Forum for Women Filmmakers.

About one hundred audience members, and a total of eight guests participated in the recording of this forum.

This program will be broadcast exclusively on Yuehai Video.

The live program producer Zhang Na is a senior program producer. When she received this project from Yuehai Video, she agreed without saying a word, and pulled her team to start preparing for the program.

She has communicated with everyone in advance about the topics and general content of the speeches of other guests, and made detailed adjustments.

But Zhou Yun's did not.Zhang Na only communicated with Zhou Lan. Zhou Yun had been filming in Australia before, and after returning to China, he was resting again.

Zhang Na belongs to the kind of obsessive-compulsive person. Even if she knows that Zhou Yun will definitely not screw up, she still can't let go until she is not sure what Zhou Yun is going to say.

Today is the day of the forum recording.

Zhang Na woke up early in the morning and came to the studio to check everything.

Today's eight guests are all well-known figures in the industry.

"Have all the guests been contacted? Are there any questions? Can you arrive at the appointed time?" she asked.

"We have already contacted. Zhang Hongyu's plane is late. I just boarded the plane and arrived two hours later than expected. We have moved her pilot filming and interview to the end." Artist coordinator said.

Zhang Na nodded, "Get ready for Zhang Hongyu's last recorded speech."

The on-site director nodded and gave an OK.

"Has Zhou Yun's manuscript come yet?" Zhang Na asked again.

The director in charge of Zhou Yun said: "Zhou Lan has already sent me a manuscript, but they said that Zhou Yun may not necessarily give a speech according to this manuscript."

Zhang Na frowned and said, "What do you mean? Is Zhou Yun going to play freely on the spot?"


Zhang Na is very dissatisfied with Zhou Yun's behavior, because her behavior will make their work very passive.

But because today's recording is not a live broadcast, if something goes wrong, just cut it out by editing.

Zhou Yun can agree to participate in this forum, and he can say anything.Zhang Na had no choice but to endure the unhappiness in her heart.

"When will the audience enter?"

"The audience entered at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the official recording began at four o'clock. The total recording time was two hours." Zhang Na knew this information very well, but everyone who knew her knew that she was habitually nervous before the recording, It is necessary to repeatedly confirm the things that have been determined. Only in this way can she maintain a sense of mastery of the overall situation.

Zhang Na's team admires Zhang Na very much.

She is an old TV person, and she has already gained fame in the TV station era. She started as an intern choreographer and director, and has been working as an independent producer.

With the rise of the Internet age, she is not the first batch of people to eat crabs.

However, even though she did not set foot in the online media until very late and started producing online programs, she still has her own place in the era of online programs by virtue of her rich experience and keen production vision.

Her team admires Zhang Na because of her strong work ability.She can handle platform executives that others can't handle, and she can invite guest artists that others can't invite.

Like this forum program for female filmmakers, ordinary platforms would not be willing to produce it.It costs a lot to invite eight big names to record a program, but the advertising fee may not be paid back.But Zhang Na was able to immediately come up with a suitable production plan when the platform had this idea, and at the same time attracted three brands to place advertisements, and the sponsorship fee could directly cover the production cost.

Zhang Na's easy-going attitude among various big names is what many people in her team hope to have.


After Zhou Yun arrived at the studio, he went in accompanied by Zhou Lan. Before he came to the lounge, he met Cheng Shenlu in the corridor.

The little girl is already a popular actress now, but after seeing her, she still showed a bright smile like a little girl, and trotted to her.

"Sister Xiaoyun, long time no see."

Zhou Yun was also very happy to see Cheng Shenlu.

She hugged her and said, "I just returned to China, how are you doing?"

"Except for being busy, everything is fine." Cheng Shenlu said, "But Miss Xiaoyun, you should be busier, right?"

"I'm done with my work, and I can relax a little bit. We can have a good get together and chat this month." Zhou Yun rested his right hand on Cheng Shenlu's arm, "The "Chen Yin" You should also participate in the promotion of the drama, right?"

"Of course, I wanted to participate in the media preview, but I didn't go because I promised a job before and couldn't release pigeons." Cheng Shenlu said, "I saw the news online and said that the first episode The test screenings have been very positive, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the feature film."

