I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 877 Internal Evaluation

Chapter 877 Internal Evaluation
Zhou Yun's words made Jiang Minghuai indifferent.

At least he looked indifferent on the surface.

Zhou Yun put on the earphones again.

It takes more than ten hours to fly to the United States, but fortunately, it is a direct flight without changing planes.

After Zhou Yun got on the plane, he read the script on his tablet.

The newly revised "Flower City".

Having read the revised part before, she was satisfied, and now she plans to read it again from beginning to end.

Zhou Lan sat on her right.

She is also looking at the tablet.

The plane hadn't taken off yet, and Jiang Minghuai was on the phone.

The stewardess reminded him that the plane was about to take off and asked him to end the call.

Jiang Minghuai glanced at the flight attendant with some dissatisfaction, and continued talking.

The stewardess can only remind again.

Jiang Minghuai hung up the phone and said, "What's your name? Call your purser over."

The stewardess paused, as if she had guessed what Jiang Minghuai wanted to do, and when she wanted to say something else, Jiang Minghuai raised her hand slightly and said indifferently: "Okay, I don't want to hear your explanation of what the rules are. Yes, since I spent more money to fly this first class, I should enjoy better service, you did not provide this level of service, call your purser over here."

The flight attendant turned to look for the purser with a gloomy face.

Zhou Yun heard the whole process, this stewardess was really unlucky to meet a passenger like Jiang Minghuai.

However, although the stewardess is implementing the regulations, Jiang Minghuai's status, if he really refuses to let it go and makes a big fuss, then the stewardess will definitely suffer a bit.

Zhou Yun's resistance to Jiang Minghuai was even stronger.

Seemingly aware of Zhou Yun's gaze, Jiang Minghuai suddenly turned to look at her.

She didn't hide the disgust in her eyes, she looked away, lowered her head and continued to read the script.

Jiang Minghuai turned a blind eye to her disgust, as if remembering something, he suddenly stood up, walked to Zhou Yun, and said, "Miss Zhou, I am going to America this time to meet Director Spielberg, are you free?" If so, come with me."

Zhou Yun didn't answer his words at all.

"The plane is about to take off, you should sit in your seat as soon as possible and don't move around." Zhou Yun said directly.

Jiang Minghuai shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't pay attention to these regulations on the plane, and just said: "Aren't you interested in meeting Director Spielberg? I think this kind of opportunity to meet a big director You certainly won't miss it."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes silently in his heart.

At this time, Zhou Lan got up and came over.

She said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, Xiaoyun needs to rest, please don't bother me any more."

Jiang Minghuai smiled slightly and said, "Then you rest, we will talk later."

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other after he returned to their seats, and they both saw their disgust for this person in each other's eyes.
Landing, USA, Los Angeles.

Zhou Yun has gradually become familiar with this city.

Even made some friends in the city.

After checking into the hotel, Zhou Yun immediately updated a post on the social platform.

This time the promotional work in Los Angeles is not intensive, although because of the filming of "Killing Song", many activities and jobs in the United States will consider her and send invitations to her.

When Zhou Yun was in China before, or when he was filming, Zhou Yun basically turned him down. This time, he happened to come to the United States, and the time was suitable for work. Zhou Lan helped Zhou Yun pick up two, which happened to be the promotional period , shooting for two magazines, a fashion event, plus a promotional event for "Chen Yin", a total of four jobs.

She is very free in time, and she has a lot of time to meet her friends.

Zhou Yun first contacted Elizabeth and Christina.

Unfortunately, the two actresses who have a good relationship both have jobs and don't have time to meet each other.

This made her feel a little sorry.

Zhou Lan didn't have time to go shopping with her either, she came to Los Angeles for other work.

She is negotiating an American TV series with Wang Jing. We have been talking about this American TV series for two months. Wang Jing even came here to try the role once, but there are still many variables.

Zhou Lan is still fighting for the role for Wang Jing.

This is a big production. If Wang Jing can participate, it will be of great benefit to her acting career.

Xu Caiqin contacted Zhou Yun at this time: Honey, are you in Los Angeles?Do you have time for a cup of coffee together?
Zhou Yun replied immediately: Yes, sister Caiqin.

Since leaving Hong Kong TV Station and coming to the United States, Xu Caiqin is now purchasing films for the XG video platform, and her career has skyrocketed.

Before Song Chi's company had a problem with its capital operation, Zhou Yun also asked Xu Caiqin to help promote the overseas sales of "Mother".

Xu Caiqin also admires Zhou Yun herself very much. Although as Zhou Yun's fame has grown, her plays have been snapped up by many places. Xu Caiqin's XG video platform is a little less competitive, making it difficult for her to grab Zhou Yun. starring projects, but the two are still good friends themselves.

Zhou Yun happily went to meet Xu Caiqin.

After Xu Caiqin came here, she looked much more radiant.

Before staying in Hong Kong, the market was too small, and the development of the industry was also on a downward trend. She was not very motivated to take her with her. Now she finally has a bigger stage for her to display her talents.

"Congratulations, this time "Chen Yin" premiered together around the world, it's really amazing, you used your influence to promote our Chinese drama series." Xu Caiqin said.

Zhou Yun: "Is "Chen Yin" getting attention in the United States? Is anyone looking forward to this drama?"

"It's not bad, it's the Chinese drama that has received the most attention in recent years." Xu Caiqin said, "I don't know if you know that you have a drama "Deep Sea" that has attracted many people to watch over the past year or so. , everyone has a high evaluation of this drama, and its popularity is slowly fermenting among fans of the drama. Although it did not cause a big sensation, it is already a classic in the hearts of many people. For this reason, your fans actually Much more than you can imagine, the promotion of "Chen Yin" in the United States has been relying on the drama "Deep Sea"."

Zhou Yun: "Many people have told me that "Deep Sea" is very popular overseas."

"Well." Xu Caiqin said, "Pai Mengqi followed up the announcement of this drama in a timely manner, so while the word of mouth is fermenting, more and more people know about this drama. However, speaking of it, Didn’t you and Paimengqi cooperate in the future? I see that they have cooperated with He Wenyun in several projects, but there is no follow-up with you. Instead, Merandu cooperated with you in "Killing Song"."

Zhou Yun said: "I don't particularly pay attention to which company to cooperate with. I still look at the script and the project itself. Maybe Pai Mengqi and He Wenyun started to cooperate earlier, and the cooperation is more pleasant. Me and Pai Mengqi are actually Strictly speaking, it’s not counted as a collaboration, it’s just that they won the release of two films in the United States, but during the promotion, I didn’t have a very happy cooperation with them, and maybe their company’s internal evaluation of me is also not good. Let's cooperate."

(End of this chapter)

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