Chapter 857 Make trouble
When Zhou Yun went to take a shower, Song Chi picked up his mobile phone and told Wu Chengbao what happened in the parking lot at night.

He said: Help me to find out what is going on with this person.

Wu Chengbao said yes, and then said: I'll arrange bodyguards to follow you these few days, don't meet a radical lunatic, if you really encounter extreme revenge, you still have to call the police.

Song Chi: Well, I don't know who he is now, and he didn't do anything to me. It doesn't make much sense to call the police, and it will cause a lot of unnecessary news reports. Let's figure out what's going on first.

Wu Chengbao: I’ll go to your property first to ask for monitoring. If it’s not that people from your residential area have mixed in, the property is also responsible. Paying such a high property management fee every month, this point of security cannot be done well.

Song Chi: From the look of that person, the property management company wouldn't mistake him for a gangster. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes. I didn't expect him to attack me.

Wu Chengbao: So deceptive.

Song Chi: Don't reveal this matter for the time being, and I haven't told Xiao Yun about it, because I don't want her to worry.

Wu Chengbao: Okay, I understand.
The next day, Zhou Yun and Song Chi almost went out at the same time.

Both have their own jobs.

They got into their cars in the parking lot.

Song Chi was still a little worried, afraid that the man would rush out again last night.

Fortunately not.

On the way to the shooting, Zhou Yun took out his mobile phone and checked his social network platform.

I accidentally saw that Ningde Film and Television announced a new project today.

Zhou Yun didn't pay much attention to this film and television company before, but because she met Ning Yu yesterday, she paid attention to it.

Ningde Film and Television announced that it has won the right to adapt the series of the well-known game "Prosperous Land", and will cooperate with Yue Hai to produce this series. Produced by male actors.

Surprised, Zhou Yun took a screenshot and sent it to Song Chi and Gu Huaichun, asking if they knew about this film and television project.

Both said they hadn't heard of it.

Zhou Yun immediately understood that this was another actor's attention.

Now many film and television projects are like this. When preparing for filming, popular actors are added to the cast to attract a wave of attention and raise the popularity of this project.

However, Zhou Yun did know about the game "Land of Prosperity". To use the current popular words in the industry, it is a big IP.

Zhou Yun added Ning Yu's WeChat yesterday, and immediately sent a message to Ning Yu, asking: Are you going to shoot "Prosperous Land"?

Ning Yu replied in seconds: Yes, it took a lot of money to win the right to adapt the series of this IP with great difficulty.

Zhou Yun asked: I read on the news that this drama is going to choose an actor from among Song Chi and Gu Huaichun?

Ning Yu: Ah, that, that is just a propaganda tool of the propaganda department. The casting has not yet started, and it has just been won. Why, is Song Chi interested?If he is willing to act, I will make a decision immediately.

Zhou Yun quickly explained: No, I was just curious. He has been very busy recently and has many projects in the future, so the schedule may not be suitable.

Ning Yu said: The schedule doesn't matter, as long as he is willing to act, we can wait for his schedule.

Zhou Yun regretted taking the initiative to poke her to talk about it.

Generally speaking, when the conversation has reached this point, the other party should be more sensible and stop entanglement.

Zhou Yun said: You can go back and ask his team to see what they say in the end. I just watched the news and was just curious. I have played this game, so I am very curious about how this episode will be done.

Ning Yu said: We are going to hire a production team from South Korea.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and asked: Do you want to hire from South Korea?Why?
Ning Yu said: For this kind of fantasy-themed story, we don’t have a particularly mature production team in China, so we can only find foreign aid.

Zhou Yun: No way?Song Chi made a disaster film "Jianyuntai" last year, and he did a great job in all aspects. Now the domestic production team has become more and more mature and rich.

Ning Yu: I didn't find a suitable one. We are going to create a series of dramas based on the big IP of "Prosperous Land". characters and stories.

Zhou Yun: Oh, so, are you planning to develop multiple projects at the same time?

Ning Yu: Let’s do the first one first. I’m going to make a story about the two characters of Bai Lishou and Yao Ling.

Zhou Yun was shocked.

