Jiang Minghuai's sudden appearance caught Zhou Yun unexpectedly.

Zhou Yun didn't know why Jiang Minghuai appeared, but the previous two encounters and what Wei Heyun said about him made her a little wary of him.

As a female star, she is not surprised that people like Jiang Minghuai are always around her.

It's just that generally everyone has contacted and tested a few times, and knowing that there is no way, they give up and leave.

There are also those who are always enthusiastic about her, but that kind of person is different from Jiang Minghuai.

Jiang Minghuai has a sense of aloofness that Zhou Yun can't stand, just like what Wei Heyun said, Jiang Minghuai's love for her shows no respect for her at all.

All just seem respectful.

Zhou Yun didn't want to chat with Jiang Minghuai, so he said hello and put on his earphones.

However, Jiang Minghuai ignored her, sat opposite her, and said, "I saw what happened to Ms. Zhou these days on the news, alas, if I had known that Miss Zhou had encountered such an outrageous thing, Give me a call, and I will definitely make the hotel manager kneel down and apologize to you, and he will be expelled just because he is cheap."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes silently in his heart.

She looked up at him and said nothing.

Jiang Minghuai was a little curious and asked, "Miss Zhou doesn't believe that I have such abilities?"

Zhou Yun said, "I have other jobs, Mr. Jiang."

She gestured to the earphones on her ears.

Only then did Jiang Minghuai shrug his shoulders.


Back home.


Zhou Yun was surrounded by a large group of domestic media.

This time, they were as fierce as locusts crossing the border, pestering her, asking questions about what happened to her in South Korea, and refusing to let her go.

Bodyguards maintain order.

It has been a long time since Zhou Yun has been surrounded by such "enthusiastic" feelings.

Because the media reporters were too crazy, even with the bodyguards blocking them, they refused to give up. In the end, Zhou Yun had to speak up to help appease the media reporters: "Everyone, we still have everything you want to know now." Wait for the news, the South Korean police are still investigating, we don’t know, thank you for caring about me and worrying about my affairs, but forgive me, we really have nothing to say.”

Immediately a reporter asked her: "Zhou Yun, will you go to Korea in the future?"

"Yeah, you encountered such a horrible thing in South Korea this time, would you still want to go to South Korea again?" Another reporter chimed in and asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know, just go if you have a job."

"Aren't you afraid of encountering this kind of thing again?" the reporter asked.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Probably not?"

"Who can say for sure." A reporter was even more indignant than Zhou Yun himself, "Why have I never seen a Korean star performer being raped by black fans in a hotel?"

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

"Okay, thank you for taking a trip, I'm really tired, I want to go back to rest quickly, please help me promote "Chen Yin", this drama will be aired soon, please support me. "

"The drama you starred in will definitely be a hit, and it will be a hit without our support." Someone said.

Zhou Yun immediately looked at that person seriously, and said, "How come, any good work needs good publicity, without your help, how can we let the audience who don't know this show know about this show."

"Everyone knows you, your new play, everyone knows."

"There are always people who don't know. Besides, you are too exaggerated. How can everyone know me? Don't flatter me. I'm leaving."

Zhou Yun waved his hand, said something, and was finally let go by the media reporters.

"It's horrible." Liu Yun said helplessly after closing the car door, "I haven't seen them so crazy for a long time."

"The main reason is that this matter has attracted too much attention." Zhou Lan, who came to pick up the plane, sat in the co-pilot's seat with a serious expression, "I have received interview applications from hundreds of media in the past two days, including French and Italian media. Some media want to interview Xiao Yun about this matter, this has never happened before, Xiao Yun, you are really attracting international attention now."

Zhou Yun: "It's not because of some good things that people get attention."

Zhou Lan: "I turned down all the interviews about this matter."

"Well, I also don't want to respond to this matter in front of the media." Zhou Yun said, "Do I still have to do publicity work?"

"Going to America."

