I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 872 Co-production

Liu Lan was really anxious.

The second season of "Under Dressing" is the most successful project of Chengqian Film and Television, and it is also a project that the group headquarters and shareholders are very concerned about. If Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan really plan to let Chengqian Film and Television out of the game, she——

She was surprised to find that there was really nothing she could do.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan's attitude was something Liu Lan never expected.

Seeing Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun sitting in the car, she immediately showed a bright and enthusiastic smile, waved her hand, and "blocked" in front of the car.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other.

Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, it seems like you can't hide from her now."

Zhou Lan said: "Let her hang out for another two days, and let her figure out who is the boss of this sequel."

After she finished speaking, she lowered the car window and showed the same bright and enthusiastic smile to Liu Lan.

"Mr. Liu, why are you here?" Zhou Lan asked.

She asked knowingly.

Liu Lan accompanied her smiling face and said, "Hey, Xiao Yun is back too? Isn't it a long time since I saw you? I got some good ginseng two days ago, which is very good for your health, so I will send you some. I'm too busy working with Xiaoyun, so I need to pay more attention to my body."

Only then did Zhou Lan notice that the black-clothed bodyguard behind Liu Lan was still carrying several bags.

"Mr. Liu, you are too polite. It stands to reason that we should invite you up for a cup of tea, but we are really in a hurry. Xiaoyun has other work later, so I have to go up and change clothes." Zhou Lan said , "How about we meet again next time?"

Liu Lan said: "Oh, you have been busy all the time, I don't want to bother you and waste your time, where are you going later? Or I will get in your car and chat with you for a while in the car. Sentence? I know that we had a bit of an unpleasant conversation about the sequel of "Under Dressed", but cooperation is always negotiable. When we worked together on the first part, there were many problems that were finally resolved. "

Zhou Lan sighed and said, "Okay, Mr. Liu, since you've said that, then let me accompany you to the cafe next to me for a while, and Xiaoyun goes up to change."

When Liu Lan heard that she knew that she would not see Zhou Yun today, she felt a little bit unwilling.

Now she has figured it out, Zhou Yun is the one who speaks the most.

However, Zhou Lan's attitude has been made very clear.

Liu Lan has been looking for Zhou Lan for the past two days, trying to make up the relationship with her, but Zhou Lan has never seen her.

Liu Lan never thought that she would be so aggrieved to court a manager after being such a boss.
Zhou Yun entered the house and took the suitcase into the house.

"Xiao Yun, Li Yang, I've worked hard on you guys, take a good rest these two days, we're going to America again in two days, I have to work hard on you."

Liu Yun and Li Yang shook their heads one after another, saying it wasn't hard work.

Zhou Yun: "You don't have to come pick me up at night, I'll just drive there by myself, and we'll meet at the hotel."

"it is good."

There is also team building at night.

Zhou Yun didn't care about how Zhou Lan and Liu Lan were talking. Anyway, with Zhou Lan around, there would be no disadvantages.

She sat down on the sofa and slumped lazily.

Wei Heyun suddenly sent a message: Are you back?I saw the news about your arrival at the airport.

Zhou Yun: I have already arrived home.

Wei Heyun said: I happen to be in Shanghai, have a meal together at night?
Zhou Yun: Not tonight, our studio has team building, are you free tomorrow?I can make an appointment tomorrow.

Wei Heyun said: I will fly early tomorrow morning to BJ.

Zhou Yun: Then we can only make an appointment next time. I will go to the United States in two days.

Wei Heyun: You are really busy now, flying all over the world.

Zhou Yun: It's the publicity period right now, so there's no other way.

Wei Heyun: It was a blessing in disguise. This time because your publicity activities in South Korea were too high-profile, "Chen Yin" was able to be broadcast in China as scheduled.

Zhou Yun: I just feel sad.

Wei Heyun: Huh?

Zhou Yun typed expressionlessly: Don't you think so?In the end, because of such an accident, it was able to be broadcast as scheduled, so what if it didn't?

Wei Heyun: Don't think so, being able to broadcast is a victory.

Zhou Yun: We have spent a lot of time and energy making this show. If it is postponed due to some non-issues, I will be very disappointed.

Wei Heyun: Alas, but this is the environment.

Zhou Yun put down her phone and looked in the refrigerator. There was a box of blue fruit. She didn't know what it was. It must have been arranged by Zhou Lan. She took it out, washed it, and ate one.

Very crisp and slightly sweet.

Zhou Yun stood at the door of the refrigerator and finished eating the fruit, washed his hands, and picked up his phone again.

She said: "Nevertheless, I still hope it will get better and better.

The domestic promotion of "Chen Yin" is also in full swing.

When Zhou Yun opened Weibo, he saw Cheng Shenlu promoting a program to be aired tonight.

On this show, she and Huang Zicheng are flying guests.

Zhou Yun gave a thumbs up.

Immediately, many fans discovered that she was online.

The number of Weibo comments and messages immediately increased.

Zhou Yun didn't look at his comment area, but searched for "Cigarette", opened it, and found that the real-time Weibo was all about the discussion of this movie, and generally speaking, it was mostly positive. However, in some big V's Under the recommended Weibo, the content in the comment area makes people feel a little helpless.

Someone said: Although many people recommended this movie on the homepage, I am really not interested in this subject matter, not even Song Chi's starring role.

this is the truth.

Helpless but must accept the reality.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, maybe Song Chi was also very sorry.

But there is no way.

Audiences don't want to go into a movie theater, and no one can force them to.

Zhou Yun was thinking, when the movie "Years" is released in the future, how many audiences can it attract into the cinema?
Perhaps it is better than "Cigarette", after all, "Year" still talks about a state and state of mind that everyone has, but "Cigarette" is a tradition that is not known to most people.

Zhou Lan's message came at this time: Liu Lan agreed to give up 20%.

Zhou Yun: Good news.

Zhou Lan: Well, besides, it is up to us to decide which actor to use for the two new roles, and she accepted it.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and asked: How did you make her transsexual?

Zhou Lan: She took the initiative to come to us today, but she has actually surrendered. We are the ones who hold the initiative.

Zhou Yun: Can the sequel of "Under Dressed" proceed normally?
Zhou Lan: Well, we will have a meeting after you come back from the United States.

Zhou Lan asked again: Then... the new male model who fell in love with Cheng Shenlu, used for Zhiyang?
Zhou Yun said: Let him try the acting first, I don't know if he and Cheng Shenluhe are not compatible.

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