Yin Zhou's current brokerage contract is with Song Chi's company.

Gu Huaichun and him made their debut together, and "The Eighth Heartbeat" is their debut work.

After that, the career trajectories of the two became farther and farther apart.

Fortunately, Yin Zhou has now returned to the show business circle and started acting again.

In the end, his father survived and passed away.

What comforted Yin Zhou a little was that before his father died, he let his father see the birth of his son.

Yin Zhou and Gu Huaichun said: "I am especially grateful to Chu Chu now. If it weren't for her, maybe I would hold this regret in my life and couldn't let it go."

Gu Huaichun had already drank a lot of wine, his cheeks were flushed.

He hooked Yin Zhou's shoulder with his left hand and said, "You are really enviable."

"What do you envy?" Yin Zhou said, "I still envy you, you are so popular."

"How about I tell Xiaoyun to forget it." Yin Zhou said.

"When we were recording the program today, something happened."

Song Chi snorted and nodded.

What is there to shoot when he returns to his own home.

Zhou Yun said: "I also say the same, she is really talented in studying these foods."

"The porridge is still hot for you, go wash your hands, and I'll serve you porridge."

So, Zhou Yun cooked a millet and shrimp porridge, and put Liu Yun's self-made pickled cucumber and spicy beef into a small bowl each, and he could eat it directly when Song Chi came back.

Gu Huaichun showed a charming smile and said, "Of course."

Yin Zhou sent a message to Zhou Yun: Gu Huaichun drank too much, why don't we forget it tonight?
Zhou Yun quickly replied: Okay, is he all right?

Song Chi didn't know him.

After the scheduled supper was cancelled, Zhou Yun sent Song Chi a message, asking him if he was hungry and if he would like to prepare something for him.

"You didn't offend me, but you hurt a person. If you hurt her, you hurt me."

When he parked his car in the garage and was about to go upstairs, he suddenly felt a flashing light flashing beside him.

Song Chi called out, "Xiaoyun, I'm back."

Gu Huaichun rubbed his face, "I drank a little too much."

"I still hope that more people will know about this movie and go to the cinema to watch it."

Song Chi said pleasantly, "Is this the first time you cook this porridge?"

"I'm not anxious because you guys are married." Gu Huaichun said, "I just know where my own problems are, and I think I may never get married in this life."

"You've been promoting "Cigarette" these days, how about this movie?"

"I won't eat it." Zhou Yun shook his head, "But I'll eat some kimchi with you. Xiaoyun made it herself. It tastes great."

But there was no one there.

Song Chi immediately turned his head to look.

A figure rushed towards him.

But this time, the man wearing glasses didn't stop.

After the voice fell, Zhou Yun ran out of the room.

This person didn't hide his face, even, this person was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a gentle face, he looked like a white-collar worker working in an office building, not like a gangster who would secretly attack others.

Song Chi understood the moment he saw the glasses on his face. The flash of light he saw just now was not a candid photo taken by a paparazzi reporter, but the reflection of the lens of this person's glasses.

"If the film is not scheduled to go up, the theater managers are not very optimistic about the box office performance of this movie." Song Chi sighed as he spoke, "The pre-sale results are also relatively average."

Yin Zhou contacted the driver.

After the man with glasses finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Song Chi really didn't know why, what exactly this man wanted to do, and what kind of plans he had.

Song Chi drove home by himself.

If we continue to stay, more and more people will come to take group photos.

"Can you still have supper at night? I think you drank a little too much." Yin Zhou said.

"Why do you say that?" Yin Zhou asked puzzled.

"Am I the only one to eat?" Song Chi asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Just as the elevator door was about to open, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps from behind.

Yin Zhou looked at his familiar friend. In the show business circle, Yin Zhou didn't have many friends, just a few. Gu Huaichun was the only one he still kept in touch with after becoming popular.

Zhou Yun sighed.

"Shut up." Gu Huaichun shook his head.

He hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't catch up after all.

"When will you take it easy."

