I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 850 New Cooperation

Chapter 850 New Cooperation
Wen Lanlan's exclusive interview with Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun will be published on all media channels of "Victor" magazine.

After the interview is finished, there will be a special photo shoot for the two of them, which will be published on the inside page of "Victor", and the cover of that issue will also be the two of them - the magazine has contacted several partners for good cooperation brands paid for the cover of this issue.

"I got to know Zhou Yun from the drama "Questioning the Heart". Director Jiang, how do you feel about working with Zhou Yun again after three years? Compared with three years ago, has Zhou Yun changed?"

Jiang Xin pondered for a moment, and said: "There is no doubt that the cooperation with Zhou Yun has been smoother this time. When I cooperated with her three years ago, she was very smart and good at acting, but she didn't know how to act." The little girl who worked with her this time, she already knows what acting is all about."

Zhou Yun listened quietly to what Jiang Xin said, and kept smiling.

Wen Lanlan said again: "Then Zhou Yun, how do you feel about working with director Jiang Xin again this time?"

Zhou Yun said, "It's very reassuring."

"Very at ease?" Wen Lanlan was surprised that Zhou Yun would give such an answer.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes, Anxin, how should I put it? Well, I have to say, I think my performance started to establish my own system and my own understanding of performance, starting from "Questioning the Heart" , not to say that I would not take the initiative to think about how to act before "Questioning the Heart", but looking back from my current understanding of performance, in fact, it was often a state of performance at that time. My previous approach was to think about every What kind of state should be performed in a scene, starting from "Questioning the Heart", I started to start from a character itself."

"Can you tell us in detail? What does it mean to start from a character?"

"For example, when I was acting before, there was a scene where she was going to quarrel with her boyfriend. My preparation was to think about what it would be like for a girl to quarrel with her boyfriend, and then combine the dialogue and lines of the script to develop a A set of acting methods that I accept most.” Zhou Yun said, “But starting from "Questioning the Heart", I began to allow myself to study a character's personality, and when this character experiences something, her perspective, her What kind of mentality would it be like? I started to study what she looked like from how I acted. You are like, if it was in the movie "Days", I would definitely be vulnerable and tearful when I quarreled with my boyfriend, and then there was a little Reserved and hysterical, even when the quarrel is the most intense, she still subconsciously controls her elegance, but if I play Liu Rusu in the drama "Questioning the Heart", she will definitely not be in this state. The way she quarrels It's about fighting for reasons, or simply not talking, she basically doesn't have the action of 'arguing'." Zhou Yun explained her acting philosophy in detail, "Director Jiang told me this at first, and I Director Jiang’s crew has developed a lot of good habits, that’s why I often tell Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting that if you can go to a big director’s crew, you must go, even if you only act in one and only have a few lines role, because I can learn a lot from great directors."

Wen Lanlan nodded.

She looked at Jiang Xin again: "Director Jiang, when Zhou Yun was filming "Questioning the Heart" with you, he was actually a rookie actor. Different directors have their own ways of training different rookies. Can you follow us? Can you share, how do you train those new actors who have no experience?"

Jiang Xin smiled and waved his hands, and said, "I don't have that great ability, and there's nothing I can do, because every actor is different, and the way you communicate with Song Chi cannot be copied to Zhou Yun, even if they are both newcomers. Actors, everyone has different personalities and traits. I seldom spend a lot of effort telling an actor how he wants to act. I prefer to tell them on the spot what kind of effect I want, and then they will do it themselves Thinking about it, but some actors may not be able to find that state no matter how they act, so I will go to have a careful chat with him, to understand the action logic and psychological state of the character, and help them understand the role, but in the end it is up to the actor himself Bring those details out."

Wen Lanlan said: "You have been relatively productive in the past two years, and you have collaborated with Zhou Yun again after three years. This time in "Chen Yin", did you think of asking Zhou Yun to act in it from the very beginning?"

