Chapter 866
Zhou Yun couldn't help thinking that if she wanted to shoot such a documentary or interview one day, she would really have nothing to introduce or recall in front of the camera.

Why did I never think of leaving something on the set as a commemoration of shooting this work?

"This is left over from when I was filming "Warning Zone." Kim Byung-deok picked up a hat, "This is the actor's hat."

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up, "Ah, it's the hat Mr. Zhao Yongzheng wore at the beginning of the movie, right? I remember."

Kim Byung-deok smiled happily.

"So you remember it too."

Zhou Yun: "I don't particularly like the very serious and bleak style of "Warning Zone", but I have watched it three times, and sometimes I want to watch it again for no reason."

Kim Byung-duk still had a good laugh.

"This is a higher evaluation than telling me that I like this movie very much. To hear you say this, I feel that my movie is worth making."

"Why do you want to make such a movie full of revenge and violence?" Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Also, it is very different from your usual movie style, this movie has a special sense of documentary. "

Kim Byung-deok said: "The reason why I made this movie and wanted to make such a story was also related to my time in college."

He waved his hand and said: "I won't go into details about these. In short, everything I want to say is in the movie. By the way, I heard that your "Chen Yin" also encountered a little censorship problem? Warning Zone also had a lot of resistance in terms of censorship."

Jiang Xin said: "We were mainly reported maliciously by some people. The problem of broadcasting is not a big problem, but there may be some troubles to solve."

"It's a good thing that it can be aired." Jin Bingde sighed, "At the beginning of the movie "Warning Zone", they blocked me for almost three or four years before finally agreeing to release it."

Dealing with censorship is always a pain in the ass for creators.

Zhou Yun was surprised, he didn't expect that Jin Bingde and Jiang Xin had a very good relationship.

She had never heard of their relationship being good before.

When Jin Bingde went to get them a water bottle, Zhou Yun asked Jiang Xin curiously: "Director, have you known Director Kim Bingde for a long time?"

Jiang Xin nodded and said, "We almost worked together before."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yes, the Korean production company wanted me to be the director of a movie before, and they asked Kim Byung-deok to be the assistant director. At that time, he was still a newcomer and had never made his own movie. We met at that time. Although the film became a pornography later on and was not made, we met at that time."

"There is such a past." Zhou Yun said, "I have never heard you mention it."

At this time, there was a sound of unlocking the door.


Zhou Yun turned his head to look.

Immediately after the door opened came a very cheerful, young girl's voice.

It was in Korean, and Zhou Yun didn't understand a single word.

Although she often watches Korean dramas, she thinks these pronunciations are very familiar.

Kim Byung-deok came out with a kettle and looked at the entrance with a happy face.

A dark-haired girl in a school uniform walked in, who appeared to be a high school student.

Behind her, followed by a woman who was dressed more delicately.

Both Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin stood up.

Jin Bingde introduced to Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun: "My wife, and my youngest daughter."

Zhou Yun nodded to the two of them in surprise, and greeted them in English: "Hi, I'm Zhou Yun."

"Wow, it's really you!" Jin Bingde's youngest daughter put down her schoolbag in great surprise, and she immediately switched to fluent English, "Dad told me that you would come to my house tonight, and I told the make-up teacher I want to leave class early, just want to see you, you are so beautiful, I really want to have a pair of eyes like yours."

"Your own eyes are already beautiful." Zhou Yun said.

Kim Byung-deok is a man who attaches great importance to his family.This is rare among directors.Saying that, I don't want to criticize any phenomenon, or anything else, it's just that people in this industry seldom have time to take care of their families.Career and family always have to make sacrifices on one side.

Many people have a bad relationship with their children because of this.

It seems that Kim Byung-deok doesn't have this trouble.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin left from Jin Bingde's home.

On the way back, Zhou Yun said: "I really envy Director Kim Byung-deok, he is usually so busy with work and has such a good relationship with his family."

Jiang Xin said: "He used to be a very family-oriented person, and this has never changed."

He smiled and said, "I'm envious of his son. He is very good. He was admitted to Harvard. He's not like the brat in my family. He's not a student at all."

"Then what is he doing?"

"He, he set up a photography studio by himself. I don't know what he's doing, and I don't care about him."

"Are you engaged in photography? Then why didn't you let him work as a photographer on your crew?"

