Marriage and childbirth always have an inevitable impact on an actress, and Yu Chu is not a superman, she cannot balance her career and family by herself, she can only say that she tries to achieve a balance as much as possible.

Around Yu Chu, there were assistants, nanny, and bodyguards. Such a large team allowed her to bring her children to work.

If it were an ordinary woman, sacrifices would have to be made.

Not everyone has the right to choose like Yu Chu, nor does everyone have the financial strength of Yu Chu.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun immediately felt a little helpless.

The most helpless thing is not that people must make sacrifices, but that this society has conventionally made women the group that bears this sacrifice. Therefore, men who want to bear this sacrifice have to face even more incomprehensible surroundings. The women who bear this sacrifice also face greater colored glasses, or to put it more directly, criticism.

Zhou Yun has no intention of being a feminist, but the environment and situation she faces are real.

She rarely speaks out on such social issues, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have such a voice.

After dinner, we went to the movies together.

Yu Chu didn't go. She wanted to go back to feed the baby.

This is Zhou Yun's second time watching "Cigarette", and he watched it once at a screening of "Cigarette".

Song Chi watched it with her.

After watching the movie, Zhou Yun's eyes became moist again.

This is not the kind of very sensational movie, everything is light to the point, and behind the lightness to the point, there is some heaviness.

The passing of an ancient tradition.

That's what this movie is about.

Zhou Yun said to Song Chi: "It's great that you can make such a movie."

Song Chi smiled.

The movie "Cigarette" has brought him a lot of controversy, and behind these controversies are actually the reasons for his family's black hands.

Song Chi's movie box office has always been good, and this time there is finally a movie with a box office of less than [-] million. Everyone has worked hard to support the box office in Hei Songchi.

Only through this kind of public opinion, if Song Chi's position is stepped down, other actors who compete with Song Chi can become the first picks in other film projects.

When everyone is looking for an actor in his 20s, the first thing that comes to mind is Song Chi.

Just like thinking of Zhou Yun, Song Chi is the most representative actor in this age group, and also the best at the box office. This is a real achievement.

For male actors in this age group, the most popular ones are those who come out of drama series, and if the actors of drama series want to change the track to the movie side, either the time and place are right, and the movie will explode as soon as they act, or they can only do it. Honestly play a few supporting roles first, gain a firm foothold, and then start to play the leading role.

Song Chi made his debut early, acted a lot, and won awards frequently. He is an actor who is destined to be recorded in film history. The others are not on the same level as him.

That's why many people hate him.

If you don't black him out, others won't come out.

in the way.

Zhou Yun and the others knew that it was nonsense to criticize Song Chi for being weaker at the box office because the box office of "Cigarette" did not exceed [-] million yuan, but most people didn't know and didn't understand.

This kind of argument intensified, and later, even in the industry, there would be a feeling: If Song Chi can really carry the box office, even literary films can carry hundreds of millions of box office.

Then, a certain understanding is formed.

That's what black people are for.

Zhou Yun updated a post on several of his social platforms, and they all went to watch the post of "Cigarette" together.

She didn't know how much it would help "Cigarette" to promote, but if she could promote as much as she could, she would do as much as she could.

we can only do this.

After watching the movie, everyone still wants to sing, but Zhou Yun will not go.

Only Lu Zhongting was indeed still a young man, full of energy, and happily sang with everyone.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi went home.

"Are you going to run publicity tomorrow?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "No need for tomorrow, the road show is basically over, and the box office of this movie is basically at the same level at the moment. It is estimated that there is only room for growth of 2000 to 8000 million, and the final landing point should be [-] million, which is already exceeded What I expected in my heart, I am satisfied."

Zhou Yun leaned lightly on Song Chi's shoulder and said, "It's not easy already. The subject matter of "Cigarette" may be a bit heavier than ordinary literary films. It took all of you to get this box office result." The result of great effort."

"Yeah." Song Chi held Zhou Yun's hand and said, "I'm not unhappy, don't worry."

"I see that there are a lot of voices criticizing you on the Internet recently."

"It's very common. As long as there are such voices during the publicity period," Song Chi said, "But these voices don't affect me, so you don't have to worry about them."

Two people rely on each other.
Zhou Yun wanted to rest at home for two days.

In the past two weeks, there has been an intensive publicity period, and the work has been overwhelming.

After that, I will go to the United States soon, and there will only be two days in between.

However, knowing that she has returned to China, there are really many people who want to find her.

Zhou Yun's cell phone never stopped.

She had to throw the phone aside as if it wasn't there, otherwise there would be too many calls and messages to return.

She and Song Chi had nothing else to do at home, so they watched a movie together, then cleaned up the house, and at noon, they went out together to find a restaurant and had lunch.

But it is this kind of ordinary life that makes Zhou Yun feel very happy.

"When will you join the group later?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Song Chi said: "In the first half of the year, there was no filming plan, but "Prosperous Land" has been looking for me, and I still have hesitation."

"Oh, it's the show that walked you from the beginning?" Zhou Yun said, "I've met Ning Yu from Ningde Film and Television. Has she been asking for your schedule?"

"Yes, it's been a long time since I acted in a drama with a commercial and mainstream theme." Song Chi said, "Old Wu is also persuading me, saying that I should take on a drama for fans. The drama I acted in before, For example, "Cigarette", or the previous "Forbidden Army" and "Jianyuntai", are all movies. It has been a long time since there has been a commercial drama series. The only spy war theme "Sinking Moon at Sea" is still trying to broadcast I don’t know when it will be broadcast, and on the other hand, many people in my own team are players of the game "Prosperous Land", and they all want to see me act in this drama."

Zhou Yun said: "If you act, will filming start in the first half of the year?"

"Ning Yu thinks so." Song Chi said, "But the script hasn't been written yet."

"That's nonsense." Zhou Yun said, "Does she think the script can be written in one month and filming can start in two months?"

"Yeah, that's what I said, especially what she wanted to shoot at the beginning was a love story, and I rejected it." Song Chi said, "The IP worldview of this game is huge, and there are many story lines that can be filmed, either Just make a big series, but I think Ning Yu doesn't seem to want to take risks, she puts all the bets on it at one go, she wants to break it down into different story lines, make different plays, episodes and movies They all start at the same time."

"Then it's even more complicated. It's impossible to start filming in the first half of the year."

"Yeah." Song Chi said, "So, I think the two of us finally have a period of time, neither of us need to join the group, so we can have a good rest."

"It's so rare, why don't we go on a trip together?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi nodded and said, "Okay, where do you want to go?"

"I kind of want to go to Japan. Last time I went there to promote, but I didn't have time to take a good look around."

"Okay, let's go there then."

In the past two years, the two of them have been busier than the other, and now they finally have time to stop.

Zhou Yun felt that it was not real.

But she does not have a fixed time for the shooting plan.

Just as he was talking, the phone buzzed and vibrated.

She glanced at it, and it was a message from Xu Jinbo, the producer of "Deep Sea": Xiaoyun, the newly revised script of "Flower City" has been sent to your mailbox, please remember to check it.

Zhou Yun has not yet replied, Xu Jinbo said: Because when we purchased the copyright of this book, we required that the filming must start within five years, otherwise we would lose the right to adapt. There are still many things that need to be coordinated in the future, and we need to determine it as soon as possible. Let's talk about when the film can be officially promoted, and it is best to start filming next year.

Zhou Yun replied: Okay, Brother Jinbo, I will read the script as soon as possible in the past two days.

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