on the plane.

Jiang Minghuai was sitting next to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun still had a headache at first, but she was afraid that Jiang Minghuai would continue to pester her, so this flight would be a headache.

But, fortunately, Jiang Minghuai did not take any action.

During the whole flight, Jiang Minghuai didn't bother her.

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

After arriving in Japan, Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin started a series of promotions non-stop.

Accept interviews, shoot magazines, appear on TV shows, in various forms.

None of them had time to take a good rest, and in the end they just went to a famous ramen restaurant with everyone.

Before going to Korea, Zhou Lan confirmed with Zhou Yun again.

"Are you really going to South Korea?" Zhou Lan said worriedly, "Li Zhencheng let it go, as long as you go to South Korea, he will retaliate against you and make you pay the price. The publisher has provided you with bodyguards throughout the whole process, but after all, it is his territory."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, I've made up my mind. No matter what, I can't hide from him for the rest of my life, don't you think so? Don't I want to go to Korea in the future? It's impossible. .”

Zhou Lan hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing.

"Then I will ask Cao Jun to arrange a few bodyguards for you. You must use your own people."


Although he had made a decision, Zhou Yun was still somewhat nervous before leaving for Korea.

She really didn't know how far Li Zhenti would go.
Zhou Yun and Liu Yun arrived at Seoul Incheon International Airport in South Korea together, waiting for their bodyguards and reception staff.

At this time, Zhou Yun suddenly noticed that a person wearing a mask was gradually approaching her, and his eyes glanced at her from time to time.

After she noticed it, he immediately turned his head away to avoid her eyes.

Zhou Yun's heart couldn't help but tighten, she thought that person was too suspicious, but she wasn't sure.

Is he someone sent by Li Zhencheng?

Zhou Yun secretly heightened his vigilance.

When the bodyguards appeared, Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

These people were all sent by Cao Jun himself, and they were professionally trained elites.

Liu Yun introduced the bodyguards to Zhou Yun. Among them, the leader was Li Yang, who was Cao Jun's right-hand man and the personal bodyguard assigned to Zhou Yun this time.

Li Yang looks very young, but tall, giving people a very reliable feeling.

Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin went to the hotel together with the bodyguards, and Li Yang kept vigilantly observing the surrounding environment along the way.

After arriving at the hotel, Li Yang took people to check the whole room very meticulously.

After confirming that it was safe, he invited Zhou Yun into the room.

After a short rest, Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin met and started to get busy.

It's still the same, accepting interviews, filming commercials, and participating in program recordings.

But during this period, Zhou Yun felt that something strange was happening.

Sometimes she would see some suspicious people at the hotel entrance, and sometimes she would notice some strange and suspicious eyes in the background.

It's just that there is no evidence for these, and nothing actually happened. Zhou Yun gradually felt a little scared in her heart. Of course, she didn't show it. She knew that she needed to keep calm and not let her emotions be exposed.

After the interview with a magazine, Jiang Xin asked her: "Xiaoyun, what's the matter? I feel that you have been a little nervous this afternoon."

Zhou Yun shook his head, did not tell the truth, only said: "It's nothing, maybe I'm too tired."

Zhou Yun packed up her things and prepared to go back to her room, but she still couldn't get rid of the feeling of being watched.She felt that if she went on like this, she would become paranoid and overwhelmed, but at this time, Li Zhentong didn't even show up.

Zhou Yun returned to the hotel room under the escort of the bodyguards. Because the battle was too big, everyone who passed by looked at her with strange and curious eyes.

In South Korea, she is well-known, but not so big. It's not like there are many people who can recognize her on the road.

She came to the door of the room and said to the bodyguards and Liu Yun: "Go and rest too, I'll take a rest and go downstairs in half an hour."

Liu Yun and the bodyguards nodded.

Zhou Yun took the room card from Liu Yun, entered the room, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and suddenly heard a slight, strange sound in the quiet room.

That voice came from under her feet.

Zhou Yun lowered his head and saw a nearly one-meter-long black snake winding slowly, approaching her.

At this moment, the hairs all over Zhou Yun's body stood on end.

"Ah!" Zhou Yun yelled, and took a step back in horror, but she was trapped in the small bathroom, and the black snake also stopped its movements, raised its head, and looked at it with indifferent eyes. Looking at her, motionless.

Zhou Yun confronted the snake, not daring to move, for fear that if he felt a move, the snake would move and attack him.

Her whole body was cold, helpless and frightened, but she dared not make a sound to ask for help.

She took several deep breaths in silence, trying to calm herself down, her fingers trembling uncontrollably.

one two Three!

