Chapter 862 Part Two
"I do not know."

Zhou Lan shook his head.

The lights of the dining room fell on the two of them, and also fell on the two of them.

There are not many people in this restaurant.

Its seats are not close together, which may be the reason for its high price.

The chandelier is a bustling branch-shaped design.

Light and shadow fell between them, and a calm but undercurrent of emotion gradually permeated.

A black piano in the corner is being played by a brunette girl.

The sound of the piano is beautiful, flowing like a river.

It's just that at this moment, neither of them is in the mood to enjoy the music.

"Why don't you know?" Lin Zhiping showed confusion and incomprehension on his face.

Holding the silver reflective fork, he spoke more sincerely this time: "Zhou Lan, if you want, I would like to propose to you, but I don't want to do it abruptly, I hope to ask for your consent Do this under the circumstances."

Zhou Lan pursed his lips.

"I don't deny it, I like you too." Driven by some emotion, she decided to reveal a little truth.

Lin Zhiping looked at her suspiciously.

"Then why do I feel you are hesitant?"

Zhou Lan put down the fork in his hand, frowned slightly, and replied, "Maybe it's because I'm not ready yet, or maybe it's because I'm worried that entering the next stage will ruin our good feeling now. I don't know, I'm in a mess right now, the most important thing is, don't be angry when I say this, it's you who said to be open and honest first, I always feel that there are still many things that are not so suitable between us. "

"Huh?" Lin Zhiping asked.

"You have a strong desire to control, although you usually hide it." Zhou Lan said, "This worries me. I am afraid of being controlled by others. I know that many men treat a woman very badly before they marry her." Tolerance, will compromise, but after marriage, you will become a different person, I don’t know if you will be like this, I also know that many men have expectations for women, thinking that as long as they get married, she will change, for the sake of the family Instead, compromise and sacrifice your own career. But I am very clear, I will not, I am afraid that you may misunderstand me, and I am also afraid that I have expectations of you that I should not have."

Lin Zhiping was silent.

Zhou Lan was also silent.

After a while, Lin Zhiping smiled helplessly.

"I am indeed a person with a desire to control, but I also know my own problems. I have to remind myself so that I can resist such urges."

Lin Zhiping shrugged and spread his hands.

"Actually, I divorced my ex-wife largely because of this. She can't stand my temper. I hope I can change."

"Are you in a hurry to get married?" Zhou Lan asked.

Lin Zhiping said: "I want to, but not in a hurry."

"Give us a little more time, okay?" Zhou Lan said, "Let's get to know each other better."

Lin Zhiping: "Okay."

The wind was blowing a little cold when they came out of the restaurant.

Zhou Lan didn't wear much clothes, so he couldn't hold back for a moment, and he hissed from the cold.

Lin Zhiping immediately took off his coat and put it on for Zhou Lan.

"No need." Zhou Lan said subconsciously.

Lin Zhiping smiled and said, "Give me a chance to perform."

"Okay." Zhou Lan smiled slightly and said, "Then I know."

"You are on a business trip this time, when will you come back?"

"I'll accompany Xiaoyun to Japan, but I won't go to South Korea. The exact time has not yet been set. I will be back in three days according to the itinerary."

"Okay." Lin Zhiping said, "Then I will pick you up then."

"No, you're busy with your business. I'll send you a message when I'm back," Zhou Lan said.

Lin Zhiping sighed softly.

"But I want to come get you."

"Okay." Zhou Lan raised the corners of her mouth, with a smile in her eyes, and said, "I mean, don't force it, we don't need to care about the established couple etiquette, we will follow our own The rhythm is fine."
It was still early when Zhou Yun went out.

It was still a little dark.

Zhou Yun came out of the house with a burst of cold air, and felt cold the moment he went out.

A chill spread from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, and then from the soles of the feet back to the top of the head, as if the blood in the whole body was frozen.

It was early spring in March, and a cold breath hung over the city.

Through the windows in the corridor, the outside was filled with fog, and the sight could only see the buildings and streets not far away.

The temperature was so low that even the exhaled breath turned into white smoke, as if it might freeze in the air at any time.

When I got in the car, I felt that my nose and cheeks were cold.

But the heater was on in the car and it was very warm.

Liu Yun handed over a cup of hot tea.

Zhou Yun took a sip and felt that his whole body was energized and revived.

"It's cold," she said.

"Winter doesn't feel like it's over yet."

"Yeah, it's already spring." Zhou Yun rubbed his face and said, "Let's go."

All the way.

There are more and more cars on the road, and it is the morning rush hour for work.

"Director Jiang has already arrived at the airport." Liu Yun said suddenly, "Sister Lan is expected to arrive in 10 minutes."

"Should we not be late?" Zhou Yun asked.

The driver said, "No problem, don't worry."
At this moment, the airport.

A large number of media reporters and paparazzi have received the news in advance, knowing that Zhou Yun will depart from here today to Japan to promote the new drama "Chen Yin".

Everyone was focused, fiddling with their video cameras, recording pens, cameras and other tools, waiting for Zhou Yun to appear.

Many people didn't understand this battle, so they looked sideways at this side.

Some are still communicating with each other, discussing which star is going to appear.

Some paparazzi stood at the front of the crowd, holding high-definition cameras, trying to capture the moment when Zhou Yun got off the car.

The surrounding vehicles came and went, and the air was filled with humming sounds.

As time passed, new reporters and paparazzi joined the team, and the scene became more chaotic.

Airport secret service personnel and security are maintaining order.

Seeing so many paparazzi reporters at the door, Zhou Yun was stunned and surprised.

"Why so many people?"

Liu Yun was also taken aback.

