Chapter 865 Trouble
Zhou Yun originally thought that Li Zhentai would pester him again, but in the end he left without doing anything.

"It's really surprising." Zhou Yun whispered to Liu Yun, "I thought he was going to find a place here."

Liu Yun whispered: "Your aura just now was too strong. If I were him, I would definitely choose to go first."

"is it?"

"Really, Miss Xiaoyun, the look in your eyes just now seemed to stare at the whole world, no one dared to say anything more in front of you." Liu Yun said, "Your threatening tone is too strong."

As soon as Liu Yun finished speaking, Jiang Xin smiled and said to Zhou Yun.

"I've never seen such a powerful side of you. Maybe in a few years, we can find a queen to shoot." Jiang Xin joked.

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "Director, although I know you are joking with me, but I take it seriously, you have to keep your word."

The two smiled at each other.

Cui Min Hyuk and the others looked at Zhou Yun completely changed.

In the Korean entertainment industry, Choi Min Hyuk and the others have never seen any actress who dared to show such an attitude towards Li Zhen.

Zhou Yun's attitude towards Li Zhentong just now made everyone startled and at a loss.

But under Zhou Yun's response, Li Zhenzhen, who has always had a quick temper, just uttered harsh words, which made people feel stern and soft-hearted, which made Cui Min Hyuk and the others a little more respectful of Zhou Yun's attitude.

The Korean entertainment industry is a completely different environment from the Chinese entertainment industry.

That's true, but it's always easy for people to use their own environment as a reference.

It is an indisputable fact that in the Korean show business circle, the status of a star artist is fragile and vulnerable in front of companies and chaebols.

No matter how well they understand Zhou Yun's status in the Chinese entertainment industry, and even how far her discourse power and status are from Korean actresses of the same level in the Korean entertainment industry, they still cannot understand why Zhou Yun dared to offend Li Zhenzhen Such a character.

Zhou Yun knew what they were nervous about.

She said to Choi Min Hyuk: "This is a little personal matter between me and him, I hope it will not affect our gathering today."

Choi Min Hyuk quickly said: "No, no, we didn't expect that he would come here tonight."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "If he wants to find me, it's always easy to find me."

Zhou Yun did not shy away from mentioning the conflicts and entanglements between her and Li Zhencheng.

But it seems that Choi Min Hyuk and the others don't want to talk about these things.

Zhou Yun knew that they were Koreans themselves, and they were in the same circle, so they didn't have to worry about it like she did.

The same thing, if Li Zhenti is a Chinese and Taikang Group is a large Chinese group, Zhou Yun doesn't care about himself, but also thinks about the people around him, so he won't be so indifferent to Li Zhenti's reaction.

Zhou Yun said: "Representative Cui, I hope I won't bring you any extra trouble."
After this dinner, Zhou Yun and director Jiang Xin still have a private schedule. They will go to director Kim Byung-deok's house together and visit director Kim Byung-deok.

Director Kim Byung-deok had invited Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin to South Korea for publicity.

Because it was a private trip, this visit was not made public, and many paparazzi did not follow.

In the passing car, Jiang Xin couldn't help feeling a little worried, and said to Zhou Yun: "I think that person named Li Zhentong is not a person who can deal with it casually, between you and him—"

Zhou Yun smiled slightly at Jiang Xin.

"Director, don't worry, he doesn't dare to do anything to me." Zhou Yun said, "The most he can do is put a non-poisonous snake in my room to scare me, and he will only know these tricks. "

Jiang Xin: "Don't be careless, he might make some dirty tricks."

"It's really possible, but I've always had bodyguards by my side. If he really dares to find someone to do it, then my agent has prepared a follow-up move. Don't worry." Zhou Yun said, "You don't know that this person has How bad, I heard that he is already notorious in South Korea, but because of his powerful power, no one dares to provoke him or offend him."

"That doesn't require you to be a hero." Jiang Xin said.

His face was full of worry about Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun knew what Jiang Xin was worried about.

"If he didn't go too far, I wouldn't be a hero." Zhou Yun said, "Director, in that situation, if it was you, you would have stood up."

Jiang Xin didn't speak any more.

When the two of them arrived at the door of Jin Bingde's house, the atmosphere between the two of them eased a little.

Before knocking on the door, Jiang Xin whispered: "You should know that even if you are a popular actor, in the eyes of some people, you are still just a fragile, vulnerable star, you have to protect You can't run amok, this time Li Zhenti may not be able to do anything to you, so what if you meet someone who can pose a fatal danger to you? Not everyone obeys the rules, Li Zhenti at least To abide by the business rules, the Taikang Group is his vital interest. For another person, if it is a terrorist, or a person whose background you don't even know, you don't know anything about him, would you dare? "

Zhou Yun did not expect that Jiang Xin's reaction to this matter would be so great.


Jiang Xin also seemed to realize that he had said too much.

He breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head, and said, "I just hope that you will not be brave in the future. You can help others, and you can use your own strength to change something, but don't be with someone who has the ability to hurt you and revenge you. Tear your face to such an extent, because you never know how a person will react when stimulated."
"Hi, you are finally here."

Kim Byung-duk happily welcomes them into the house.

He and director Jiang Xin have known each other for a long time, and Zhou Yun has also met a few times, so they are relatively familiar.

Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin presented their gifts, and Jin Bingde happily received them.

"I'm still watching your "Question" this afternoon." Kim Byeong-deok said, "I thought this drama was too long before, so I haven't watched it. Today I watched eight episodes in one go. Wow, it's really good. In this drama, Xiaoyun also surprised people, I heard that this is the second drama you starred in, and you have such a performance, no wonder everyone calls you a genius actor."

Jin Bingde, an enthusiastic person, started to praise them crazily as soon as they entered the door.

Jiang Xin smiled and said, "You boast so much that I wonder if I've made a masterpiece myself, Director Bing De."

Kim Byung-duk invited them to visit his workshop.

He has a very large workshop in his family's house, and there are many commemorative items in it, all related to the movies he made in the past.

Looking at the furnishings in this room, Zhou Yun suddenly thought to himself that she had filmed so many movies, yet she didn't leave any souvenirs behind.

Many filmmakers have a habit of keeping memorabilia.

You can see a lot of things like this in the documentaries of many filmmakers or interviews with their homes.

(End of this chapter)

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