Let me tell you, the more I look at Yu Zhiyang now, the more I think you have a good eye. The masculine charm on her body is probably going to explode."

Before Zhou Lan, he didn't really understand why Zhou Yun favored Zhi Yang so much.

She really didn't see any distinctive charm in Zhi Yang.

But as time goes by, she is more and more able to appreciate the silent, melancholy but profound sense of youth in Yu Zhiyang.

This is very rare.

Zhou Lan meets many, many actors every year, especially young actors.

Many people have that youthful feeling, but few have that clean and thorough one.

In today's entertainment industry, there are very few teenagers with a truly clear mind.Don’t blame them, you can only blame the environment. As long as you are good-looking, there will be many temptations that will actively appear by your side. You resist, or you don’t resist, every movement of yours wears down your youthful feeling.

This is a helpless fact.

Yu Zhiyang has a fragile feeling of hiding in a corner to heal his injuries after being injured. At the same time, he is silent and sensitive, but he refuses to reveal this frankly. Therefore, there is this attractive, deep and tender feeling in him. Complicated melancholy.

Zhou Lan felt even more so after watching some clips of "Year" that he and Zhou Yun played.

Wen Bingdu told her when she went to watch the movie that Yu Zhiyang's camera sense is so good that he can shoot it no matter what.

In the camera, he has no expression most of the time, but his eyes can speak.

He just looks at Zhou Yun like that, and you will be captured by his eyes.

Zhou Lan said: "Then let Yu Zhiyang act. He missed the first part, but he won't miss the sequel again."

"He Yong may not agree, Zhou Jianfeng is still there, he was the leading actor in the first film, and he is very popular now, will He Yong let Zhou Jianfeng play a supporting role for Yu Zhiyang?"

"There is no such thing as a supporting role or not. This script is a group portrait. If you have to talk about the protagonist, that is also the role of the female editor. There is no male protagonist." Zhou Lan said, "What's more, Zhou Jianfeng also has a lot of roles. He There are places where he excels, as long as we insist, He Yong will not disagree."


"Can Cheng Shenlu return to play the second part?" Zhou Yun asked.

Now Cheng Shenlu has become Xiaohong, a young Xiaohua who has attracted much attention, and has started to play the heroine, so she may not be willing to continue acting in the sequel.

Zhou Lan said: "We got in touch with her management team. She doesn't reject it. She was known by everyone from this drama, but her management team hopes that her role in the show will not be less than that of the heroine."

Zhou Yun asked: "What is it like in the script?"

"Cheng Shenlu's character does have a separate story line, but in terms of the absolute number of roles, it is definitely not as good as the heroine." Zhou Lan said, "I also went to talk to her agent about it. , her agent said that she didn't have to have more roles than the heroine, and also said that Cheng Shenlu became popular through the drama "Under Dress", and she is willing to return to the second part to continue acting, but she is also worried. The number of roles is much less than that of the heroine, which will affect her future roles. After all, an actress who has already become popular has started to play the leading role in other crews, and now she is starting to play supporting roles, which will affect her in the market. Some quotes."

After listening to Zhou Lan's explanation, Zhou Yun knew that the team didn't speak loudly or made unreasonable demands, but just made a very reasonable demand based on the current situation in the industry, and he also felt helpless.

In fact, even if she encountered this situation, Zhou Lan would still make the decision to become Shen Lv's agent.

Play supporting roles for newcomers.This option is absolutely impossible to appear in Zhou Yun's range of choices - this is what Zhou Lan has been emphasizing.Zhou Yun can play a supporting role, and can play a special role, but he cannot play a supporting role for a newcomer.This is not to say that Zhou Yun can't play a supporting role for newcomers, but that doing so will have a series of unfavorable effects.

The choice of an actor always affects the whole body. An actress who has been popular for more than ten years, just because the new project is partnered with a rookie actor, was ridiculed by marketing accounts and many people on the Internet for nearly a month. , this matter is still vivid.

Zhou Yun said: "Try to do some work with Cheng Shenlu's team, it's better to play the original cast, or simply use Cheng Shenlu's role for a similar reason and delete her from the sequel , change to a brand new role and actor, I really don’t like a role being taken by another actor halfway, this feeling makes me very uncomfortable.”

Zhou Lan nodded.

"I also want the screenwriter to add some drama to Cheng Shenlu's line, to see if it can be realized. If the addition is not good-looking, then go talk to her team again, and do as you say if you can't agree." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun nodded.

The two reached an agreement on some key issues and came to the company.

There are several meetings today, and the first one to be held is the meeting of "Under Dress".

He Yong has arrived.

Not only He Yong, but also Liu Lan, who is in charge of film and television, the new senior executive.

Besides the two of them, there are director Ning Yufeng and screenwriter Fu An.

After a warm greeting, everyone took their seats.

Liu Lan, as a senior executive of the production party, took the lead to say, "The first film has achieved great success, and the platform very much hopes that we can create a sequel. Now, our sequel has finally been written, and we can officially promote the filming of the sequel. , I believe that with the joint creation of everyone, our "Under Dress" series will definitely become a very eye-catching existence in Chinese TV dramas."

"Although Xiaoyun can't continue to participate this time, he will still participate in our project as a producer. Please allow me to thank you for your help on behalf of Qianqian." Liu Lan said.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly, and said: "This series was created from scratch in my hands. I should be the one to thank you on behalf of this series. The production of the first part is very good and has achieved very good results."

The copyright of the play "Under Dress" is not in the hands of Qian Qian, of course, it is not in Zhou Yun's hands either.

In fact, the copyright of this play is in the hands of VX.

At the beginning, Zheng Xiaowen wanted to make a series to promote the VX brand, so this project came into being.

When Liu Lan opened her mouth, it seemed that she was the master of the show. Zhou Yun didn't quite accept this attitude.

Zhou Yun's counterattack gave Liu Lan a slight pause.

He Yong smiled secretly.

He only spoke at this time and said: "We all know that "Under Dress" is a very good drama, and it is also the best example of cooperation between the brand and us. , the sales have doubled, and the popularity has further increased. Therefore, VX has also generously invested more funds for the sequel. Mr. Liu Lan has just taken charge of our thousands of film and television departments, and he still doesn’t know enough about the previous situation. Xiao Yun, don't mind, we all know that you have contributed a lot to the success of this series, without you, this series would not be possible."

He Yong stepped on Liu Lan by praising Zhou Yun, clearly showing his discord with the new executive of the film and television department.

Liu Lan's face turned ugly for a moment.

Zhou Yun didn't want to get involved in their struggle, but Liu Lan's attitude really made her dissatisfied.

Her words, her gestures give the impression that she is in charge of the series.

Neither Zheng Xiaowen, He Yong, nor she has ever tried to monopolize this series.

Because this is a work that can only be created through cooperation, they both understand this point, have a consistent consensus on this aspect, and there has been no conflict.

Now a person pops up suddenly and wants to take away their common works, which of course makes them dissatisfied.

However, the copyright is in the hands of VX, and VX did not participate in the meeting today, so the dispute will not be resolved.

Liu Lan spoke first, also wanting to take the initiative, but now that she can't take it, she can only give up.

(End of this chapter)

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