"He is engaged in portrait photography, which is the kind of promotional photos and magazine photos you usually take. It is not the same thing." Jiang Xin said, "Also, he himself made it very clear that he would never do it in the same line as me. He has said that by doing something on his own, what else can I say, of course I support him."

After Jiang Xin finished speaking, he smiled, "Well, let him go, anyway, he can support himself, and what he does is his own ability."

Some people say to let their children "let him go, whatever he does is his own ability", but in fact, he can't let go at all, he is reluctant to let go, and always helps his children in his own way in a sneaky way.

Zhou Yun didn't know if Jiang Xin helped his son in other ways, but at least he never mentioned it to her.

I've known you for so long, this is the first time I've mentioned it.

Zhou Yun said: "Director, you are really amazing. You actually dared to let go and not interfere in your son's life. Although many parents say so, they can't do it."

"You thought I could do it from the beginning, but I couldn't help but care about it. I just told myself rationally that children's affairs should be handled by themselves, and slowly let myself not care about it and not ask."

"And what if it fails?"

"Failed, don't you have me, my dad, to cover him up?" Jiang Xin smiled, "As a parent, just try to cover this up for your child as much as possible."

Zhou Yun's eyes flickered slightly.
After seeing off Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun, Jin Bingde returned to the living room.

Kim Byung-deok's wife, Ra Mi-young, was packing the cups. When she saw him, she straightened up and said, "I heard that they came to Korea this time to promote a new play. Do you want to help them promote it in public?"

Jin Bingde looked at her hesitantly, and said: "They didn't make such a request, and I don't have such a plan, maybe I will help them promote it on social platforms later, what's wrong, you never care about these things. "

Luo Meiying sighed and said: "This afternoon, I had afternoon tea with the daughter-in-law of the vice president of Taikang Group. She mentioned Zhou Yun to me, saying that she offended Li Zhentai very much. Now the entire Taikang Group Everyone in the group knows about this, and Li Zhentai has said several times that he will definitely give Zhou Yun a little color and let her learn a lesson. I was wondering if you would be hated by him if you helped Zhou Yun to promote it. "

Jin Bingde laughed, walked over, and patted Luo Meiying on the shoulder reassuringly.

"You worry too much, even if I promote the drama "Chen Yin", it's fine."

"Aren't you going to cooperate with Taikang Group in the future?"

"It's another thing for me to cooperate with them. Don't worry, you don't need to worry about these things." Jin Bingde said, "I'm a little tired. I'll go to bed after taking a shower."


In the dark room, the phone suddenly turned on.

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone was not loud, but it continued, which meant "I will never stop if you don't answer it".

Zhou Yun slowly opened his eyes, picked up the phone and looked, it turned out to be an unfamiliar number.

She frowned.

In the dark room, the light from the phone screen shone on her face.

She hesitated for a while, but still connected the phone.


"Why did it take you so long to answer the phone? Are you fast asleep?" It was Li Zhentai's voice, and he said softly in English, "There was only a snake in the room during the day, and you dare to sleep so peacefully now? Are you afraid that there is another snake in the room?" Is the snake hiding?"

The hairs all over Zhou Yun's body stood on end.

At this moment, sleepiness disappeared.

The phone hangs up.

Li Zhentai hung it there.

He seemed to be waiting for this moment, and with the sudden silence, he put a last layer of coolness on Zhou Yun's heart.

Zhou Yun froze for a second, then immediately went to turn on the light.

Turn on all the lights in the room, carefully check every corner, every cabinet.

She was already mentally prepared to find that terrifying creature from a certain corner, but when she checked all the places, she still couldn't find any trace of it.

At this moment, the phone rang again.

It's still the same number.

Zhou Yun answered the phone.

This time she did not speak.

Li Zhentai laughed loudly, "You didn't search all your rooms, did you? Hahahahahaha, Zhou Yun, this is just the beginning."

Zhou Yun has calmed down.

"Are you naive?" Zhou Yun hung up the phone after saying this.

He let out a breath in his heart.

She felt her hands and feet were cold.

Zhou Yun called Liu Yun.

"Xiao Yun, I'll come and sleep with you now, okay?"

Although Liu Yun had just woken up from sleep, she was keenly aware of the strangeness in Zhou Yun's voice.

"Sister Xiaoyun, do you want me to come pick you up?" Liu Yun asked.

"No, I'll come by myself," Zhou Yun said.

(End of this chapter)

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