I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 867 The Second Last Day

The next day, Zhou Yun woke up from the bed, feeling extremely tired

Liu Yun asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, how do you feel?"

"A little tired." Zhou Yun said, "Are my dark circles a little serious?"

"Fortunately, I can't see it."

"I'll put on a mask quickly, I must be very haggard now." Zhou Yun said, "Today I have to attend a promotional event."

"What mask do you want? I'll go to your room and get it for you." Liu Yun said.

Zhou Yun: "No, I'll go back to my room by myself."

Liu Yun said: "Wait a minute, Li Yang and the others are checking your room, and it's still not well."

Zhou Yun glanced at the time and said: "There is still an hour to go, let's do it at the same time, or we will not be able to make it in time, by the way, Xiao Yun, don't tell Sister Lan and the others about this, it's meaningless , Li Zhentai just doesn't dare to do anything to me now, they are all disgusting me, I will still stay in your room tonight, don't tell them."

"it is good."

There are many people who come to the publicity activities.

Zhou Yun has more fans in South Korea than she imagined.

The organizer of the event told Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin that the audience that came today far exceeded expectations, there was a risk, and the event had to be postponed.

This was beyond the expectations of Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin.However, there is a risk of stampede in the crowd, so there is no way for them to do so. The two of them had to wait for the news in the background.

About half an hour later, the organizers of the event told them that the event had to be cancelled.

This meeting was originally an important part of the publicity schedule, but now it has to be cancelled, Zhou Yun is worried that this will disappoint the fans who came to the scene.

She told Jiang Xin: "This is the only publicity event we have in Korea that interacts with audiences and fans. I heard that many people came from far away, but now the event has to be cancelled. The plan is done, I'm afraid they will be disappointed, director, how about we do a live event, okay?"

Jiang Xin was a little surprised and asked, "Now? Can they get it done right away?"

"There is a ready-made live broadcast software, let the organizer of the event use an account to get it right away." Zhou Yun said, "We rarely come to Korea, and it is rare to have this kind of opportunity to meet with everyone. Since we can't meet face to face, at least Let’s give an explanation to the fans who want to participate in this event.”

Jiang Xin nodded and said: "As long as it is technically possible, no problem, I will live broadcast with you."

Zhou Yun nodded. She suddenly thought of something and said, "However, the Korean of the two of us is not very good, so we have to ask for an interpreter."

She found the person in charge of the event organizer and told him her thoughts.

The person in charge was depressed and irritable because of the cancellation of this meeting. Seeing that Zhou Yun offered to do a live broadcast event, he immediately nodded and said, "Then I will arrange someone to do it right away."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly.

At this time, the people at the event site were very excited when they received the notification from the staff.

"Why is the event cancelled?"

"Yeah, cancel it anyway, we've all been waiting for so long!"

"How can the event be canceled temporarily? You are too much, it took us so long to come here, do you know how difficult it is for us to come here?"

"Why did you cancel the meeting suddenly? You have to give us an explanation!"


The staff are also very embarrassed, but they don't know how to respond to this matter.

They did not receive any more news, they just received instructions to evacuate the crowd.

"We want to see Zhou Yun!"

"We want to see Zhou Yun!"

Suddenly, everyone's voices slowly unified, and it became that everyone was shouting this sentence at the same time.

The scene was a bit spectacular for a while, and many people in the middle were shooting videos with their mobile phones.

At this moment, the electronic screen on the scene suddenly lit up.

Zhou Yun's face appeared on the electronic screen.

The people at the scene were suddenly taken aback, looking at the electronic screen for no reason.

Zhou Yun didn't seem to know that his face had been seen by everyone, and he was asking the people next to him: "Has the live broadcast started yet?"

She spoke English, and many people at the scene didn't know what she was talking about, and they all whispered to each other, asking Zhou Yun what she meant.

Someone who knew English translated the sentence for others to hear.

Zhou Yun got a reply from the staff around her, knowing that everyone could hear what she was saying now.

