Chapter 868 Alarm
"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing." Zhou Yun said, "Are they trying to frame me?"

Li Yang nodded and said, "Nine out of ten."

Liu Yun said: "Then let's go back now? What if something really bad is used by him to blame Miss Xiaoyun, that would be terrible."

Li Yang said: "No, I've already recorded it. No matter what happens later, this video in our hands can prove that this thing has nothing to do with us."

Liu Yun breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

"That's good."

Zhou Yun asked: "How did you think of installing such a thing in the room?"

Li Yang said: "Just in case, to prevent someone from sneaking in when you are not in the room."

Zhou Yun: "You really expected it. It seems that this is the person arranged by Li Zhentai again."

She couldn't hold back and sneered.

Liu Yun asked Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, what should we do now? Should we call the police?"

Zhou Yun was silent for a while, and said: "It's okay, let's hold our ground for now. They put things in my suitcase, and they won't have no follow-up actions after putting them in. Let's see what they do, and it's best to fight back. "

Li Yang said: "I'll go back later and see what it is."

Zhou Yun said: "Let's go back together now, everyone agreed to have barbecue together in the evening."

"Don't you need to rest?" Li Yang asked.

"Why are you still resting? Now I know that there are people who want to do something and are full of energy. I want to see what those people want to do." Zhou Yun said.

Li Yang glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, as if Zhou Yun's reaction was a bit unexpected.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yun noticed Li Yang's surprised eyes and asked.

Li Yang shook his head and said nothing.

What surprised Li Yang was the anger on Zhou Yun's face just now.

Unlike a female star who has been famous for a long time, she looks agile.

A person who is angry looks agile.

In the past few days, Li Yang has only seen Zhou Yun's gorgeous, noble, and shining side as a popular female star. He has never seen Zhou Yun's true temperament in private.

I was a little lost for a while.

They go back to the hotel.

The man in the suit who entered her room had left 10 minutes ago.

After returning to the room, the first thing Li Yang did was to check whether there were other hidden cameras or eavesdropping devices placed in the room.

Zhou Yun took out the bag of white powder from the side pocket of the suitcase, looked at it suspiciously, and did not open it just to be on the safe side.

She didn't give it to Li Yang until he confirmed the safety of the house.

Li Yang received the bag without opening it, and sniffed it gently before his nose, then frowned.

"It's drugs."

Shocked expressions appeared on the faces of Zhou Yun and Liu Yun.

"What did you say?"

Li Yang: "I'm sure, it's drugs."

Liu Yun said in shock: "Drugs? What are they trying to do? Are you framing Miss Xiaoyun for taking drugs?"

Li Yang said: "At present, it seems that this is correct."

Zhou Yun twitched the corner of his mouth in disdain.

"It's been like this for a long time." She said, "If you put this thing in my suitcase, you can frame me for taking drugs? Don't you know that urine tests can detect it?"

Liu Yun said: "Sister Xiaoyun, let's not be careless. Who knows what they will do, maybe before the urine test results come out, they will bribe the media and spread rumors. Even if the urine test results come out, there will still be many people I don’t believe this result anymore, and there are even some conspiracy theories popping up, maybe that’s not the case.”

Zhou Yun knew that Liu Yun was right.

This scenario is very likely to happen.

If they don't, they've wasted their time.

Li Yang asked: "Miss Zhou, what are you going to do with this thing?"

Zhou Yun thought about it, and felt that her previous idea of ​​"sit firmly on Diaoyutai" was a bit exaggerated. After all, this is South Korea, not her territory. If Li Zhentai maliciously attacked her, she really had no other choice.

After hesitating for a moment, she said, "We'd better act first and call the police."

Zhou Yun already had a complete idea in his mind.

"Xiaoyun, please contact the translator and ask her to come back. We will call the police now."

After she explained to Liu Yun, she called Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan is not in Korea, she has a job in China.

Zhou Yun briefly told Zhou Lan what happened on his side.

Zhou Lan was shocked.


"Don't worry, I'll tell you now what I'm going to do." Zhou Yun said, "I've already asked Xiaoyun to call the police. No matter what, I have to get myself out of the suspicion first. Fortunately, Li Yang was smart after all, and recorded the scene where the man in the suit sneaked into my room. Otherwise, this thing is really unreasonable. I would directly tell the police that there was a snake in my room and that someone maliciously entered the side pocket of the suitcase. The drug release, but I don't plan to directly talk about Li Zhentai. First, I have no evidence to prove that all of this was directed by him. Even if I did, with his ability, this matter will be suppressed. Second, I Now in South Korea, I don't intend to entangle him here, I will return home tomorrow night, after returning home, I will entrust a lawyer and the police to deal with this matter, it doesn't matter if there is a protracted war."

Zhou Lan had slowly regained his calm and rationality while Zhou Yun was speaking.

"You're right to do this." Zhou Lan said, "We don't know if they have any other tricks behind them now, so we should act first, so as not to be splashed with dirty water by them, and they can't even wash it off."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun felt much calmer.

There are many things that need to be communicated with Zhou Lan, so that she has the bottom line in her heart.

Half an hour later, the interpreter arrived almost at the same time as the police.

Together with them, there is also the hotel manager.

The hotel manager obviously just got the news, and his face was still dazed, not knowing what happened.

When he saw Zhou Yun, he immediately asked respectfully: "Miss Zhou, is there something we didn't do well? Why did we call the police all of a sudden?"

The translator at the hotel translated it for him.

Zhou Yun glanced at him, but said nothing.

In fact, she doesn't need to do anything.

At this time, she only needs to make her face look ugly, as cold as ice. Such an effect is the best.

Liu Yun and Li Yang described what happened in the past two days to the police through an interpreter.

The translation of the hotel is also translated to the hotel manager simultaneously.

When the hotel manager heard what happened, his eyes widened in shock, and he didn't know whether he was really ignorant or fake.

The police took the small bag of white powder from Li Yang, and their expressions became serious.

Compared with a non-poisonous snake, this thing is what they value most.

(End of this chapter)

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