Bai Lishou and Yao Ling do have a love story in the game "Prosperous Land", but it is not the main point. Even, their love story is very simple. Zhou Yun doesn't understand why Ning Yu developed such a game in the first place Storylines that fans don't pay attention to.

She hesitated for a moment, and said: But, players of the game "Prosperous Land" may pay more attention to the main storyline?The first episode of this branch line, everyone's expectations may not be met?
Zhou Yun felt that if Ning Yu and the others planned to make this movie like this, they would definitely attract a lot of criticism.

Ning Yu did not reply to Zhou Yun again.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, could it be that he told the truth and made Ning Yu unhappy?
The adaptation of "Land of Prosperity" has attracted the attention and discussion of many people, which is really normal.

It is a big IP in itself.

The most important thing is the starring lineup, which has aroused many discussions.

Or rather, argue.

The actors listed on the marketing account are all the most popular actors at the moment. The fans of each family are frantically refusing to claim the unofficial announcement, but on the other hand, they inevitably talk to the fans of other families. Starting a war is similar to praising one's own family and trampling on another's.

This kind of thing has happened many, many times. Although it has been criticized and criticized, it has not improved the situation at all.

However, several actors have also made reactions and statements one after another, saying that they have not yet contacted the film crew of "Prosperous Land", and the rumors on the Internet are false news.

This is good, the fans who were fighting vigorously before, now united the front and began to scold the film crew for walking around.

At this time, Zhou Yun was already shooting in the studio.

For the cover shoot of "Simon" magazine, there are two covers to be shot in total.

One set is in the afternoon and the other is in the evening.

In the afternoon, the cover was shot in a studio, and in the evening, I went to an amusement park to shoot.

The creative themes are "Love in the Afternoon" and "Traces of Memory".

Zhou Yun's camera sense is naturally good, and his fashion expression is generally more praised than criticized.

Today, Zhou Yun is photographed by a well-known photographer in the industry. The price of one shot is 80 yuan, which is very expensive.

But this has the brand side to pay for it.

In the evening, the editor-in-chief of "Simon" invited Zhou Yun to dinner.

The editor-in-chief, surnamed Zhao, is Zhao Yu, a woman who grew up in the United States before. She is a Chinese-American and was sent to China by the fashion group that S magazine belongs to to be in charge of the Chinese version of "Simon".

Dinner is local food.

Pay more attention to the taste of the raw materials themselves.

Zhao Yu said: "When I met Chen Ting, the former editor-in-chief of "Vcitor" last week, I even talked about her, and she praised you very much."

Zhou Yun has not heard this name for a long time.

But speaking of it, Chen Ting was the first noble person she met in the fashion circle.

She helped her a lot.

"Oh, Editor-in-Chief Chen, how is she doing recently? I haven't seen her for a long time."

Two people who don't know each other still have to rely on people who know each other to start the conversation.

"He is very energetic. Although he is no longer the editor-in-chief, he is still very active. Not long ago, he was a judge of a model contest in Hong Kong." Zhao Yu said, "Oh, by the way, I don't know if you know her. The granddaughter is going to marry Jiang Haitian, the son of Director Jiang He."

Zhou Yun heard Jiang Haitian's name by accident.

She still remembered this tall man.

Although he is the son of Director Jiang He, for some reasons, he is not very close to Director Jiang He.

Have dealt with twice before.

"Wow." Zhou Yun said, "This is the first time I've heard of it."

"I heard that they will hold a wedding in July this year." Zhao Yu said, "Chen Ting said that she will invite you to attend."

Zhou Yun smiled, "She hasn't contacted me yet."

"Are you and Song Chi going to have a wedding?" Zhao Yu asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head, "I don't know yet. The past two years have been quite busy. Although we have plans, we haven't put them on the agenda."