"This is not a project developed by me. They have a good script. They brought it to me to cooperate and asked me to be the director. I saw it. I wanted to match me with Xiaoyun for a second collaboration, and I really wanted to work with her again, so I asked her right away, and she immediately agreed." Jiang Xin said with a smile, "This is indeed my appointment with the lead actor. The fastest time, no fuss, very comfortable."

Wen Lanlan: "I remember Zhou Yun said in another interview that as long as Director Jiang Xin invites you to act, you will definitely come."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "As an actor, working with Director Jiang Xin is very comfortable. I think actors who have never worked with Director Jiang must stay in Director Jiang's crew if they have the opportunity. Different crews are completely different. It's different, I was in Director Jiang's crew, and the shooting atmosphere I felt was professional and full of creativity. This time, Sister Yuzhen and I played mother and daughter, and we often collided with each other on the set. Director Jiang, as a big director, always encourages us to play a few more different states. He appreciates the new things we have collided with and will actively participate in our creation. This kind of creative atmosphere is very rare."

Wen Lanlan said: "In fact, you are already an actress who has worked in many different crews."

"Well, different crews have different styles. Director Jiang's crew is definitely one of the most friendly crews to newcomers." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Jiang Xin asked: "Do you mean that many production crews are not friendly to newcomers?"

"It depends on how to define the word friendly, and I have to admit that I am treated very well in every crew, but what I enjoy does not mean that everyone can enjoy it."

"Of course, after all, you are basically the protagonist." Wen Lanlan said, "However, I did hear that in the past, many production crews were often scolded or criticized because newcomers made many mistakes and delayed the shooting progress. crowding out."

"This phenomenon still exists now." Jiang Xin said, "It's just that the overall environment is slowly improving now, and everyone is more tolerant of newcomers, but different directors also have different personalities and tempers. Personally, I still feel that as long as there is no violation of principles, the final evaluation of a creator is the final work itself. I also know some people who are really good, but the things they shoot are really mediocre. There are some people with certain flaws in character, people who are hated by many people, and they can create works that make us empathize and even shock."

Zhou Yun: "That's right, that's why I said that a great director like Director Jiang is very precious. It is easy for newcomers to build up confidence in Director Jiang's crew. Anyway, after I finished "Questioning the Heart", I had an idea. He can act."

Wen Lanlan smiled and said, "So Director Jiang gave you confidence."

"Yes, it can be said that there is nothing wrong." Zhou Yun nodded.

Jiang Xin: "It has nothing to do with me, you have a high level of comprehension."

He waved his hand.

"I'm telling the truth, not flattering you." Zhou Yun said to Jiang Xin, "I told my agent, as long as you have a suitable role in your crew, let everyone go to your crew to act. .”

Jiang Xin shook his head helplessly, and complained to Wen Lanlan: "Take me as a training class."

Zhou Yun shook his head, pursed his lips like a little girl, and said, "Who made you meet such a thick-skinned student like me?"

Wen Lanlan smiled and said, "You two have such a good relationship."

"Actually, I had a movie before, and I almost wanted to cooperate with the director." Zhou Yun said, "But then it became obsolete due to some reasons. I am willing to continue to cooperate with familiar directors, like this, two or three years or four or five We cooperate once a year, each cooperation has different results, but there are too many actors who want to cooperate with Director Jiang."

Jiang Xin gave her a sideways glance helplessly, but didn't speak.

"This time with "Chen Yin", did you encounter any difficulties regarding this drama?" Wen Lanlan asked, "Or do you mean that the two are already familiar with each other and there are no difficulties?"

"How can there be no difficulties? Any time you shoot, you will definitely encounter difficulties." Zhou Yun said, "I don't know about the director, but I really acted at the end. I couldn't mobilize my emotions at all, and I was completely depressed. When I was in the state of the character, I couldn’t get out of it. I started to cry when I got back to the room, and shed tears for no reason. It was the same on the set, as if I lost control of myself. I have never encountered such an uncontrollable behavior in acting when."

