Before the official recording of the show, all the guests have to rehearse on stage.

During the rehearsal, there is no audience.

Zhou Yun was the third rehearsal.

The person in front of her happened to be Ning Yu, and Zhou Yun heard the second half of Ning Yu's speech.

She talked about how to survive and work hard in the film and television industry as a female boss.

Zhou Yun was deeply impressed by Ning Yu's words: "Everyone knows that actresses and directors are discriminated against, but can you think of it? I, Ning Yu, as the boss of a film and television company in Ningde, We are still being discriminated against, it has nothing to do with power and status, we are taken for granted just because of a certain consensus in this society, because you are a woman, so you cannot bear those responsibilities, nor do you have those abilities."

When Zhou Yun heard what Ning Yu said, he was suddenly moved deep in his heart.

She's not lamenting for herself, but for some of the women she's known before—they were great, but they didn't get the respect they deserved.

Like being a director.

Zhou Yun has worked with so many directors, the only female director is Xue Qin, and the others are all male directors.

Of course, the male directors she worked with were also excellent, but where did those excellent female directors go?
The teams that Zhou Yun worked with were all the best in the Chinese film and television industry, but she only worked with Xue Qin, a female director.

When working together, she was just a newcomer.

There is not a single female director who participated in the forum today.

In terms of numbers, there are really very few female directors.

After Ning Yu's rehearsal was over, Zhang Na asked Zhou Yun to rehearse on stage.

Zhou Yun came backstage, and a narrator was in charge of telling her when to appear.

"OK, get on stage."

The lights changed, and they gathered at the entrance two steps away.

Zhou Yun walked out, and then walked towards the front of the stage.

She put on the mic, walked to the designated spot, and smiled slightly.

"OK, that's it for the appearance." The on-site director gave Zhou Yun a thumbs up from the audience.

"Now let's test the speech, shall we do it all?" the scene director asked.

Zhang Na walked over quickly and said, "Of course we have to do it all, Xiaoyun, the content of your speech has been determined, right? Let's listen to it live, okay? We don't even know what you are going to speak content, just take this opportunity to listen to it.”

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't fully figured out what I'm going to say. Let me rehearse what I have prepared first."

When Zhang Na heard this, she was a little disappointed.

She signaled the equipment team to turn off Zhou Yun's microphone, got on stage, came to Zhou Yun's side, and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Yun, our program will start recording soon, and the content hasn't been confirmed yet, so I'm a little worried. Although we are not live broadcasting, unless it is a major broadcasting accident, we will not re-record, we are just doing a forum in the studio, and the audience will ask questions."

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "I know, I already have a prepared manuscript, but I am not particularly satisfied. If I don't figure out what I want to talk about in the end, I will talk about this spare manuscript. Don't worry, I won't stab you in the dark."

Zhou Yun's gentle posture eased Zhang Na's impatience.

Zhang Na is aware of her shortcoming of impatience, but many people also say that this is her strength.In the business of program production, there are always multi-line battles, which are complicated and stressful, and there are not many people who are not tempered.The other side of Zhang Na's impatience is that she has a very strong execution ability. No matter what task, whether it is difficult or not, she will do it as soon as she accepts it. If there is any problem, she will solve it when she encounters it. Don't complain and go to the front line.

Zhang Na originally thought that Zhou Yun was the kind of artist who played big names and refused to cooperate with the program group until the last moment. This was the first time she had dealt with her. There are not many big-name artists like Zhou Yun who have this problem. Otherwise, their specialness cannot be highlighted.

But Zhou Yun's gesture soothed Zhang Na's inner discomfort.

"Okay." Zhang Na said, "The speech time for each of us is 10 to 15 minutes. Is the time control OK?"

"No problem." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'll give it a try first. It's the first time I've given a speech in front of a camera. It's been a long time since I've had such an experience. I'm a little nervous."

She blinked.

Zhang Na laughed, patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder, and said: "You must be fine, oh, by the way, the teleprompter we made for you is the manuscript sent by your agent before, do you need to modify it? "

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, just press this."

She took a deep breath.

It's been a long time since I've given a speech in front of everyone, and it's a lie to say that Zhou Yun is not nervous.

She is nervous.

It even feels like my palms are sweating a little.

No one thought she would be nervous except herself.

Given his reputation, no one would think that Zhou Yun would be nervous because of such a small event.

After all, I have seen a lot of big things in the world, and I have seen all kinds of occasions.

As soon as Zhou Yun opened his mouth, he talked about it, saying that I am Zhou Yun instead of Zou Yun.

She immediately let out an "oh" in a bad tone, made a helpless expression, and said, "I think now that I said I was a little nervous, you shouldn't doubt me."

In the recording studio, everyone roared with laughter.

Almost everyone thought that Zhou Yun was deliberately adjusting the atmosphere just now.

