I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 861 Think, Still Don't Want

Chapter 861 Think, Still Don't Want
Jiang Xin seemed to see the doubt in Zhou Yun's heart.

He said: "What happened in the recent period made you very anxious?"

Zhou Yun nodded: "It's a little bit. On the one hand, I feel that this matter is ridiculous and makes me very uncomfortable, because I feel that I have done nothing wrong in this matter, but it has become a big trouble. I am also thinking about it. , is it easier to deal with some things if you don't care about your own principles? On the other hand, I am also afraid that because of defending my inner principles, it will affect the broadcast of "Chen Yin". There are indeed a lot of news in the past two days Some people report this drama, some people are trying to stop this drama from airing, if it really affects this drama, I will feel uneasy."

"I can understand."

Jiang Xin said: "In the past, there were also a few dramas that were put on hold for several years because of my problems before they were broadcast. At that time, I was full of debts to the investors and to other cooperators."

Zhou Yun asked, "What happened next?"

"Later, some dramas were broadcast, and some dramas would never be aired. I lost money, and I was still full of debts. But even so, it didn't help. It didn't change the status quo. We knew that it had a lot of censorship risks, but we still decided to do this show because there is something in this show that we really want to express, right? It's these problems, not because of you It will be triggered by one incident, and it will also be triggered by other things. Before it is officially broadcast, everything may happen, and I have long been mentally prepared for this."
"I have to leave at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

In the evening, Zhou Yun told Song Chi.

Song Chi is leaving tomorrow, he is going to Guangzhou to promote "Cigarette".

Both of them are in the publicity period of promoting their works.

Song Chi asked, "Are you going for a week this time?"

"Yes, I will go to Japan first, and then to Korea, and I will come back in seven days." After Zhou Yun packed his suitcase, he turned around and asked, "How is "Cigarette"?"

"I've thought of many ways to promote it, but maybe this theme just can't attract the audience. The box office results of pre-sales and screenings have not improved, and it's still the same." Song Chi shook his head helplessly, "Everyone is still not very interested. .”

"Today, director Jiang Xin advised me not to take recent events seriously. He said a word, do your best and obey the destiny."

"That's what I said, until the end, I'm still not reconciled, I hope a miracle will happen."

"Song Chi, it doesn't matter even if the final box office results are not very satisfactory." Zhou Yun suddenly hugged Song Chi from behind and comforted him, "You didn't make this movie for the box office, did you? If you are If you want a higher box office, there are many movies that are more suitable for higher box office. I hope you can act. The most important thing is, why did you want to make this movie in the first place? I am very proud that you are still persisting Your pursuit of film art, if you don’t succeed at the box office, you won’t succeed, even if you lose money, we’ve made a lot of money, so we have enough capital to do what we really want to do, so that’s fine.”

Zhou Yun's words warmed Song Chi's heart.

"it is good."

He pressed his forehead against Zhou Yun's.

"When the promotion of "Cigarette" is over and your side is empty, let's go abroad for a vacation, just me and you."


Zhou Yun said: "I don't have any filming plans in the future, it's up to you."

Song Chi said: "Me too, I can still transfer it in three to five days."

The two hugged each other and carried them to the bed.
Same, this evening.

Zhou Lan finished his day's work and was having dinner with Lin Zhiping at the restaurant.

Champagne gourmet.

This is a high-end restaurant - Zhou Lan himself is not so willing to spend money to eat here alone, it is too expensive, and it hurts her heart to eat.

Although she is now very wealthy, her spending habits have not changed much, and she still retains the old consumption concept.

Zhou Lan also realized this, but it was difficult to change.

Lin Zhiping is different.

After six months of contact, Zhou Lan gradually got to know Lin Zhiping.

In a way, Lin Zhiping is a very suitable person for her. She likes his type very much, and at the same time he also supports her in developing her career.

However, on the other hand, Zhou Lan also always felt that he and Lin Zhiping had many disagreements in terms of life concepts.

It's not that he has any shortcomings, and it can't be said to be shortcomings, it's just the difference in personal values ​​and ideas.

Lin Zhiping himself was born as a struggler, habitually in control of everything.

Zhou Lan could feel that Lin Zhiping was often dissatisfied with her actions or decisions, but he endured it and did not show it on his face, nor did he interfere with her in the form of words or behavior.

What Zhou Lan wasn't sure about was whether his non-interference was a disguise or something else.

"We have been in contact for almost half a year. What do you think of me?" That night, Lin Zhiping suddenly asked Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan didn't know how to answer for a while.

She was caught off guard by the unexpected question.

"Ah? Me? Why did you suddenly ask me this?" Zhou Lan tried to avoid the topic.

She didn't think about how to answer.

Lin Zhiping said: "Do you want us to continue in this state?"

He looked at her sincerely.

Zhou Lan hesitated.

Just stay at this stage, don't change, don't go further?
Zhou Lan didn't want to either.

She said: "Your question is too sudden, I don't know what to say for a while."

"I want to hear your most honest thoughts." Lin Zhiping said, "We should have an open and honest chat. How should our relationship continue in the future? I like you very much, and I hope we can go further."

Zhou Lan's eyebrows jumped suddenly.

"I, I kind of..."

"Do you want to?" Lin Zhiping asked, "Or don't want to?"

(End of this chapter)

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