Jiang Xin nodded and said, "It's also because the things that Chen Yin's character has experienced are too dark. Zhou Yun basically puts her whole heart into her acting, and there are some characters in the back."

Wen Lanlan looked at Zhou Yun with concern: "Did you recover later?"

"It took a long time to recover. In the six months after I finished filming "Chen Yin", I didn't take on such heavy subjects again. It was too exhausting." Zhou Yun said, "Sometimes I feel that I am It’s not too hard on myself, so I also consciously told myself to take a little more rest.”

Wen Lanlan nodded, feeling quite sympathetic, and said: "Xiaoyun, among the domestic first-line actresses, you are definitely the one who works hardest. Look, how many scenes have you filmed in the past few years, nearly two hundred days a year?" The above time is spent on the crew, and the rest of the time is also work."

"But at the beginning I really enjoyed it. I love filming very much. I felt very comfortable staying in the crew. Later, it was indeed because I was tired." Zhou Yun said, "When I rest, there will be more Lots of shooting plans."

"Is there anything you can tell us?" Wen Lanlan asked immediately.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "There is a film with Song Chi's company, which is a subject that I have never filmed before. I just had a meeting to discuss it a few days ago, and it is advancing, and a film with the production team of "Deep Sea" We still don’t know when the series will be officially filmed, but we are still in communication.”

Wen Lanlan's eyes lit up, and she said, "This is really great, Director Jiang, do you have any plans that you can tell us about in the future?"

Jiang Xin shook his head and said, "I have a lot of projects in hand, and I don't know which one I will do next."

"I heard that "Chen Yin" will premiere at the same time around the world this time, and the momentum is huge. Do you have any expectations for the success of this drama overseas?"

"Of course I hope more people like our drama." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Jiang Xin nodded and said: "I think the theme of this drama is of common concern to the whole world, especially Xiaoyun has been recognized by many people internationally in the past two years. I also believe that with her blessing, this drama This drama will let everyone see the charm of Chinese dramas."

After Wen Lanlan's interview was over, Zhou Yun was the host and invited them to have dinner together.

Jiang Xin asked her in a low voice: "Do you have a good relationship with this reporter?"

"She's actually not a reporter, Director Jiang, she's the editor and editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine "Victor"." Zhou Yun said, "I've known her for many years, basically as long as I work with "Victor", she comes Butt me, is a very warm-hearted person."

Jiang Xin nodded and said nothing else.

Zhou Yun was worried that Jiang Xin was not willing to have dinner with Wen Lanlan and the others, and asked, "Director? If you're tired, how about I take you home first?"

"It's okay, I'm fine, I'm not tired, I'm just hungry too." Jiang Xin said gently, "I asked you if you know her well, because I haven't met her before."

"So that's the case." Zhou Yun laughed, "Don't worry, she is not someone I am familiar with and I won't introduce you to her. She is really your fan. She watches almost every drama of yours. Pass."

Jiang Xin muttered softly: "Fans are the scariest."

Zhou Yun thought he heard it wrong, and was taken aback for a moment, "Huh?"

Jiang Xin waved his hand.

"By the way, you said earlier that you and Yue Hai were talking about a drama, "Flower City", right?"

Zhou Yun looked at Jiang Xin in surprise, "You know?"

"I know the author of "Flower City". He told me that Yue Hai wants to find you to play the leading role." Jiang Xin asked, "Have you decided on the director?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Not yet, they have been changing the script. I was not very satisfied with the script they changed before."

"Then how about I be the director?" Jiang Xin suddenly proposed.

Zhou Yun was surprised.

"Director, are you serious? Are you willing to be the director of "Flower City"?"

Zhou Yun originally thought that they had just collaborated on "Chen Yin", and Jiang Xin would not want to cooperate again in a short time.

Jiang Xin said: "I like the original book very much, I read it three times."

That is a bygone era.
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(End of this chapter)

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