"Liu Yifeng is in charge of program production in Yue Hai."

"Because Yue Hai's performance in self-produced programs has declined severely in the past two years, there are internal reports that Liu Yifeng may be fired."

"Jiang Minghuai is the grandson of the chairman of Liwei Group, and he is very much loved by the chairman. After Liu Yifeng hooked up with him, he probably put his mind on Jiang Minghuai, leaving himself a way out, or something. He often used his position Then, send some young artists to Jiang Minghuai."

"Jiang Minghuai likes you very much. I have always wanted to invite you to dinner and meet you. I found me before, but after I rejected him, I didn't tell you about it. There are too many things like this."

"Zhang Na has been producing programs in Yuehai for the past few years, and Liu Yifeng is also her immediate boss, so he cannot be avoided, but it is said that the relationship between the two of them is not very good, and many people have seen it. He directly contradicted Liu Yifeng on the spot."


Zhou Yun came to the program recording site, except for Zhang Hongyu, all other guests had already arrived.

Ning Yu was chatting and laughing with others.

Cheng Shenlu is the youngest among the guests today, probably because of this reason, she looks a bit reserved.

Zhou Yun greeted them one after another, and sat in her seat under the guidance of the director.

The audience has also entered.

Zhou Yun's appearance caused some commotion in the auditorium, and many people shouted "Zhou Yun" or "Zhou Yun, my goddess".

To be honest, Zhou Yun felt embarrassed when he heard such a blatant confession at the scene.

"It seems that many of the audience who came today are Zhou Yun's fans." Ning Yu said with a smile.

"Actually, I am too." Ren Suzhi, one of today's guests, said with a slight smile.

The screenwriter who became famous because of "Me at the Same Table" has an elegant demeanor and a gentle voice.

Zhou Yun: "Thank you, I am also your fan, I really like "Me at the Same Table"."

"I met your agent before." Ren Suzhi said, "I thought you were going to ask me for a script."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Of course I want to make an appointment, but she told me that you have already accepted a lot of projects, and we have to queue for a long time."

Ning Yu also said helplessly: "I have been making an appointment with Teacher Ren for a script for half a year, and I haven't made an appointment until now."

Ren Suzhi: "I have already agreed to others first, and others have also paid a deposit."

Ning Yu immediately said: "Teacher Ren, we can pay the full amount in one lump sum, as long as you want."

"It's not all about money, the main thing is that I have already agreed to others." Ren Suzhi said, "Mr. Ning, thank you for being so sincere. After I finish the project at hand, let's continue to talk about future cooperation, okay? "

Ning Yu could only pursed her lips helplessly and said, "Okay."

Zhou Yun smiled and said to Ren Suzhi: "Talented screenwriters are always being scrambled for wherever they go."

Ren Suzhi: "If it's your starring role, I'm willing to put down the project I'm preparing and join you in the team. I really want to write a role for you. I like your performance so much."

Zhou Yun showed a flattered expression.

"Really? Thank you, Teacher Ren."

Ren Suzhi: "Creating this kind of thing, you have to have enthusiasm to talk about it, otherwise you can sit in front of the computer for a whole day, and you won't be able to type out a word."

Zhou Yun nodded in agreement.

Of course, she also felt a little embarrassed.

One second she was still declining Ning Yu's script invitation, and the next second she told her that she could join the team for her.

It's not that it's unkind to do so. A well-known screenwriter like Ren Suzhi with a masterpiece is more popular than a big-name star to some extent.

Because there are always so many big-name stars, but the number of famous screenwriters like Ren Suzhi is far less than that of stars, and the cycle for them to create a work is much longer than the cycle for actors to shoot a play.

Ren Suzhi was unwilling to jump in to write a script for Ning Yu, and Ning Yu had nothing to do.

It's just that Zhou Yun felt a little embarrassed. This kind of contrast was too obvious. Zhou Yun felt that Ning Yu's heart should be very uncomfortable.

Zhou Yun still didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at this time, Zhang Hongyu came.

She was wearing a black formal suit, and her figure was valiant, as if she was walking with wind.

Her appearance also caused a new wave of commotion among the audience.

Many people call her "Sister Hongyu" or "Queen of the Movie".

Zhang Hongyu heard someone calling her from the auditorium, turned her head and waved.

Her waving gestures are very beautiful.

Ren Suzhi noticed her eyes and asked curiously: "Do you admire Zhang Hongyu?"

Zhou Yun turned his head to look at Ren Suzhi in surprise.

Her surprised expression made Ren Suzhi smile slightly, waved her hand, and said, "I see that you look at her with admiration."

