Chapter 855
"Of course it doesn't matter."

Regarding Zhang Na's explanation, Zhou Yun said that there is no problem at all.

"It should be done."

Zhang Na: "Thank you for understanding why we did this."

Zhou Yun said: "I am very touched, you will protect your program guests so much."

Zhang Na: "This is what I have to do."

After the two sides communicated well, Zhang Na continued: "Your speech today was great. I think that after the show is broadcast, many girls will be able to gain strength from your speech."

"If it really has this effect, it will be worth my trip." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Zhang Na: "Are you in a hurry after the recording of the show? If not, I'll make a reservation and invite everyone to have dinner together."

Zhou Yun said: "Sorry, I have already made an appointment with Gu Huaichun and the others tonight."

She smiled affectionately and opened her hands.

Zhang Hongyu took the script, hesitated for a while, and said: "Xiaoyun, I am very grateful that you invited me to act in this movie, but, from your description just now, this role seems to be a very exaggerated and exaggerated role. , I personally don’t like playing this type of role very much.”

"Okay, I see, it's fine." Zhou Yun nodded, "Oh, by the way, Xiao Yun, has the interview draft of "Victor" come out?"

"For this shoot, we need to shoot three high-end sets from VX, L's house and D's house, and four sets of the latest season's ready-to-wear series." Liu Yun said, "It will be a bit hard to shoot until the evening."

"Who is the host?"

Hearing this, Zhang Hongyu looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Hongyu cocked her eyebrows in surprise, "Okay, since you've said that, then I'll definitely take a look."

The city is also always brightly lit at night.

"Oh, well, it's okay, let's meet again next time we have a chance."

"But the resident guest is Shen Yao."

""Chen Yin" will be broadcast soon, and the current publicity is mainly focused on interviews and interviews, and the audience covered is not very wide. Didn't Sister Lan say that she also accepted the filming of a variety show for me? When was that?"

"Lu Ying, you may not know him, you are not very famous."

"This Sunday's recording is the indoor variety show "Idol Has No Bags", which has been very popular in recent years. It is a show that focuses on funny." Liu Yun said, "The program team has also sent us several invitations before. It's the first time I've been there."

After Zhou Yun said this, Zhang Hongyu hesitated for a moment.

Zhou Yun nodded, "I am also very much looking forward to participating in your show next time."

The recording of the program is over and Zhou Yun is about to leave.

"Miss Hongyu."

"it is good."

She thought of something and asked, "Which magazine is it?"

After Zhou Yun knocked on the door, he stood at the door and smiled.

"I really think that you are the perfect candidate for this role." Zhou Yun said, "After reading the script, you will definitely be attracted to this role."

"No problem." Liu Yun said.

"It's true. I have never done any other work in my life. I have been an actor all my life because I like this profession."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Yun said yes.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"I've shown Sister Lan the manuscript before."

Liu Yun said: "Sister Xiaoyun, there is a magazine cover shoot tomorrow afternoon, I will pick you up downstairs at 01:30 in the afternoon."

Zhou Yun didn't want to go to the bar, so he was going to go back to rest for a while, and said: Then I will go back first.

"Okay." Zhou Yun opened his hands, "Sister Na, please give me a hug. I am very impressed with your team after recording the program today."

Zhou Yun went in and said, "I'm very encouraged when I sit down today and listen to you talking about not forgetting what you want to do at any time."

"come on in."

Since filming, Zhang Hongyu's characters have always been realistic or true, good and beautiful in scripts, and she has never played such a hysterical character that is different from ordinary people.

Night had fallen.

Before leaving, she went to meet Zhang Hongyu first.

""Simon"." Liu Yun said, "This magazine belongs to the same fashion group as S magazine. It is their new magazine. It focuses on movies and fashion themes. Zhang Hongyu and Ning Yao have taken covers before. This is Our first cover shoot."

"Oh, Brother Yao is here too."

Zhang Hongyu is resting in the lounge.

"I hope we can invite you to participate in our program next time." Zhang Na offered.

"May I come inside?"

Zhang Hongyu's words are not an excuse.

"Are you all right?"

"Why, you spoke very sincerely, and I can fully feel that these words are your most personal feelings now."

"Sister Hongyu, give this script a chance, okay?" Zhou Yun said sincerely.

"Sister Hongyu, there is a drama behind me. I starred in it. It's called "Idol Replica". It mainly tells the story of a cloned idol who finds out the truth and escapes from a black-hearted brokerage company. There is a very important character in it. , is the manager of this idol, she is a particularly crazy and cold image, a bit like the big villain played by Emma Thompson in Disney's movie "Black and White Witch Cruela" last year, but in fact she is a good person , She has a very deep love for the original idol artist, after the original idol artist was killed by the brokerage company, she is silently preparing for revenge, such a role." Zhou Yun said, "I was reading the script. I always thought of you and wanted to invite you to play this role."


After this matter was done, Zhou Yun packed up his things and left the recording location.

"Oh, don't flatter me. What I'm saying now, I think I'm too old-fashioned. I've always been afraid that if I'm not careful, I can't help telling you some big truths, life experiences, etc." Zhang Hongyu shook her head, " That was the last thing I liked to hear when I was young."

Zhou Yun could only persuade: "Sister Hongyu, please read the script first, okay? I think this role is definitely worth playing for you, and she will become a representative role for you."

"This is the script." Zhou Yun gave Zhang Hongyu the script he had prepared early in the morning, "Can you take a moment to read it?"

Zhang Hongyu sighed helplessly, smiled, and said, "Okay, then I'll read the script."

Zhang Hongyu immediately put down her phone, stood up, and opened her hands.

Zhou Yun asked Gu Huaichun where they were, and Gu Huaichun said that he and Yin Zhou were drinking in a bar.

"I really don't know him." Zhou Yun smiled.

"Yes." Liu Yun nodded, "At that time, there will be a one-minute promotional video of "Chen Yin" in the middle of the show."

"Then this is very good."

"Yes, the crew of "Chen Yin" will participate together." Liu Yun said, "The main guests of this episode are the actors of the crew of "Chen Yin."

"Wow." Only then did Zhou Yun know.

(End of this chapter)

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