Zhou Yun was the penultimate one to speak on stage.

Zhang Hongyu was the last one.

The guest speaker in front of her was Ning Yu.

The content shared by Ning Yu did not impress Zhou Yun as a whole. Zhou Yun thought it was too "successful", but the effect of the scene seemed to be very good, and the audience responded enthusiastically.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath, got up and went backstage to prepare.

Just when the host was about to introduce Zhou Yun to the stage, there was a sudden commotion at the scene.

Zhou Yun stood in the background and didn't know what happened, but she heard the exclamations and shouts of many people in front of her.

Did something happen?

Zhou Yun looked at the staff standing next to her in doubt?
"what happened?"

The staff standing next to her were also puzzled, not knowing what was going on in front of her.

After a while, the front staff rushed over and said, "The recording needs to be paused, someone is here to make trouble."

"Looking for trouble?" The backstage manager opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Who is looking for trouble?"

"A few people were making trouble at the scene, scolding Ning Yu."


"Call Ning Yu for being cold-blooded and ruthless. Regardless of whether relatives live or die, the director is asking the security guards to take the troublemakers out."

"Why did such a thing happen?"

"I don't know, I don't even know who it is."

Zhou Yun also felt unbelievable when he heard what the staff beside him were talking about.

"What about the recording of the show?"

"Pause recording for 15 minutes."

A staff member came to Zhou Yun and said, "I'm sorry, because something happened at the scene, can we take you to the backstage lounge first?"

Zhou Yun nodded, cooperated with their work, and went backstage.

When she returned to the backstage lounge corridor, the others were already there.

It seems that the guests at the scene should be invited back first.

Ning Yu was being surrounded by Zhang Hongyu, Ren Suzhi and the others, comforting them softly.

"Are they relatives from your husband's side?"

"Yes, since my husband had an accident, they have been haunting me like vampires." Ning Yu rubbed her temples helplessly, "I'm sorry, because of my personal affairs, it affected you all."

"Oh, don't say that." Zhang Hongyu put his hands on Ning Yu's shoulders and comforted him, "No one wants such a thing to happen, so don't think it's your fault."

"Yes, Mr. Ning."

At this time, Ning Yu saw Zhou Yun.

"Oh, Xiaoyun, I'm sorry." Ning Yu apologized as soon as she opened her mouth.

Zhou Yun hurried over and hugged Ning Yu.

"Don't say that."

Ning Yu sighed, "I didn't expect that they would go too far, and this time they ran to the recording site. Before, they were just making trouble downstairs in our company."

"It's too much for them to do so, should they call the police?" Ren Suzhi asked.

Ning Yu shook her head and said, "I don't want to make things too ugly, after all, they are relatives of my husband."

"But they have gone too far. This time they dared to come to the recording site to make trouble. What do they want?" Ren Suzhi asked.

"I want money." Ning Yu said helplessly, "Since my husband passed away, they have been saying that they want to take away half of my husband's property. After I refused, they started to make trouble."

"According to the law, when your husband dies, you should inherit all the property. What does it matter to them?" Ren Suzhi said.

"Alas." Ning Yu shook her head and did not continue.

This farce at the recording site caused the recording to be suspended for about 10 minutes.

The recording of the show will not resume until the order of the scene returns to normal.

After Zhou Yun took the stage, he saw that although the basic order had been restored in the auditorium under the comfort of the on-site staff, everyone was still whispering, obviously discussing what happened just now.

She directly took a deep breath - under the amplification effect of the microphone, the audience could hear it.

She made a hand-pressing gesture, looked at the audience, and asked, "Did you guys freak out just now?"

The audience immediately nodded.

The faces of Zhang Na and the chief director suddenly changed.

This is not what is written in the script.

The director asked: "Is she going to hang up now?"

Zhang Na said, "Wait and see."

Zhou Yun continued: "I was also terrified, do you know what thoughts came to my mind at that time?"

Everyone shook their heads, and someone said, "I don't know."

Zhou Yun saw that the teleprompter in front of him was not moving, and he didn't know how to do it.

She said: "I thought they came to the scene to scold me. I was thinking at that time, when did I offend the director of the show group, and why did I put my black fans in? They went to France to attack me at the airport. Is that person of mine transported here by air? Could it be that I usually play too much? Our on-site director can't stand it anymore?"

She made an exaggerated look of shock.

The whole place laughed.

Zhang Na was dumbfounded.

Why did Zhou Yun take the initiative to mention the matter of being attacked.

Those were things that Zhou Lan was strictly forbidden to mention on the show.

However, Zhou Yun's opening remarks eased the atmosphere at the scene.

"Fortunately, the target of those saboteurs was not me, but I let out a long sigh of relief." Zhou Yun said.

Everyone laughed again.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry, our program group kicked them out so quickly." Zhou Yun said, "So... wait, I'm here today to share with you my experience as an actress. I almost forgot about it, well, let’s get to the point.”

Zhou Yun paused at this moment, and the audience immediately applauded.


"It's really good that Zhou Yun saved this scene." The assistant director on the scene said to the people around him.

The chief director nodded and said, "Yes, he has top-notch reflexes, and he can also humorously slander himself."

Zhou Yun's operation has already convinced the director team.

"In the past, I always heard other people say that cooperating with Zhou Yun can put a lot of peace of mind. It is really only when I cooperate with myself that I can feel her power most intuitively."

Zhang Na said: "What do you think? People can reach this height in just a few years. How is it possible without a few brushes?"

"Yes, it's too strong." The director said, "I admire it."

Zhang Na said: "However, can we put this part in the show? If it is put in the show, do we have to put in the scene of those people making trouble before?"

"Ning Yu won't agree?" the assistant director said.

Zhang Na: "She definitely won't agree, this kind of thing should not be publicized."

"It's a pity that Zhou Yun's performance can't be included in the feature film." The chief director said.

"It's a pity, but there's no other way." Zhang Na had already made up her mind, "I'll explain it to Zhou Yun later."

There will be another chapter later, I was too tired yesterday, so I fell asleep directly.

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