"I have met Song Chi several times, but this is the first time I have met you." Zhao Yu said, "But I have always wanted to know you. In fact, when I was working in S Fashion Group, I especially wanted to know you." Yes, working at the headquarters, the ones I come into contact with and the ones everyone talks about at work are all female artists from Europe and the United States. Artists from Asia are rarely mentioned. In the past two years, Korean girl groups have become very popular. , everyone mentions them a lot, I am still a little depressed, although I am American, but I am Chinese, I would like to see our Chinese actors also be noticed by fashion circles, and then you appeared, and they asked me Whether they recognize you or not, they feel that we are all Chinese, maybe we know each other, and now I can finally tell them that I do know you."

Zhao Yu laughed.

"In the future, you will know more and more Chinese actors. You can see that sister Yuzhen is also popular."

"She told me that she would act in the American drama "Magic Black Forest", thanks to you asking her about the news."

"Oh, really?" Zhou Yun waved his hand, "Actually, I didn't do anything."

Zhao Yu said: "I have been in China for a year. Before that, I only came to China with my family when I was a child. The changes here are so great."

"Yes, when I recall my childhood now, I feel as if the world has changed." Zhou Yun said.

Suddenly, at this time, a blocking voice came from the door: "Sorry, sir, you went to the wrong private room, there are already guests here."

"Why did you go to the wrong private room? This is my private room!" This was the voice of a drunk man.

Zhou Yun and Zhao Yu looked at each other suspiciously, with some doubts.

"Sir, please leave."

Zhou Yun heard the voice of his bodyguard.

"Get out of here!"

"Sir, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

"What do you want to do? What do you dare to do? What are you!"

The noise at the door got louder.

Zhou Yun and Zhao Yu frowned.

But soon, the drunken man's roar sounded: "Who are you? Let go of me! Do you know who I am?"

The sound is getting farther and farther.

After a while, there were two knocks on the door.

Zhou Yun's bodyguard opened the door and said, "Just now a drunk guest went to the wrong room, and there was some dispute, which has been resolved."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhao Yu apologized and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen."

"It's normal for this kind of thing to happen." Zhou Yun said, "I encounter it from time to time, as if I have such a physique, and I can always meet some people who make trouble like this."

After dinner, I went to shoot.

Shooting continued until the early hours of the morning.

"Thank you." Zhao Yu sent Zhou Yun to the car.

Zhou Yun said: "You have worked hard too, go back and rest."

Saying goodbye to the filming crew, Zhou Yun closed the car door and went home.

As soon as the car started, Liu Yun said, "Sister Xiaoyun, Sister Lan asked you to call her."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Now?"

It's already early morning.

Liu Yun nodded and said, "Yes, Sister Lan said that she has something important to tell you."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan picked it up right away.

"The filming is over?"

"Well, on the way home." Zhou Yun asked, "What's the matter? You asked me to call you so late? What happened?"

Zhou Lan said, "Did someone make trouble when you were having dinner at night?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Well, the troublemaker has a background in his family. He feels that he has been humiliated. He wants to get back on the scene. He doesn't know how he found out that you are the person who is eating there tonight. He insists on telling him about it. apologize."

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

"Well, he's a lunatic anyway." Zhou Lan said, "However, that person's family really has some background. Fortunately, his life or death has something to do with the Radio and Television. You also know that "Chen Yin" will be broadcast soon. He Ask someone to tell you that if we don't apologize, "Chen Yin" won't be aired normally."

Zhou Yun: "He has so much energy?"

It's not that Zhou Yun is boasting. The dramas she and director Jiang Xin collaborated in, unless they reach a certain level, the general background really can't shake them.

If, Zhou Yun is the most internationally influential among Chinese film and television professionals.

The official also attaches great importance to her and has always supported her development.

Zhou Yun doesn't believe that someone can influence the broadcast of a drama by himself, and he is not a big leader.

Zhou Lan: "Anyway, I've received several calls, and I've heard what happened to Xiao Yun. It had nothing to do with us, but there was a small accident. Our bodyguards really didn't pay attention. He was directly lifted head and foot, and sent directly to the hotel lobby, many people saw it, he felt ashamed, and those middlemen also felt that our bodyguards did a little too much."

"What is too much? Did our bodyguard attack or curse?" Zhou Yun's heart was on fire, "He caused trouble by himself, and we blamed us for driving him away?"

(End of this chapter)

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