No one thought that Zhou Yun was really talking about it.

Zhou Yun: "..."

However, after such a small mistake, the tension in Zhou Yun's heart was suppressed and disappeared.

She found a lightness of expression and began to enjoy the stage.

In 8 minutes, she finished speaking what she had already determined before, and stopped abruptly.

The staff in charge of the teleprompter was confused and said, "What's going on? Why is what she said completely different from the previous manuscript?"

Zhou Yun made an OK gesture and said, "That's the end of the rehearsal."

Zhang Na and the on-site director nodded.

Regarding what Zhou Yun said just now, Zhang Na listened to the whole process and was very satisfied.

Zhou Yun is not talking empty words and stereotypes, but starts from the opportunity of becoming an actor, sincerely and seriously.

The official recording time is only two hours away.

Zhou Yun returned to the lounge.

Liu Yun has already heated up the porridge she cooked in advance, as well as some pickles.

Zhou Yun has a bad appetite recently, so Liu Yun specially made these appetizing kimchi for her.

"I can't live without you." Zhou Yun took a bite of the pickled cucumber. It was crunchy, and the sourness stimulated her tongue. She gave Liu Yun a thumbs-up.

Liu Yun's cheeks were slightly red.

"You can eat as much as you like."

After drinking a bowl of porridge and padded his stomach, Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I'm comfortable, I'll be quiet by myself and think about how it will end later."

Liu Yun nodded and said, "Do you need me to go out?"

"No, it's fine, just don't let others disturb me." Zhou Yun said.

Liu Yun: "OK."


After watching all the rehearsals on the spot, Zhang Na was a little relieved.

"Sister Na, Director Liu invites you to come over." Someone came over and said.

When Zhang Na heard the words Director Liu, a black shadow suddenly appeared in her heart that had just breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want to meet this man if she could.

However, Zhang Na couldn't help but see her.

Because he is the person in charge of this program in Yuehai.

Liu Yifeng was sitting on the sofa, chatting with a young man with blond hair.

Judging from the attitudes of the two of them, Liu Yifeng seemed to be still trying to curry favor with this person.

The moment Zhang Na entered the door, she looked at the scene in front of her and made her own judgment in her mind.

"Director Liu, you are looking for me."

Liu Yifeng turned his head to look at Zhang Na, smiled and waved, beckoning her to come over.

"Zhang Na, you're here, come on, let me introduce you, this is Young Master Jiang from Liwei Group."

Li Wei Group.

The smile on Zhang Na's face became warmer immediately.

"Jiang Shao, hello, I'm Zhang Na, nice to meet you."

She walked up to the blond-haired young man, bent down, and held out her hand.

Jiang Minghuai raised his eyelids, glanced at Zhang Na, did not reach out to shake hands with her, but leaned back, leaned on the back of the sofa, put his hands on the back of the sofa, and said contemptuously: "Nice to meet you. "

Zhang Na was taken aback.

She withdrew her hand, straightened her waist again, turned her head to look at Liu Yifeng, and asked, "Director Liu, what's the matter with you asking me to come over? Our program will officially start recording soon, and time is tight. "

Liu Yifeng said: "No hurry, Xiaona, do you know why Young Master Jiang came here today?"

Zhang Na thought to herself: How do I know what this dragger is doing?
Her: "How would I know."

Liu Yifeng said: "Young Master Jiang has admired Zhou Yun for a long time. Today happened to be Zhou Yun's recording of your show. Go and invite Zhou Yun over and let Young Master Jiang have a chat with Zhou Yun."

An ambiguous smile appeared on Liu Yifeng's face.

Zhang Na suddenly felt disgusted as if she had eaten a fly.

She had seen this ambiguous look on Liu Yifeng's face before on many men's faces.

That disgusting, disgusting look.

Zhang Na has been in the entertainment industry and has been working behind the scenes, and has seen many similar things.

Some are what you want, some are half-pushing and half-accepting, some are half-seductive and half-threatening, and some are directly coerced or threatened.

From the TV era to the Internet era, such things have always been common.

It's no secret, news, movies, episodes, programs, etc., the discussion about this kind of thing has never stopped, just like the "Breaking News" in Hollywood two years ago, or even more long ago The Weinstein affair.

Zhang Na herself has a principle and bottom line, that is, she will never get involved in it.

She can't be the whistleblower who unveiled the reveal, and she doesn't have the courage to disclose many facts, but she absolutely won't let herself join forces and become a role like a "old bustard".

Not to mention, they still wanted to play Zhou Yun's idea.

"Director Liu, Zhou Yun is preparing for the recording of the show later, I'm afraid I don't have time to chat with you now." Zhang Na's tone revealed a little sarcasm.