"I know, I mean, before I go to the United States, do I still have a job in the country?"

"No more." Zhou Lan said, "Cheng Shenlu and Chen Jing are basically doing the publicity work in the past two days in China. Everyone attaches great importance to this drama. Basically, as long as there are public announcements At work, I will mention "Chen Yin" to promote this drama."

"The publicity is well spread out."

"Everyone is very optimistic about this drama." Zhou Lan said.

"What about the broadcast?" Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Didn't you say that the domestic broadcast might be blocked?"

"Thanks to your publicity work in South Korea that has attracted much attention, the latest news is that "Chen Yin" will be broadcast globally simultaneously as scheduled."

"Wow." Zhou Yun said, "I finally heard good news."

"Yeah, in the past two days, everyone has been stationed in BJ so that this drama can be broadcast normally." Zhou Lan said, "I have made three trips, and Song Chi also helped find some people to give this drama a try. The play finds a way."

It was only then that Zhou Yun remembered that he had been on the ground for so long and hadn't sent Song Chi a message yet.

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and told him that she was back.

Song Chi's movie "Cigarette" has been released, and he has been running road shows with the crew.

The movie did slightly better than expected, but it didn't do wonders, taking in just over 2000 million in its four days of release so far.

According to the expected trend, it may end in the range of 6000 million to 7000 million.

Of course, for the subject matter and production cost of this movie, this result is also very good.

It's just that, in order to attract traffic and attract attention, many media wrote some very sensational news, such as the box office failure of Song Chi's new movie, and a blood loss.

There are not many such reports.

People in the industry certainly know that such reports are not true.

In fact, with Song Chi's appeal, this movie can get such a box office. Otherwise, if an ordinary actor is replaced, the movie will be released in theaters, and it will basically be between 300 million and 500 million. volume.

80.00% of the people who went to the cinema to watch the movie "Cigarette" went for Song Chi.

Song Chi is still running the road show.

He is the only star of the movie and the most appealing point of publicity. He didn't give up just because the box office didn't create a miracle.

It took Song Chi a while to reply: I'm in Nanchang, I'll be back in the afternoon.

Zhou Yun replied with a good word.

"By the way, Miss Lan, have you watched "Cigarette"?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said, "Not yet. I've been so busy these two days that I haven't spared time to watch this movie."

"Why don't we have dinner together at night, and then watch this movie together?" Zhou Yun suggested, "If you have nothing to do, call Xiaoyu and they go together."

Zhou Lan nodded and said: "Okay, let me ask, we really want to go together, I was just going to tell you, I am going to take my friends to do a team building together tonight, everyone has been working hard recently .”

Especially when Zhou Yun was on the cusp, everyone was working overtime.

Downstairs, Zhou Yun was about to get off the car when he suddenly heard Zhou Lan's voice: "Liu Lan? Why is she here?"

Zhou Yun was puzzled when he heard this familiar name.

"You mean that Liu Lan from Chengqian Film and Television?"

"It's her." Zhou Lan said, "Has she contacted you these two days?"

"No, what's wrong?"

Zhou Lan said: "She has been coming to our studio almost every day these days, she didn't know where she heard the news that we were going to find another production company to produce the second season of "Under Dress", she immediately panicked .”

Zhou Yun: "She hasn't looked for me, it's a bit strange, does she look down on me?"

"She may think that I will get through my work first, and let me convince you." Zhou Lan said, "After all, it's very obvious that you didn't deal with her before."

Zhou Yun: "She and that Jiang Minghuai are really of the same breed. Jiang Minghuai doesn't treat others as equals, and she doesn't treat artists as living beings."

Zhou Lan: "Did you meet Jiang Minghuai again?"

"I ran into it at the airport when I came back, don't talk about it, I feel depressed when I mention it."

"Liu Lan probably came to you to apologize." Zhou Lan said, "I've been leaving her alone for the past few days. She may be really anxious."

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