Chapter 876

Bad things happen all the time in life.

Even for big stars like Zhou Yun and Song Chi who are already winners in life in the eyes of many fans, the same is true. No one can escape the tricks of life.

For example, when Zhou Yun woke up, he found that his studio team was building and watching "Cigarette" together. Some marketing accounts rendered it as "Song Chi's production + starring movie "Cigarette". Husband brushes the box office."

When Zhou Yun saw this kind of slogan, he almost cursed and called your mother.

After all, it was a swear word, so she held back.

To be figurative, it's not yet the time when I can't control my temper.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and ignored these marketing accounts, but he felt as if he had swallowed a fly in his heart.

She took a screenshot and sent it to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lanhui: some habitual black.

Zhou Yun said: I'm really speechless. How much box office can I get if I own a studio and a theater?I don't even look at whether what I say is logical when I make up this kind of words.

Zhou Lan said: They don't bother to manage the symbols. It's not logical. Anyway, as long as it attracts attention and has traffic, that's enough.

Zhou Lan said: Anyway, Hei Songchi has become a kind of "political correctness" now.

The reason for this situation is that many marketing accounts failed at the box office of Hei Songchi's "Cigarette" movie. When the loss was huge, many of Song Chi's fans fought back under the Weibo of these marketing accounts , As a result, people took screenshots and made a collection of how crazy Song Chi's fans are. The radical expressions of Song Chi's fans were intercepted out of context, and the exposure was so great that many passers-by felt disgusted with Song Chi.

Even if Song Chi's movie is not a box office failure, there is no need to swear so violently, right?
Song Chi is so noble, isn't it okay to let people say that the new movie failed?

This emotion was grasped and magnified, so in the past two days, many people on the Internet were happy to see Song Chi being hacked.

It's a weird but common psychology.

Zhou Yun felt uncomfortable watching it, but he also knew that there was no need to explain anything at this time, and he just waited silently for the time to pass.

No matter how wronged you are, this is not the time to complain about your grievances.

No one will want to hear it.

Anyway, Song Chi didn't show any emotions at home, as if those voices on the Internet didn't affect him at all.

Zhou Yun didn't know if Song Chi didn't take it to heart.

This kind of thing can only be known by oneself.

Zhou Yun accompanied Song Chi.

The short two days passed quickly.

Zhou Yun is about to go to the United States to promote "Chen Yin".

But this time the trip to the United States is very short, Zhou Yun will be back after only three days.

The road show of "Chen Yin" has already finished, and Song Chi has no promotional work, and the rest is basically the company's operational affairs.

In this regard, Song Chi actually had very little control, and Wu Chengbao usually made the decisions.

It's just that Wu Chengbao, like Zhou Lan, will sort out almost everything and hand it over to Song Chi for him to take a look.

"This is not my company alone. It doesn't matter if you are fine, but you have to know what the company has done and what it plans to do in the future."

In fact, Song Chi managed the company far more than Zhou Yun managed the studio.

Because the promotion of many projects in the company requires the help of Song Chi's personal connections.

Song Chi was going to drive Zhou Yun to the airport, but Zhou Yun refused.

"I'll just go with Sister Lan, don't waste this time." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi felt that this was a sense of ritual.

"I have nothing to worry about, so it's okay to see you off," Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun heard what Song Chi said, thought about it, and agreed.


Before she got out of the car, she gave Song Chi a long goodbye kiss as usual.

Outside the car, Zhou Lan saw the scene of them kissing, clicked his tongue, and said, "How long have we been together, why are you still so sticky!"

Liu Yun said: "Aren't Brother Chi and Sister Xiaoyun always so clingy? I never saw them having a bad relationship."

"Like them, they don't have time to stay together every day. Those who get together less often and leave more, finally being able to stay together, of course, are desperately sticky." Zhou Lan said.

Liu Yun: "Then sister Lan, you just asked them why they are still so sticky."

Zhou Lan said: "Just because I know the reason doesn't mean I can't complain about them."

Liu Yun: "..."

Li Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Lan suddenly thought of something, turned his head and glanced at Li Yang, "Xiaoyun told me, you don't have a girlfriend yet, why, do you want Sister Lan to introduce you to one?"

Li Yang was secretly laughing, when he was suddenly called by Zhou Lan, his cheeks flushed.

He shook his head quickly and said, "No, no need."

Zhou Lan: "No? Why not? Already have a girl you like?"

Li Yang faltered, and didn't say a word for a long time.

Liu Yun smiled and said: "Sister Lan, don't tease him, don't look at him so tall, he is actually very shy."

Zhou Lan: "Oh, well, you are so tall, but you are still shy, Li Yang, you have to hurry up and practice your face."

Li Yang didn't know what to say.

Liu Yun said, "Xiao Yang, Sister Lan is joking with you."

Zhou Lan raised his eyebrows, "Xiao Yang?"

Liu Yun said: "He is younger than me."

Li Yang said, "Sister Yun is two years older than me."

Zhou Lan said: "My God, is there an age difference between the two of you? You still care about the difference of two years old, oh, I'm really old."

Li Yang said quickly: "No, no, sister Lan, you look very young."

Zhou Lan glanced over: "You look young?"

Li Yang: "..."

At this time, Zhou Yun finally said goodbye to Song Chi and got out of the car.

This trip to the United States, not many reporters came, and it was far less crazy than last time.

This made Zhou Yun wonder why there was such a difference.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect appeared even more.

She saw Jiang Minghuai again in the VIP lounge.

Jiang Minghuai looked at her with a smile, and said that again: "Miss Zhou, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Zhou Yun frowned slightly, and said, "I don't think it should be such a coincidence again and again, right?"

Jiang Minghuai said: "People with fate always meet by chance. I think there is such a fate between us."

Zhou Yun couldn't help but spit out such words.


But Zhou Yun couldn't vomit yet.

She snorted without a smile, and said bluntly: "Sorry, I don't think there is such a fate between us, but it's not important, Mr. Jiang, I have already told you what I should say, you want If you have to follow me, I can't stop you, but I still hope that you don't waste time, it's meaningless."

(End of this chapter)

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