Zhou Yun quickly took a step back, turned around and closed the door.

It's locked inside, safe.

Zhou Yun let out a sigh of relief, her clothes were soaked with sweat, she took a deep breath, and dialed the phone number of bodyguard Li Yang in shock.

Li Yang quickly brought people over.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Li Yang was not afraid of the snake at all, and asked her to leave the room, wait in the corridor, and enter the room by himself.

About a minute later, he came out with a tightly tied black plastic bag, handed it to another person, and said to Zhou Yun: "The snake has been caught, but I haven't confirmed whether this is the only snake in the room. I have to wait a little longer, and I have to confirm whether the room is safe."

His expression was very serious, as if he was blaming himself for the serious consequences that his negligence almost caused.

Zhou Yun was so frightened that his face turned pale, and it took a while for him to recover some color.

Liu Yun had already heard the news and stayed by her side, asking, "Sister Xiaoyun, would you like to go to my room for a while?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, a look of anger flashed across his eyes.

"No, I'm going to check here, what kind of threat is there in this room?"

Li Yang led people to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the room, and he was relieved after confirming that there was no other danger.

When this happened, Zhou Yunfang angrily condemned the hotel.

The hotel manager was also stunned when he saw the dead snake in the bag.

He bowed to Zhou Yun several times, apologized, and then explained: "This snake may have crawled in from the outside of the window. Fortunately, it is a non-poisonous snake. I am very sorry for the shock and inconvenience caused to you." experience."

He spoke Korean, which Zhou Yun and the others couldn't understand.

Fortunately, there is a translation arranged by the Korean publisher.

"I don't believe the snake crawled in from outside the window," Zhou Yun said.

The hotel manager was taken aback, and said, "Miss Zhou, if the snake didn't come in through the window, how else could it get in?"

Zhou Yun looked serious and said, "How do you know that it wasn't put in my room maliciously?"

The hotel manager was shocked when he heard what Zhou Yun said.

"Miss Zhou, how is this possible! During your stay, it is absolutely impossible to enter your room without your permission."

Zhou Yun said: "Isn't it possible that no one has entered? Wouldn't it be good to check the surveillance in the corridor?"

She was thinking of Li Zhentai.

Things can't be that coincidental.

In all likelihood, this matter was written by Li Zhenti.

Is this trying to scare her?

Zhou Yun sneered silently.

The hotel manager took a bodyguard to check the surveillance records.

Li Yang said to Zhou Yun: "This time, we neglected our duty and failed to check your room in time."

"There are only those who can be thieves for a thousand days, but there are no ones who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. We have already paid attention to it, and we will learn from it next time. Fortunately, this time it did not cause any serious consequences."

Until this moment, Zhou Yun still felt lingering fear and fear.
"It's too scary." Zhou Yun said to Song Chi on the phone, "It must have been arranged by Li Zhentai, I, I really..."

Song Chi was very anxious and asked, "Are you okay? You weren't bitten by a snake, were you?"

"No, the snake said it wasn't poisonous, it just scared me." Zhou Yun said angrily, "Li Zhentai, don't let me see him, otherwise, I can't help but slap him .”

Song Chi said, "The next time I see him, I'll help you withdraw."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing when Song Chi said these words in such a calm tone.

"Are you in the hotel now?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "I'll go out for dinner later in the evening."


"The distribution company and publicity company in South Korea entertained us for dinner, and we have already agreed to them."


"That's right." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "I heard that they invited us to their most exclusive restaurant, and we paid a lot of money."

The place for dinner is Gaon.

This Michelin three-star restaurant focuses on traditional Korean cuisine, focusing on fresh and authentic ingredients. All dishes are carefully prepared with high-quality ingredients and traditional methods.The restaurant is located in a separate building in the Gangnam district of Seoul, and the decoration is very elegant.

Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin drove there together.

At night, it was also very cold.

Zhou Yun wore a black overcoat, and his hair was simply tied up.

"I heard that you encountered a snake in the hotel room." Jiang Xin asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes, I was scared to death."

Jiang Xin looked worried.

"Director, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Jiang Xin said: "From the moment we came to Korea, I felt that you were not in the right state. What's wrong? Is there anyone here that makes you nervous?"

Just as Zhou Yun wanted to deny it, Jiang Xin immediately said, "Don't deny it, I've already seen it, and it's pointless to deny it."

Zhou Yun had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

She took a deep breath and said, "Well, director, you read that right, I am indeed a little uneasy."

She told Jiang Xin about herself and Li Zhentai.

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