I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 847 Soul Character

News of the preparations for the sequel of "Under Dressed" spread quickly on the Internet.

As a hot and controversial drama series, the development of the sequel has naturally attracted much attention.

Among them, everyone is most concerned about: Will Zhou Yun continue to play the leading role?
This drama did not bring a good response to Zhou Yun. Everyone still remembers that after the drama was broadcast, Zhou Yun was said by many people to act very well, but they didn't like it.

There are many discussions like this.

Zhou Yun's fans were a little excited for a while, expressing their disapproval and unwillingness to watch it.

It's nothing else, Zhou Yun's fans are already used to Zhou Yun's success, "Under Dress" is certainly not a failure for Zhou Yun, whether it is ratings or commercial placement, it is remarkable, It's a hit, but not being well received is a failure for Zhou Yun.

In the eyes of Zhou Yun's fans, that's it.

Many people even left comments on Zhou Yun's Weibo, expressing their opinions strongly.

Zhou Lan asked: "Should I use the studio account to reply first, you can't act? I think everyone is making a lot of noise."

"No, I don't want them to have a wrong impression that their attitude can affect my choice. I don't like being influenced by fans to choose a show." Zhou Yun said, "This is really a very It’s not a good thing, but a lot of fans are doing it now.”

"There is no way. If people like you, they will worry about all kinds of things about you just like your parents. I hope you are well."

"Of course, I understand, so I didn't say they are bad, but I hope everyone can know that life and career are only my own, and I can't be coerced by others and not rely on my own thoughts and judgments." Zhou Yun said directly, "As long as it is my own decision, no matter whether it is good or bad, I can bear it."

Zhou Lan nodded.

"Yesterday Liu Lan was humiliated by you, so don't hate him today," Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun said: "I don't want to hate her either, as long as her idea of ​​occupying the magpie's nest is not so obvious."

Zhou Lan laughed and said: "Her idea is quite obvious, but don't worry, she can't occupy this nest no matter how much she thinks, the copyright is in the hands of VX, and Chengqian is just a producer , if they don’t want to do it, there are a lot of film and television companies outside who are willing to do this project.”

Zhou Yun: "Sister Lan, have you noticed? Many times, our enthusiasm for a project is worn away little by little in this process."

Zhou Lan: "Everyone has their own thoughts. Wherever there are people, there are these troubles. Our job is to solve these troubles. At first, I wanted to keep you from getting in touch with these troubles, but then I felt that getting in touch These are good for you. After you graduate, you start to be an actor, an entertainer, and you don’t have any work experience. Now you are acting mainly by intuition, talent, and observation, but you still need to accumulate more social experience. Especially as you grow older in the future, you can play more and more types of roles, such as female bosses, athletes, white-collar elites, entrepreneurs, etc., you need knowledge in all aspects and you need to contact various people , it will also be good for you to meet different people if you open these.”

Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan in surprise, and said, "Wow, I didn't know, so you still have so much thought about it."

Zhou Lan: "What do you think? I have nothing to do to let you do these things."

Zhou Yun: "Meetings are really tormenting and exhausting, you know what I mean."

"Of course I know." Zhou Lan said, "However, aside from these things, you are actually quite talented in negotiation. You know how to use your own advantages to make the situation beneficial to your side. Didn't you see that? Liu Lan didn’t dare to underestimate you in the future. At first she didn’t regard you as a real business partner at all. Didn't expect you to have so much control over this project."

Zhou Yun: "It must be that He Yong didn't tell her on purpose, so he wanted me to have a conflict with her. If the two of us have conflicts, he has a loophole to take advantage of. Didn't you find out? He is actually very good at vertical and horizontal Art, unite this, attack that, as long as there are contradictions, there is room for him to be good at it."