"I know, I've heard before that Ning Yu's relatives on her husband's side are very troublesome. Once she participated in a private forum with me, a few relatives on her husband's side knew about it and ran outside There was trouble, and the scene was embarrassing."

Sometimes, having someone at home waiting for you can feel like a bowl of chicken soup on a winter night.

"The red top is useless, you are the winner in life, your wife has also begged, and your son has been born, and I am alone."

Yin Zhou also wishes Gu Huaichun well.


Zhou Yun: That's good.

"Who am I? You don't need to know who I am, all you need to know is that I want to make you look good!" The man wearing glasses smiled ferociously and pointed at Song Chi, "I'll scare you this time. It’s not just a scare once.”

When terminating the contract with Yue Hai, Gu Huaichun also took a lot of effort.

After taking a photo with the young and beautiful girl, Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou were ready to leave together.

Song Chi strode to the elevator door and pressed a button.

Yin Zhou: Not drunk, but a little dizzy, I will send him back to rest now.

"Hey, can I ask you, have I offended you in any way?" Song Chi asked.

A look of sadness suddenly appeared on his face.

"who are you?"

Song Chi frowned suspiciously, not knowing who this person was.

Still, it’s okay to be paparazzi.

"Hey, after all, this is an art film, it's hard to attract many audiences, and there's no way around it. You've already worked hard to promote it."

Gu Huaichun was about to speak, when suddenly, a young and beautiful girl beside her widened her eyes in surprise, looked at the two of them, and asked, "Are you Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou? My God, I actually bumped into each other here. Here you are! I'm so excited, ahhh, can I take a photo with you?"

Song Chi dodged to the right without hesitation, and turned around, exposing the opponent to his front.

The man wearing glasses stood still and turned to look at Song Chi.

The two left the bar and got into the car.

This is a stranger.

"Actually, you are still very young, not even 30 years old. Don't be anxious just because Zhou Yun and I are married."

Song Chi really didn't eat.

"Well, I just learned it. Try it, it should be pretty good." Zhou Yun said, "I was filming in Australia, and I'm not used to the food there, so I often make food with Xiao Yun."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

She was worried that Song Chi would not have dinner because he wanted to have supper together at night, and would be hungry all the time.

"You're back!" She trotted over and jumped on him like a bird, "You came back too late!"

The porridge was kept warm on the stove.

Song Chi's body immediately assumed a defensive posture.

Zhou Yun told Song Chi about Ning Yu's relatives coming to the recording site to make trouble.

When Yin Zhou was in trouble, Gu Huaichun transferred a sum of money to him without saying a word.

A very strange face, wearing a pair of glasses.

Song Chi: "It was a bit later than the planned time. There was an accident during the recording, which delayed the time. I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"As an assistant, you can open a restaurant by yourself." Song Chi also likes to eat some snacks and kimchi made by Liu Yun, especially spicy beef, which Song Chi often takes on business trips.

He got on the elevator, walked to the door of the house, opened the door, and the room was brightly lit. This feeling made him feel relieved.

Zhou Yun came out with a bowl of porridge and put it in front of him.

Song Chi nodded.


Song Chi instinctively felt that this matter could not be left alone, that he could not be allowed to leave like this.

Song Chi went to wash his hands and sat down on the chair.

Gu Huaichun is a man of loyalty.


"It's a little hot."

"Who did I hurt? Can you tell me?" Song Chi asked.

"Is there any other publicity method with greater exposure?"

"Wu Chengbao's promotion is now mainly based on running road shows, and I go to live broadcasts and participate in program recordings. Basically, it is a replacement with the partner, so that we don't have to invest too much in publicity and distribution." Song Song Chi said, "According to the current box office estimates, we don't dare to invest in more publicity, otherwise we will lose more, but if we don't do publicity, we can't attract audiences, and we are caught in an endless loop."

"Is it estimated that the box office will not cover the cost now?"

"No, but it's very difficult to make a profit." Song Chi said, "It's just on the edge of profitability."

"After working so hard to make a movie, I still hope to make a profit." Zhou Yun understood the feelings of Song Chi and Wu Chengbao.

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