Zhou Yun said: "Your performance inside is great."

"Really?" There was light in Cheng Shenlu's eyes.

"Really, I didn't have so many scenes with you on the scene. I only saw your performance in the test screenings of several scenes. Compared with "Under Dress", you have matured a lot. "

"The main reason is that I learned a lot from you." Cheng Shenlu said happily, "I'm so happy, Sister Xiaoyun, you praised me for acting well. Every time I act with you, I feel a lot of pressure. I am afraid that I will not perform well. Alright, the performance was a mess, and it dragged everyone down."

"Don't think this way. You can perform badly as an actor, but you must have self-confidence, otherwise you will never be good at acting. What's more, you can act very cleanly." Amazing how fast you're progressing."

"A movie queen is a movie queen. Praising people is so nice."

A woman's voice sounded delicately.

Both Zhou Yun and Cheng Shenlu followed the sound in surprise.

A woman in a rose red suit with delicate hair walked towards them on high heels, followed by a young woman in a black professional suit, who looked like a secretary.

"President Ning." Cheng Shenlu called out very respectfully when he saw the person coming.

Zhou Yun didn't know her.

She looked at each other, smiled, and said, "Hello."

The woman in the rose red suit stretched out her hand to Zhou Yun and said, "I'm Ning Yu from Ningde Film and Television. It's a pleasure to meet you. I finally got to know you."

Hearing the words Ningde Film and Television and Ning Yu, Zhou Yun came to his senses.

"Hello, Mr. Ning." Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I've heard of Da Ming a long time ago, and I finally got to know him today."

She shook hands with Ning Yu.

Some people say that a person's heart can be judged by shaking hands.

Zhou Yun didn't know if the person who said that had any basis.

But Ning Yu shook hands with her, which gave her a good feeling.

Women rarely shake hands like Ning Yu, which gives her a sense of strength.

Ningde Film and Television is a film and television company established five years ago. Of course, it is not a [-]% new company. Its predecessor was an old film and television company, which was acquired by Ningde Group and entered the film and television industry. Ning Yu is the chairman of Ningde Group His daughter is in charge of Ningde Film and Television. This company is also well-known in the industry and has no shortage of money. However, it is probably because of bad luck that it has not been doing very well. The film and television projects launched are very small.

Despite this, Ning Yu still has a strong sense of presence in the industry.

It's not for any other reason, it's just because of the money. There are often reports that she spends money on actors and invites big names to act.

Zhou Yun was also smashed.

But she didn't answer, and was blocked by Zhou Lan.

Even so, the resources in Ning Yu's hands are very attractive to Cheng Shenlu.Since Cheng Shenlu became popular in "Under Dress", although she has become a favorite of major production companies for casting roles, she and her agent both know that she still lacks a true representative of the heroine.

Ningde Film and Television will get started sooner or later-people in the industry have such a consensus.Because Ning Yu is willing to spend money, in this industry, as long as he is willing to spend money and does not spend randomly, and brings together the best creators, he will always produce good works.They are just inexperienced now. This is everyone's judgment on Ningde Film and Television and Ning Yu.

Ning Yu said: "I heard before I came here that I will meet you two today. I am very happy. There will be suitable projects in the future. We want to cooperate. The salary is not a problem. We must pay the market price."

People put out their greatest advantage as soon as they opened their mouths.

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, as long as the project is suitable, there is an opportunity to work together."

The three of them came to the lounge area together.

Each of them has a separate lounge that belongs only to them.

Before they all went in, Zhang Na appeared.

She rushed over in a hurry, before the person approached, the bright voice had already come.

"Several beauties, you have made an appointment to come here together." Zhang Na said with a smile, walking like flying in high heels, and the little girl wearing sneakers around her couldn't keep up with her steps, "I This new assistant is so ignorant that he didn't tell me in advance that you are coming, so I can pick you up at the door."

"Oh, dear." After seeing Zhang Na, Ning Yu immediately opened her hands and hugged Zhang Na warmly.

"Why do you look thinner?" Zhang Na looked around Ning Yu in surprise and asked.

Ning Yu said: "I was recently recommended a very good meal replacement. I will recommend it to you later, and you will not feel hungry at all."