She thought to herself, Zhou Yun is also someone you can chat with if you want to?
Liu Yifeng stared suddenly, and said angrily: "Zhang Na, how do you do things? Young Master Jiang just wanted to invite Zhou Yun to come over for a chat and take a photo. Can't you satisfy even this request? Liwei Group is you The biggest sponsor of this show!"

Zhang Na took a deep breath, but still could only smile apologetically.

"Director Liu, Young Master Jiang, I'm sorry, but the time is really tight. Besides, Zhou Yun also agreed in the work agreement he signed with us not to cooperate with the program group in social activities." Zhang Na said with a helpless expression : "If there is a way, I will definitely not refuse your request."

"Then can't you think of a way?" Liu Yifeng asked with staring eyes.

Zhang Na kept an innocent smile on her face.

"Since this is the case, then take me to Zhou Yun's lounge. I'll go to see her in person. Is that okay?" Jiang Minghuai said suddenly.

He still maintains that majestic posture, which is a bit foolish but still an old god.

Words like "brainless" and "upstart" popped up in Zhang Na's mind.

It's just that although she can look down on this kind of person in her heart, in real life, such a person is still someone she can't afford to offend.

Zhang Na restrained her disgust towards this person and said, "Sorry, according to the contract, I can't bring people who have nothing to do with the program group to disturb her."

Jiang Minghuai raised his head, frowned slightly, glanced at her, and said, "Could it be that Liu Yifeng didn't tell you clearly just now, who am I? Do you dare to reject me? Do you still want to continue doing the show?"

Zhang Na took a deep breath and said helplessly, "I'm sorry."

Jiang Minghuai turned to look at Liu Yifeng.

"Director Liu, since this is the case, it seems that there is no point for me to stay here any longer."

Jiang Minghuai glanced at Liu Yifeng, his dissatisfaction was already evident.What annoyed him most was that the expectations he had come here had not been met.Especially Zhang Na's attitude made him even more annoyed.

Seeing that Jiang Minghuai was a little angry, Liu Yifeng immediately apologized, and said, "Jiang Shao, don't worry, it's because the people below me are ignorant, I will let you see Zhou Yun today, don't worry."


The lounges of the show guests are all next to each other, which is also for the convenience of artists.

Zhou Yun closed her eyes, and silently read her newly prepared manuscript in her heart. After finishing it, she was relieved and sent the revised manuscript to Liu Yun.

"Xiaoyun, please help me send this latest draft to the program team, and let them use this draft as the content of the teleprompter."

"Okay." Liu Yun nodded, "Then I'll go to them to fix it on the spot, and I'll make sure."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Liu Yun went.

Zhou Yun glanced at himself in the mirror.

The appearance of today's recording program has been completed. She is wearing a white shirt with a strong outline and a knee-length skirt covered with black crystals. The overall appearance is simple, elegant, high-end and low-key. .

This suit is specially sent by the X family, and it is their latest ready-to-wear collection.

Zhou Yun liked it very much, so he gave up the VX and D families who had cooperated a lot, and chose this suit.

He was checking his appearance when suddenly the voice of the bodyguard came from the door.

"Who are you? You can't go in here."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Another voice came from the door: "I am the director of this program, Liu Yifeng, here to see Miss Zhou Yun."

The bodyguard asked suspiciously, "Where's your work card?"

"I'm the director, what job card do I need!"

"Then who is he?" the bodyguard asked again.

"He is the biggest sponsor of our show, Jiang Shao from Liwei Group, go in and talk to Zhou Yun."

The tone of the speaker outside was a bit arrogant.

Zhou Yun frowned slightly.

At this time, Zhang Na's voice suddenly sounded, but it didn't sound like it was at the door, but came from a little further away.

"Jiang Shao, Director Liu, please respect our program team. Our program will start recording soon. You come here directly to find guests, which will greatly affect our normal work."

"You go to your work, and this place has nothing to do with you." Liu Yifeng said angrily, "I've never seen such a ignorant person like you."

Zhang Na said in a deep voice: "Director Liu, does Yue Hai's boss know that you are bringing others to disturb Miss Zhou Yun like this?"

"What, are you threatening me?" Liu Yifeng's voice became dark.

"I'm not threatening you, I'm just reminding you that it's Zhou Yun you want to disturb."

"What's wrong with Zhou Yun? No matter how famous a star is, he's just an entertainer, you—"

Liu Yifeng's words stopped abruptly.

He was startled by the sudden opening of the door.

Zhou Yun looked at him expressionlessly and indifferently, and said, "Isn't Liu Yifeng?"

When Liu Yifeng saw Zhou Yun's indifferent but stunning face, his mind went blank for a moment.

This is the first time he saw Zhou Yun so close in reality.

The aura and coercion emanating from Zhou Yun's body made him unexpected.

"Ms. Zhou, hello, I am the director of this show, Liu Yifeng, very happy to meet you."