"I do not know."

Although Zhou Yun is very popular, this kind of daily work and travel usually does not attract such a big battle.

What's going on here?

The car was already approaching slowly.

Zhou Yun said: "Let's go in through the front entrance, there are too many people here."

The driver responded and drove Zhou Yun to the front entrance to stop.

Zhou Yun got out of the car alone with a bag on his back, a peaked cap and a mask.

She went straight over without caring about the luggage behind her.

The luggage driver and Xiao Yun will take care of it.

But someone with sharp eyes saw Zhou Yun immediately, and shouted "Zhou Yun!" For a moment, everyone was attracted by this sound.

Reporters swarmed with long guns and short cannons, surrounded Zhou Yun, and asked her a barrage of questions.

One of the reporters asked, "Zhou Yun, are you going to Japan to promote "Chen Yin" now?"

Zhou Yun nodded helplessly, and said, "Everyone should not gather in this place, there are too many, and it will affect others."

She said, "Sorry, I won't be interviewing you today."

Hearing what Zhou Yun said, these reporters became anxious.

"Zhou Yun, we just got news that "Chen Yin" may be postponed in China due to malicious reports. Is this news true?"

"Ah?" Zhou Yun pretended to be stupid, "I don't know, I haven't heard such news."

The news of the media reporters is too well-informed.

Zhou Yun didn't want to have any more gossip, "I'm sorry, everyone, I have to catch a plane."

She bowed her head and walked inside.

But these media reporters refused to let her go.

"If this news is true, "Chen Yin" will be postponed, do you have anything to say?" Another reporter asked.

Zhou Yun felt uncomfortable.

But she couldn't express the pain yet.

Many shots are taken of her, and every detail of her face will be captured.

"This kind of unconfirmed news, please don't embarrass me. I can't respond to an unconfirmed news. It's so cold today, everyone should go back and rest quickly." Zhou Yun said, "Wait for me After returning from abroad, I still have a lot of promotional schedules, so if you have any questions, you can ask me."

"Zhou Yun, don't leave, give us something." Someone tried to persuade Zhou Yun, they knew that Zhou Yun was a well-cooperative artist, with so many reporters here, according to her usual style, she would definitely say Something so they can go back and do business.

"Oh, I really don't know what to say. I haven't received any news about the postponement of "Chen Yin". Look, Director Jiang and I are planning to go abroad to promote it. Please help us promote it well. ,All right?"

After saying this, Zhou Yun didn't respond to anything.

She left the reporters behind and entered the airport lobby, followed by her assistant and driver.
Zhou Yun has always liked the airport.

Bustling and bustling, looking up, all are people coming and going, and the voices of people converging into waves are in my ears.

People are walking in a hurry, pushing suitcases, shuttling through the huge terminal hall.

The air is filled with the breath of people and the noise of planes taking off and landing.

A giant digital clock keeps scrolling, reminding people of the passing of time.

Electronic displays are constantly refreshed to provide people with information on various shifts.

The reason why Zhou Yun likes the airport is because the airport is a place full of people and bustling, but these bustles have nothing to do with her.

Jiang Xin and Zhou Lan were chatting, and when they saw her come in, they greeted her together.

Zhou Yun said helplessly, "Did you get stalked by reporters when you came in just now?"

"Reporter?" Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "I came in 10 minutes ago. I didn't see the reporter."

Jiang Xin said, "I didn't see it either."

Zhou Yun: "It seems that I am the only one who is unlucky, being chased and intercepted by many reporters."

"What are they chasing and intercepting you for?" Zhou Lan asked in surprise, "What happened?"

"They didn't know where they knew that "Chen Yin" might be postponed in China." Zhou Yun said helplessly, "When asked if I had any response to this matter, I pretended to be stupid and said I didn't know."

"The news got out after all." Zhou Lan was not surprised by this.

It's just a matter of sooner or later that this kind of news gets out.

What was even more surprising to Zhou Lan was that the time when the reporters got the news was so coincidental that they rushed here just as they were about to leave for Japan.

Zhou Lan sent a message to the public relations team, asking them to pay attention to the developments in the media and the Internet in a timely manner.

"This is someone deliberately trying to stir up some news." Jiang Xin said with a smile.

Suddenly, at this time, someone entered the VIP lounge again.

Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan and Jiang Xin immediately stopped the conversation.

As soon as Zhou Yun looked up at the person who came in, he was stunned.

It turned out to be Jiang Minghuai.

Jiang Minghuai went straight to Zhou Yun, smiled slightly, and said, "Miss Zhou, I'm glad we met again."

Zhou Yun looked at him with a smile, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Minghuai said: "It's nothing, it's just a coincidence that I wanted to ask you to have dinner with me before, but you declined, and we met here again today."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you for your willingness to help me solve some troubles. I appreciate your kindness."

"You don't have to be so polite with me. I'm just like this. As long as I like someone, I'm willing to do anything." Jiang Minghuai didn't hide his affection for Zhou Yun at all.

There was naked possessiveness in his eyes.

Zhou Yun was uncomfortable with his eyes.

She took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't accept your kindness."

"Why?" Jiang Minghuai asked directly.

"Because I already have someone I like, it's better for me to keep a distance from you." Zhou Yun also said directly.

"Oh, I thought an artist like you wouldn't be bound by these worldly ideas."

"This is not a secular concept, but my own insistence." Zhou Yun said, "Mr. Jiang, let's stop here."

Jiang Minghuai glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise.

He shrugged his shoulders and only said, "What you say doesn't count."

Zhou Yun: "..."

She thinks this person has a second-degree illness.

(End of this chapter)

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