"Your description is really perfect." Zhou Lan nodded and gave Zhou Yun a thumbs up, "On the one hand, he squeezed out all the people in Qianqian Entertainment who didn't agree with him, and on the other hand Trying every means to lure people away from us, meeting Yu Chu or Xiao Jing for dinner and chatting every now and then, everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart."

"That's right, it's true that everyone knows it, but you can't do anything about him. He is the boss of Chengqian Entertainment. It's only natural for the boss to invite his artists to dinner. Moreover, even if we know it, it's nothing. He wants to keep us It is only right and proper to be an entertainer," Zhou Yun said.

"Yeah, Xiaoyun, our cooperation with He Yong is actually getting less and less. Sooner or later, we will completely cut off contact with Chengqian Entertainment." Zhou Lan said, "We are not short of funds now, and we are not short of money. The channel, in fact, in a way, the channel we have is what they need."

"However, if we are separated from thousands of people, can we compete with others on our own?" Zhou Yun said, "I think we are developing relatively smoothly now. The important point is that because we are just a studio, everyone does not They did not regard us as real competitors to suppress us. In fact, you also know that when you truly enter the market independently, it is not enough for you to do well and work hard on your own. You have to face all kinds of challenges from other companies. Conspiracy, they must really want to eat our studio, especially... You see, our studio is not big, and now you have opened up a new business of overseas distribution, and now you still have so many Celebrity endorsement contracts, although the overall business volume of our studio is small, it is basically a new type of business, and there are relatively few competing products in the market, so how many people want to eat us."

Zhou Lan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

"It's true if you want to say that. It is true that many people have come to talk and want to acquire our small studio." Zhou Lan said, "However, I always feel that we don't need to accept other people's capital injection. After all, we were established in the first place. The main purpose of this studio is to better support your work, but there are resources left behind, so it slowly developed other businesses."

"How about we just set up a few more companies according to the type of business, just like we are about to make the movie "Son of Prophecy", didn't you tell me before? I don't want to use this studio to produce , otherwise you have to pay thousands of cents. In fact, many businesses can be separated from the studio, such as simple ones, such as film production and brokerage." Zhou Yun said, "The owner of our studio The business is still the work and business of a few celebrity artists, and it’s too mixed up now.”

"Of course there is no problem in starting a company. The key is who will be in charge?" Zhou Lan asked, "Now everything is in the studio, and everyone can still work together. The problem of insufficient manpower, everyone supports each other and helps each other. If it can still stand up and be divided into different companies, the labor cost will increase several times, and the boundaries between them will be separated."

"I don't think this is a bad thing. We are obviously out of energy now. We should focus on the big and let go of the small. Now there must be a few outstanding ones in the studio. Let them take charge of different departments according to the business and field they are good at. The company, at the same time, if you think about it, they can also bring out a team by themselves, and you only need to coordinate and take the key things into your own hands." Zhou Yun said, "In this way, you can also learn from so many affairs. Liberated from the middle, I see that you are too busy every day, and you really lack energy."

Zhou Lan: "It's true."

"Of course, this is just my suggestion. You are the person in charge of the business of the studio." Zhou Yun said, "You are the actual head."

Zhou Lan waved his hand and said, "Pull it down."


The sequel of "Under Dressed" actually does not need Zhou Yun to be a producer.

When she and Zhou Lan got involved, not only did they have to share a large amount of investment, but they also had to share a lot of decision-making power.

This was Liu Lan's initial thought.

She doesn't like it very much that a big celebrity intervenes in behind-the-scenes productions because of her fame and popularity.

If every celebrity artist does this, what else do they need?
Liu Lan broke out of the siege from the internal struggle and won the position of general manager of the film and television company, which is enough to show how strong her own ability is.

However, people who have grown up in a large group like Qianqian all have a common problem, that is, they regard celebrity artists as commodities.

Popular celebrities are of course treasures, but obsolete celebrities are not even as good as weeds.

Liu Lan has never really looked at a celebrity entertainer - they just rely on their natural good looks to attract people's attention.