She faced the camera, smiled and said hello: "Hi, everyone, I am Zhou Yun. I am very sorry to meet you in this way. Actually, director Jiang Xin and I are backstage right now. We were planning to join you today. meet."

After she finished speaking, the translator sitting in the middle behind her and Director Jiang Xin translated what Zhou Yun said into Korean.

Everyone at the scene gradually quieted down, looking at the electronic screen in doubt.

"Because there were a lot of people at the scene, the police and the organizer decided to cancel this meet and greet for safety reasons. It is a pity that we cannot meet face to face, but I know that everyone must have spent a lot of time coming here. Kungfu, we don’t want to disappoint everyone, so we specially made this live broadcast event with the organizer, hoping to meet everyone through this format.”

"Later, everyone will enter the live broadcast room according to the instructions on the electronic screen, and then, everyone, find a place nearby and don't gather here. Under the premise of ensuring safety, we will chat in this form. If you have any questions, You can speak in the live broadcast room, and you can directly use Korean. We have professional translators here, so don’t worry that we can’t understand.” Zhou Yun finished speaking and smiled, “Then I’ll go to touch up makeup first, everyone follow the instructions The instructions on the electronic screen will enter the live broadcast room later, see you later, okay?"

On the electronic screen, Zhou Yun's picture disappeared.

Everyone started talking immediately.

However, everyone's opinions are not as big as before.


The person in charge of the organizer came to Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin's lounge and said, "Fortunately, there is this live broadcast event, otherwise everyone's opinions will be great."

"We really didn't expect so many people to come today. Ms. Zhou Yun and director Jiang Xin are too popular."

Jiang Xin said: "It has nothing to do with me. The main reason is that Zhou Yun is very popular. I am an old man. Who will come to see me?"

"Director, how can you say that? Many of your works are very popular in Korea." The person in charge immediately said.

Zhou Yun smiled and gave Jiang Xin a sideways look, and said, "Director, you always refuse to accept the fact that you actually have fans."
golf course.

Li Zhentai is playing golf with another person.

This person is also a rich second generation, his cronies.

"What are you going to do next?" his friend asked.

"How to do what?" Li Zhentai asked.

"No way? Zhou Yun, are you going to do that?" His friend said in surprise, "This is not in line with your usual style, she dares to slap you, and you still don't want to kill her Just put a non-poisonous snake in her room and scare her at night, that's it?"

Li Zhentai handed the cue to the person beside him, took a water bottle, drank some water, and said, "Then what else can you do? I don't want to let it go, but she doesn't work in Korea, what can I do?" "

"Wow, Li Zhentai, I found that you have really changed. You were not like this before. People who offend you have never been let go so easily. You are not interested in her, are you?"

"What bullshit are you talking about?"

"Otherwise, I can't understand why you let her go alone, saying that she doesn't work in Korea, and there is nothing you can do about her. How is it possible, as long as you open your mouth, so many people will think of various ways to punish her."

"Then tell me, what can you do?"

"Splashing dirty water on her, drugging her, or putting some ecstasy in her room before reporting, there are too many tricks."

Li Zhentai did not speak.

"Look, I just said that your kid has that kind of meaning for her. Don't you think of these tricks."

Li Zhentai: "So what if these recruits are used? Is she really addicted to drugs? Anyway, things that can be clarified in the end, is it meaningful to do these things?"

"Hey, what is this place? You can't make her eat something without anyone noticing?"

"You think there is no one around her, do you? All her things are inspected by a special person before they are in her hands." Li Zhentai said, "You underestimate her too much."

"Stop doing this, don't provoke me, if you provoke me, I will prove it to you."

"You can prove it if you have the ability."

"You said it. Then I did it. Don't blame me for meddling. It's too late for you to admit that you have something for her."

"Hurry up and see if you can do it. Don't talk big things in my ears all day long. I'm tired of hearing it."

"Okay, what you said!"
The live broadcast lasted for an hour. After the end, Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin packed their things and went back to the hotel.

