I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 870 Preparing for Chapter Go

Chapter 870 Prepare to go back
What happened to Zhou Yun in South Korea set off a movement beyond everyone's expectations.

By the time Zhou Yun participated in a publicity event in South Korea on the last day, this matter had already aroused great attention in Europe and the United States.

It has been less than a month since Zhou Yun participated in the Berlin Film Festival and was screened by the global media.

While this incident aroused attention and discussion, many people in the industry couldn't help sighing in amazement that Zhou Yun really had a bit of luck.

Of course, this is not a good thing, but Zhou Yun is able to turn this bad thing into a favorable situation for her every time.

For example, she was caught in the scandal of stalking Song Chi's popularity in China and deliberately pulling Song Chi to fire CP, which finally made her popularity soar.

For example, she was attacked in a hotel in the United States, appeared on the news channel, and was hotly discussed in the United States.

For example, at several international film festivals, she accidentally got involved in some popular events and attracted much attention.

For example, she was almost replaced by "Song of Killing", but her fans erupted with terrifying fighting power, so Merando finally insisted on letting her play the role.

Every time when things first happened, the situation seemed to be unfavorable for Zhou Yun.

But in the end, they are always able to turn bad things into good things.

like now.

Zhou Yun's global popularity has further expanded.

It's difficult for a celebrity artist to be short-lived, but it always happens.

What is a real popular star?It is being seen continuously and from time to time by everyone, who pays close attention to it.

In the past six months, a lot of things have happened to Zhou Yun, which has made her frequently seen in major media around the world, and her name has been mentioned again and again. In this era of advanced social media, everyone sees more and more frequently The popularity of this person's name has innately increased a lot, not to mention, Zhou Yun's works are also solid, able to attract people who pay attention to her, and slowly gain their likes.

This time Zhou Yun's experience in South Korea was sympathized by people all over the world.Basically, the voices of the mainstream media are on her side, helping her to condemn the people behind all this.And ordinary people can't even say it, no matter what country, region, or race, everyone's simple values ​​​​do not include being able to justifiably hurt others.

Zhou Yun's "victim" image has won her solidarity and support from many people.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Xu Siyao jumped out at this time, and made a voice on his social media: Zhou Yun is already our top actress and star, and it's still too late to promote a new drama in Korea. It's beyond my comprehension that such a horrible thing will happen.

Xu Siyao's voice immediately aroused everyone's support.

Although Xu Siyao made Zhou Yun's fans a little speechless.

Zhou Yun's fans have mixed feelings.On the one hand, what Xu Siyao said made them very supportive. Xu Siyao was the first in China to publicly express her support for Zhou Yun. According to the general practice, Zhou Yun's fans must make data for this Weibo to increase the popularity , so that more people can see this voice.But, on the other hand, Xu Siyao used to be Zhou Yun's "mortal enemy", an enemy whose conflicts could not be resolved, and did many disgusting things to Zhou Yun. They really didn't want to give up their position of stepping on her and support her because of this incident. , even if she supports Zhou Yun's attitude.

The attention caused by this incident exceeded everyone's expectations. Even Zhou Yun did not expect that the mayor of Seoul publicly apologized to Zhou Yun in front of the media and said that he would definitely do this behind his back. people pursue it to the end.

Zhou Yun was taken aback, especially when the mayor of Seoul suddenly appeared at the recording site of her show.

In front of the camera, the mayor actually comforted her, expressed his apology, and gave her a gift.

For a moment, Zhou Yun didn't know how to respond. She could only follow the most basic social etiquette, expressing gratitude for the gift, but she never mentioned the previous comfort and apology.

Zhou Yun didn't know why from Liu Yun until after the recording of the program.

It turned out that many people on the Internet raised doubts about the safety of South Korea.

A popular star staying in the most exclusive hotel in the area will encounter this kind of thing in the hotel, let alone ordinary people.

In just a few hours, the Korean tourism industry has been directly impacted, which refers to the impact of public opinion.

Zhou Yun: "..."

No wonder this incident alarmed the mayor.

After recording the program, there are still three hours before Zhou Yun will leave for the airport and prepare to return home.

The things have been packed and brought out directly from the hotel.

After this incident was exposed, the hotel was the most affected.

The hotel side expressed its attitude very quickly, fired the hotel manager and all staff involved in all aspects of Zhou Yun's check-in service, and expressed sincere apology to Zhou Yun.

In this regard, Zhou Yun did not express anything.

She neither cared about these sincere apologies nor responded.

Whatever happened to this matter, she wanted to see who could be found out about this matter in the end.

Of course, Zhou Yun knew in his heart that this matter might not be found on Li Zhentong in the end.

At most, it was the man in the suit who was photographed taking the blame—the preliminary investigation by the police has come out. This man in the suit claims to be Zhou Yun's black fan and hates Zhou Yun very much, so he did these things and wanted to express Dislike of Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun didn't even want to scoff at this explanation.

Arriving at the airport, Zhou Yun was surrounded by many Korean media.

Everyone rushed up to her, surrounded her, and all kinds of problems emerged one after another.

It's all Korean with some English mixed in.

Zhou Yun didn't want to make any response, she knew what these media were here for.

She just kept smiling and said: "Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about, thank you."

After she finished speaking, she entered the airport under the escort of bodyguards.

At the airport, many people were taking pictures of her with their mobile phones.

Her attention is so high now that almost everyone turns on their mobile phones, and the information platform will release her name and photo.

At least in South Korea, half of the people know her these two days.

Zhou Yun was wearing sunglasses, a mask, and headphones, which played music.

These things help her block out all kinds of voices from the outside world, allowing her to let herself go without distractions.

"Miss Zhou." In the VIP lounge, Zhou Yun did not expect to see Jiang Minghuai again.

Jiang Minghuai looked at her with a smile on his face and said, "What a coincidence, we meet again."

A thought came to Zhou Yun's mind: Could this person have been following her itinerary?

 "After Breaking Up, I Became a Popular Female Star in the Entertainment Circle" will end tomorrow, let's start.

(End of this chapter)

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