"I'm not happy." Zhou Yun's eyes showed a faint frost, "You are so noisy at the door of my lounge, are you hoping that my recording of the program will not go well later, and that I will not perform well?"

"Of course we don't mean that." Liu Yifeng hastily explained.

"Your behavior can only make me understand this." Zhou Yun said directly, "It's not just me here, there are other guests, you are so noisy, it affects everyone's state, Director Liu, since you are Why did the director of this show do such a thing?"


"You make me feel very unprofessional." Zhou Yun turned to look at his bodyguards and said, "Get them out of here."

The bodyguard was hired by herself and has nothing to do with the program group, so of course she only listened to her alone.

He immediately began to expel Liu Yifeng and the others.

"Sir, please leave."

Liu Yifeng's face swelled into a pig's liver.

The attitude shown by Zhou Yun's side seemed to ignore him at all.

Liu Yifeng's heart suddenly burst into anger.

"Zhou Yun, you really think of yourself as something! It's your blessing that Young Master Jiang wants to come to see you, don't be ashamed!"

"Crack!" sound.

There was a crisp slap.

A slap was crisply drawn to Liu Yifeng's face, and a slap print immediately appeared on Liu Yifeng's face.

Liu Yifeng's eyes widened in surprise.

But he didn't expect that the person who slapped him was actually Jiang Minghuai.

"Jiang, Jiang Shao?" Liu Yifeng looked at the other party a little bit wronged.

Jiang Minghuai glanced at him impatiently, and said, "What are you, dare to talk to Miss Zhou like that?"

Liu Yifeng had nothing to say for a while, and nodded to apologize.

"Yes, I, I made a slip of the tongue just now."

"Then you still haven't apologized to Miss Zhou?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Zhou, I was the one who spoke rudely just now." Liu Yifeng immediately apologized to Zhou Yun.

This scene made Zhou Yun feel inexplicable, even a little unbelievable.

Only then did Zhou Yun look at Jiang Minghuai.

Jiang Minghuai smiled at Zhou Yun very seriously, and said, "I'm very sorry to meet you in such an unpleasant way."

Zhou Yun had to admit that his way of meeting for the first time left a deep impression on her.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't care, but now I need to be quiet, so, no matter what your purpose is, please leave." Zhou Yun said.

Jiang Minghuai said: "Okay, no problem, but after the recording of the show, do I have a chance to treat you to dinner? After the recording of the show, it's time for dinner."

His blond hair was striking.

Zhou Yun: "No chance."

She closed the door directly.

Jiang Minghuai was taken aback.

Liu Yifeng immediately whispered into Jiang Minghuai's ear: "Jiang Shao, look at this woman, she is too rude to you, you are giving her too much face! If you want me to say—"


Jiang Minghuai slapped Liu Yifeng's face again.

Liu Yifeng looked at him blankly.

There was a fierce look in Jiang Minghuai's eyes.

"It's not as simple as a slap in the face for me to hear you insult Miss Zhou again."

Liu Yifeng lowered his head and clenched his fists, feeling humiliation all over his body.

"Yes, I will definitely pay attention in the future, never again." He took a deep breath.

Zhang Na looked at Liu Yifeng pitifully, at this moment she only felt that Liu Yifeng was really sad.

To be a dog is to be like a father who doesn't love his mother or his mother.

Jiang Minghuai suddenly thought of something and glanced at Zhang Na.

Zhang Na's body froze, thinking that Jiang Minghuai was going to do something to her again.

But Jiang Minghuai just glanced at her, didn't say anything, didn't do anything, and left.

Liu Yifeng waited for Jiang Minghuai to walk a few steps before whispering viciously in Zhang Na's ear: "You offended Young Master Jiang today, just wait and see how you will hang out in Yuehai in the future!"

After speaking, Liu Yifeng chased after Jiang Minghuai.

"Jiang Shao, I have arranged a VIP auditorium for you, and I will take you there!"

The corners of Zhang Na's mouth turned up contemptuously, but Liu Yifeng's words poured cold water on her heart.

Offended Jiang Minghuai, if she, the program producer, is really deliberately suppressed by him, then her job will really be over.

She would not naively think that she had the ability to fight against Jiang Minghuai.

"Zhang Zhipian." At this time, Liu Yun's voice sounded a little suspicious.

Zhang Na came back to her senses and saw Zhou Yun's assistant Liu Yun looking at her suspiciously, as if wondering why she was here.

"Do you have anything to do with us?"

Zhang Na shook her head and smiled at Liu Yun.

"Apologize to Zhou Yun for me." After Zhang Na finished speaking, she turned and left.

Liu Yun didn't know why, so she asked the bodyguard at the door what happened.

The bodyguard explained briefly.

Liu Yun showed surprise.

She didn't expect that such a thing happened in the short time she left just now.

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