Chapter 878 Release News

The cooperation between an actor and a film and television company is actually quite complicated.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is actually a very simple matter. Which actor is more popular, or has better acting skills, or is more suitable for the role, just choose which actor.

But a company chooses an actor to consider far more than the above three points.

When I was in school, there were two deskmates, one had very good grades and could lead you to improve your grades, but had a bad temper and treated you like a follower every day, and the other had mediocre grades and was about the same as you, but he was very nice and had a good temper That’s right, you are willing to play together after class and after school, who would you choose to continue to be at the same table with?
When you are at work, facing a partner, a partner has a very strong personal ability, and may be able to bring you no less than 500 million in income, but this person is difficult to cooperate with, not only for you, but also because of this person’s Existence makes your entire team complain and affects the work efficiency of the entire team. The other partner, whose personal ability is not so strong, can only bring you no less than 300 million in income, but this person is very easy to cooperate with, not only With a high degree of cooperation, it can also relieve the atmosphere of your entire team and bring joy. Who would you choose to be your partner?

Some people may say that in business is business, of course choose the partner who will bring you higher income.

But the actual situation is that you received 500 million in this project, but your team was distracted by this person, and a lot of mines and pits were planted, which exploded later, or because of this person, other collaborators followed suit. You did not cooperate well and do not want to cooperate with you again.

The reality is always complicated, not that simple.

Just like Xu Siyao, she is also very popular now and has a lot of traffic, but many film and television companies are unwilling to cooperate with her because she is difficult to deal with.For the projects she starred in, it was difficult to invite other actors. As a result, in the projects starring Xu Siyao now, the co-actors are basically either unknown or newcomers. Only such actors can bear Xu Siyao.Even if the other actors could bear it on the set, no one wanted to be disgusted and stomped by Xu Siyao during the announcement, especially the actresses.Whenever Xu Siyao has a new play coming out, there is definitely a category in the draft that praises her beauty, and she also uses "beauty pressure" and posts black photos of other actresses to underestimate her.This makes many actresses reluctant to film with her.

Even if Zhou Yun is a good actor who is well-known for not causing trouble, but from the perspective of Paimonchi, it may not be the case.When promoting "Days" and "Deep Sea" in the United States, Zhou Yun had a disagreement with them because of the makeup and hair in the promotional activities.This is not a big deal, but it will leave a bad impression on people, Zhou Yun knows this.All Pamonchi knew about her came from the Internet, news reports, other people's comments, and these two short publicity cooperations. It is also conceivable what they would think of her.

Generally speaking, people who have worked together tend to be more likely to work together again.Because, compared to a person who has never worked with someone before, you know the advantages and disadvantages of this person, as long as you can't tolerate his shortcomings, you are always more used to cooperate with a familiar person.

Both Zhou Yun and Xu Caiqin understand these principles, and they are very clear to each other.

Xu Caiqin said: "The drama you are starring in is still attracting everyone's attention. You don't necessarily rush to buy it, but you will evaluate whether it is worth buying, just like this "Chen Yin". In fact, I also submitted it to XG. But in the end, the bidding failed, and there was no other way, which is a pity.”

"No one can say what kind of results "Chen Yin" will have. In fact, I don't understand why some dramas are popular recently." Zhou Yun said, "I really don't know if "Chen Yin" will be popular. Everyone likes it, I think everyone is a little too mythical about me now, thinking that as long as it is a project starring me, it will definitely be successful."

"Commercial success must be a success. Your film must have made the producer a lot of money, and the domestic platform side is probably the same, and the advertisements can sell a lot." Xu Caiqin said, "And, I also believe that everyone will definitely I like this drama. I have already watched all of it. In all fairness, if you weren’t the leading role, I’m a little worried that the theme of this drama will be heavy at the beginning, and it will be better in the end. Everyone can’t last that long. Maybe it will end up with word of mouth and no audience. , but if you are the leading role, there will be no such problems. The audio-visual language of this drama is too good. It is worthy of director Jiang Xin at the helm. It is first-class in every aspect, everyone will like it, you believe me."

When Zhou Yun heard what Xu Caiqin said, she felt a little relieved.

"Xiaoyun, you and Song Chi have obtained the certificate, when are you going to hold the wedding?" Xu Caiqin asked, "Any plans?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Xu Caiqin said: "Don't forget to send me an invitation when you hold the wedding."

"I know, remember it." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Sister Caiqin, I remember your son graduated last year? What is he doing now?"

Xu Caiqin said: "He studied law, became a lawyer, and is now in Hong Kong."

"Then don't you miss him very much?"