Zhang Na: "That's great too."

She turned to look at Zhou Yun, and stretched out her hand, "Xiaoyun, hello, it's the first time we meet, I'm Zhang Na, the producer of this forum program."

"Hello, Sister Na." Zhou Yun shook hands with Zhang Na, "Thank you for your invitation."

Zhang Na: "I'm also very happy that you can come to this forum and share with everyone."

Zhang Na finally welcomed Cheng Shenlu.

"My beautiful girl, long time no see."

Zhang Na sent the three of them into the waiting room one by one, and told them to go to the rehearsal after an hour.

Zhou Yun entered the lounge and turned his neck.

"Why do I feel that my neck is a little stiff, is it a stiff muscle?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Yun heard the words and said, "Do you want me to press it for you?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "My neck is so sore."

Liu Yun walked behind Zhou Yun and pressed her for about 10 minutes.

"How is it? Feeling better?"

"It's much more comfortable, thank you." Zhou Yun stretched, "Why hasn't the makeup artist come yet?"

Liu Yun: "This time we used the makeup artist arranged by the program group, but we didn't hire a special one again. It should be because we haven't come to do makeup and hair yet."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Then wait a little longer."

She picked up her phone and checked for any unanswered messages.

Sure enough.

Gu Huaichun asked her if she was free tonight, and if she was free, he and Yin Zhou made an appointment for a midnight snack, and she would join them.

Zhou Yun said: I have a program to record today, I don't know when it will be recorded, if I can catch up, I will come to find you.

Gu Huaichun: OK.

Zhou Yun said again: "Cigarette" is a movie, please help me promote it on social platforms.

Gu Huaichun: It was publicized earlier.

Zhou Yun: The publicity was a bit more thoughtful, just a repost, did you not even watch this movie?
Gu Huaichun: None of them have been screened yet, what do I think?
Zhou Yun: Then you should go see it on the day of the premiere and seriously recommend it.

Gu Huaichun: There are so many demands.

Zhou Yun: Please support literary films.

Gu Huaichun: Got it, I will support it, don't worry, when will there be no more support.

Zhou Yun: Friends enough.

Gu Huaichun: Waiting for you tonight.

Gu Huaichun: Is Brother Song there?Come along if he's free.

Zhou Yun: I want to ask him, he is running the promotion of "Cigarette" recently, so he may not have time.

Gu Huaichun: Okay, he will come when he is free, and if he is not free, we will make an appointment next time.

Zhou Yun: I said, have you fallen in love yet?
Gu Huaichun:? ? ?Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?
Zhou Yun: You don't even know. Every time I see news about a celebrity artist collapsed, I'm worried that it's you.

Gu Huaichun: I haven't done anything outrageous, what kind of house will I collapse?

Zhou Yun: Don't you have any idea about the matter between yourself and the woman?
Gu Huaichun: What do you want?
Zhou Yun: You said it was your love and I would like it. Didn't you notice how many male artists were hammered by their ex-girlfriends?

Gu Huaichun: That's their own problem. I'm upright, afraid of shit.

Zhou Yun: Just keep your mouth shut, I warn you, pay attention to yourself, don't let me see you on Hot Search.

Gu Huaichun: You don't have a crow's mouth.

Zhou Yun: You'd better keep your body upright and not be afraid of the shadow.

Gu Huaichun: This year's moral model should be awarded to you.

Zhou Yun: If you awarded it, I am indeed worthy of a moral model.

Gu Huaichun: Where's the face?

Zhou Yun didn't want to continue bickering with Gu Huaichun like a primary school student, and was too lazy to return, so he sent a message to Song Chi, asking: Are you free tonight?

Song Chi said: There is an online mic connection event at night, what's the matter?
Zhou Yun: Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou came to us for supper, and they happened to be in Shanghai today, so I wanted to ask if you have time.

Song Chi: I think it will end at ten o'clock in the evening. You eat first, and I will come to you when I am finished.

Zhou Yun: Good.

Song Chi: He hasn't found a girlfriend yet?
Zhou Yun: No.

Song Chi: I thought that a person like him who can't stand loneliness would only change girlfriends quickly, but I didn't expect him to just flirt without looking.

Zhou Yun: Scumbag.

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