I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 875 Hand it over to the audience

The "Flower City" project has indeed been in contact for a long time.

It has been more than a year since Xu Jinbo first looked for her.

Zhou Yun likes the original work very much.

If you want to find a target from the film and television projects that Zhou Yun has acted in before, Zhou Yun can only find "Questioning the Heart", one is a drama with ancient costumes, and the other is a drama with the background of the Republic of China.

From the ups and downs of a group of people's fate, it tells about the magnificence of an era.

Zhou Yun rarely acts in such an epic drama.

After returning home, Zhou Yun logged into her mailbox and downloaded the latest script that Xu Jinbo sent her.

This script has been revised seven or eight times just for revision.

This drama is exaggerated, because the original book has a lot of words, after being adapted into a TV drama script, there are a total of [-] episodes.

Zhou Yun was already very familiar with the whole story, so she didn't read the whole script from beginning to end again, but only found out the place where she raised her opinion last time, and re-read it.

The tone of "Flower City" is a magnificent sense of destiny. Under this tone, every character has a sense of helplessness floating in a sea of ​​people.The lives of the first few people are more or less happy and fragmented. The further you go, the more you can't help yourself. In the great era, every different choice leads to a different path.

When Zhou Yun read the original work, he felt like he was being held back and couldn't breathe out until the end.

However, due to the large number of characters and the many branches of the story, the script sometimes does not have this tone.

Zhou Yun actually liked this story very much.

Song Chi came out of the shower and saw Zhou Yun sitting in the study, looking at the computer seriously.

"Working?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun raised his head, shook his head, and said, "Look at the script, "Flower City", they revised it according to what I said last time."

Song Chi came over, stood behind Zhou Yun, and looked at the monitor.

"How many episodes is this?"

"Seventy episodes, a long story." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "This will take half a year to shoot, right?"

"Maybe half a year is not enough." Zhou Yun said, "This film has high requirements on all departments. If you want to make a good film, post-production is not easy."

Song Chi: "It's very difficult to produce a drama with the theme of a serious drama."

"I originally thought about whether to invite them to produce in seasons like foreign countries, so that the production pressure will be much less." Zhou Yun said, "There is no need to invest so much production funds in one go."

Song Chi: "It's difficult to estimate. There are still relatively few such production models in China. One is that the uncertainty of the review is very high, and the other is that it is difficult to make up the schedule of the actors. If the first season is popular, many actors may be direct. Flying up to the first line, the one behind is busier than the other."

"This is also a practical issue." Zhou Yun said, "So I didn't mention it, but just thought about it."

"If you want to accept this drama, you will spend more than half a year in that one breath."

"That's right." Zhou Yun said, "I said before that I shouldn't take on such large-scale dramas in the future, but in the end I broke through the principles I set."

"The story of "Flower City" is really good." Song Chi said, "It's a good story."

Zhou Yun: "There is a character in it, I asked them to contact Gu Huaichun, I want him to play, I think it suits him."

"Gu Huaichun has been bound by Yue Hai for the past two years, and he has stagnated a bit. He has been spinning around in commercial-themed idol dramas. He is either a puppet or a puppet. It's a pity. I think he actually wants to act well. .” Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "I told you before, when I acted with him in the first drama "The Eighth Heartbeat", he was very good at acting and had a lot of ideas about acting, but he might I'm not as lucky as I am. I didn't meet a good agent, and I didn't meet a few good team members. His agency needs a popular actor like him to support his appearance. Unlike He Yong, who is so concerned about Zhang Mo's career development, I have seen Zhang Mo's plays in the past two years, all of them are good plays."

Song Chi nodded, "I've also heard many people praise Zhang Mo, saying that he is a good actor."

"I filmed "Words of Fallen Leaves" with him, and the scene was really good." Zhou Yun said, "Didn't I want you to sign him before? In the end, He Yong gave him the lead."

Song Chi smiled.

"That can't be helped." Song Chi said, "After all, Chengqian has a big family and a big business. We still have no advantage in competing with He Yong."

The main reason is that Song Chi's company must be run with Song Chi as the core, and cannot be built with Zhang Mo as a brother like Chengqian Entertainment.

At that time, it happened to be the period when Li Cifeng's comments took a sharp turn for the worse and his popularity plummeted.

"Hey, did you meet Li Ci later?" Zhou Yun suddenly remembered the former brother Cheng Qianyi, and asked curiously.

Song Chi said: "Since He Yong abandoned him, I haven't seen much news about him, as if he disappeared."

"Me too." Zhou Yun said, "The last time I saw him was downstairs in the company. He wanted me to help."

"Forget it, I heard that he has done a lot of illegal things." Song Chi shook his head, "Keep a distance from him, don't be soft-hearted."

"I just suddenly felt a little emotional. Look, how long has it been? A once popular actor suddenly disappeared."

Song Chi said: "Isn't this the case in this industry? When you are popular, it seems that the whole world likes you and knows you. Once you pass away, there is no such person. With so many people, ups and downs, in fact, in the end, they can become eternal in everyone's hearts. There are only a few in memory.”

"Do you want to be an eternal memory in everyone's hearts?"

"No." Song Chi shook his head, "I never thought about it that way."


"Didn't dare to think about it." Song Chi said with a smile, "Being someone else's eternal memory, I think this kind of idea is a bit too overreaching. I think I have a high self-esteem. People have to be more confident to think that they will become someone else's eternal memory." Memory."

Zhou Yun: "But since ancient times, there have been many people who want to leave their names in history."

"That's another matter. Of course, even those people who want to be famous in history, in fact, I think they all have a strong heart to support themselves. I don't have such a strong heart." Song Chi Said, "When I first debuted, I also had the idea of ​​overreaching, but now it has all changed. I know how precarious our current position is, and how easy it is to lose. We are not the same as those scientists. You know, we don't have such a clear standard to measure how much our creations have changed the world. Our only measure is everyone's memory, everyone's evaluation of you, are you an excellent actor? Can you be liked by a generation, or Loved by generations? Or, really so lucky, to become a bright star in the history of art and a classic symbol, it does not have a clear standard, we can only do what we do well, other things, It can only be handed over to time and to the audience.”

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