"I think so, but there are advantages to not living together. I can't control him even if I want to." Xu Caiqin said, "Some friends around me can't help but control their children. In fact, they are all 30 At the age of [-], adults should live on their own. It's just a parent's heart. As a parent, no one can really let go. On the contrary, it's me who wants to control it. On the contrary, there are fewer conflicts between mother and child. When he falls in love, You don’t mind telling me when you’re dating someone, but I know it clearly, which is pretty good.”

Zhou Yun said: "I never thought about these things before, but now I have also started to think about it. I have been thinking about what to do when I become a mother in the future. It is easy to think a lot when I think about it."

"What are you thinking about so much now? There's nothing to say about your horoscope." Just after Xu Caiqin finished speaking, she suddenly widened her eyes and asked in surprise, "You can't be?"

Zhou Yun shook his hands quickly, and said dumbfoundedly, "No, no, don't get me wrong."

Xu Caiqin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Scared me, I thought you guys did something big in silence." Xu Caiqin's eyes lit up again suddenly, "Then are you planning this thing?"

Zhou Yun said: "Not yet. Both of us have a lot of work in the back, so we have taken contraceptive measures before."

Xu Caiqin said: "This matter still depends on your own rhythm, but I would like to remind you a little bit, if you plan to have children, you should do so as soon as possible. People's physical condition, after the age of 30, really feels that it is not as good as before. "

"it is good."

Zhou Yun felt a special sense of security in front of Xu Caiqin.

Xu Caiqin said: "Not long ago, I met with someone from a Korean film company and talked about you. I heard that you had conflicts with Li Zhentai from South Korea's Taikang Group. Li Zhentai was responsible for all the things you encountered in Korea? "

Zhou Yun: "There is no evidence, but it should be him."

"Do you want me to make peace with it? I've met him a few times."

"No need, Miss Caiqin." Zhou Yun shook his head, "It's not a misunderstanding between me and him, it's a real contradiction."

Xu Caiqin sighed with a smile, "Oh, your child is really stubborn. You have matured a lot in other aspects, but in this aspect, you are still the same as before."

"I want to stick to my own principles and bottom line," Zhou Yun said.

The two chatted for two hours before parting ways.

Xu Caiqin hugged Zhou Yun and said, "I'll come to you when I return to China."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

"Huh?" Xu Caiqin glanced at her phone and said in surprise, "Your new movie has been finalized in the United States, "Words of Fallen Leaves."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Huh?"

"A friend here told me that "Words of Fallen Leaves" is going to be released on April 4." Xu Caiqin said, "Have you not received the news?"

"No." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Let me ask."

"If it's released on April 4, will you hold the premiere ceremony here?" Xu Caiqin said, "If there is a premiere ceremony, I would like to come to attend, please prepare an invitation letter for me."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, no problem, but I'm very confused now, and I haven't heard any news at all."

Xu Caiqin said goodbye to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun immediately sent a message to Zhou Lan to tell her the news.

Zhou Lan replied to her: I also just received news from Shi Luoqi, and I am getting specific information.

Seeing Zhou Lan's reply like this, Zhou Yun knew that the news that "Words of Fallen Leaves" would be released in the United States on April 4 was true.

This setting is also too abrupt.

There was news that "Words of Fallen Leaves" will be released in China in March, but there has been no news so far, and it is probably delayed.

what about now?

Is this giving up the domestic release?
When Zhou Yun returned to the hotel, Zhou Lan called.

"Hello, Miss Lan." Zhou Yun answered the phone.

Zhou Lan said, "Xiao Yun, "Words of Fallen Leaves" is indeed going to be released in the United States."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun showed a little surprise, "What about the country?"

Zhou Lan said: "I don't know when it will be released in China. Shi Luoqi said that there is no way to do it. This movie has not been released for a long time, and it can no longer be delayed. If it is delayed, the financial pressure will be even greater. Therefore, this movie is ready It will be shown in the United States first, and then it will be released in other countries. As for the domestic film, we will have to wait and see when it will be released."

Zhou Yun fell silent.

"we can only do this."

A movie that cost a lot of money to shoot and has not been released is equivalent to a product that has been made and cannot be sent to stores for sale. The cost that was paid before will never be recovered.

"Actually, "Behind the Scenes" has already recovered the production costs of the two films, but it's really not good if one film is kept under pressure." Zhou Lan said, "So I think it's fine now, What do you say?"


"If the word of mouth is good, you can also win an award at the end of the year." Zhou Lan said again.

Zhou Yun hummed.

 The author has finished another entertainment-themed novel
(End of this chapter)

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