"There's a lot about her that I admire."

"Huh?" Ren Suzhi asked, "Acting skills?"

"Acting is one aspect, and another aspect is the love and perseverance of the art of acting. Among the actresses, she is a real superstar, and all actresses should learn from her."

"Have you ever worked with her?"

"Not yet." Zhou Yun shook his head, "But I have watched almost every play of hers."

"All the play?"

"I don't dare to say every one. I have basically watched it. I don't know if there are any omissions." Zhou Yun said, "I have been learning how to improve my acting skills since I started to formally regard myself as an actor. , although the word acting makes the art of acting seem like a craftsman's job, but I really need to improve my skills, and the foundation is the technology."

Ren Suzhi said in surprise: "I thought you would never think about your bad performance. Everyone around me likes your performance very much."

"But I know that there are still shortcomings." Zhou Yun said, "Just like Sister Hongyu, she has acted to this point. Every time she performs, every time she presents a new role, she is still different. Every time I give something new, I put my heart into it, instead of standing still."

"She has been brave enough to try in the performing arts." Ren Suzhi nodded.

Zhou Yun also nodded.

"Yes." She said, "so she is worth learning for all of us. When a person has already obtained a very high honor and status, he can still explore the frontier of his art and find a broader depth of performance. It’s what I admire most about her, I’ve only been acting for a few years, and I already feel burnt out.”

Ren Suzhi said: "Burnout is normal. Any creator will go through periods of slack and bottlenecks, but excellent creators will definitely survive this difficult period."

Zhou Yun: "I hope so."


The recording of the forum was very smooth. From the beginning to the end, everyone was sharing their stories with everyone in their own style.

What Ren Suzhi shared was the time when she was not famous.

"I don't know how many people are like me. After graduating from university, they have ideals and think that they will soon succeed by relying on their own talents, hard work and struggle. But I think there must be many of you who are like me. With such ideals, we have experienced failure after failure.”

"Before "Me at the Same Table", I wrote many, many scripts, various scripts, and sent them to film and television companies. Unfortunately, they basically disappeared. I caught up with an era of IP adaptation. If If you didn’t adapt the script based on the original book, it seems to lose its market value. This fact that everyone knows is irrational and logical has become a reality that I have to face.”

"Can I persevere? How should I survive? My rent, my food and drink, my dream, my hometown, before you succeed, anything may become the last straw that crushes you."


Ren Suzhi's sharing is eloquent.

Sitting under the stage and listening, Zhou Yun was deeply touched and moved.

She also had a period of struggle and didn't know whether the future would be good or not.

Of course, she is more fortunate, unlike Ren Suzhi, who went through such a long dormant period before she succeeded.

However, everyone will experience this kind of dark night when they are not recognized and their future is unknown.

Zhou Yun listened carefully to Ren Suzhi telling her story.


""I'm at the same table" was a script that was not accepted by film and television companies at the beginning, because its subject matter is more sensitive, you all know that, right?" Ren Suzhi smiled, "However, there are also film and television companies that have taken a fancy to this script They know that this is a good story, and after deleting those sensitive parts, it is still a good story, so some film and television companies asked me to modify the script, as long as I modify it, they are willing to buy it.”

"At that time, I was really short of money and really poor. If I changed the script, I might agree, but this is "Me at the Same Table". This script, on the night I finished writing , I was very excited, I knew, I wrote a really great script, it would be recognized by everyone, it would become my masterpiece, so the choice I faced at the time was, should I write a script that might become my masterpiece? works, make a compromise?"

"Compromise, it may still be liked by everyone, and it will sell a high box office, but I also know that it will no longer have the impact it had in the beginning, the resonance between the work and the audience, the lines , the relationship between characters, and the development of the plot, these are the carriers for the screenwriter to communicate with the audience, if part of it is deleted, it will be incomplete, do I have to compromise?"

"My choice is not to compromise."

"This is what I want to share with you today. If you are sure that one day you will usher in the most important creation in your life, you will feel that there is a voice telling you that it will be done, believe me , when you encounter that creation, you must be able to hear that voice, you must persist and don’t compromise.”

"A good thing, you will definitely meet someone who is willing to use all means to make it." Ren Suzhi said, "Just like Zhou Yun who is also at the scene today, she dug out "Deep Sea" which has been ignored for several years. The script has made it the most influential Chinese-language drama in the world in the past ten years, and the creators must have such confidence."

The audience burst into applause.

Zhou Yun opened his eyes wide in surprise.

She did not expect that Ren Suzhi even mentioned her at the end of her speech.

Zhou Yun nodded to her.

"Thank you," she said.

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