The battle between Zhou Yun and Liu Lan was extremely intense.

This is something He Yong, Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaowen did not expect.

They expected some squabbling, but they didn't expect it to be almost a rivalry.

In the end, they broke up unhappy.

Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun had lunch at a nearby restaurant.

Zhou Lan said, "Xiaoyun, why do I feel that you have an unbearable anger towards her?"

The chopsticks Zhou Yun held in his hand paused, and said: "No, I just feel that she is targeting me very much, and there is a feeling of belittling me inside and outside the words, and it is the kind of gesture that is particularly easy to irritate me .”

"She is indeed a bit arrogant."

"Maybe Chengqian Group just wanted such a person to taunt me?" Zhou Yun guessed, "To express their anger towards me?"

Zhou Lan: "There are indeed voices within the group saying that if He Yong didn't do a good job, he wouldn't let you go."

"My normal contract is up."

"Well, the company is like this. It doesn't want you. It will find various ways to fire you before the contract expires. It wants to keep you. Even when the contract expires, it's just a dead letter." Zhou Lan said, "Many celebrities are following When the contract of my agency company is about to expire, there will be some black material in the media. How do you think it is released? Many brokerage companies have accumulated a lot of dirty material about artists, just to use it at this time .”

Zhou Yun: "...It's really dark."

"Yeah, it's really dark, but this is the status quo of our industry." Zhou Lan said, "The brokerage company will use this method if they want to control the artist."

"Liu Lan refuses to let go, so what if she refuses to give in in the end?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan: "You don't have to worry about this now. She asked for a 50% share, which sounds impossible. If you put on a pose and put on a show, you will give in. The key is to see where she will go. If Said that in the end she was only willing to give up to 40%, we have to consider whether to change to a production company to cooperate with."

"Is it okay to change to another production company?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "Yuehai, Haichi, or even your husband's, any company with production strength will definitely be willing to take over the project, believe it or not? Who wouldn't be willing to do this kind of project that clearly makes money."

Zhou Yun: "Then change it."

Zhou Lan: "Back then we only talked to Yue Hai about the production of the first film, but we didn't talk to them about the sequel. Now Lion opened his mouth and wanted to eat the biggest cake, and he didn't even think about why he should."

What is the most critical and core thing in the production of a drama series?
Depends on what is the most irreplaceable.

This is the highest value.

It is said that Qianqian Film and Television is responsible for the production and specific shooting, but in fact, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan have done some of the core parts.

Just relying on thousands of film and television to find the original crew, they may not necessarily buy it.

Director Ning Yufeng alone, since "Under Dress" became popular, he has a lot of projects on hand, and every platform is looking for him.

There are many well-known actors, but the number of well-known and accomplished directors is far lower than that of actors.

He was invited back by Zhou Yun himself after making two phone calls.

In the afternoon, the meeting continued, and it was the preparatory meeting for "Idol Replica".

Wu Chengbao brought people from his company over.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said directly: "Since you are interested in this movie, we will not intervene further. We will do what you need our cooperation to do. You have the final say on other things."

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan had just experienced the battle with Liu Lan in the morning, and when they heard Wu Chengbao say such words, they felt like they had suddenly gone from hell to heaven.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Wu, don't say that. After all, this is the copyright you bought. I am very interested in this movie and want to develop it well. However, this cannot be realized without your help. Now it is still in production. in the preparatory stages."

Wu Chengbao said with a smile: "Don't, everyone says you have a very good vision, you pick the right one for the drama and the people, the people you fancy and the people you have worked with are all popular, this time let us study hard one time."

Zhou Yun turned to look at Zhou Lan helplessly, and said, "Sister Lan, Mr. Wu suddenly gave me a more troublesome job."

Zhou Lan said with a smile: "It's hard for those who are capable. If you weren't the leading actor, the project "Idol Replica" would be difficult to shoot in a short time. This subject is still a bit unpopular. Since you have taken a fancy to this book, we Just do it well."