"The promotion in South Korea will end soon. We will fly back tomorrow night." Zhou Yun asked Jiang Xin, "Director, how about you?"

"I still have to go to the United States, and I have an appointment with Pai Munch." Jiang Xin said, "I won't be with you."

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "Then we'll see you back in America."

The promotion in the United States will be two days later, there will be a media promotion meeting and a recording of a TV program.

It was only five days before the broadcast of "Chen Yin".

There is no work in the afternoon, Zhou Yun is going to take the team members to visit Seoul together.

Many girls in the team are loyal fans of Korean dramas and are also very interested in Seoul, especially Korean cuisine. Everyone really wants to eat authentic Korean cuisine.

We went shopping together and bought a lot of things, mainly cosmetics.

Buying cosmetics here is much cheaper than domestic.

However, in fact, Zhou Yun usually has many brands who give these cosmetics to them.

Of course, for girls, there is never too much cosmetics and clothes.

Halfway through the walk, Zhou Yun was a little tired.

She sat down in a coffee shop and told them to go shopping and meet up later.

Liu Yun and Li Yang accompanied Zhou Yun to rest in the cafe.

During the chat, Zhou Yun asked about Li Yang's relationship status.

"Li Yang, are you single now?"

Li Yang's eyes had been quietly guarding his surroundings, but when he heard Zhou Yun's question, he froze suddenly.

"Me? I don't have a girlfriend yet."

"You are tall and handsome, why don't you have a girlfriend?" Zhou Yun was very surprised.

"I just got a call from Brother Jun after I retired from the army." Li Yang's ears turned red.

Zhou Yun reacted.

"You just retired, no wonder." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "However, you should be very good in the army, right? Is it boring to be a bodyguard now?"

Li Yang said: "I only saw some news about your industry on the Internet before, and I haven't experienced it myself. It's quite novel."

"And the wages are higher than anywhere else," he added.

Zhou Yun said: "This trip to South Korea, thanks to you, is much more practical. It is rare to see a lunatic like Li Zhentai."

Li Yang said: "The current situation is relatively normal. We have performed missions before and encountered more extreme situations."

"Really? But the tasks you perform are generally not ordinary, right?"

"Well, there are regulations on the specific situation, so I can't say anything." Li Yang said, "But what we encountered in South Korea this time can't be compared with those. Don't worry, with a few of us around, no matter what that person does, he won't be able to hurt you. A snake in your room will never happen again."

"I can't blame you for this. When we checked in, you checked the room. No one thought that he would do this kind of thing during our stay. This matter must have something to do with the hotel management. Wait for me When I leave, I must publicly condemn it." Zhou Yun said, "Now that I live here, I won't say anything."

Li Yang said: "Actually, I would suggest that you publicly condemn now. In this case, under the pressure of public opinion in society, the hotel will not dare to cooperate with Li Zhenzhen to do such a thing."

Zhou Yun: "I also know, but now I'm promoting "Chen Yin" in Korea, I don't want to be deprived of everyone's attention to the drama "Chen Yin" by these things."

Li Yang nodded and said, "Okay."

At this moment, Li Yang's cell phone rang suddenly.

He picked up the phone, glanced at it, and said calmly, "Miss Zhou, someone has entered your room."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun and Liu Yun changed their faces at the same time.

"What's the situation?" Liu Yun asked.

Li Yang said: "After you leave the room, I installed a sensor in your room. As long as someone enters the room, my mobile phone will receive a message. Then, I just need to open this to see the real-time picture. gone."

He clicked on the phone screen and turned the phone screen horizontally so that several people could see it.

On the screen of the mobile phone, a man in a suit can be seen walking into the room, holding something in his hand, looking around the room furtively, and then he secretly put the thing in the side pocket of Zhou Yun's suitcase in.

"What is he doing?" Liu Yun asked suspiciously.

She couldn't understand the man's actions on the screen, "What did he put in it?"

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