"Korean dramas have become more and more influential in the world over the past few years. With the rise of streaming media, many of our Korean film and television producers have lost to streaming media. Is it the same in China now?" asked the Korean publisher. Representative Choi Min Hyuk asked Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun.

"The production of film and television dramas all over the world is experiencing the impact of streaming media, and of course China is also the same." Jiang Xin said, "But it is also a good thing. It used to be broadcast on TV stations, but now it is broadcast on streaming media. There are more channels. , the number of platforms has also increased, so that opportunities can also increase. I used to know many talented young people. They may not be trusted by investors due to various reasons such as lack of experience, or because of creative Due to other factors, they did not get opportunities, and now they all have ample opportunities to show their talents."

"Why didn't the director consider making a series for the biggest streaming media in the world? I heard that many streaming media platforms are looking for you to be a director, but you basically stayed in China and didn't come out. "

Jiang Xin said: "I have a lot of projects in preparation. Of course, I am also interested in making series for other streaming media, but I am too busy."

"I am very fortunate to be able to get "Chen Yin" released in Korea this time, and I hope this drama will be liked by everyone." Choi Min Hyuk said, "Many of your works have been broadcast in Korea before, but you have never done this. It is a big publicity, and I hope this time the Korean audience can get to know you."

Jiang Xin smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if Korean audiences know me or not, as long as they like this work."

"However, it's a pity that "Question" didn't come to promote it when it was aired in South Korea." Jiang Xin said, "Did you not come then?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Maybe I was too busy at that time."

"Ask the Heart" is quite popular in South Korea.

Choi Min Hyuk said: "Up to now, many people are discussing "Questioning Heart". "Questioning Heart" is very popular in Korea, but Ms. Zhou Yun doesn't seem to have been to Korea much in the past two years."

"Too busy." Zhou Yun said, "Basically, I've been filming all the time."

Choi Min Hyuk: "That's right. I heard that you just finished filming the Hollywood movie "Killing Song". I really look forward to it."

"Thank you, your Korean actors will also participate in this movie." Zhou Yun said, "At that time, we should all come to Korea to promote it."

South Korea is also one of the world's largest ticket holders. Basically, this kind of movies that are oriented to global ticket holders will also come to South Korea to promote.

Zhou Yun was smiling, but suddenly he was taken aback.

She saw a familiar figure.

Li Zhenlift.

He was followed by two bodyguards with their hands in their trouser pockets and that familiar, disgusting smile on their faces.

Cui Minhyuk noticed Zhou Yun's gaze, and when he turned his head, his posture suddenly became courteous. He hurriedly stood up, walked up to Li Zhenyang, and said, "Representative, I'm really surprised to see you here."

Li Zhen raised his hand and patted Choi Min Hyuk's shoulder, saying, "Min Hyuk, it's been pretty good lately, and I've got several film and television dramas released."

Choi Min Hyuk said, "Thanks for the support on behalf of you."

They spoke Korean, and Zhou Yun didn't understand a single word, but the posture and demeanor between the two of them made Zhou Yun probably know what they were talking about.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Director, he is Li Zhentong, the man I told you about."

Jiang Xin looked at the man in suit and leather shoes with the appearance of a social elite in surprise, and said, "That's him."


"Why is he here?" Jiang Xin asked a little puzzled.

Zhou Yun: "I don't know."

While talking, Cui Minhyuk turned around and introduced to Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin: "Director, Ms. Zhou, let me introduce you, this is the representative of our Taikang Group, Li Zhentai."

Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun sat in their seats without moving.

Cui Min Hyuk was taken aback for a moment, looking at him, he didn't seem to know what was going on.

Then, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and his eyes trembled.

What happened between Zhou Yun and Li Zhenti at the Berlin Film Festival had already spread to South Korea.

It's just that Cui Min Hyuk didn't think of it for a while.

Choi Min Hyuk suddenly felt a headache.

What should we do now?
Cui Minhyuk does not belong to the Taikang Group, but he has a lot of dealings with the Taikang Group in the distribution of film and television dramas.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so considerate in front of Li Zhenti.

He thought to himself, Li Zhentai probably wouldn't bother Zhou Yun at this time.

Just thinking about it, Li Zhenlift suddenly spoke.

"Representative Cui, Ms. Zhou Yun and I have known each other for a long time, why would you introduce us to each other, Ms. Zhou Yun, right?" Li Zhentai turned his head and smiled slightly at Zhou Yun, "Come here in Korea. Did you enjoy your stay for two days?"

There is a tone of words in the typical words.

It seems that the snake in Zhou Yun's room really has something to do with this person.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said, "It doesn't matter whether I'm happy or not, but Taikang Group shouldn't only do business in Korea, right? If I remember correctly, your group also has businesses in China. I don't know if you would do anything to me. If the incident is exposed, let everyone know what happened to me in Korea, will it affect your group's image, or say, business?"

When the interpreter heard what Zhou Yun said, he froze for a moment, and confirmed with her: "Miss Zhou, do I want to translate?"

"Of course." Zhou Yun said, "However, it doesn't matter if you don't translate. I speak English and he can understand it."

Her eyes were full of determination not to be outdone.

Li Zhen smiled.

"I don't know what happened to you in South Korea. How it will affect the image of Taikang Group. You think too much of yourself."

"Then try it." Zhou Yun said with a calm face, "Even if the matter between you and me is exposed to the public, do you think it will be you or me that will be affected?"

The more Zhou Yun said, the more reasonable he felt.

She has nothing to lose by exposure.

The one who lost was Li Zhentian.

"Of course you can cover the sky with one hand, but sorry, you can only cover your own small world. This world is big." Zhou Yun smiled, "What do you think?"

The smile on Li Zhenlift's face couldn't be maintained any longer.

"You are really brave."

"This sentence is for you." Zhou Yun sat very still, as immobile as a mountain, "I am bold because I know that I am doing the right thing, and you dare not do anything to me, you are courageous Why? Do you dare to do something to a Chinese actress? Or use your dirty methods to deal with me? Do you dare to let you and the Taikang Group attract the attention of the world and fall into scandal?"

Li Zhen lifted the corner of his mouth and twitched, revealing a sinister smile.

"Then just wait and see."

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