The tone was set in a few words. In this project, Zhou Yun is the master controller.

For this movie, Zhou Yun took the film salary plus dividends, Zhou Lan personally injected 200 million yuan, and Song Chi's company was responsible for the rest. Their company would invest part of it, and would also give other long-term cooperation investors a certain share.

Starring Zhou Yun, and it's a movie with such a commercial theme, it's not bad for investment at all. As long as the news spreads, people will take the initiative to come here with money.

Wu Chengbao said: "Didn't you say before that you don't know which director is suitable for this movie? I have found some domestic directors who have experience in making movies with similar themes for you. Here is the list. You can take a look."

Zhou Yun took the list and looked down seriously.

"Liu Jiaxi, before filming in Hong Kong, came to the mainland two years ago, directed "Future Star"..." Zhou Yun asked, "I seem to have seen this movie, it is about a star who fell asleep for 200 years because of freezing technology, Wake up in the future 200 years later, and continue the story of being a star there?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"That's ridiculous." Zhou Yun's expression twitched instantly, "Isn't that a big bad movie?"

"Although the film is bad, it is more of a problem at the script level. I have carefully evaluated this film. The director actually has many designs and highlights. It can be seen that he tried to make this film well, but it may be due to various reasons. , In the end, it became that kind of big bad movie." Wu Chengbao said, "Actually, you go to see that movie, the scheduling and editing are all top-notch."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go and have a look."

"Second place, Zuo Qi." Wu Chengbao took the initiative to introduce directly, "He has only filmed online dramas before, but he is very capable and talented. Both online dramas are about soft science fiction. The story, especially the scenes where people interact with each other, has a good sense of atmosphere."

Zhou Yun has watched "Inner Corner" directed by him, and it is indeed as Wu Chengbao said.

There are three more people on the list to be invited, but judging from their personal resumes, they are not as good as Liu Jiaxi and Zuo Qi.

Zhou Yun asked Wu Chengbao: "Then who do you prefer to be the director?"

"These five, I think their basic abilities have passed the test. In the end, whoever you want to hire as the director depends on you. Whoever agrees with your views and opinions on this movie is more able to cooperate better. Happy." Wu Chengbao said, "They are not newcomers, and they have their own masterpieces. If we invite them to be directors, we need to communicate carefully, and their time and schedule may not be suitable."


"Oh, by the way, there are still a few main characters in this movie, do you have any ideas about the actors?" Wu Chengbao asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I only have an idea about the role of the agent in my film, what do you think about inviting Sister Hongyu to play it?"

"Zhang Hongyu?" Wu Chengbao was a little surprised.

"Well, I think this is a role that has a lot of room for development. If she plays it, she will definitely perform very well." Zhou Yun said, "An arrogant, indifferent, and almost inhumane manager will not be able to act until the end. Let everyone find out that she has always regarded the female artist who died before as her own daughter. After the female artist died, she always wanted revenge. Later, she teamed up with the female artist's clone to reveal the truth of the matter .”

Wu Chengbao said: "If you put it this way, it seems that Teacher Zhang Hongyu's acting will indeed produce a particularly unexpected effect, but will she be willing to act? Although the role of the manager has a lot of roles, it is not the heroine."

Zhou Yun said: "If you also think there is no problem, then I'll call Sister Hongyu, if it really doesn't work, let's think about others."

"It would be great if we could invite Zhang Hongyu over here."

"But if you and Zhang Hongyu are used in the cast, the remuneration of other actors should not be too high, otherwise our budget will not be covered." Zhou Lan said, "In this movie, we still have several more important roles .”

Zhou Yun said: "Let's take a look, what do you think of the role of Chen Qiao? A male artist from the same management company as the heroine, the idol of the idol group, has a crush on the heroine for a long time, after knowing the truth, but If you choose to inform the company, the audience will definitely not like this kind of role, who would want to play it?"