Do they have real talents?

This time, Liu Lan tried to get a bigger cake in the sequel to "Under Dress".

She also looked down on He Yong because of this - in her eyes, He Yong, as the boss of Chengqian Entertainment, couldn't control his artists, and let Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan set up their own studios, which was because of his incompetence.

He Yong has been emphasizing in the group that celebrities cannot be simply conceptualized with commodities, which is even more unacceptable to her.

She doesn't need a popular artist all the time, she just needs a popular artist to make money for her all the time.

This is Liu Lan's idea.

If the popular artist is disobedient, then quickly replace him with someone else.

Nothing is irreplaceable.

Irreplaceable goods, not good goods.


As a result, bad things still happened.

When determining the investment share, Liu Lan opened his mouth and asked for 50%.

You know, this sequel is a brand implanted drama of VX, and VX itself will take 35% of the share. If Qianqian Film and Television wants to take 50% of the share, then only 15% will be reserved for Zhou Yun and the others.

If it is said that this is a play that has nothing to do with Zhou Yun and the others, but only needs Zhou Yun's help, then giving them a 15% share of the studio would be about the same.

However, this is a series created with Zhou Yun as the core.

Even if Zhou Yun does not star in the sequel, she is still controlling the overall direction of the show as a producer. Whether it is the director, screenwriter, or other actors, would everyone be willing to do it without Zhou Yun here? It's hard to say that the original cast will return.

A team battle always has a core and a soul.

In the episode "Under the Dress", from the very beginning, the soul character is Zhou Yun.

The sequel of "Under the Dress" is an obvious money-making project, with the implantation of major brands, and the ceiling-level copyright purchases that can be foreseen by the naked eye. If you win more investment shares, you can get greater returns.

"This sequel is produced by our Chengqian Entertainment, and we need to invest a lot of manpower and material resources," Liu Lan said. "I think we won 50% of the share by Chengqian. You should have no objections?"

Zheng Xiaowen also attended today's meeting.

When she heard this ratio, she glanced at Liu Lan in surprise and smiled.

Her first reaction was to look at Zhou Yun and the others.

Zhou Yun didn't make a sound.

She looked at the information in her hand indifferently, as if she didn't hear what Liu Lan said at all.

Zhou Lan smiled slightly and said, "You mean, we only have 15% left to share?"

Liu Lan also smiled and said, "Xiao Lan, your studio doesn't need to do anything, is it too little to get 15% of the share?"

"We don't need to do anything in the studio? Then you mean that the two of us are sitting here for a meeting to pass the time?" Zhou Lan said bluntly.

Liu Lan shrugged her shoulders and said, "Actually, I've always thought that a busy star like Xiaoyun, why waste his time on these meetings? Shoot two more commercials, and the money will have been earned back."

"Mr. Liu, does it matter to you that I shoot two more commercials and two less?" Zhou Yun raised his eyelids and glanced at He Yong, "Or Mr. He, you are about to abdicate soon. Mr. Liu is going to take the manager's seat?"

He Yong: "Just kidding."

He smiled bluntly, and was happy to watch Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan and Liu Lan fight.

Liu Lan: "After all, you don't want to star in this sequel, do you?"

"Then you participated in the production of the first part?" Zhou Yun asked back.

Liu Lan was taken aback.

"It's very comfortable to lie under the tree planted by the predecessors to enjoy the shade." Zhou Yun ran on, "Anyway, if you stretch out your hands, you will be peaches that are about to ripen, and you don't have to face the risk of failure like the first one."

Liu Lan: "Of course I don't mean that."

"As you said, our studio doesn't need to do anything." Zhou Yun looked at her with calm eyes, "We really don't need to do anything, but I am reading the script, and I called director Ning Yufeng to invite him back , actors, they can only be used with my consent, oh, you may not know, this clause was written into the production agreement of the first film, and I was the producer of the first film."

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