Chapter 869 News
When the news came out, everyone was a little confused.

The domestic media that first broke the news was Fresh Entertainment Media.

The content of the report is very short, just a few sentences, but the entry on it is very sensational: #周云韩国被人打蛇重重# According to insiders, Zhou Yun recently promoted the new drama "Chen Yin" in South Korea and stayed in a hotel room He was put into a one-meter-long snake, and then a mysterious person sneaked into the room, put drugs in the suitcase, and was suspected of being persecuted.

The content of this report is so horrifying that when everyone first saw it, they didn't believe it. They thought that the unscrupulous media was fabricating fake news to gain attention.

However, after Fresh Entertainment released this report, more than a dozen other media outlets followed suit.

There were so many media outlets publishing this report in one breath, which attracted the attention of many people for a while, and even made many people at a loss. Is this true or false?

If it is fake, why are so many media reporting it so seriously?

If true, this would be too creepy.

When Zhou Yun's fans heard the news, they bubbled up in their organization, spoke out, and asked the truth of the matter.

The president of the support club also contacted Zhou Yun's team to inquire about the authenticity of the news.

At this time, Zhou Lan was still confirming with Liu Yun the draft statement to be released soon.

Because Zhou Lan was not at the scene, he was afraid that his description might differ from the facts, so after he wrote a statement, he asked Liu Yun to confirm it word by word without exaggeration.

This matter itself is already exaggerated, if a little bit of embellishment is exposed, the convincing power of the whole matter will be greatly reduced.

After Liu Yun's confirmation, Zhou Lan released the statement together with the account of the studio and the official blog of Chengqian Entertainment. First, he confirmed the authenticity of the matter, and then please don't worry, they are following up with The South Korean police communicated this matter, and the staff of the Chinese embassy in South Korea are also helping Zhou Yun to deal with this matter.

The content of the statement does not describe this matter richly, it is basically a description of objective facts, without any emotional rendering.

But the official confirmation still detonated the public opinion of the whole network.

You know, Zhou Yun is the most popular and successful actress in China in recent years. When she attends activities abroad, many media even think that she represents China in a certain sense.

Such an actress, who went to South Korea to promote her new drama, unexpectedly encountered such a horrible thing, instantly ignited the anger of many people, and began to shoot at South Korea on the Internet.

When the Internet public opinion fermented, Zhou Yun had already taken people to the reserved Korean barbecue restaurant.

Liu Yun has been paying attention to the developments on the Internet.

She told Zhou Yun about the news on the Internet.

"Everyone is very angry now, and they help you fight the injustice online."

Zhou Yun said: "Let's take a group photo together later and post it on social media, so that everyone doesn't have to worry about me."

Liu Yun nodded.

At the barbecue restaurant, after the food was served, Zhou Yun took a group photo with everyone and asked, "Do you want to show your face online? Tell me quickly, P."

Li Yang and another little girl raised their hands.

So, Zhou Yun put a cute bunny head on both of their heads, and posted it on several of his social media, saying: No matter how big a thing is, it is not as important as filling your stomach. Eat meat and feel good .

Zhou Yun's remarks are undoubtedly a response to his experiences in South Korea.

She herself has no opinion on South Korea, and she also knows that what happened this time was caused by Li Zhentai, not someone else deliberately targeting her.

However, because many people didn't know the truth, they regarded this incident as the black hand of the Korean publisher and the hotel against Zhou Yun, and they scolded Zhou Yun very fiercely.

Zhou Yun had no intention of leaving the hotel out of this incident. This incident happened in the hotel, and she did not believe that the hotel was not responsible.

However, she also knows that this matter has nothing to do with the Korean publisher.

In the comment section, she replied to a fan’s comment, saying: The representative of the Korean publisher Cui and his party were very considerate. The bad things have nothing to do with them. Please stay rational and don’t attack them. Please, please.

This is a very clear statement.

However, what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that her reply with the most likes in this state turned out to be "Be careful they poison you, don't eat it!"

It's a little embarrassing.
What happened to Zhou Yun at the hotel also topped the Korean Twitter trending list.

This incident happened in South Korea, and once it was exposed, it immediately attracted attention.

A guest staying in the same hotel, someone took a photo of the police entering and leaving the hotel gate and posted it on his social platform.

Attention is high.

For what happened to Zhou Yun, not only the Chinese people are criticizing, but the Koreans themselves are also criticizing, feeling ashamed.

The people of any country hope to show their good side in front of people from other countries, but these things that Zhou Yun encountered have nothing to do with being "good".

Those who knew about the grudge between Li Zhentai and Zhou Yun basically put this matter on Li Zhentai's head as soon as they saw the news, and believed that these things were related to Li Zhentai.

In fact, it is indeed related to Li Zhentai.

It's just that Li Zhentai felt particularly wronged, especially when Taikang Group was interviewed by the government department.

Li Zhentai called Jin Qicheng, and as soon as the call was connected, he opened his mouth and began to curse.

"What are you doing! Damn, now everyone thinks that I arranged this, you idiot!"

Jin Qicheng is that friend who competes with him on the golf course.

Regarding Li Zhentai's swearing, Jin Qicheng's tone was still lazy, as if he didn't care at all.

"Li Zhentai, what's there to be angry about? It's just a failure. Does she have evidence to prove that we did it?" Jin Qicheng didn't care about it at all.

Li Zhentai became even angrier when he heard Jin Qicheng's attitude.

"Anyway, other people don't think it has anything to do with you. Of course you have nothing to be angry about. Others think that what you did was done by me!"

Jin Qicheng chuckled.

"Who told me that Zhou Yun was easy to deal with?" Li Zhentai said, "Just wait, you'd better pray that this matter is really okay, if it really affects the operation of our Taikang Group, If you are targeted by the Chinese government, then don’t blame me for selling you out!”

Jin Qicheng: "Don't worry, I have already said hello to that person, he will take care of everything alone, he will admit that he is Zhou Yun's black fan, everything is because he wants to let Zhou Yun Embarrassing, it has nothing to do with us."

Li Zhentai: "You'd better do what you say."

He hung up the phone angrily.

Li Zhentai was really angry.

(End of this chapter)

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