"Let's audition. For the role of a young male artist, it's best to find someone who is about the same age and temperament." Zhou Lan suggested, "Or, Mr. Wu, do you have a suitable candidate here?"

"The actors signed by our company are only younger than this age, but his temperament is not like an idol artist." Wu Chengbao said.

Less than refers to Yu Zhiyang.

Zhou Lan waved his hand, "Then he can't, which idol is still like him, it doesn't fit at all, so let's audition first."

"There is also the heroine's best friend, Ying Zi, who is also a very important role and has provided a lot of help to the heroine." Wu Chengbao said, "As for this role, I would like to recommend an actor from our company."


"Liu Lingxin, the heroine of "A Thousand Gold Never Leaves the House"." Wu Chengbao introduced, "She signed to our company. The character in the movie is clever, cute and coquettish, which is in line with Liu Lingxin's own personality. It's very similar, almost to the extent that she can play her true colors. Of course, there are many actors who can play this role. I want to get the moon first. Many brokerage companies poached her before, and she didn't make any demands on us. She is very good. Honest child, I want to give her a present."

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other.

Zhou Lan said: "Well, let Xiaoyun meet her first. As long as the fundamentals are okay, we will definitely respect your opinion."

Several people reached an agreement through discussion.

Wu Chengbao finally asked: "Xiaoyun, when do you plan to make this movie? We can also make a progress table."

"I... my time is actually pretty good, and I don't have any other shooting plans in the future." Zhou Yun said, "My current work is only scheduled for this month. Of course, I will be free in July next year. "Killing Song" It is written in my contract that it will be released globally, and it will take about half a month to run for publicity."

Wu Chengbao said: "Then we still have plenty of time, so we will prepare calmly."

"That would be the best."

After the afternoon meeting, Zhou Yun felt that his bones were about to go stiff.

In the evening, she goes to the gym to work out.

Next, she still has work to do.

"Chen Yin" officially started its publicity on March 3th.

Director Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun collaborated for the second time in a drama series, performed by an all-star cast.

At the preview of the first episode, Zhou Yun attended together with Director Jiang Xin, Zuo Bin and Huang Zicheng.

Invited critics and media editors watched the first episode.

Zhou Yun also watched the first episode with them for the first time.

The style of the episode is the kind of gloomy style that everyone did not expect.

As Chen Yin played by Zhou Yun gradually unfolded the details of her life, until the end of the first episode, a female classmate of Chen Yin died unexpectedly, and under the investigation of the police officer, Chen Yin was the last person who had contacted her , Chen Yin's figure also appeared in the surveillance near the death scene, and everyone was hung up wanting to know how the story will develop.

The first episode ends here.

In an instant, heated discussions rang out.

Zhou Yun said to Jiang Xin pleasantly, "Director, the filming was really good."

The response from the scene was enthusiastic.

"This level of production is not inferior to American dramas and British dramas at all." An editor of a media directly said excitedly, "Jiang Daoniu, this episode is nearly 45 minutes long, with a steady and comfortable rhythm, and a lot of information. .”

"The role of Chen Yin is too miserable and gloomy. Zhou Yun has never played such a realistic role before." Someone said, "There are three crying scenes in the first episode. It is too cruel and explosive. I I have never seen Zhou Yun act so explosively in any drama before."

"Jiang Yuzhen's mother is also very ruthless. Several eye scenes scared my hairs. It's a pity that Jiang Yuzhen didn't come today. Since "Black Forest" was broadcast, Jiang Yuzhen has her all over the world. Fans, work abroad most of the time."

"Yeah, I don't know if Jiang Yuzhen will participate in the promotion of "Chen Yin" in the future. Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen will play mother and daughter, and the rivalry scenes should not be too exciting."

"I really want to see the story behind."

"Jiang Xin's drama, judging from the quality of the first episode, completely surpassed his previous ones, and it is completely top-notch."


These voices can be heard endlessly at the scene.

Hearing these comments, Zhou Yun's mood also became better.

She said to Jiang Xin: "Director, it seems that you have made another great work."

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